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6.1 Summary

It is important to use efficient cost estimate and time schedule for the construction
of sewage networks projects. This is to be done in order to avoid both cost overrun
and losing control on the schedule construction time. The objective of this study is of
twofold, first is to identify risk factors that may impact both cost and time of sewage
construction. Second, is to analyze these risk factors and improve the maturity of both
cost estimate and project time schedule. This improvement could be achieved by
reducing the effect of risk factors. By taking this mitigation action, risk factors are
reanalyzed and improvements are represented.

- In order to meet the study objectives, risk management process were carried on
sewage networks projects were the following work sequence was used:-

- Risk identification stage targets to obtain a list of identified risk factors related to the
sewage project activities. In order to do that, different papers were viewed obtaining a
list of risk factors.

- Qualitative risk analysis was done by obtaining both probabilities of occurrence and
impact scales of different risk factors through a questionnaire.

- Quantitative risk analysis and Risk response plan processes are then followed.
Mitigation actions towards the prioritized risk list are given through field
questionnaires. Both prioritized risk factors list and mitigation actions are
implemented into the risk program. Risk Analysis results are compared before and
after mitigation actions implementation.

6.2 Conclusion
- Using a survey a total number of 50 risk factors related to different risk categories
were identified by the end of the risk identification process.

- Risk categories include technical quality performance risks, external risks related to
project organization, financial risks, environmental risks, management risks and
external risks related to public regulations.

- The qualitative risk analysis process carried results in a prioritized list of 10 risk
factors. Experts suggested the probability of occurrence and impact scales of
prioritized risk factors. Using risk score method and probability impact matrix, risk
factors are ranked to be further analyzed quantitatively with the aid of a case study.


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