New World New You Challenge - D3

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New World New You Challenge - D3

Tony Robbins
Notes by Michael Burley

Creating you own Economy

Tony - Making more Money

Are you seeing how you can create change quickly by dealing with these elements of story & identity
I found it relatively easy to master my emotions & physical but finance was a slow area
I even talked to Jim Rohn & then realised that my growing up had programmed me for poverty
I feed 100M people per year & its not because I am great but because I suffered & I don't want
anybody else to
At first I didn't realise that so much of it was psychology
80% of wealth is psychology, 20% is mechanics
This 80% is your mindset, how you utilise things in your head along with emotions your bring up,
20% is the how to which is not that hard
We don't realise what unconscious barriers we have
As a kid I saw 4 fathers being kicked out by my mom even though the guys worked hard
I always wondered how come we don't have money for food & this was so confusing
I swore to myself that I would do incredibly well after realising that if I have enough money I don't
have to go hungry
Before I was 20 I was making a lot of money so I asked my old school buddies lets go to Egypt & race
camels through pyramids
They said its ok for you & I found it weird that they rejected me because I was successful & they
I wasn't flaunting it, I was offering to pay for them too thinking it would be so much joy

I got all this rejection, judgement & pain from them

If you could grow spiritually would you? Yes or no?
Along with emotionally & physically of course the answer is yes
Why should it be any different if you make more money
The only way to make money is to find a way to do more for others than someone else is doing
You have to find a way to add more value
Unconsciously I started sabotaging myself - like the thermostat I talked about
In the next 12-18 months I went near to bankruptcy
I saw I was doing well in most other areas of life & asked myself how can I fall down in finance when I
am contributing to others
Then I made some valuable distinctions from my teacher Jim Rohn
Almost everyone needs to create their own economy today which means your source of income
coming from your intelligence
We need a new you for the new world we have and we need this in financial terms as well
These days you can do everything right & govt comes to shut you down - intention good but impact
30-50% of family restaurants shut down already
This is what it is & I have to deal with it
We all need role models
To really change your life you need a compelling future. You need a new
Find someone similar to you who was maybe worse off & found a way to grow & overcome the
There is a pathway to success, a pathway to power, they did something differently from you
This is different physically but it is also what they did in their mind & heart
I try to not only explain things but give an experience of it to show you by bringing in a role model
I have so many friends today who are multi billionaires from every walk of life & different industries

Sarah Blakely with whom I did an interview together with Warren Buffet
She created a product then got on Ohprah & now she is a billionaire
She is the youngest female billionaire in history & she really wants to help people
I believe this will inspire you as you watch the following half hour extract from a past program we did
We often think some of these people have special skills but rarely, people rewarded in public for what
they practice in private
Its really cool when you learn valuable principles from successful people and cool when its from
multiple people
Take notes as though you were going to teach someone afterwards
I don't take notes just on what interests me but everything because I never know what I will need later
I make sure I don't just get it in my head & try to remember it
I review my notes later because I might be the one who needs the info

As you take notes, ask yourself 3Q

1. what really makes her succeed?
Listen to her story & figure out What is her core desire & what is she doing differently than most
2. The difference between people is the edge - difference in way they live, deal with rejection, how
they persist,
3. What drives her. I believe motive does matter. The more life you support eg family, you get more
As your support level goes up so does your insight of how to do it


When you see someone who looks like an overnight success - that was a 20 year overnight success
This self made billionaire did it on her terms
Most of what she did was mostly psychology
What made her successful - 7 years of door to door sales
Without that nothing would have happened because she learned to develop the skill of knowing how
to get across to someone
Learn how to present on customer terms, read body language - all that came from 7 years
very significant is the persistence that is required for doing door to door sales for 7 years
1 was in it for 3,5y selling membership to a music club & we had to get so many people a month
I was in rich peoples homes, I was in poor peoples homes. I was poor & I learned to discipline myself
& push till 2am
You don't need to have all that background but you need skills especially that of understanding
human beings
Her dad teaching her how to redefine failure every day. This is critical, how to deal with failure
because failure is learning
If you learn its not a failure. As her dad taught her that she was willing to try anything as she wasn't
afraid anymore
She heard many times, I don't care how you feel, do it, do it, do it & suddenly you will feel good
Don't wait to feel good or you will never even begin
Incredible sense of urgency, did you get that! Death made her remember, I am not going to be here
She kept in mind, she has one shot at this life, people forget that
How did she get her financial vehicle (business) - she asked

3 Points on Asking
1. Ask Specifically
Jim Rohn used to say to me - Ask & you will receive - a good formula
He taught me to ask specifically not generally like give me a $
2. You also have to do something first like add value
If you ask for something without doing something first, if there is no added value,
She learned that in the first few moments to get across the added value that she could deliver
3. You have to ask someone who can say yes
She learned don't leave a message, they will block me out, let me get in front of a person
If you are failing, try anything else

And finally she took

Massive Action
How many radio stations did she contact - every station in America - that's massive action
Its not that hard. Diligently break it down into bite sized pieces and keep at it every day
She looked at every tool possible & even after she made it, she stayed 2 years & kept breaking the
rules - elegantly
She didn't hope people would show up - she
1. Make it
2. Sell it
3. Build awareness

To build awareness she worked her tail off year after year & day after day
She knew she was building something. She paid her friends to buy things to build awareness
Many want to start big, she started small
We could go on and on with details
The main reason I wanted to share with you is this
Is there anything she did that you couldn't do?
There wasn't some special skill there
The skill was the right mindset, psychology & emotions
One of the biggest changes for me came when I met Jim Rohn
I went to work for him & probably attended 65-70 of them taking notes at every single one
People asked me why take notes if I have been here before but I understood that repetition is the
mother of mastery
Sometimes you know something intellectually but you are not doing it
You need the repetition till it gets in your body & nervous system
Jim said I was in a building phase although I wasn't making much money but it takes time to succeed

Jim Rohn - life changing when you own it in your body

We are all equal as souls but we are not equal in the market place
This is why so many young people talk about socialism
I was invited to the USSR when it still existed & spent 2 weeks touring
I saw people spending long times in line just to get basic necessities, this was the promise that was
There is no equal in communism, that is just bullshit. There are those with power, and those without
Kids think there is all this free stuff or they just print money
It all comes down to added value
Your target is life is to deliver something of value people need
If you can add more value than anyone else, you will dominate that market
You won't start there, you have to build everything
Start now by adding more value and there more people know then it will grow
I said to Jim, its so unfair a teacher works hard for $35K while hedge fund guy makes Millions in a
Jim said the free market requires you add more value
If you work at McDonald’s its minimum wage because anyone can to that job
Its great as a starter job but some people stay there because they don't learn more skills
Our job in the world where the environment is changing so fast, is to retool yourself
Your job is to figure out what’s needed, not what you want to give but what do people need today &
how you can become incredibly valuable in meeting that need
That’s how you build your own economy
Jim said to me teachers are doing one of the most jobs in the world but what is the quality of what
most teachers produce?
Most teachers get tenures so they don't have to keep measuring results
There are good teachers out there, but not all of them are great

Jim Simons made $1,8B last year in personal income

He had a 39% compounded interest rate over 10 years & 66% over last 30 years
If you put your money in the bank with 0.5% it will take 72 years to double
With Jim your money doubles literally every 2.3 years
He is providing this for non profit foundations & 100s of $B so he makes good income
This is a fair deal, he is adding that much value
Jim also said you have to decide where you want to be & how many people to affect
Average teacher reaches 35 a year, I reach 100s of 1000s per year
Most people now connected on internet and 2B join in next 3y
The size of your marketplace is huge if you can find a way to add more value
Treat your business economy as a spiritual game
One of the core tenets of every major religion is - love your neighbour as yourself

My suggestion for success in business

Don’t fall in love with your product or service - this is the biggest mistake that people make
Your product & service will need t change
Successful people fall in love with their ideal clients
They figure out who is the client I can best serve
They fall in love with them & think about what they need & want
What’s their pain in life, how can I get rid of it
That’s what Sarah did, she found a need that women have, found a simple solution that was simple,
profound & cost effective
Then she promoted it like nobody ever thought it could be promoted
She never stopped and she still promotes
Another woman who sold her cosmetics business for $1B had the right psychology & took massive
She had no background, no business, put up with lots of garbage from men
She just did the right things in her own psychology & mind - she found a way to add more value
She didn't just create here product, she delivered an identity to people
So if you take massive action & fear failure but do it anyway you will succeed
You will probably overestimate what you can do in first year but underestimate what you can do in 10
I have been going at this for 44 years and you can learn a few things in that time if you keep growing
I have found a way to keep serving more & more people
I have people all over the earth who come to me to share how I have helped them
There is no greater gift to me other than my kids & my wife

Why not take this time & grow your business by thinking differently
Even if you work for others, think like an owner because you will eventually become one
As you make money for the company you will be rewarded for your efforts
If your employer doesn't see your value, you can start your own company once you have enough
We make it so complicated in our head because we think we are not good enough, don't have skills
No one I know who is successful had what it took to start with but you have to get started
My bio dad worked 45 years taking money in an underground carpark because he didn't figure out
how to add more value
We have to retool
There are changes coming to our economy that are the greatest opportunities on earth for you
You have to understand you have to think differently from the average person
Where is there a need that I could find a way to add value
Joe Gebbia - co founder of AirBnB. They couldn't afford their apartment rent
There was an event in town & all hotels sold out so they came up with the idea to provide air
matresses & breakfast
They made a few $1000 so they continued. After 5 years they failed multiple times & still weren’t
making any money
There was a big convention in Denver with Obama so they got 800 people to sign up to share their
Then it still collapsed & didn't work. His company went public 2 weeks ago & is worth $100B
From not being able to pay his own rent & this all happened in 9-10 years
It doesn't matter what you are trying to create, find a way to add value
Here is what is amazing, we are living in a world that is changing so rapidly today that people with
nothing now can disrupt companies that have been around for a century
Marriot & Hilton have been around for 100 years & their valuation is about 1/3 of what AirBnB is & it
doesn't own 1 piece of property
Take hertz rent-a-car have been around 60 years and are not even 1/5 the value of Über that doesn't
own 1 car
They found a better way to meet peoples needs
Today if you can think outside the 9 dots with some new idea like putting a mattress on the ground
If you have enough persistence & keep changing and improving it
AirBnB had a number of professional photographers working with them & kept altering methods till
they hit the jackpot

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