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I. Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, or D. (2 points each)

1. At school, I learn about countries, rivers, and cities. The subject i learn is....
a. History b. Geography c. I.T. d. Recess
2. Followings are subjects you learn at school, except.......
a. Math b. Science c. Civic d. Recess

What subjects does Kim learn on Thursdays?
a. History, Maths, Geography
b. Art, Math, Drama
c. Sport, I.C.T, Belgian
d. History, Drama, Math
4. You __________ wash your hands before you eat.
The correct words to complete the sentence is...
a. Can b. Can to c. Has to d. Have to
5. Carrots and potatoes are________
a. Fruits b. Food c. Things d. Vegetables
6. A: Is there _____ water in that bottle?
B: No, there isn’t. But there is _____ orange juice.
a. Are/there b. Some/any c. Any/some d. There/are

7. what time is it...?

a. A quarter past two
b. Two past ten
c. Ten to two
d. Ten past two
8. Ted: How often do you watch TV on Saturdays?
Jim: __________
a. Tonight b. Sometimes c. I do d. Hard ever
9. This is a place where you can buy medicine. This place is called ___________
a. Hospital b. Surgery c. Pharmacy d. School
10. There ______ a turtle in the ocean.
a. Was b. Were c. Be d. Are

II. Match the questions with the answers by drawing lines (2 points each)

1. What’s your favorite subejct, Kate? Three, but I’d like to have it everyday.
2. What do you like about it? We do experiments in Science classes,
and I love doing them.
3. How many Science classes do you have a week? No, not many children like it. They think
it’s difficult.
4. Do you have Science today? For most of my classmates it’s English.
They love it.
5 Is Science very popular in your class? Science. I love it.
6 What’s the number one subject, then? Let me think. It’s Wednesday. Yes, I
have Science after Math.
7 what jobs do you do at home, Stuart? No, I don’t. My mom doesn’t let me
break the plates.
8 Do you smetimes do the dishes? It’s OK.
9 What’s your least favorite job? Cleaning my room. I hate it.
1 Do you like cooking? I clean my room and walk the dog
0 everyday.

III. Unscramble the words into good sentences. (3 points each)

1. Put / some / we / the / soup / in / should / carrots/ ?
2. About / sandwiches / how / some / ?
3. A piano concert / music class / plays / in / the / Miss Burton
4. Half past three / from school / at / I / get home
5. Friends / I’m / going / to / meet / to / town / my
6. Place / I’m / to / my / to / play / friend’s / computer games / going
7. Many octopuses / were / there / the ocean / in
8. Goes / never / cousin / cycling / my
9. I / my / in my room / homework / always / do
10. Swimming / sometimes / go / Sundays / on / I

IV. Look at the town map and answer the following questions with prepositions. ( 2 points each)

1. The stadium is _______________________ the gas station.

2. The church is ________________________ the school.
3. The post office is _____________________ the bank.
4. The café is __________________________ the hotel.
5. The pharmacy is _____________________ the cinema and the café.

V. Draw your school timetable in the table below. Then talk about your school timetable. (20

Time Monday Teusday Wednesday Thursday Friday

School always starts at ________________. On Mondays, I have_______________________________

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