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~ All!!!! The Engineering Society

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An Improved Coating Process for

Steel Compressor Components-
SermeTel Process 5380 DP
Mark F. Mosser
Sermatech International Inc.

24th Annual Aerospace/Airline

Plating & Metal Finishing
Forum & Exposition
Phoenix, Arizona
April 4-7, 1988
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An Improved Coating Process for
Steel Compressor Components-
SermeTel Process 5380 DP
Mark F. Mosser
Sermatech International Inc.

ABSTRACT: undergo a series of chemical reactions that produce a

well bonded glass-like inorganic polymer matrix with
Coatings continue to be used on steel compressor aluminum pigmentation. Figure 1 shows a SEM photo-
components to maximize component life and com- micrograph of the surface of a SermeTel W coating as
pressor efficiency. Aluminum-ceramic coatings have sprayed and cured. Note the structure of the coating.
been used on steel compressor components for a Each aluminum metal particle is visible as a discrete
quarter of a century. During this time;coating application separate particle. There is visible surface porosity. The
processes have been continually refined for improved coating is not electrically conductive although it is about
performance. These processes are reviewed and a new 70% by weight aluminum. Coatings that consist of
process included - SermeTel Process 5380 DP.ln this SermeTel Was applied and cured at 650°F (343°C) are
process, both coating material and process changes called Class 1 coatings. There are four classes of
are made to produce finished coatings having improved SermeTel W which are described elsewhere(3). In a
surface finish, corrosion resistance and erosion prop- related military specification, MIL-C-81751 B, SermeTel
erties. Test data is presented for comparison with earlier W is defined, in four classes, as a Type 1 coating. Taking
coating systems. one slurry and producing four different classes or types
of coated products is confusing. However, these classes
For over twenty-five years, metallic-ceramic coat- are necessary because the changes in processing
ings have been successfully used on steel components steps produce additional desirable properties in the
ofturbine engines to combat corrosion and erosion. The SermeTel W coating. All classes of coating have the
basic coating of this type, SermeTel W®, continues to be following properties: .
used in a variety of applications and is a base line from 1. Temperature resistance - up to 1600°F (871°C)
which new and improved coating systems can be 2. Thermal shock - 1175°F (635°C) to water
compared. But in the past twenty-five years, there have quench without coating
been many environmental and economic changes that loss
impinge on turbine compressor operation. The pollution
3. Heat cycle/salt spray - 16 hours at 1000°F
of the environment has worsened, fuel prices have
resistance (538°C) followed by 32
skyrocketed and compressor temperatures have in-
hours salt spray; the
creased. Not surprisingly, coating systems based on
cycle repeated six times
SermeTel W also have changed to meet these new
demands. Some of these changes have been reported 4. Solvent resistance - Resistant to water, oils,
at previous Airline Plating Forum meetings. (1) (2) greases, and organic
While the properties listed above show broad
resistance to elevated temperature and some corrosive
SERMETELW conditions, other properties are required for use in
SermeTel W is a complex water based slurry turbine compressors. These properties include the
containing aluminum powder pigment particles dis- following:
persed in an acidic solution consisting of metallic .1. Resistance to hydraulic fluids'
phosphates and dichromates. After the slurry coating 2. Resistance to particulate erosion
has been applied, usually by spraying, it is given a 3. Corrosion resistance when applied to any
thermal treatment by heating to about 650°F (343°C). At ferrous alloy
this temperature, the dichromates and phosphates 4. Smooth, low profile film

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Early experimentation with cured coatings demon-
strated an additional unique property. If the surface of Galvanic Series (4)
the cured coating is mechanically cold-worked by a Material Millivolts
variety of means, the coating becomes electrically
Zinc plating (-)975-990
conductive. This process, called burnishing, is normally
Cadmium plating 760-765
done using a conventional dry blasting machine set at a
relatively low pressure using various types of abrasive SermeTel W Class 4 coating 730-760
media. The resulting coating has been designated AA3003 Aluminum 720-745
SermeTel W - Class 4. Figure 2 shows an SEM surface AA2024T3 Aluminum 590
image of the results of aluminum oxide burnishing of the 1010 Steel 565
SermeTel W film shown in Figure 1. Note that the 410 Steel 235
surface is disrupted, individual particles are not visible Potentials were measured at 20°C in aerated 3.4%
as a result of the severe mechanically induced changes. NaCI against a saturated calomel electrode.
Similar results are shown in Figure 3 where the
SermeTel W coating has been burnished with glass
beads. The appearance indicates compression of the has a potential slightly higher than pure aluminum and
surtac;.e c()?ting material and an .orange-peel design. slightly lower than cadmium. When applied to any
Surprisingly, the burnishing process described ferrous alloy and exposed to chloride induced corrosion,
does not remove any coating material; that is, there is no the coating will protect the steel by the sacrifical activity
measurable weight change when measured before and of the aluminum pigmentation. In addition, when applied
after the process. Although the work done seems to be a to ferrous components that are coupled to an aluminum
surface only phenomenon, the entire coating is changed. structure, corrosion of the attached aluminum com-
The electrical conductivity previously mentioned changes ponent is reduced because the aluminum component
the entire coating layer so that it is all conductive - not will not be sacrificial and protect adjacent steels.
just on the surface. The properties of a SermeTel W - Class 4 coating
The conductivity of the coating results in another are summarized in Table II. Coating thickness can be
property - that of sacrificiality. Sacrificiality in coatings varied as required increasing the versatility of the
is defined as the preferential corrosion of an active coating. SermeTel W - Class 4 coatings, like all SermeTel
coating layer and the corresponding protection of a less W coatings, are overlay coatings. There is no metal-
active metal. Zinc, cadmium and aluminum are common lurgical bonding, only physical and chemical bonding.
sacrificial metals with respect to ferrous alloys. Table I is As a result of this kind of bonding, there is no diffusion
a Galvanic Series which lists the relative activity of and stripping is easily accomplished in alkaline stripping
various materials of construction against a standard solutions. Additionally, there is no metal loss from
electrode in salt water. More active materials, that is, coated components during the stripping process. No
those with higher negative potentials, can be sacrificial negative fatigue effects have been observed from use
to materials of less activity. of this coating nor has hydrogen embrittlement been
As can be seen from Table I, SermeTel W - Class 4 shown to have been coating process induced.

Fig. 1: SEM Photomicrograph of a Fig. 2: SEM Photomicrograph of a Fig. 3: SEM Photomicrograph of a

SermeTel W coating, unburn- SermeTel W coating, Class 4- SermeTelW coating, Class 4,
ished (1000X, 45° angle) burnished with AI 2 0 3 (1 OOOX, burnished with glass beads
45° angle) I (1000X, 45° angle)

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Typical Properties of SermeTel W - Class 4 Coatings

Thickness . 0.5 - 3.0 mils (12.5 - 75 micrometers)

Surface Roughness . 55 Microinches AA (1.4 microns) at .010 cutoff
Salt Spray Corrosion Resistance (ASTM 811 7) . >1000 hours without red rust (2 mil [50 micrometers]
coating on 1010 steel, scribed)
Erosion Resistance (ASTM 0968) . >100 liters/mil
Galvanic Potential . -0.730 - 0.760 volts (vs. calomel electrode 5% NaCI 20°C)

In summary, SermeTel W - Class 4 is an excellent coating thickness and surface finish. After burnishing
candidate for a turbine compressor coating except for the cured coating to create a Class 4 sacrifical coating,
one property - coating roughness. In many turbine the burnished parts were finished in vibratory finishing
compressor applications in the early 1970's, the coating machines to produce the final improved surface finish.
was specified on compressor cases, spacers, disks and Continuing process improvements led to the reduction
shafts, but not on blades and vanes where the roughness in typical final coating surface finish from 35 microinches
of the coating had negative effects on compressor (0.88 microns) AA to 15 microinches (0.38 mircrons) AA.
performance. Figure 4 shows a metallographic cross In the mid-1970's, SermeTel Incorporated, the
section of a Class 4 coating at 500X. predecessor to Sermatech International Incorporated,
sponsored overten independent tests with major engine
manufacturers and airlines to prove that Process 5375
could enhance compressor performance because of
improved surface finishing of airfoils, thereby reducing
fuel consumption and lowering exhaust gas tempera-
ture. These tests verified that Process 5375 treatment
of the gas washed vane surfaces could improve thrust
specific fuel consumption (TSFC) on the order of 0.8 to
1.5% and reduce exhaust temperatures 14-18°F (8-
Figure 5 shows Pratt and Whitney Aircraft JT30
engine test data. Point "A" represents the reference
range average rough ness of stators coated with diffused
nickel cadmium plating. Point "8" represents 26 engines
with rough stator surfaces typical of vanes at heavy
maintenance overhaul. Point"C" represents ten engines
with Process 5375 treated stators. The average surface
finish of these stators was 22 microinches (0.55 microns)
Fig. 4: Optical photomicrograph ofSermeTelWClass4 AA. This graph clearly shows the effect of surface finish
(500X) on compressor efficiency.


In 1973, process research was directed to pro- -0.2
ducing an improved coating system having all the -0.4
properties of SermeTel W - Class 4, but having an -0.6
improved surface finish. The research involved both w
~ -0.8
material and process changes. A coating material was cr
~ -1.0
needed that could be consistently relied on to produce
identical coatings on airfoil surfaces; a process was u STATOR ROUGHNESS 20-40~'
required that would dramatically improve surface finish ~ -1.4
without any loss of performance. -1.6
SermeTel Process 5375 was the result of these -1.8

efforts. The process involved the use of an improved -2.0

version of SermeTel W called SermeTel WFX with very -2.2 L . . . . . - _ - ' - - _ - ' - - _ - - ' - _ - - - ' - _ - - - - ' -'--_--'-_---'

narrow control of coating chemistry. In the process, o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

SermeTel WFXwas applied under controlled conditions
of temperature and humidity to guarantee uniform Figure 5

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Process 5375 was widely accepted and adopted

by over 75 airlines throughout the world as a fuel saving Heat Cycle/Salt Spray Test
coating process that restored the surface finish of gas
washed surfaces and acted as a sacrificial coating in
polluted or saline environments.
Coincident to the development of smoother 40

coatings having the properties of SermeTel W - Class 4,

another line of development sought to improve the FINISH- 30
corrosion resistance of the coating system. This develop- AA*

ment came at a time when environmental pollution was 20

becoming a severe problem. Burnished (Class 4)
SermeTel W coatings show superior resistance to such
10 ... p... s 5.3_80
rollllllllce.s.. _
environments including saline environments because
the coatings are galvanically active and sacrificial, but
white corrosion products are produced from the 'Cutoff .010
sacrificial action of the coating. This corrosion decreases 1 Cycle ~ 6 hours at 750 F. 2 hours cooling, 16 hours salt spray
the life of the coating and creates surface roughness
even on Process 5375 coated airfoils. Clearly, sealing
the coatings by use of a topcoat sealer should result in Fig. 7: Salt spray test comparison on nickel cadmium,
Process 5375 and Process 5380 coatings
improved anticorrosion properties by combining addi-
tional barrier protection with sacrificial protection.
While manyfilmformers might be usedtotopcoatthe
basic burnished SermeTel W coating structure, a specific Salt Spray Test
group of topcoats was devised which utilizes analogous (ASTM 8117)
chromate/phosphate chemistry. By using this approach,
all properties of the base coating can be retained and
the same process equipment can be used. This tech- 40
nology was first developed and utilized for marin ized
turbines and ground turbine applications utilizing SURFACE 30
SermeTel725 or SermeTel735 as the coating systems. FINISH


10 PROCESS 5380

'Cutoff .010

0 HOURS 1000

Fig. 8: Heat cycle/salt spray comparison on nickel cad-

mium, Process 5375 and Process 5380 coatings

with the topcoa.t. This improves smoothness, fills surface

porosity and resists environmental attack since it is not
attacked by sulfate or chloride residues baked on the
surface of the coating. Figure 6 illustrates the coating at
500X magnification. The coating thickness is about 1.3
Fig. 6: Optical Photomicrograph of a Process 5380 mils (33 micrometers).
coating (500X) The typical test methods used for determination of
corrosion resistance for turbine engine compressor
coatings include salt spray testing and cyclic heat and
PROCESS 5380 salt spray. Process 5380 offers improved corrosion
protection when compared to Process 5375 because of
Process 5380 was developed to combine the the use of the SermeTel 565 sealer. However, since
surface finish advantages of Process 5375 with the Process 5375 coatings maintain excellent corrosion
corrosion protection of the topcoated systems. Process protection between overhauls, the principal point of
5380 began with materials improvements; a basecoat interest is not improved corrosion protection, but the
comprising separate layers of SermeTel WFX, SermeTel added benefit of improved retention of surface finish
WFX-2, and a new chromate/phosphate topcoat sealer between overhauls.
called SermeTel 565. These materials are designed to Figure 7 shows the results of salt spray testing per
meet all applicable specifications and have stringent ASTM B117 on the surface finish of specimens coated
material requirements. The coating process resembles with diffused nickel cadmium, Process 5375 and Process
that of Process 5375 except that the coating is sealed 5380. As previously noted, the objective of the test is not

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Process 5380 Properties
Thickness . 0.5 - 3.0 mils (12.5 - 75 micrometers)

Surface Roughness . ~1 0 microinches (0.25 microns) AA (0.010 cutoff)

Salt Spray Corrosion Resistance (ASTM B11 7) . >2500 hours without red rust(2mil [50 micrometers]
coating on 1010 steel, scribed)
Erosion Resistance (ASTM 0968) . >300 liters/mil
Galvanic Potential . -0.730 to 0.760 volts (vs. calomel electrode 5%

to determine when red rust first forms, but to measure sizes. Because of these effects there is coating porosity
the change in surface finish with time. Any increase in and particle to particle bonding is not optimized. From
surface finish is an indication of interaction of the these observations a new basecoat was formulated
coating with the environment. As can be seen in the using aluminum powder of smaller particle size and
diagram, Process 5380 is not affected; Process 5375 more uniform shape and carefully controlled particle
exhibits some increase in profile due to chloride attack size distribution. This new coating, SermeTel962, meets
on the aluminum coating. The cadmium surface is very all the specification requirements for SermeTel W,
reactive and surface roughness increases dramatically. however, because of the formulation changes, a new
Figure 8 repeats the testing of the same three coating number was necessary.
coating systems, but shows the effect of heat cycling at
750°F (399°C) along with ASTM B117 salt spray. Ten
cycles consisting of six hours at 750°F (399°C), two Physical Testing of Basecoats
hours cooling and 16 hours of salt spray were run. Again,
Process 5380 resisted the aggressive environment and To evaluate the changes produced in the newly
showed no change in surface finish. Process 5375 formulated basecoat, a series of physical tests was
showed increasing reactivity with the environment. The devised comparing the SermeTel 962 basecoat the
nickel cadmium layer did not maintain surface finish and SermeTel WFX basecoat used in preceeding coating
failed early in the test. systems, including Processes 5375 and 5380.
Typical properties of Process 5380 coatings are In the first test, bond slugs were prepared per the
shown in Table III. Several properties of the coating are requirements of ASTM C633 "Adhesion or Cohesive
shared with Process 5375. However, because of the Strength of Flame-Sprayed Coatings". In this test,
barrier effects of the topcoat, salt spray performance cylindrical fixtures are coated on one face, the coated
has been enhanced. Additionally, because ofthe topcoat face is then epoxy bonded to the face of a matched
addition and processing changes, the surface smooth- loading fixture and the assembly of coating and fixtures
ness is improved to 10 microinches AA. Note that the is subjected to a tensile load normal to the plane of the
galvanic potential, a measure of the sacrificial potential coating.
of the coating remains the same as SermeTel W - Class For these tests, coatings of SermeTel WFX and
4 and Process 5375. The tocoat does not change the SermeTel 962 were applied to a thickness of 1.8 .. 2.0
potential of the basecoat layer. mils (40 - 50 micrometers), and cured at 650°F (343°C).
Nine specimens were coated with each coating material.
The eighteen specimens were then tensile tested using
a Tinius Olsen 50,000 Ib Universal Tester at a 0.1 inch
PROCESS 5380 DP per minute strain rate. Specimens of SermeTel962 and
SermeTel WFX were tested alternately. Results of the
In 1986, a decision was made to develop a new tests show an average tensile bond strength of7290 psi
sealed coating system. To develop such a coating (63.8 MPa) for SermeTel WFX and 8520 psi (74.6 MPa)
system required a review of the basecoat and topcoat in for SermeTel 962. Typical failure was cohesive, i.e.,
use as well as review of process steps. within coating layers. The results indicate that particle
In a review of the coating materials used in earlier to particle bonding in the SermeTel 962 is superior to
processes, it was reasoned that an improved basecoat the bonding in the SermeTel WFX coating. A 17% bond
could dramatically improve coating system performance. strength difference is significant.
Figure 1 shows the surface structure of a SermeTel W In addition to tensile bond strength determinations,
coating; Figure 4 shows a photomicrograph of a cross compression tests have also been completed. Figure 9
section of the coating. The average particle size of the shows the results of compressibility tests of SermeTel
aluminum pigment used in the coating is about 5.5 WFX and SermeTel962 when applied to hardened steel
micrometers. From Figure 1, it can be easily seen that dies and measured at low loads. This is a plot of applied
the particles are of various shapes as well as of various stress versus elastic deformation since neither of the

Downloaded from SAE International by University of Edinburgh, Monday, August 27, 2018

coatings plastically deformed until loads exceeded 1. When compared to SermeTel WFX, SermeTel 962
27,500 psi (240 MPa). The slope of each of these curves exhibits a 17% increase in tensile bond strength.
is directly proportional to the elastic modulus for each
2. Specific density of SermeTel 962 is measured to be
coating being tested. Although both the tested coatings 2.5 g/cm 3 as opposed to 2.2 g/cm 3 for SermeTel
have a high aluminum metal content, each behaves WFX, an increase in density of greater than 13%.
more like steel in this test than aluminum.
3. The compressibility of SermeTel 962 versus Ser-
Initially the slope of stress versus elastic strain for meTel WFX in the elastic range indicates that the
the coated samples is less steep than that of the 962 is less compressible at loads of less than 12,000
hardened steel block itself. However, after the applica- psi, acting more like steel than aluminum.
tion of minimal stress, the slopes change to equal that of
hardened steel. This suggests that though the coatings The available test data clearly indicate that the
are made of soft material, apparent hardness values are new basecoat has superior physical properties when
much greater than that of aluminum. compared to earlier basecoats. As a result, when this
Figure 9 also suggests that at low loads the new basecoat is burnished and subjected to further
apparent hardness of SermeTel 962 is, in turn, greater processing including topcoat/sealing, a superior coating
than that of SermeTel WFX. The slope of SermeTel962 system, Process 5380 DP(for Dense Pack) is produced.
changes to equal that of the steel at about 5000 psi
(43.8 MPa) applied load. The slope of the elastic stress
versus strain curve for SermeTel W does not begin to
equal that of steel until the applied load exceeds 12,000
psi (105 MPa).

Compressibility of SermeTel coatings

20,000 I /
/ /
/ /
/ /
I /
/ /
/ / ~=Iened Fig. 10: Optical Photomicrograph of a Process 5380 DP
coating (500X)
12,000 / I/ WFX __
The structure of the coating can be clearly seen in
10,000 / I 962 _ _ Figure 10. The improved density of the basecoat layer
/ / can be seen from the figure; there is more metallic
/ reflectance and less porosity visible. The coating has a
/ 'I /
"dense pack" structure. The layer of topcoat sealer,
/fJ /
SermeTel 565 can be seen as a thin black layer
5,000 I / aluminum _ between the coating surface and the mounting material.
/ Note the smooth coating surface. By using the smaller
I. /
/ aluminum pigment particles having superior packing
!J / properties, the applied sealed coating achieves ultra-
/ smooth surface finishes without vibratory finishing. As a
,/' result, all airfoil surfaces have uniform coated surfaces
without chips or other bare areas. Such bare areas can
Elastic Strain (Die Position) disrupt air flow resulting in inefficient compressor
operation and act as sites for corrosion initiation. In
Fig. 9: addition, residual vibratory finishing media can block
cooling air flow or damage turbines by being drawn into
This variant behavior is best understood by con- the air stream. Since Process 5380 DP does not employ
sidering the relative porosity of the two coatings. Not vibratory finishing media, these problems are totally
only do the smaller more regularly shaped aluminim eliminated.
particles in SermeTel 962 render that coating denser Figure 11 plots the progression of surface finish
than SermeTel W, but also because the particles are on improvements for SermeTel W-like coatings. Process
the average smaller than those in the WFX, there are 5380 D P is as smooth as Process 5380. Obviously it
more load bearing contact points per unit volume over could be smoother if vibratory or other finishing tech-
which to distribute the elastic load. Consequently when niques would be used. It is believed thata surface finish
a load is applied, there is less "soft" behavior in the 962 of 10 microinches AA at 0.01 0 cutoff meets the surface
before it begins to function as the steel. finishing requirements for airfoil coatings so that
The physical test data related to the basecoats can smoother coatings are not necessary or desirable at
be summarized as follows: this time.

Downloaded from SAE International by University of Edinburgh, Monday, August 27, 2018

behavior of the two materials. SermeTel 735 on the

SermeTel Surface Finish Progression other hand has an erosion rate curve that seems to be
3= unrelated to the other coating or the substrate.
Additional erosion data is presented in Figure 14.
Q)- This figure plots erosion resistance for all the coating
60 Q)~ processes described in this paper. All testing was done
cno LO in accordance with ASTM D968 "Test Method for
50 LO LO
Abrasion Resistance of Organic Coatings by the Falling
fJJ r-... Abrasive Tester". This test was selected because it is
the only known test method that is universally accepted
40 ~ fJJ
a.. ~ as a simple apparatus capable of reproducibly ranking
Finish e
a.. coatings in erosion resistance.
(~in R.) 30 The test apparatus consists of a vertical metal
guide tube 36 inches (914.4 mm) long having a diameter
20 of 0.75 inches (19.1 mm). On this tube is affixed a large
funnel. Directly below the guide tube is a fixture for
10 holding a test panel at a 45° angle fixtured so that the
panel is one inch (25.4 mm) from the outlet of the guide
tube at the closest point. Standard Ottawa silica sand,
1970 1973 1977 1980 1986 20-30 mesh (600-850 micrometers) is used as erodent.
Testing is done by pouring a measured volume of sand
Fig.11 through the funnel/tube onto the test specimen until
failure. Failure is defined as a spot 5/32 inches (3.9 mm)
Erosion Resistance in diameter worn through the coating to the base
It has been clearly shown that the physical prop- material. Results are reported as an abrasion coefficient,
erties of Process 5380 DP are superior to the physical liters per mil, simply calculated by dividing the volume of
properties of the Process 5380 coating. However, sand used expressed in liters by the thickness of
physical and mechanical property improvements may coating expressed in mils (0.001 inches). Testing is
not necessarily lead to superior overall performance. done at 77°F (25°C) and 50% humidity.
For example, mechanical testing in compression
Erosion Test Results
revealed that the yield stress for SermeTel WFX and
SermeTel 962 basecoats was identical and equal to
27,500 psi (240.6 MPa). Given this fact, it is unclear /- .........

whether the difference in elastic behavior would have / \

any significant impact on operational performance of / \
coating systems using these two basecoats. / \
Recent tests at the National Aerospace Labora- / \
tories in the Netherlands have indicated that Process Erosion \
5380 DP utilizing a SermeTel962 basecoat performed Rate \
significantly better than a coating system using a \
conventional SermeTel W-like coating when tested in a \
particulate erosion environment(5). Figure 12 is taken \
10 , .....
from H. J. Kolkman's referenced report by combining
relevant data from two graphs.
In the reported work, Kolkman evaluated coatings
,I '\
" '\
on AISI 410 stainless steel. The tests were run at a ""
temperature of 275°F (150°C) and an air velocity of 130
mls (426.5 ftls) using quartz sand as an erodent. The
resulting mean particle velocity was 55 m/s(180 ftls).ln
the test, weight loss data was calculated and related to '-,
the density of the coating material to calculate volume ---
loss per weight of erodent injected. The data displayed
in Figure 12 relates coating loss (E~ expressed in
mm 3 /Kg as a function of a, the angle of attack of the 30 60 90
erodent. The data shows that both coatings exhibit the et:. (Degrees)
erosion properties of ductile coatilJgs, the Process
_ SermeTel735
5380 DP having a significantly lower erosion rate at
most angles. The data have been replotted in Figure 13 _ _ _ _ _ SermeTel 5380DP
to compare the coating systems in a clearer manner. Of _______ Uncoated 410
additional interest is the functional relationship between
the erosion rate and attack angle of the erodent for
Process 5380 DP and the AISI41 0 steel. The information Fig. 12: Erosion behavior of SermeTel Process 5380 DP
and SermeTel 735 (From Kolkman)
tends to confirm the relative similarity of the elastic

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Erosion Test Results FQr

90 SermeTel 735 and Process 5380 DP



(mm:llkg) 50




·~- ..x

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Angle (degrees)

Fig. 13: Erosion test results - Process 5380 OP/SermeTel 735 (Redrawn· From Kolkman)

The data plotted in Figure 14 shows the superior coating as a barrier film.
erosion resistance of Proces.s 5380 DPwhen compared Measuring the barrier nature of a coating system
with the other processes based on SermeTel W. This can be done in salt spray tests per ASTM 8-117.
data agrees with the other erosion test results presented. However, to measure the barrier effects alone, the
coating cannot be made sacrificial, i.e., burnished, or
sealed, or the barrier effect cannot be measured - the.
Corrosion Resistance effect will be masked by the sacrificial properties of the
coating. The barrier effects must be measured by
No discussion of coating properties would be
testing the basecoat in the cured - unburnished (non-
complete without a discussion of performance in
sacrificial) condition.
corrosive environments. Engine environments are
severe; halide and sulfate induced attack can cause
rapid pitting unless corrosion control methods are Erosion Resistance of
optimized. Not only must a candidate coating protect Coating Systems (ASTMD968) ..
the steel substrate completely, but also any sacrificial 500
action must be controlled sothat airfoil roughness is not
SermeTel Process 5380 DP is a sealed sacrifical
coating system. As such, 2500 hours of exposure to
ASTM 8117 salt fog will not initiate red rust of mild steel
to which the coating process has been applied. The
results shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8 also apply to 300
Process 5380 DP. As shown in these figures, the Coefficient
coati ng is so well sealed that corrosive environ ments do (liters per
not cause base metal corrosion of the coating material mil) 200
or even change the surface roughness of the coating.
How does the coating system used in Process
5380 DP differ from previous systems? The difference 100
lies in the basic difference between the basecoats used
. in creating the coating systems. The SermeTel 962
basecoat used in Process 5380 DP employs an aluminum Process
SarmeTel Process Process
pigment material specifically selected as to particle W Class IV 5375 5380 5380DP
size, shape, and size distribution for denser packing of
the coating. These packing effects further decrease Figure 14:. Comparison of erosion resistance of coating
coating porosity and increase the effectiveness of th~ systems (ASTM 0968)

Downloaded from SAE International by University of Edinburgh, Monday, August 27, 2018

Process 5380 DP Properties
Thickness . 0.5 - 3.0 mils (12.5 - 75 micrometers)

Surface roughness . ~1 0 micrometers (0.25 microns) AA (0.010 cutoff)

Salt Spray Corrosion Resistance (ASTM 8117) . >2500 hours without red rust (2 mil [50 micrometers]
coating on 1010 steel, scribed)

Erosion Resistance (ASTM D968) . >500 liters/mil

Galvanic Potential . -0.730 - 0.760 volts (vs. calomel electrode in 5% NaCI

at 20°C).

When tested in accordance with ASTM 8-117, mild 4. Process 5380 DP does not utilize vibratory finishing
steel panels coated with 2.0 - 2.5 mils (50-62.5 micro- in the process eliminating the possibility of media
meters) of the basecoat material used in Process 5380 entrapment in vane and shroud assemblies or of
DP show 15-30 times the resistance to pinhole rusting vibratory media damaging turbine components.
as the 5380 basecoat material when evaluated in 5. The SermeTel 5380 DP process ensures 100% coat-
accordance with ASTM D610, "Evaluating Degree of ing coverage of surfaces without chipping airfoils
Rusting on Painted Steel Surfaces". These results show eliminating leading/trailing edge corrosion problems.
that the basecoat used in Process 5380 DP is a
significantly better barrier film against corrosion. 6. Process 5380 DP consistently provides surface
finishes of 10 microinches or less.
When the final processed coatings are compared,
both are sealed sacrificial systems - the basecoats
have been burnished, i.e., made conductive, and sub-
sequently sealed. References
An additional corrosion resistance advantage has
(1) Simmon$, A. E., "Aspects of SermeTel Coatings."
already been mentioned. That relates to the coating
Presented at the 14th Annual Airlines Plating Forum,
process. Since the coating is applied, cured and further
April 26, 1978
processed without vibratory finishing, there is always
coating on leading and trailing edges of airfoils and on (2) Schaeffer, G., "Process 5380 An Evolutionary Advance
all other surfaces. No bare areas mean that leading Over Process 5375." Presented at the 18th Annual
edge/trailing edge corrosion is signifcantly decreased. Airline Plating and Metal Finishing Forum, March 16,
Table IV lists comparative properties of Process 1982.
5380DP. (3) Mosser, Mark F., "Recent Advances in Metallic/Cer-
amic Coatings for Corrosion Control in Military
Applications," taken from Proceedings of the 1987
Tri-Service Conference on Corrosion: May 1987, pp.
(4) Mosser, M. F. and McMordie, 8. G., "Evaluation of
SermeTel coating systems have evolved from Aluminum Ceramic Coatings on Fasteners to Elim-
simple burnished basecoat materials to complex coating inate Galvanic Corrosion." SAE Technical Paper
systems having improved properties designed to meet 860112, taken from SP-64. Corrosion: Coatings and
the stringent requirements of today's turbine engines. Steels; Presented at the SAE International Congress
In particular, Process 5380 DP exhibits improved and Exposition, Detroit, Michigan - February 24-28,
performance when compared to conventional coating 1986.
systems. The following areas of improvement have been
(5) Kolkman, H. J., "New Erosion Resistant Compressor
hig hIig hted:
Coatings." Report NLR MP 87056 U National Aero-
1. Process 5380 DP provides long term sacrificial space Laboratory NLR. The Netherlands.
corrosion protection to steel components without
fatigue effects, hydrogen embrittlement problems,
or other interaction with steel substrates.
2. Process 5380 DP uses an improved denser base- Acknowledgement
coat. This basecoat improvement results in coatings The author wishes to thank Mr. Henk J. Kolkman of the National
having significantly improved bond strength and Aerospace Laboratories in the Netherlands for his generosity in
allowing use of recently published erosion test data. Various
improved properties in compression. scientists of the Sermatech Materials Laboratory provided
valuable assistance; in particular, Mr. Bruce McMordie who
3. Process 5380 DP has significantly improved erosion provided data and commentary related to the compressibility of
resistance when compared to other aluminum coatings.
containing systems.

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the author(s) and not necessarily those of SAE. The author presentation or publication through SAE should send the
is solely responsible for the content of the paper. A process manuscript or a 300 word abstract of a proposed manus-
is available by which discussions will be printed with the cript to: Secretary, Engineering Activity Board, SAE.
paper if it is published in SAE Transactions. For permission
to publish this paper in full or in part, contact the SAE
Publications Division. Printed in U.S.A.

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