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{AND SUMMARIZING READING AND NOTE eon oes tengo iss of unmaingin Unts Bnd ote skngn Ons, fond Fartereoane sty Pie and eding for snc norton, whch a ok moran nes din wih imps tee the topis forthe texts care fas Bee taken fo ensure that those pdt spose hi ply droping fl 0 hat ris is included i his volume, Teachers should fet the lingo exerssncss, sin adiion oe selon, oles on iiculs which may ae is ava which contsns he eng tom Sexton he pss for summarising or onetsing i Seton Vt 9 ontas one exc rom cach unt whch may cere il ihe tac oping and satay eae ay 1 ho the ateancs are mde spohen Engion, Esco le coat sremrtod nthe Key. Unit 1 1 READING AND COMPREHENSION ‘CONDUCTORS, INSULATORS AND SEMICONDUCTORS te conc battery across body, tees 1 offre eeton8 tomar te psitveend. Thismovement of eectanisandeciecurent Al Imari can be anti inte thee groups according o Bow realy they Permit an eetic cument to ow. These are: conducts, insulators and ‘emieondsters the Bat category are substances which provide an eapy path for an leet crvent_ Al metals are conducts, however sme metals do ot ‘opdoet wel: Mangia, fr example, 2 por conductor. Copper is good opdoctr therefore itis widely used for abs. A on-etal whet condos ‘vl ncuron. Sle water nan example of gui condi 'Amateal wich dos ot ess) vlese cero is ald a nel. Rubber, nbn, porcelain and ar ae all sults. There are no peter inelator. AI ilar wl al some Now of etons however thi can ee ‘Semiconductor are miay baweenconduston and inslators. Under certain condions they allow caren o flow aay bat under others they havens nslators. Cemanism and slicon aresemoandtors Mintre of rain metalic oxides alo act ar semicondetor. These are known at theritor. The resstance of themnsior falls rape as ther temperate tees, They are therefore wed in tenperaruresensing devices, EXERCISE A Replraing Rewrite the following sentences, replsing the words inital with expresions fom the passage which hive similar meanings 1. The low of fee elecvons is an acticcuret, ein theft gro ° Brgicring and Blecrnis ISEB Concerta ference pronouns in isn thet sentence ele to? jn conditions shy allow a current to Row easly but under ey behave as isulators. ine 16), of etn metic oxides fore usin emperture easing devs in 20) oxides {€Checkng fot ad ices ates ttre fase. Quote rem he passgeto suport Jo fom postive to negate. esa ery pt for sm cece curet conductors raaremeale sat slotzons or higher tlw temperatures hana high Univ 3 ae ns eee er OMe le ome fas pesca looms etn feat 0 2 | ee 5 se — wea a aes ‘When something bas regular geometric shape we can wie one of the ajsnes fromthe ale odes i HylSlale ale ‘Wher he objet no recogni geometric shape but dos resemble wel ‘own objet ort Iter of the lpbtet, it may be described one of the following ways I NNNN ap Map antenna ssantooth ave Now dosribe the shapes ofthe flowing abet as completly as posite a {fl Unie ‘wound ound located within onneted aro appli to ‘mounted os vied to q alee 1. The bulls re... thebatery. 2, The cores... the ple ples 3. The2IpF capacitor .....- tbe 4, Theantenna is... the cit Calestor abd he bse, (6 HlcriolBaginering an Becromes net 7 Now write your own istration fr an expevinest to measure the tal revstance of essosin pal, wing the sue iret Beg ike this 1. Const up the apart s shown a Figur | EXERCISEG Deseribing an experiment Mate description of the st experiment in Exercise F by rewriting each 8. The negative poe of the battery Insteston nthe reset pase. = eanete 1, Use a high-esitance vole and a low-sesstance ammeter [EXERCISE HRoporting on experiment Mae a repor ofthe second experiment in Execs F by coving each ‘Sour instractions the past pase older trisistors without «hetshut. 1, Connes wp the apparatus a shown in Figure hes insrctons or an experiment o measure the total sistance of ‘mie arpanarUs wis csc Ura shown in Figure EXERCISED Writing morucions 2 Sy thie desrpton of how bates are charged “Theiler plags re removed ad the battery iscomnete to the sms be eared that the coeet platy sobre 0d good ‘emude Thechargei then swhcbed on. Thecharpeis itched ihe ttery hae ben filly charge. The pete gravity of « ‘hock. The filer pups areepaced andthe bar Tet ool ‘Now bein tof instruction or how o charge a Battery. 1, Remove the ile pops. EXERCISES Relate clauses 1 Sty thee sentences 1, Suarer motor beuses remade of carton 2, Thecarbon cosas copper. 344. The flow ofdetrons through an insulator very ‘an be ignores [Note thats coma sed befor therfore [Now ink hese das sing Benue heros 1 Soft ion uel in ckeetromagnes, Sotto canbe mapneied es. 2. Thevoltageis250 Vand he carent 5A. ‘The resitance ie S00 4. Preise to cover cables. Preis pod inet, 4 Trametes cas be damaged by het (Care met be taken when sling irasisors Capacitance sully measured in mrofiads or pores ‘The fara istoo lage + un 6 Output tranaistors ae mounted ons heat sik ‘Outpt vanistors generate ent 17 tiseasy fo consol he speed af de motors De motors are wed wen variable pods ae require, 8, cathode abe sren alm when an electron Btn seks ‘The sreen i costed wih » phosphor. asa vale of 240 ohm. sed to dation substation Isredused to 418 Vibe distribution sobtaton, 5 sed for measarng smal arent require illamination of 0x EXERCISE L Pron links between senoness ‘When we tink sentenes other or into paragraphs, repeated noun ual bacome pronoens. 1. A short ect occas in tanforme, 2. Theshort circut may cause overeating 53. The overheating may Further dag the isan. ‘Whe short iit ocurin ransformer, ray ce overeating may farther damage the insulation, 2 ‘he there my te misunderstanding or when the ested noun comes Feng time afters frst mention the fll oan sd. ‘Copper ised for abl acai ia good conductor, he reson isa now ora noun psc, Wee Bcaue of First the poe shoes and coils are drawn out the yoke. The he eis are removed from teat end aw cols ae fited ovr them. Next they af ‘elite inside he yo and oeate by igh tighening the fing soe Finally they are ihteod lly and thee emiaalare soldered ested by Hey gtecing the fxng STAGEL Somme the sen re tphene ly aid the ne cl tal ae Se saline a, ee ”" ° Js te owing nove enema ne abet he besinning ofeach aru. YOU "Now replace th repeated nouns in thi partraph wth suitable pronouns {nd make whatever changer you think ae necessary in the ‘where thet 0 lied of easton. prnctton of he seen. ‘A tansformer is device which changes the mepitode of a8 ae voltage Lor ‘Thettansormes consist ofa primary oto which heap spi and ‘iru canbe protected fom excessive curt by fas ‘secondary col from which tbe output is oblaised. The cls are slated Ciruits canbe proved from excessive curzests bY ¢ 8nd wound ound fomer. The col havea coro soft ion on which te downer Formers mounted. The cores made rom many thin sheets or amination ‘A Tse the spat and cheapest protection, “The shes are oxidized so thatthe sents ae inated from ech other. For accurate and repetuve operation acre breaker i usd, ‘Oxiiing the sets reduces ey losses whic ‘The splat circt breaker conse of « sled and & ‘Tre comiat are bed coud by ch hs enering ‘The caret fom the supply line fows through he sith and a “This energies the solenoid whl therefore ‘Atnormal erent the pull ofthe solencd on the atch wil ao Study the table of mathematical symbol sed in eect engnering and the tenon a he pring ‘detfonisin Append I. Then witout he atoning expresions in al “The spring Rois se atch i place, “The etch remains closed. ¢ ‘The current iso dangerous ee ‘The pul of he solenoid 0 the atch nen ond ‘The nee pull overcomes the atch spring teasion. ‘The increased pl ul the atch towards the solenoid whi ‘The rls the sith ont, ‘Tae wich contacts are pulled apart by a sping. ‘The creat sow token ‘The units proceed. shoe ‘The fal in the supply or ant is pat ih ‘The teh can be ol EXERCISE M_ Mathematica! bots used elec engineering and hetoies, 10. tlerance ‘ng the magnetic eld of upecondiig ol Name a superconducting materi ‘When do aterale exhib nperondactvty? Wi ae the praceal applications lime? ‘Wha appations ave teen proposes? Wis advange would memory ex made of aspera STAGES Parcaraph ling fess {Group your completed steno nto two pasar. Label the diagram ow eficient would transformers and motor be which Figure (and ise ference fo itn the completed sage. el See Figure 1. Study Figure Fly give the passage a suitable tie Complete his summary ofthe pasage using Your answers to Stage Some mates, for example ....., Become almost perf. ‘The splicaons of superconductiviy ar limited becuse Possible wes ae ‘superconducting memory cll woud allo information ‘A wansorver oF motor wing superondutvily Would Be STAGE? Sunmaring 'V_ READING AND SUMMARIZING STAGE] Compratension ‘Sty this passage careful nd asner the questions which low: SUPERCONDUCTIVITY “The rexitance of meas varie with he tempeature, When they stot, their rsistnce ineantes, When they cool their Tesitaece fall The Fesstace of ome mean alloy tei decent shi tempeatre ‘towered, then Tals suddenly tos nelle vale at emperatures af 5 degrees aovestoltezeo (273°) nother words, these mates have Simos no rsstance tan eat ctrent at very low temperatures. Ty ‘come almost pret condvctrs. This i ale supereondactiviy. It ‘cous ony wth tain materi, for example ead, ad oly avery Tow temperatures 10 Thepracical applications of sepercosductvity are limited because the ‘ery low temperatures required A numberof ues, however, have ben Proposed It's current ty induced ty a magnetic field in a ring of perconducting materia it wi eotnue wo dealt when the magetic fields removed Tn theory hs could bem use of in tbe memory eels of

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