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Group No. _____


Analyze the attached research article by answering the following questions. Your answers should
be placed after the question, and should also be underlined, bold, and not italicized to emphasize
your analysis.

1. When is the study carried out? What is the reason stipulated in the research which
justifies its choice of research duration?

There is no specific date of when the study was carried out but according to the
researcher it was done during the high schoolers mid-term of their school calendar
and was published year 2017 month of July

Since the research is mixed of both qualitative and quantitative approach, the
duration of the research is considerably lengthy, because it involves hands on
observation, interviews, and lots of limitations on both the researcher and the
respondents. Some of which proves to be a great limiting factor, like the hot weather
condition, the nomadic life of the community and the civil unrest in the area.

2. Who are the respondents? Why did the researcher choose them as research participants?

For the respondents, respondents are taken from three public High Schools in the
area. For all Boys’ boarding house, the total population sample is 36, for Mixed
Gender boarding School a total of 33 population sample was taken and for the all-
Girl dormitory the sample population is 68. In terms of age, 4 students were aged
below 15 years, 132 between 15-20 and one aged 23 years. On the basis of gender,
there were 54 male and 83 female students.

The perennial poor performance in English in the schools in Turkana East district
and the type educational downshifts in universities and colleges has raised a lot of
concern to the general public. Some can hardly construct a grammatical English
sentence as evidenced in the application letters written for admission to various
institutions of learning. with these factual arguments, the researcher chooses the
local area to investigate why there is a sudden drop in English Language Proficiency
in the region and to investigate the various factors affecting students‟ acquisition of
speaking skills in the English language. Lastly, it’s of highest interest of the

3. Comment on the formulation of the research questions with reference to the guidelines in
formulating the general problem and the specific subproblems or specific questions.

The research questions used by the researcher follows and fit the guidelines in
formulating research questions, and not only did the researcher follow the
guidelines, it’s question can stand and support other questions. From data gathering
to data presentation and conclusions. The questions are relevant, factual, and

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