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Course Pre-assessment

Directions: Read the instructions and perform what is asked.

What is martial arts? From your own understanding or even from your
experience, perform any martial arts techniques that you have learned. Your
performance demonstration will be assessed with the rubrics below.

Criteria for assessment:

Performance Rubrics
1 2 3 4
Knowledge Doesn’t know any Demonstrates some Demonstrates Demonstrates
and technique or still knowledge of techniques, good excellent knowledge
Techniques unfamiliar with but unsure of some knowledge of technique and may
techniques. movements. Sometimes techniques. start teaching others.
(30%) hesitate/watches others Few errors.
and make some errors.
Execution of Needs help in Knows the technique but Could execute Already mastered the
Techniques executing skills. couldn’t execute well. techniques techniques and could
(30%) well. start teaching.
Performance All in all All in all performance is All in all All in all performance
(40%) performance fair. performance is is excellent.
needs good.

Legend: 1- Poor 2- Fair 3- Good 4- Excellent

Scale Description Points

4 Excellent 1.0- 1.5
3 Good 1.6-1.9
2 Fair 2.0-2.5
1 Poor 2.6- 3.0

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