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Navarro 1

Montserrat Navarro

Period 1

Mr. Lippit

English Honors

Sense And Sensibility

The book starts out giving background information about the Dashwood family. Mr.

Dashwood, the head of the family, dies and breaks out the money evenly amongst his surviving

relatives. Although John and his wife have enough money, the money is distributed to their

young son, who later dies. Therefore, the money goes to his wife and children. John’s greedy

wife tells him to give the wife as little financial help as possible. They move to Norland where

they give Mrs. Dashwood and her daughters no choice but to move to a different house. John

and Fanny, his wife, decided on how much money to part to the other Dashwoods, but they end

up agreeing on no money. Turns out, Elinor, the eldest daughter of Mrs. Dashwood is in love

with Fanny’s brother, Edward. Behind the scenes, Fanny interferes with their relationship. Soon

enough, the Dashwoods are offered a cottage house in Barton Park. They pack their things and


Once they arrive, they settle down and invite the Middletons, the ones who lent them the

cottage, over for dinner. Mrs. Jennings tries to help the girls get married and find loving

husbands. Marianne and Margaret go sight seeing and suddenly, a rainstorm appears.

Marianne twists her ankle trying to get back home. A young man is there to help her and

carefully takes her back to her house. The family is enchanted by his charms, and he asks if he

can come stop by tomorrow to see if Marianne is ok. They found out his name is Willloughby. He

doesn’t live here, he’s staying with his aunt. The next morning, Willoughby goes and visits.

Surprisingly, him and Marianne have an awful amount of things in common. Marianne and Elinor
Navarro 1

t are practically seem married, and the family adores Willoughby. Turns out, Colonel Brandon

has feelings for Marianne.

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