Chapter 1 Grammar

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BALANZA, Clian Keith Gabriel D.


Chapter I


Education: A New Era

School has started once again, but it’s not like how it was before. The

pandemic has forced many to continue education online, and the researcher knows

that some of them dislike this idea. They have had their share of troubles from the

start of online classes, both teachers and students. Which led to the question, are

they doing it right? Is the traditional way of learning a better option than online


Before everything changed, they used to go to school to learn, socialize, and

experience something new. Now, they wake up, shower, and login to whatever

medium they use for online school, as easy as that. Though it seems like it’s the

same as long as they get to learn the same things that they would in schools,

traditional and online learning are different by a huge gap.

According to Christian Greenhow, an associate professor of educational

technology in the College of Education, who was asked in an article regarding online

learning. He answered “Online learning can be as good or even better than in-person

classroom learning. Research has shown that students in online learning performed

better than those receiving face-to-face instruction, but it has to be done right. The

best online learning combines elements where students go at their own pace, on

their own time, and are set up to think deeply and critically about subject

matter combined with elements where students go online at the same time and

interact with other students, their teacher and content.” The part to be emphasized
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is, “The best online learning combines elements where students go at their own

pace, on their own time…”  (Greenhow 2020, p. 1)

If they were to give less but meaningful homework, there is a chance that

something might change. Many students complain because of too much homework,

and some teachers just give homework because they need something for the

students to do, not to help students understand. And because not all students have

the same learning capacity, those who struggle in understanding discussions will

only struggle more. One-on-one sessions with those who need it and special

activities can help them understand better and might be enjoyable for them when

they are able to finally piece together information and form a complete idea. Not all

problems can be expelled but some can be solved to help both students and


Though online classes may look like a more effective and less costly, they

have their drawbacks. It is completely reliant on cooperation of both parties.

Students and teachers must work together to make the most out of online learning. If

even one side refuses to cooperate then everything would be useless. Not only that

but also according to an article that the researcher read, one of the most glaring

issues with online education is the lack of interpersonal communication. If an online

course has any sort of discussion element, it is usually written discussion in the form

of an online post. For students looking to become successful outside the classroom

in any career that requires verbal communication skills, this could be considered a

significant drawback. Another one is when a student fails to keep up with the class, a

one-on-one session could be held but it would require much more explanation and

work. Another factor that greatly affects online classes is the discipline or self-control
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of students. If students struggle in focusing on work instead of games or social

media then he/she might have a hard time with his/her time management.

If they consider how they are as students, then it would be impossible to make

the most of online learning to be honest. Traditional learning would be the preferable

choice. But, because of the current pandemic, they left with no choice and are still

new to this kind of learning. With every mistake they try to fix it, little by little they will

have adapted to this new way of living. They may not be doing it right but in time

they would be able to improvise, adapt, and eventually overcome any obstacles as

they push on with our education online.

I. Background Of The Study

The internet has opened a lot of opportunities since its creation until now.

Educators around the world used this chance to widen their range of teachings to

educate others around the globe. Online learning became the better option for many


When a person takes online classes at home, he must be able to focus on

learning the material without the benefit of verbal interaction with others in the

class. All of his learning will take place through written lecture notes,

textbooks, and message boards. If a student needs face-to-face interaction

with the professor in order to successfully learn an academic subject, he will

not do well with online schooling. (Solis 2021, p. 1)

BALANZA, Clian Keith Gabriel D. X-Aquarius

Although online learning is as good as or better than face-to-face learning, not

everyone can use its full potential. There are different problems when it comes to

online classes during this pandemic here in the Philippines, the

activities/projects/assignments are the most concerned one by most. Different

students and teachers suffer when a given work or project is either passed late or

done poorly. Though this problem causes students to blame teachers and vice

versa, there is more to it. Lack of communication is what causes it.

Many assignments don't make it better to understand, unless that assignment is

meaningful about the topic or subject. As for students, although they complain about

too much work, they should think it through if it’s the teachers fault or theirs because

of procrastination. Although students and teachers blame each other, communication

and understanding is what they need.

II. Statement of problem

 Negative attitude limits performance, saps motivation, and inhibits learning.

There is no guarantee that they will instantly be able to understand mathematics

through eliminating a negative attitude about math. Negative attitudes discourage,

limit, and even prevent learning, positive change, and growth.

The emphasis of student centred educational topics is usually on the effect of

teachers’ attitudes on students’ academic success with a lack of lifespan

developmental perspective. A teacher with his teaching methods and furthermore

with his attitudes and behaviours, provides his students to gain a mentally healthy
BALANZA, Clian Keith Gabriel D. X-Aquarius

personality and to have a new clear world view by leaving unforgettable traces on


Both students and teachers are struggling in this new environment, they are trying

their best to adapt but:

 Are they doing it right?

 What can students do?

 What can teachers do?

 What is missing that could help them?

III. Hypothesis

If the students and teachers both communicate and understand each other’s

points and cooperate, then they would be able to adjust to make it easier for them.

Struggling alone won’t benefit them, if there is a problem it should be pointed out.

Having proper planning in the schedule including giving and passing homework can

help students and teachers, if ever, make proper time management to reduce stress

whenever there is a tendency of cramming or procrastinating. Although

procrastination is a bad habit, it isn’t a bad idea to have a day without doing anything

productive as long as the work is spread evenly. An evenly planned out scheme can

help with the flow of study of the students that can help them understand each

lesson better. 

 Are they doing it right?

It can’t be defined as right or wrong but currently, it is doable and can still be

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 What can students do?

Give more time for activities and studies to avoid cramming and to have an insight

into what they are going to learn next and how to piece it together with previous


 What can teachers do?

Schedule homework and activities with other subjects so that students won’t be

overburdened with different activities which the teachers didn’t know they had.

 What is missing that could help them?

There are many more improvements that can be done, one of those is for teachers

to cooperate with each other regarding activities to reduce stress in students and for

students to plan and be organized regarding work given to them.

IV. Limit and delimitation of the study 

Many countries and places have various experiences regarding online classes

but I can only speak for mine, the Philippines. One of the things that I would be

covering in my study are the different struggles of schools across the country and

possible solutions. Another one is the  different struggles and ideas that countries

abroad have had, to try to solve similar problems of our own. Lastly, I will cover

online academic classes since there are many different classes that people take for

specific hobbies or careers. 

Although as broad as a topic it may be, there are some things that I won’t be

going through  in my study. I won’t include the state of online schooling and its

participants abroad since it has nothing to do with our state. I would also be

excluding people above 20 years of age since they are most likely graduated or
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finished school. Lastly, I won’t be covering extra-curricular activities or hobbies such

as online yoga, cooking classes, etc. 

V. Significance of the study

Knowing more about online schooling can help the masses open new

possibilities, especially now that many are still new to it, because of the current

situation. Many are currently being able to have stable and constant sessions without

that much problems but that won’t last for long. The goal for this research is to give

people an idea of what online learning could be to improve what they have now.

One reason why the researcher is doing this is to help the students who often

struggle in using the internet such as answering, working, or sending their works or

projects. Many also have experienced this kind of problem so he plans to contribute

at least one new idea which can help them work and interact that would cause the

least problems. Giving an idea of what could be done can maybe help in some way.

Another reason is to help lessen different expenses which both teachers and

students have. Teachers occasionally go to school back and forth just to have a

good connection and teach and other students use data that often aren’t enough.

The researcher plans to give a solution that would somehow reduce the severity of

this problem. 

To understand something means to be able to express it with a few yet

meaningful words. The researcher aims to give the reader a better understanding of

the meaning behind learning online. The internet is free to use by anyone and so the
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good comes with the bad, but the good is often overshadowed by the bad. But the

question is, how do they get the best out of the good? 

VI. Review of Related Literature

Title: The Good, Bad, and Ethical Issues of Online Education

Author: Earle, Cathy

Publishing House: Peaks Media

Place of Publication: Peaks Media 

Year of Publication: April 1, 2014

Page/s where notes are taken: page 1


“One of the most glaring issues with online education is the lack of

interpersonal communication. If an online course has any sort of discussion element,

it is usually written discussion in the form of an online post. For students looking to

become successful outside the classroom in any career that requires verbal

communication skills, this could be considered a significant drawback.

A big disadvantage to middle and high school students is the lack of one-on-

one support. Many at-risk students are behind in reading and math. If they are using

online courses to “catch up,” they may find themselves faltering for further

explanation or intervention when they don’t grasp a concept.

BALANZA, Clian Keith Gabriel D. X-Aquarius

While having a schedule of online courses can be good for practicing time

management for the highly motivated and focused student, it can also be the

downfall for students who lack these basic skills. If a student struggles with putting

away the video games, signing off Facebook and ignoring the cell phone, finding

time to do the online classes and all the coursework on his or her own time could be

a major challenge.”

Title: Ask the Expert: Online learning vs. classroom learning

Author: (Person-in-question) Greenhow, Christine 

Publishing House: MSUTODAY

Place of Publication: MSUTODAY

Year of Publication: June 4, 2020

Page/s where notes are taken: Page 1


“Online learning can be as good or even better than in-person classroom

learning. Research has shown that students in online learning performed better than

those receiving face-to-face instruction, but it has to be done right. The best online

learning combines elements where students go at their own pace, on their own time,

and are set up to think deeply and critically about subject matter combined with

elements where students go online at the same time and interact with other students,

their teacher and content.”   

BALANZA, Clian Keith Gabriel D. X-Aquarius

Title: What are the Disadvantages of Online Schooling?

Author: Solis, K T

Publishing House: InfoBloom

Place of Publication: InfoBloom

Year of Publication: 2021

Page/s where notes are taken: Page 1


“When a person takes online classes at home, he must be able to focus

on learning the material without the benefit of verbal interaction with others in

the class. All of his learning will take place through written lecture notes,

textbooks, and message boards. If a student needs face-to-face interaction

with the professor in order to successfully learn an academic subject, he will

not do well with online schooling.”

VII. Definition of terms


C: A settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something. (Google


O: The behaviour of someone when faced with someone or something that affects

the way they act towards it.

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C: The action or power of putting one’s attention or mental effort. (Google Dictionary)

O: It is how much someone put their focus, attention, and effort into something.


C: A particular attitude or way of considering a matter. (Google Dictionary)

O: The way someone sees and feels about the environment around that differs from

others like the way teachers and students see school differently.


C: Action of delaying or postponing something. (Google Dictionary)

O: It is to do something on a later date due to distraction or loss of interest that often

causes cramming. 


C: To make practical and effective use of. (Google Dictionary)

O: To use something in a way that would bring out the most in it to increase

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