Vastu Rules Part 3

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*Energy fields 14 to 21*

_After construction of roof, the construction of wall starts and 16 energy fields gets formed._

*In today's session we will talk about 8 energy fields out of these 16 energy fields.*

✔ Aditi:- It develops in the North-northeast direction and this energy field is responsible for
E.g. If a client comes to you and say you that he is having problem of sleepless nights and
tremendous mental pressure, then it clearly indicates that the energy field of Aditi is
imbalanced. This energy fields also guides you towards right direction and purpose of your

✔ Diti:- It is present in the north east direction and it gives you clarity in life.
For e.g. If a client comes to you and says you that he always remains confused in life and he
doesn't know why he is doing a particular thing.

✔ Sikhi:- The energy filed of Sikhi is also located in the north east direction and this energy
is responsible for idea. So if a client is coming to you and telling you that he is not getting
any idea for executing anything, then it indicates that the energy field of Sikhi is imbalanced.

✔ Parganya:- It is present in East- Northeast direction. This energy field is responsible for
creativity & intuitions. This energy field is also responsible for pregnancy. A client
complaining on above problem indicates that Parganya is disturbed.

✔ Bhrisha:- It is present in the East- SouthEast Direction and this energy field helps you to
give you maximum return from whatever resources available. Imbalance of this energy field
will make you take wrong decisions and your decision taking will be delayed for a long period
of time. The energy filed of Bhrisha can be energised by keeping a cow or a pair of rabbits.

✔ Aakash:- It is regarded as the energy field to make anything happen. It is present in the
south east direction. Hence a particular thing will only happen if Aakash is balanced. Hence
if a client is coming to you and telling you that their payment is not coming or marriage is
getting delayed, then it indicates that the energy field of Aakash is imbalanced.
Imbalance in this energy field can also cause theft and a strong red bulb will somewhat
energise this field.

✔ Anil:- The energy field of Anil is also present in South East direction and this energy field
will help you to grow in life.
If a client is coming to you and complaining that his position is same like 5 or 10 years back
then it indicates imbalance in energy field of Anil. The energy field of Anil can be
strengthened by keeping a pair of red horses or putting a red triangle on bottom of the wall
present in the south east direction.

✔ Pusha:- This energy field is present in the south-south east direction. This energy field will
help you to complete a task in time. This energy field also pushes you to overcome any
obstacles in life and this energy field can be energised by placing the photo of Lord

*English Lecture*👆

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