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EPT442 Assessment 1 Marking Criteria

Student Name: Mikayla Allen Marker:

Student Number: 11655839 Date marked:

Subject code: EPT 442 Grade: SY / US

Assignment No: 1 Professional SMART Goals

Mark Guidelines What is expected?

 3 SMART Learning  Student has included 3 Learning Goals. One goal for each Domain;
• Professional Knowledge - Standards 1 &2
Goals have been
• Professional Practice - Standards 3, 4 & 5
identified, drawing on • Professional Engagement - Standards 6 & 7
each Domain.
 Learning Goal aligns with a specific Focus Area (within Standards) that the teacher education
 Learning Goals link to student would like to achieve

SY Focus Areas of The

Australian Professional
Standards for Teachers
(AITSL) and the learning
needs of the teacher
education student.  Learning Goal is written using a SMART Goal format and uses the template provided • A concise
 They are written in the statement, aligns with Graduate language, including a timeframe
SMART format on the
template provided.  Each goal includes at least 3 steps of action that the student will complete on placement in
working towards achieving goal (each action has a time frame)
 Each goal includes 3/4
sequenced action steps  Appropriate list of evidence (documentation) that can be listed to demonstrate that goal has
 Appropriate examples been achieved. Should have at least two pieces of evidence • Make links between the evidence
of evidence which and how it demonstrates Focus Area
would demonstrate
their achievement of
the Learning Goal
 3 SMART Learning  Student has not included 3 Learning Goals. One goal for each Domain;
• Professional Knowledge - Standards 1 &2
Goals have been
• Professional Practice - Standards 3, 4 & 5
identified, drawing on • Professional Engagement - Standards 6 & 7
each Domain.
 Learning Goal do not aligns with a specific Focus Area (within Standards).
 Learning Goals link to
Focus Areas of The
US Australian Professional
Standards for Teachers
(AITSL) and the learning
needs of the teacher
education student.  Learning Goal is not written using a SMART Goal format and does not use the template
 They are written in the provided • There is no concise statement which aligns with Graduate language, no timeframe
SMART format on the included.
template provided.
 Each goal does not includes at least 3 steps of action that the student will complete on
 Each goal includes 3/4 placement in working towards achieving goal (each action has a time frame)
sequenced action steps
 Appropriate examples
of evidence which
 List of evidence (documentation) is not appropriate. Less than two pieces of evidence have
would demonstrate been provided. • Does not make links between the evidence and how it demonstrates Focus.
their achievement of
the Learning Goal
Goals for EPT442
Goal Action Towards Goal Evidence of Achievement

Goal 1: Professional Knowledge Week 1.  Create a copy of the

To be able to differentiate and implement various teaching  I will have discussed current class profile
strategies in order to meet the needs of various students and teaching strategies that have  Lesson plan that
keep them engaged within a safe learning environment for all been implemented prior to clearly annotates the
students by the commencement of teaching in Week 6. practicum commencement. implemented teaching
Standard 1: Know Students and how they learn. Weeks 2-6 strategies.
This goal aligns with standard 1.5  I plan to implement and  Observe and note
Rationale: incorporate various strategies student engagement
This has been selected as one of my goals as the students within as well as the inclusions of throughout the lesson.
the classroom environment will be at an older age. I will need to adjustments needed for
develop my teaching practice to suit a modern-day classroom which specific students in lesson
encompasses a range of student needs. By furthering my plans identified by discussions
differentiating skills and encouraging safe learning environments, with supervisor.
whilst becoming more equipped and in turn will boost my Week 5
confidence.  I aim to create a detailed class
profile that identifies student
academic level and whether
there are any learning
requirements of the student.
Goal 2: Professional Practice Week 1  Notes detailing the
To utilise the use of formative assessment strategies  Discuss a range of assessment strategies implemented
throughout units of work to evaluate and judge student strategies with supervising by supervising
learning by weeks 4 and 5. teacher. teacher/s
Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on.  Observe and discuss  Lesson plans that highlight
This goal aligns with standards 5.4 supervising teacher the use of formative
Rationale: assessment strategies. assessment
This goal will help inform whether I have effectively communicated Weeks 4, 5 & 6  Record student
the learning goals whilst creating an engaging learning environment.  I plan to incorporate a minimum achievement levels.
This will also allow me to identify where student learning is at and of two assessment strategies
where adjustments need to be made. within a week.
 Analyse and evaluate work
samples to provide feedback
to student.
Goal 3: Professional Engagement Week 1 Notes detailing
To engage with colleagues and other teaching professionals in  Discuss strategies used within conversations had with
order to expand pedagogical knowledge throughout the the classroom, student colleagues.
entirety of the practicum (Weeks 2-6) behaviour and student needs. Copies of school policies
Standard 6: Engage in professional development  I aim to actively engage in surrounding behaviour
This goal aligns with standards 6.3 conversations with management.
Rationale: colleagues, to both build Completed feedback
As I reach the end stages of my degree, this goal will allow me to be rapport and discover sheets form supervisors.
observed, receive feedback, ask questions and engage in strategies used by teachers
professional discussions with colleagues to develop strategies and other than my supervising
professional understanding. teacher.
Weeks 2-6
 I will request feedback from my
supervisors in a timely

Teacher Education Student: _____Mikayla Allen________________ Date: _____19/07/2021_____

Supervising Teacher: __________________________________ Date: ________________

Subject Coordinator: __________________________________ Date: _______________

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