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What are you most grateful for?

Gratitude is not merely a feeling that people experience when something wonderful
occurs to their life. It's a way of thinking that requires time and effort to integrate into
their daily routine. It's easy to overlook many of the small things in life for which we
should be grateful, but it's important not to take anything for granted. And for that here
are the things I am grateful for.
I am grateful for many things in my life, but I am especially grateful that my health
is in its best condition. As it allows me to enjoy my life, especially that we are in the minds
of pandemic and our mental health is at risk from all the negativity we see that may affect
us, from the virus that we can get. We need to make sure that all is well with our bodies
and minds.
Another thing that I am absolutely thankful for is my family and friends. Without
them, I would not have someone who cares for me and whom I care for as well. I am
blessed to have wonderful and caring parents who are always there for me. Without my
parents, I would be lost because they are the people who love me and supports me in
whatever I do. They help me to do anything that I wish so that I can be the best that I can
be. In addition to them, my supportive friends are very precious to me as well. I would be
lonely if I don't have them because I wouldn't have anyone to laugh with and cry with.
Friends are important in my life, and I would definitely be lonely without them.

I’m also thankful for a variety of aspects of my schooling. I was lucky enough to a
school with an a excellent professor, students, and a learning atmosphere. Not every childis
a lucky as I am, and I consider myself quite fortunate. If I had to choose one item which I
am grateful, It would be my instructors throughout high school. They taught me how to
learn properly, respect others, and constanly strive to be my best. I’ll never be able to
express my gratitude to my professors sufficiently for everything they’ve done for me
throughout my life

I’ve always had excellent instructors. My professors have always been amazing role
models for me, someone I can appreciate and look up to. I believe that teachers are
under appreciated for all that they do, and that more people would recognize their

Gratitude is a choice, a prevailing attitude that remains and is generally impervious

to the ups and downs that life throws at us. When tragedy hits, appreciation gives us a news
perspective from which we may see life in its whole rather than being overhelmed by the
events of the moment. Yes, achieving this perspective is difficult.

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