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Story from the Gates of Heaven

Maria Lică | Clasa a VI-a B | 18th of February 2020

“If I had known it earlier, it could have saved my life.”

That’s how one of my customers started her story. Yes, I am one of the Guardians
of Heaven. I decide if people can go to heaven or they can “re-live”. That happens when
someone young dies. I hear his story and let him finish his life.

One of the people I met was Annie. She was an Australian surf instructor, who
was always trying to impress those around her with tricks and stunts on the surfboard.
Here’s her story:

“If I had known it earlier, it could have saved my life.

Surfing had always been my greatest passion. Yesterday was a hot sunny day, so I
assumed today was going to be so too. The morning was perfect. I did some tricks on my
surfboard and I noticed the sky was starting to get darker. I didn’t pay much attention to it
because I was good at surfing even on rainy weather. I was expecting a quick summer
shower, but what came next was much worse. As soon as I heard thunder, I tried reaching
the shore. Sadly, I was too late. I tried screaming for help, but the beach was deserted.
Then all I saw was darkness. The last thing I recall hearing is:

<< She should have known. Everyone warned us not to get out today, because of
the big thunderstorm. >>

After what felt like an eternity, I woke up here.”

She starts sobbing. I say: ‘’It’ll be alright, Annie. Don’t worry. Listen, I’ve got an
idea. I can send your spirit back to your body, if you want.”

“You can?”

“We can do anything here.”

To prove it to her, I change the water from a jug nearby into red wine.

“Jesus is not the only one who can do that, you know. We can do miracles and
we are allowed to let good young people finish their lives. Go on, you don’t want to be
stuck here forever! Take care, Annie!”

Annie hugs me gratefully.

“Thank you so much! Goodbye!”

Trust me, there is never a dull moment at the Gates of Heaven!


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