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Packcity_PMD Demonstration Report

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PCKFRONT-16459 Story

PCKFRONT-16461 Story

PCKFRONT-16462 Story

PCKFRONT-16460 Story

PCKFRONT-16464 Story











As a PMD Front user, I want to see the list of notification templates I'm allowed to see

As a PMD Front user, I want to be able to add a notification template

As a PMD Front user, I want to be able to edit a notification template

As a PMD Front user, I want to be able to delete a notification template

As a PMD Front user, I want to be able to export the list of notification templates

As a PMD Front user, I want to see the list of notifications I'm allowed to see

As a PMD Front user, I want to be able to add a notification

As a PMD Front user, I want to be able to edit a notification

As a PMD Front user, I want to be able to delete a notification

As a PMD Front user, I want to visualize the template selected for a notification

As a PMD Front user, I want to be able to export the list of notifications

Smoke test Demo
Assignee Version Note
result result
KhanhTX V6.3

HaiNX3 V6.3

Le Hong Hai V6.3

DucTV32 V6.3

DucTV32 V6.3

KhanhTX V6.3

HaiNX4 V6.3

Le Hong Hai V6.3

DucTV32 V6.3

DucTV32 V6.3

KhanhTX V6.3
Story ID PCKFRONT-16459
Story Point

Scenario Task Description/Scenarios Step

1. Open Administration > Notifications

Access the notification template with
1 NotificationTemplate.View Privilege 2. Open Notification template
3. Click to choose a notification template

1. open Administration > Notifications

2. Open Notification template
2 Search for a template
3. Click on the search bar, type in a name and
press enter or lens icon
Expected output

1. User is redirected to the Notification module menu. If the user has the
Notification.View privilege or higher, he should be able to the the Notification template, if
not he won't be able to see it
2. User to navigated to the list of available Notification Templates.
On mouse over the icon, the type is displayed and translated depending on the language.
Organization type is translated. "No organization" and time is translated and displayed
based on the language as well

1. User is redirected to the Notification module menu. If the user has the
Notification.View privilege or higher, he should be able to the the Notification template, if
not he won't be able to see it
2. User to navigated to the list of available Notification Templates.
3. System display appropriate results or shows a blank screen if there is no instance. By
default, items are sorted on template name in alphabetical ascending case insensitive
Input Data

Story ID PCKFRONT-16461
Story Point

Scenario Task Description/Scenarios

Add a new notification template with type is

1 "Email"

Add a new notification template with type is

2 "SMS"

1. Open Administration > Notifications

2. Open Notification template
3. Click choose the add button on top of the page
4. User fills in all the mandatory fields ("Type" field value is "email")
and press save

1. Open Administration > Notifications

2. Open Notification template
3. Click choose the add button on top of the page
4. User fills in all the mandatory fields ("Type" field value is "SMS")
and press save
Expected output Input Data

1. User is redirected to the Notification module menu. If the user has the
Notification.View privilege or higher, he should be able to the the
Notification template, if not he won't be able to see it
2. User to navigated to the list of available Notification Templates that
belongs to no organisation or organisation that user has access to
3. If the User has the NotificationTemplate.Add or higher, he is navigated to
the add new page, or else he won't be able to see the Add button DeviceID:
4. System check for field values, saves changes if there is no anolamlies
(prompts error if there are any) and and display on the top left square:
Notification name, type icon (letter indicates type is email) , notification

1. User is redirected to the Notification module menu. If the user has the
Notification.View privilege or higher, he should be able to the the
Notification template, if not he won't be able to see it
2. User to navigated to the list of available Notification Templates that
belongs to no organisation or organisation that user has access to
3. If the User has the NotificationTemplate.Add or higher, he is navigated to
the add new page, or else he won't be able to see the Add button
4. System check for field values, saves changes if there is no anolamlies
(prompts error if there are any), saves changes and display on the top left
square: Notification name, type icon (message indicates type is SMS ,
notification status
Story ID PCKFRONT-16462
Story Point

Scenario Task Description/Scenarios

1 View details of a notìication template

Edit the Notification Template currently not being

2 used by any Notification

Edit the notification Template being used by a


1. open Administration > Notifications

2. Open Notification template
3. Click to choose a notification template
4. Click on the "detail " button to see the detail of a notification template

1. Open Administration > Notifications

2. Open Notification template
3. Click to choose a notification template which is not being used by any notification
4. Click on the "detail " button to see the detail of a notification template and edit it,
then save changes

1. Open Administration > Notifications

2. Open Notification template
3. Click to choose a notification template being used by a notification
4. Click on the "detail " button to see the detail of a notification template and edit it then
save changes
Expected output Input Data

1. User is redirected to the Notification module menu.

2. User to navigated to the list of available Notification Templates.
3. User should be able to see the detail button under the notification
template if he has the NotificationTemplate.ViewDetails privilege DeviceID:
4. User is navigated into the notification template page to view details, he
can execute editing task if he has NotificationTemplate.Edit privilage

1. User is redirected to the Notification module menu. If the user has the
Notification.View privilege or higher, he should be able to the the
Notification template, if not he won't be able to see it
2. User to navigated to the list of available Notification Templates.
3. User see the button View detail when clicking on the template
4. User is able to edit any field insdide notification template if he has DeviceID:
NotificationTemplate.Edit privilege or higher, then press save. System checks
for field values, saves changes if there is no anolamlies s or prompt errors if
there are any

1. User is redirected to the Notification module menu. If the user has the
Notification.View privilege or higher, he should be able to the the
Notification template, if not he won't be able to see it
2. User to navigated to the list of available Notification Templates.
3. User see the button View detail when clicking on the template DeviceID:
4. User is able to edit only Name, Description and Content field insdide
notification template if he has NotificationTemplate.Edit privilege or higher.
System check for field values, saves changes if there is no anolamlies or
prompt errors if there are any
Story ID PCKFRONT-16460
Story Point

Scenario Task Description/Scenarios

1 View details of a notìication template

Delete a notification template which is not being

2 used or linked to any notification

Delete a notification template which is being used

or linked to any notification

1. open Administration > Notifications

2. Open Notification template
3. Click to choose a notification template
4. click on the "detail " button to see the detail of a notification template

1. Open Administration > Notifications

2. Open Notification template
3. Click to choose a notification template not being used by a notification
4. Click on delete and confirm

1. Open Administration > Notifications

2. Open Notification template
3. Click to choose a notification template being used by a notification
4. Click on delete
Expected output Input Data

1. User is redirected to the Notification module menu. If the user has the
NotificationTemplate.View privilege or higher, he should be able to the the
Notification template, if not he won't be able to see it
2. User to navigated to the list of available Notification Templates.
3. User should be able to see the detail button under the notification DeviceID:
4. User is navigated into the notification template page to view and execute
deleteing task if he has NotificationTemplate.Delete privilage

1. User is redirected to the Notification module menu. I

2. User to navigated to the list of available Notification Templates.
3. User is able to see the delete button under the notification template DeviceID:
4. System ask if user wants to delete the notification or not, press cancel to
discard, confirm to execute the process

1. User is redirected to the Notification module menu. I

2. User to navigated to the list of available Notification Templates.
3. User is able to see the delete button under the notification template DeviceID:
4. System prompts an error message and user won't be able to delete the
notification template
Story ID PCKFRONT-16464
Story Point

Scenario Task Description/Scenarios

1 Export all the template available

2 Export specifics templates based on filters/search


1. Open Administration > Notifications

2. Open Notification template
3.Click on the Export button on the taskbar of the site

1. open Administration > Notifications

2. Open Notification template
3. Use a filter and/or search bar
4. Click on the Export button on the taskbar
Expected output Input Data

1. User is redirected to the Notification module menu.

2. User to navigated to the list of available Notification Templates that he's
allowed to see.
3. If the user has the Export privilege on Front and Core privilege, system
generates a csv file and prompts to download it back to the local computer:
The name of the CSV file will be: (module)_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.csv where
YYYYMMDDHHMMSS is the date and time of generation of the file. (module)
is the translation of the current module, here "Notification_template"
Column headers are included inside the file and must be translated
depending on the language selected.

1. User is redirected to the Notification module menu. If the user has the
Notification.View privilege or higher, he should be able to the the
Notification template, if not he won't be able to see it
2. User to navigated to the list of available Notification Templates.
3.System display appropriate results or shows a blank screen if there is no
instance DeviceID:
4. If the user has the Export privilege on Front and Core privilege And there
are at least 1 result, system generates a csv file and prompts to download it
back to the local computer. If there is no result, export button does nothing:
The CSV File contains the following fields: Name, Description, Type,
Affiliation, Last update.
Story ID PCKFRONT-16459
Story Point PCKFRONT-16466

Scenario Task Description/Scenarios

Access the notification sector with Notification.View


2 View details of a notification template

Search for a template


1. Open Administration > Notifications

2. Open Notification configuration
3. Click to choose a notification

1. open Administration > Notifications

2. Open Notification template
3. Click to choose a configuration
4. click on the "detail " button to see the detail of a notification template

1. open Administration > Notifications

2. Open Notification configuration
3. Click on the search bar, type in a name and press enter or lens icon
Expected output Input Data

1. User is redirected to the Notification module menu. If the user has the
Notification.View privilege or higher, he should be able to see the
Notification, if not he won't be able to see it
2. User to navigated to the list of available Notifications with rows and DeviceID:
3. If the user has privilege Notification View/Delete, he will see the button
View details and delete when he clicks on a notification

1. User is redirected to the Notification module menu. If the user has the
Notification.View privilege or higher, he should be able to the the
Notification template, if not he won't be able to see it
2. User to navigated to the list of available Notifications DeviceID:
3. User should be able to see the detail button under the notification
4. User is navigated into the notification template page to view and execute
other task if having enough privileges.

1. User is redirected to the Notification module menu. If the user has the
Notification.View privilege or higher, he should be able to the the
Notification, if not he won't be able to see it
2. User to navigated to the list of available Notifications
3. System display appropriate results or shows a blank screen if there is no
Story ID PCKFRONT-16467
Story Point

Scenario Task Description/Scenarios

1 Add a new notification with a channel as "email"

Add a new notification with a channel type as
Delete/Hide a channel inside a notification

1. Open Administration > Notifications

2. Open Notification configuration
3. Click the add button on top and fill in the fields
- Organization
- Notification Name
- Status
- Events
Add at least one channel with following information
- Type : Email
- Priority
- Recipients
- Sender Name
- Sender Email
4. press save
1. Open Administration > Notifications
2. Open Notification configuration
3. Click the add button on top and fill in all the fields
- Organization
- Notification Name
- Status
- Events
Add at least one channel with following information
- Type : SMS
- Priority
- Recipients
- Sender Name
- Sender provider
4. press save
1. Create a new notification
2. Create more than 1 channel in a notification (maximum 9 channels)
3. Hide/unhide a channel by pressing arrow down/arrow right
4. Delete each of them until there is only 1 channel left
Expected output Input Data

1. User is redirected to the Notification module menu. I

2. User to navigated to the list of available Notification Templates.
3. if the user has the Notification.Add privilege, he is redirected to the add
new page and must enter all following fields system validates every field
after the user have finished filling in
- Organization: only choose what the user is allowed to see, ordered by
hierachy, alphabetically and translated
- Notification name: Maximum 255 characters
- Status: select "active" or "inactive" option only (default : active)
- Events: choose 1 from dropdown list. Events are translated
- Type: SMS
- Priority : choose only 1 value from 1-9
- Template : dropdown list, autocomplete
- Recipients : "Other recipients" field must be filled in with at least a valid
phone number and/or "Parcel consignee" box is checked
- Sender name: Default value is "Parcel Pending by Quadient", maximum
255 character
- Sender email: Default value is "", maximum 255
4. System saves the notification and display on top of this page:The
notification name, email channel number, SMS channel number (if there is
any), notification status.
1. User is redirected to the Notification module menu. I
2. User to navigated to the list of available Notification Templates.
3. User is redirected to the add new page, and must enter all following fields,
system validates every field after completion:
- Organization: only choose what the user is allowed to see, ordered by
hierachy, alphabetically
- Notification name: Maximum 255 characters
- Status: select "active" or "inactive" option only (default : active)
- Events: choose 1 from dropdown list. Events are translated
- Type: SMS
- Priority : choose only 1 value from 1-9
- Template : dropdown list, autocomplete
- Recipients : "Other recipients" field must be filled in with at least a valid
phone number and/or "Parcel consignee" box is checked
- Sender name: Default value is "Parcel Pending by Quadient", maximum
255 character
- SMS provider: select a value from the list, default stored by server
4. System saves the notification and display on top of this page:The
notification name, SMS channel number, email channel number (if there
are), notification status.
1. User is redirected to the add new page, here system validates every field
after the user have finished filling in
2. Each of the channel has a button "Delete channel" at the bottom.
3. Channel hide on arrow down, unhide on arrow right press
4. When there is only 1 channel, do not show the Delete channel button
Story ID PCKFRONT-16468
Story Point

Scenario Task Description/Scenarios

1 Edit a notification

1. Open Administration > Notifications

2. Open Notification configuration
3. Click on a notification and click details
4. Perform editing actions with different fields inside the notification
Expected output Input Data

1. User is redirected to the Notification module menu. I

2. User to navigated to the list of available Notification Templates.
3. if user has the Notification.Edit privilege or higher, he is redirected to the
add new page, here system validates every field after the user have finished DeviceID:
filling in
4. System saves the notification and display on top of this page like when
adding a new notification.
Story ID PCKFRONT-16469
Story Point

Scenario Task Description/Scenarios

1 Delete a notification

1. Open Administration > Notifications

2. Open Notification configuration
3. Click on a notification and click on Delete
4. User click on confirm to execute to deleting process
Expected output Input Data

1. User is redirected to the Notification module menu. I

2. User to navigated to the list of available Notifications. If user has the
Notification.View privilege, he is able to see all the Notifications belonging to
no organization or inside his organization. DeviceID:
3. If user has the Notification.Delete privilege, he is able to delete the
notification. System prompts a small pop up to confirm delete
4. System deletes the notification out of the database
Story ID PCKFRONT-16470
Story Point

Scenario Task Description/Scenarios

1 Visualize boxes with the template


1. Open Administration > Notifications

2. Open Notification configuration
3. Click on a notification and click details
4. Under Notification channel, next to "template" field, click on the eye icon
Expected output Input Data

1. User is redirected to the Notification module menu. I

2. User to navigated to the list of available Notification.
3. if user has the Notification.ViewDetail privilege or higher, he is redirected
to the add new page, here system validates every field after the user have
finished filling in
4. System generates an image to visualize the template for the notification
Story ID PCKFRONT-16507
Story Point

Scenario Task Description/Scenarios

1 Export all the notification available

Export specifics notifications based on filters/search


1. Open Administration > Notifications

2. Open Notification configuration
3.Click on the Export button on the taskbar of the site

1. open Administration > Notifications

2. Open Notification configuration
3. Use a filter and/or search bar
4. Click on the Export button on the taskbar
Expected output Input Data

1. User is redirected to the Notification module menu. I

2. User to navigated to the list of available Notifications
3. If the user has the Export privilege on Front and Core privilege, system DeviceID:
generates a csv excel file and prompts to download it back to the local

1. User is redirected to the Notification module menu. If the user has the
Notification.View privilege or higher, he should be able to the the
Notification, if not he won't be able to see it
2. User to navigated to the list of available Notification
3. System displays appropriate results or shows a blank screen if there is no
instance DeviceID:
4. If the user has the Core privilege, Export privilege on Front and and there
is at least 1 result, system generates a csv file and prompts to download it
back to the local computer. If there is no result or no Core privilege, export
button does nothing, no Export privilege, shows no export button

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