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A/ 1. getting
2. testing
3. solving
4. calling
5. reducing
B/ 1. B, 2.C
1. producing, 2. sleeping, 3. confirming, 4. Reading, 5. developing, 6. Joining
7. D; 8. A; 9. C; 10. A

A/ 1. to have => having; 2. quit => quitting; 3. worked => working

4. to use => using; 5. to insist => insisting; 6. to get => getting
B/ 1. D; 2. C
1. taking; 2. receiving; 3. to stop; 4. reviewing; 5. exposing; 6. Talking
7. D; 8. C; 9. B; 10. C

0 Common Expressions Followed by a Gerund

Below are some common expressions followed by a gerund, which are useful not only in the
TOEIC test but also in daily life.
have difficulty V-ing can’t help V-ing
be busy V-ing look forward to V-ing
spend (time/money) V-ing be good/bad at V-ing
there is no use V-ing be devoted to V-ing
be worth V-ing be used to V-ing
feel like V-ing be accustomed to V-ing

I had difficulty finding a firm to work at.

We look forward to working with you.
He is not accustomed to using a smartphone.

A. Choose the correct option given in brackets to complete each sentence.

1. This proposal is worth (to read / reading).
2. Do you feel like (to go / going) out to eat?
3. The director is devoted to (promote / promoting) sales.
4. The employees are not accustomed (to using / to use) the Intranet.
5. We are looking forward to (hearing / hear) from you.
6. The new secretary spends her time (to shop / shopping) online at lunchtime.
B. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
1. The team is busy ____________ a new software program.
A. develop B. to develop C. developing D. development
2. Mr. Smith had difficulty ____________ used to the new working environment.
A. getting B. to get C. get D. gotten
1. making; 2. trying; 3. improve; 4. advertising
5. A; 6. D; 7. C; 8. D

0 Verbs Followed by either a Gerund or a To-infinitive

Verbs followed by either a gerund or a to-infinitive with meanings unchanged

like hate start can’t stand
love begin continue can’t bear

They started to work on the project. / They started working on the project.

Verbs followed by either a gerund or a to-infinitive with meanings changed

Gerund To-infinitive
An action that was done in the An action that needs to be done in
past the future
An action that was done in the An action that needs to be done in
past the future
stop An action that is being done An action that about to take place
try Experimenting Making an effort
An action that was done in the An action that going to be informed

You should remember to mail this invitation before noon.

I remember meeting the guy at the conference.

A. Look at the following sentences and explain the meanings of the underlined
1. Don’t forget to submit the application form. (Đừng quên gửi thư đăng ký =>
Nên dùng to-inf)
2. I forgot applying for the position, so I was surprised when they called me. (Tôi
quên nộp đơn cho vị trí này, vì vậy tôi đã rất ngạc nhiên khi họ gọi cho tôi. =>
xảy ra ở quá khứ nên dùng V-ing)
3. I do not regret working at this company. (Tôi không hối hận khi làm việc tại
công ty này => đã xảy ra rồi nên dùng V-ing)
4. We regret to say that your proposal has been regretted after a careful review.
(Chúng tôi rất tiếc phải thông báo rằng đề xuất của bạn đã bị hối hận sau khi xem
xét cẩn thận => hành động được thông báo nên dùng to-inf)
5. We all try to get the best results. (Tất cả chúng tôi đều cố gắng để đạt được kết
quả tốt nhất => cố gắng nên dùng to-inf)

B. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. Please remember ____________ all the windows before you leave the office.
A. close B. closing C. closed D. to close
2. I do not regret ___________ my previous job, and I am pleased with my current one.
A. quit B. quitting C. to quit D. to quitting

1. ____________ the restaurant will 4. We would like to thank you for

attract more customers. ____________ in our annual
A. Renovation conference.
B. Renovating A. participate
C. Renovated B. participating
D. To renovating C. to participating
D. participated
2. The newly hired secretary is good at 5. Mr. Carter has had difficulty
___________. ___________ experienced research
A. organizing specialists since last month.
B. to organize A. find
C. organize B. finding
D. organization C. to find
D. found
3. The president suggested
_____________ a new staff lounge to 6. Because of the bad economic
better serve the employees. situation, we could not help
A. to build _____________ our New York branch.
B. build A. close
C. built B. closed
D. building C. closing
D. to close
7. You can simply book your ticket by 11. Atlantis Co. Strictly prohibits its
_____________ our website on employees from _________ an office
dropping by one of our stores. phone for personal reasons.
A. visits A. use
B visiting B. to use
C. visit C. used
D. to visit D. using
12. The company has considered
8. We regret _____________ you that ______________ its branch to Boston
your application has been rejected. for the past few weeks.
A. to tell A. relocation
B. told B. to relocate
C. telling C. relocating
D. tells D. relocated
9. They stopped ____________ the old
model in order to promote a newly 13. Do not forget ___________ the
released one. application form before submitting it to
A. to sell Ms. Radowich at the front desk.
B. selling A. signing
C. sold B. to sign
D. sell C. sign
D. signed
10. ____________ the number of
security guards will hopefully reduce 14. Ms. Wrigley has decided to stop
the chance of thefts. ____________ applicants because she
A Increase has found a well-qualified person.
B. Increasing A. interview
C. Increased B. interviewed
D. To increasing C. to interview
D. interviewing
Questions 15-16 refer to the following letter.

Dear Mr. Myer,

According to our records, your membership with California Fitness will expire in a few
weeks. We would like to __________ you with a special offer. With
15. A. provide
B. schedule
C. cancel
D. approve

your renewal of your membership, you can continue ____________ our facilities
16. A. use
B. used
C. using
D. uses
and services at a discounted price.
Jane Miller

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