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First KBI Lesson

Step 1: Quick teacher orientation on KBI
Step 2: Student KBI orientation
Step 3: Students sign-up, take Intro Quiz
Step 4: Check-in and choose next KBI lessons
KBI Team Record Sheet and Student Marking Criteria

Grade Level: 4 to 12

Additional Resources
• Kids Boost Immunity website
• 2-page Student Help Using KBI
• 2-page Teacher Help - Sign-up
• KBI User Guide (Requires Teacher Account)
• KBI Team Record Sheet (at end of this document)
• Student Marking Criteria (at end of this document)

How to make the first KBI lesson go well

Kids Boost Immunity (KBI) is well suited for classroom as well as home-based teaching and
learning. All resources are structured so that students can work independently if needed.

This lesson plan shows how teachers could structure the first lesson so that students can get
started on KBI. While there are four steps, only two are required. The time estimates are based on
a minimum/maximum range for a first time user(s).

Step 1 (Required): Create Create a Teacher account, and create a team. (10-30 min)
Account & Team

Step 2: Student orientation Introduce KBI to students. (15-20 min)

Step 3 (Required): Student

sign-up, intro Quiz Students sign up and take the Introductory Quiz (5-20 min)

Step 4: Check-in & start

lessons Discuss/share experience and assign KBI lessons for students to do.
First KBI Lesson
Step 1: Quick teacher orientation on KBI
Step 2: Student KBI orientation
Step 3: Students sign-up, take Intro Quiz
Step 4: Check-in and choose next KBI lessons
KBI Team Record Sheet and Student Marking Criteria


Step 1: Prior to Lesson, Create a Teacher Account, and Create a Team

1. Create a Teacher account by going to and signing up (1-5 min)
a. Approval of Teacher accounts is not immediate - we recommend you do this step days ahead
2. Create a team. (10 - 20 min) Go to "My Teams" and create a team. The most important step in making a
team is creating a ‘team registration code’.
a. Students will be required to enter this code when they sign-up, and this code determines which
team they join. They will be required to enter this only once (during sign up).
b. Decide how you want to share this code with your students (preferably electronically so they can
copy & paste).
c. Teachers can make as many teams as they like. It is suggested that teachers make one team per

Additional Help & Resources

Teachers are busy and may only have a few minutes to get oriented on KBI before showing it to students.

• The 2-page Teacher Help - Sign-up provides step-by-step instructions for new teachers on how to
sign up.
• Once you have signed up, teachers have access to further instructions by going to the User Guide
o Detailed instructions on how to create a team can be found here
First KBI Lesson
Step 1: Quick teacher orientation on KBI Teacher Lesson Plan
Step 2: Student KBI orientation
Step 3: Students sign-up, take Intro Quiz
Step 4: Check-in and choose next KBI lessons
KBI Team Record Sheet and Student Marking Criteria

Step 2: Student KBI Orientation (15-20 minutes)

1. Present Kids Boost Immunity (KBI) to the students.

a. Explain that students will be doing lessons from this program. If you can, mention the subject
areas you might be covering, such as social studies, science/health, media literacy/awareness,
and COVID-19 related lessons, etc.).
2. Explain the unique aspect of KBI. KBI is the only program where students can earn a vaccine donation
through UNICEF Canada if they score 80% or higher on a quiz.
a. Other than the Final Quiz (which are like tests), students can also retake the lesson & quizzes
until they earn a donation. Although students can only take the Final Quiz once, they can also
earn more than one donation on Final Quizzes.
3. Optional: Show examples of unique team names from the KBI leaderboard. Ask students to take 10
minutes to come up with a great team name that is unique and creative. For example, Garfield’s Great
Lasagna, Portley’s Pelicans 7. Choose a favourite together, and you can change the team name
First KBI Lesson
First KBI Lesson - Getting Students Going!
Step 1: Quick teacher orientation on KBITeacher Lesson Plan
Step 2: Student KBI orientation
Step 3: Students sign-up, take Intro Quiz
Step 4: Check-in and choose next KBI lessons
KBI Team Record Sheet and Student Marking Criteria


Step 3: Students sign-up, take Introduction Quiz (10 - 30 minutes)

1. Provide students the ‘team registration code’ you created in Step 1.

2. Send students to KBI, and instruct them to sign up as a student.

a. Optional: Provide students the Student Help Using Kids Boost Immunity PDF. This is a two page ste-
by-step instructional guide for students.

b. Option 1 - Have all students register at once.

c. Option 2 - Work with a few students at a time (maybe 5 to 7), allowing you time to communicate
with each student to confirm their username and password. Students who are waiting could read
over the Student Help pdf above, or look over sample lessons.

3. Take the Introduction Quiz. As soon as students sign up, they are automatically taken to the Introduction
Quiz. Instruct students to complete it. This quiz explains how to use the site.

4. Ask students to take more quizzes. As part of the first lesson, teachers may ask students to continue to
take quizzes while all students complete signing up.

Additional Help & Resources

KBI may not be something students will do every day, so it is easy for students to forget their login info.
Teachers may encourage students to write down their login info somewhere.
• KBI already provides teachers with a student login list through their team page. If students forget their
password, teachers can reset multiple student passwords with a click of a button.

• Alternatively, you may want to record student usernames and passwords. There is a ‘KBI Team Record
Sheet’ below that may be helpful for this purpose.

• Decide if you want to give students advice on creating their password.

o You may use this as an opportunity to teach students how to create secure passwords.

o Alternatively, you may encourage students to use a password that is easy to remember and
write down. For example, teachers may prefer to use student numbers as passwords, or want
to suggest a simple idea like choosing a favourite animal and number, e.g. cat1. Also decide
whether to adapt/use the ‘Student Marking Criteria’ provided.
First KBI Lesson
Step 1: Quick teacher orientation on KBI Teacher Lesson Plan
Step 2: Student KBI orientation
Step 3: Students sign-up, take Intro Quiz
Step 4: Check-in and choose next KBI lessons
KBI Team Record Sheet and Student Marking Criteria

You can check which students have registered. Just go to ‘My

Teams’ and click on the team name to see who is on your team.

• If you are recording usernames and passwords, check that

the username here matches that given by the student. If it
doesn’t match, the correct username is this one on the ‘My
Teams’ view.

Sometimes a student makes more than one account because they've signed up more than once. In this example,
a student named CassieL made 3 accounts. Since the site adds a number when there are students with the same
name and last name initial, there are now accounts called CassieL, CassieL1 and CassieL2.

Each student should have only one account. Otherwise, monitoring and assessment becomes more complicated
for the teacher. Extra student accounts also increase the operational costs of the site, so we greatly appreciate it
when team numbers are kept as accurate as possible.

• Teachers can easily delete student accounts. If you do need to delete a student account, just go here for
• A teacher can also edit any student’s account by clicking on their username icon in ‘My Teams’ and selecting
First KBI Lesson
Step 1: Quick teacher orientation on KBI Teacher Lesson Plan
Step 2: Student KBI orientation
Step 3: Students sign-up, take Intro Quiz
Step 4: Check-in and choose next KBI lessons
KBI Team Record Sheet and Student Marking Criteria

Step 4: Check-in and choose next KBI lessons

1. Ask students what they thought of KBI. Provide feedback on their general management of login
information (usernames and passwords). Provide support to any students who did not manage to create
an account.

2. Check that students completed the Introduction Quiz. Teachers can see the results of their class. Go to
the Introduction Quiz by going to "Introduction" in the lesson list, and click on "View Results for your

3. See which students completed quizzes. Teachers can see which students completed quizzes by selecting
their team in My Teams. In this example ShannonP earned 2 vaccines. Show the leaderboard if you
would like to have friendly competition, as this can be a good motivator and students like to show that
they are helping others.

Additional Help & Resources

There are great lesson plans in the Teacher Centre with excellent accompanying materials and resources
to make this a rich learning experience for students.

For the most up-to-date and more step-by-step instructions on how to use the site, please check out the
User’s Guide section on Kids Boost Immunity.
KBI Team Record Sheet: Class ______________ Team Name _______________

Team Registration Code _______________________

This page provides a tracking sheet for teachers to print and use. There are extra columns provided that may
be useful for tracking and monitoring student participation on KBI. Here are some ideas for these extra

• Note which students might partner well. For example, have a strong reader work with a
less-abled reader as a distance partner and read the lesson (or parts of it) aloud.
• For quick assessment of students scores on quizzes, here is an example of criteria to use/adapt:
o tried some quizzes, none are yet a ‘pass’ at 80% or higher
o tried a number of quizzes, increased scores to 80% or higher on some quizzes
o did more than the assigned lesson quizzes, scored 80% or higher on many of them

Teachers may want to keep track of Lesson Topics they want to cover. This can be adapted to
include other information such as the approximate date you may be wanting to do Lesson Topics,

Lesson Topics

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KBI Team Record Sheet: Class ______________ Team Name _______________

Team Registration Code _______________________

Student Name KBI Username


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Sample Kids Boost Immunity Student Marking Criteria

Has followed steps from the guide ‘Student Help Using Kids Boost Immunity’ and has asked /3 marks
others (peers) for help if needed
Has written down their login/password (and/or shared with teacher) /2 marks
Has completed the Introduction Quiz /2 marks
Has earned completed the more quizzes and earned 2 vaccines /3 marks

TOTAL /10 marks

NOTE - teachers need to detemine the number of vaccines they expect students to earn before the next session.
For example, students in Grades 7 and higher might be expected to earn 5 vaccines over 2 days or more between
sessions, whereas a Grade 4 or 5 class could try to earn 1 to 2 vaccine by a session the following day, if possible for

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