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How can we apply work simplification techniques for household tasks?

Identify the principles of work simplification and enumerate some work

simplification techniques.The principles of work simplification must be used to fish
household task with the least amount of energy and time expended.

1. Do not do any task that you do not have to do.

2. Try to do one task as you do another.
3. Keep everything with easy reach.
4. Use the best tool.
5. Make both hands work.
6. Use the best posture. Sit to work whenever possible but watch posture. Provide a
chair of proper height and good back support.

The following work simplification techniques save time, energy,

- Before leaving for work or school in the morning, pit the meat or fish in the
refrigerator to thaw. This will enable you to cook at once upon arriving in the
afternoon. Meat and fish should not be left on the kitchen sink to thaw because
bacteria may set in and they may also lose their juices.

- Prepare meals in advance. During weekend, some housewives cook all the viands
for the week and pack these in separate containers, labeled, frozen, and heated, as


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