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Cross Cultural Etiquette - Mr.

In the story, Jack is having dinner with Hiroko and five other people. To Jack, the five people are
disrespectful because they are slurping loudly (in western culture, slurping loud is rude, Japanese
culture slurping loud is good). Jack is also disrespectful to the five people because of the way he sits
and moves. When Jack notices Uchiyama raising his ochoko (a Japanese beer cup), he raises his
ochoko too to Hiroko, but Hiroko serves Uchiyama first. Hiroko tries to serve Jack as well, but Jack
serves himself. (Assumptions of similarity and nonverbal misinterpretations are the issues in this
section. In Japan, it is usual to have someone else serve you during a meal rather than doing it
yourself. In addition, you must wait for one person to be serve before you are serve. In America, you
can serve yourself. However, Jack placed the chopsticks on top of a rice dish, which bad luck in
Japanese culture. He may appear haughty and rude, showing disdain for the five people. Hiroko is
familiar with both cultures. Hiroko should help Jack explain the culture, good manners, and the
situation, because Jack needs to have a good first impression on her family.

Racisms in a Chinese laundry detergent advertisement

The video starts with an Asian woman standing in front of a washing machine, carrying a tiny basket of
soiled clothes that needs to be wash, when she is loading the soiled clothing into the washing machine.
We meet a male character, an African man with dark skin. The man was holding a pot of white paint and
had paint splashed on his face. He was also eyeing the Asian woman from a distance. The woman saw
the man whistling and encouraged him to come closer, which he did. Currently, the men are close to
each other's facial expressions. The woman shoves a laundry detergent pod into the male's mouth,
pushes his head and entire body inside the washing machine, and sits on top of it to prevent him from
escaping. The commercial concludes with a light Asian guy appearing from the washing machine,
showing that the black male's color, race, and ethnicity have all been wash away. The commercial film
prompted a justifiable outrage about Chinese racism. The film features sexism and the concept of black
men, as well as disinformation perpetuated by the media. The company should apologize to those
whose been hurt from the annoying commercial.

The father is putting oil on the bottom of the chair. Then he placed the bottle on his side, and as he
stood up, he accidentally stepped on it, and all the oil was throwing on the floormat. A son entered and
got angry with the father about what had happened on the floormat. The father explained that what
happened to the floormat was an accident, but the son did not believe him and was still angry at the
father. The son asked if they were certain, it was just an accident, but one guy answered and said it was
an accident because he saw what had happened, but still the son did not believe the father that it was
an accident. On the other hand, the barrier to communication between the father and the son is
because of the past character of being hostile, but because of that past character of his father, no
matter how the father explained the situation, the son did not believe it.

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