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Chữa HW: Some people think that it is best to live in a horizontal city while others
think of a vertical city. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Body 1:
(1): On the one hand, several people have the preference for living in separated
houses due to the financial status and security-related reasons.
(2): Firstly, they can save/set aside a huge amount of money each month to pay for
inside-building services.
(3): Basically, residents/citizens/dwellers/inhabitants have to pay more … thanks
to numerous residential fees
(4): Secondly, when living in a horizontal city..
Is more safely
To accommodate in/to settle in/to reside in = to live in
The surrounding environment
Flora and fauna: động thực vật
Environmental preservation: bảo tồn/bảo vệ môi trường
To act as sth: đóng vai trò là
People residing in skyscrapers will help/assist/facilitate to save the land fields,
therefore the natural habitats of flora and fauna will be preserved (bảo tồn).
Moreover, high-rise buildings are also solutions for
Moreover, high-rise buildings also act as a solution (nó cũng đóng vai trò như là 1
giải pháp) for the housing-related issues due to the ever-increasing population in a
plethora of countries around the world.
A variety of = various

A variety of high-rise buildings

A prime illustration is that in numerous densely-populated nations such as China,
the USA, and India, in order to cater for (phục vụ) their citizens’ increasing demand
of accommodations, each government has to build/erect/construct a variety of
high-rise buildings.
Beneficial/conducive features
However, vertical cities should be utilized widely because of the above given ideas.

With the influx of new inhabitants to the city center and an ever-growing
population, high-rise constructions have become more and more ubiquitous.
Many people believe that settling in a vertical city provides them with a higher
quality of life. In the meantime (~While), the opponents of this idea prefer living
in horizontal one. In my opinion, both have its own pros and cons, but horizontal
one offers more advantages for its residents.
• The influx of + N (tourists/inhabitants/citizens): 1 luồng người
• An ever-increasing/growing: tăng trưởng chưa từng thấy
• An influx of money: 1 luồng tiền
• Tourists/inhabitants flock to the city center: khách du lịch/người dân đổ về
thành phố
• Citizen/civilian/inhabitant/resident/dweller/denizen
• The opponent: bên phản đối
• Both have its own pros and cons

To begin with, there is a variety of benefits of living in a vertical city. Firstly,

dwellers can easily approach to a wide range of services such as shopping,
entertainment, healthcare, to name but a few. These services are well-arranged in
particular areas that are designed for customers’ convenience. Gymnasium is a
telling/prime illustration as many condominiums/high-rise buildings (chung cư)
furnish (cung cấp/trang bị) this sports room for their residents so that they can
work out right at their places. For some perspectives, it seems to some people that
living in an apartment would keep them in a safer zone. Every single person
entering or leaving the building is monitored by the camera system and security
guards as well. This hinders bad people to commit robbery and take illegal actions.
Thirdly, in a larger scale, city dwellers living in skyscrapers are saving land
spontaneously. Authorities are able to use the land for public purposes such as the
library, school, and so on.
• Hinder sb to do sth (v) -> hindrance (n): cản trở, gây trở ngại
• Spontaneously: 1 cách bộc phát, tự nhiên
• It seems to sb that: dường như đối với ai…

On the other hand, it seems to me that horizontal city has marked advantages
overwhelming a high rise construction city. From an economic perspective, there
is no doubt that residents in the horizontal city are charged (chịu phí) less for
building services. They do not have to cover the cost (chi trả) of for monthly
security or parking fees in comparison to ones that live in a skyscraper because they
possess (sở hữu) their own houses. In addition, there is no need for them to take
much time waiting for the elevator or taking their vehicles from the building’s
basement. Meanwhile, high rise building may pose a threat on the emergency
situation since living nearer the ground enhances survival opportunity in case of
these buildings bursting into flame (bùng cháy).
• Burst into flame: bùng cháy
• Burst into tears: bật khóc
• Since/as = because

In conclusion, apparently, both cities have its own favorable position and people
can hold different viewpoints in selecting their settlement/accommodation.
However, from the points enlisted/listed above/from the aforementioned/given
ideas/viewpoints/perspectives, I express a preference for choosing to live in the
horizontal city due to its obvious merits.
• Apparently: 1 cách rõ ràng

Influence of human beings on the world's ecosystem is leading to the extinction

of species and loss of biodiversity. What are the primary causes of loss of
biodiversity? What solutions can you suggest?


Problem: Loss of biodiversity → some animals and plants are dying out

- Overexploitation of resources
When the activities linked with capturing and harvesting a natural resource are too
intense (quá đà) in a particular area → the resources become exhausted (kiệt quệ).
Eg: too intense farming exhausts the soil (canh tác quá dữ dội làm kiệt quệ đất)
- Pollution
Pollution affects detrimentially on the environment (climate change) → a lot of
species cannot live under this condition, therefore dying out.
- Change of natural habitats
When humans artificially transform the environment (build houses, roads,…) →
destroy animals’ natural habitats.
- Protect areas
Protecting areas where human activity is limited and avoiding overexploitation of
resources are possibly/presumably the best ways to save the environment and
prevent species from dying out/extinction.
- Promote awareness
Informing the general population about the disadvantages of loss of biodiversity
will encourage people to be more conscious of the environment.
to be more conscious of: có nhận thức về

In spite of understanding about the biodiversity’s significance/importance for a

long time, humans’ activities have been causing massive extinctions of various
species. This essay will examine the main causes of loss of biodiversity and possible
solutions of this thorny issue.
- A thorny issue: vấn đề gai góc

To begin with, there are several causes behind this matter, the first one is the
change of animals’ and plants’ habitats, the second one is the overexploitation of
natural resources and the last one is pollution-related problems. When humans
artificially transform the environment/ecology, they destroy vegetation (thảm
thực vật) and animals’ natural habitat. To illustrate, building new roads and
deforestation affect detrimentally on the surrounding environment, therefore,
numerous species are likely on the verge/on the brink of extinction. Also, when
the activities linked with capturing and harvesting natural resources are too intense
in a particular area/field, the resources will become exhausted. For example, too
frequent fishing does not leave enough time for fish to reproduce (sinh sản) and
makes them disappear. In other words, human activities often deplete (suy
giảm/làm cạn kiệt) local flora and fauna and cause loss of biodiversity.

As a result/Therefore/Thus/Hence, some possible/feasible/viable

solutions/resolutions can be brought about (được đưa ra) to tackle this
deleterious/detrimental issue (vấn đề tai hại). By protecting areas where human
activities are limited and avoiding overexploitation of its resources, people can
save/protect/preserve/conserve the untouched environment (môi trường hoang
sơ) and prevent numerous/various species from dying out. Moreover, the
government should be the one who shoulder/bear the responsibility for dealing
with this environmental degradation problem. By informing the general
population about the disadvantages of loss of biodiversity will encourage people to
be more conscious of the environment and will not overuse or destroy its

In conclusion, it is understandable that (có thể hiểu được rằng) there are a variety
of underlying reasons (lí do bên trong) behind this deteriorated problem about the
surrounding environment that people are living in. Therefore, individuals and the
government should make a joint effort (cùng nhau nỗ lực/cố gắng) with a view to
coping with this issue.
- With a view to Ving: để làm gì = in order to V
- Grass-root reason: lí do cốt lõi


Ex 1: Young people who commit serious crimes, such as a robbery or a violent

attack should be punished in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree
or disagree?

Ex 2: What do you think is the most important element for building a perfect
society? How can people achieve this goal?

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