Agr GD 4 Term 2 11 Weeks Oxford

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4 Agriculture Activities 2

Week Lesson Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Key Inquiry Learning Experiences Learning Assessment Remarks
Outcomes Questions Resources

1 1 Conserving our Transplanting By the end of the How are In groups, Nursery bed
Environment fruit tree sub strand the fruit learners to Containers
seedlings learner should be seedlings prepare Seedlings
able to Transplant transplanted planting holes. Oxford
the seedlings to the from the Learners to modern
seedbed. nursery? transplant the agriculture 4
seedlings from the page 51-53
nursery bed to the
2 Conserving our Care for By the end of the How can we In groups,
Environment Young Fruit sub strand the take care of learners to guava
Trees learner should be fruit seedlings construct shades seedlings
able to: after to protect the tree tomato
Protect the fruit transplanting? fruit tree seeds
tree seedlings seedlings from Oxford
from damage damages. modern
In groups, learners agriculture 4
to take turns to page 53-55
water the seedlings
using drip
irrigation method
to conserve water.
3 Conserving our Care for By the end of the How can we In groups, learners Maize
Environment Young Fruit sub strand the take care of to apply mulch Beans
Trees learner should be fruit seedlings material to the Rice
able to: after seedlings to Peas
Water the fruit transplanting? conserve moisture. Rice
tree seedlings to Learners to weed for Green grams
supplement the growing Carrots seeds
moisture seedlings Spinach seeds
4page 56-57
2 1 Conserving our Care for By the end of the How can we In groups, learners Maize
Environment Young Fruit sub strand the take care of to apply mulch Fruit seedlings
Trees learner should be fruit seedlings material to the Oxford
able to: after seedlings to modern
Apply mulch to transplanting? conserve moisture. agriculture
the fruit tree Learners to weed for 4page 56-57
seedlings to the growing
conserve water seedlings

2 Conserving our Care for By the end of the How can we Learners offer to Fruit seedlings
Environment Young Fruit sub strand the take care of supply surplus fruit modern
Trees learner should be fruit seedlings tree seedlings to agriculture
able to: after their parents, 4page 57-58
Carry out weeding transplanting? guardians and
for the seedlings community.
3 Conserving our Conservation By the end of What In groups, learners Guava and
Environment Project: the sub strand activities are to take care of the tree tomato
Edible Crop the learner carried out in established fruit Trees
Gardening should be able caring for trees such as guava Oxford
to: fruit plants? and tree tomato by modern
Demonstrate carrying out agriculture
care for appropriate 4page 59-62
growing fruit activities (watering,
trees in the weeding,
environment protection,
manuring and
removal of excess

3 1 Conserving our Conservation By the end of the What In groups, learners Guava
Environment Project: sub strand the activities are to take care of the Trees
Edible Crop learner should be carried out in established fruit Oxford
Gardening able to: caring for trees such as guava modern
Identify right stage fruit plants? and tree tomato by agriculture
for harvesting fruits carrying out 4page 59-61
to avoid wastage appropriate
activities (watering,
manuring and
removal of excess

2 Conserving our Conservation By the end of the When are In groups, learners Guava
Environment Project: sub strand the fruits share experiences on Trees
Edible Crop learner should be ready for how to identify a Oxford
Gardening able to: harvesting ripe fruit such as modern
Harvest fruits ? guava and tree agriculture
appropriately to tomato 4page 65-66
reduce damages

3 Conserving our Conservation By the end of the How are fruits In groups, learners Guava
Environment Project: sub strand the harvested? to carry out Trees
Edible Crop learner should be harvesting of fruits Oxford
Gardening able to: such as guava and modern
Manage tree tomato. agriculture
growing fruit Learners apply 4page 62-63
trees in school acquired skills to
and the plant and care for
community fruit trees at home

4 1 Conserving our Conservation By the end of the How are fruits In groups, learners Guava
Environment Project: sub strand the harvested? to carry out Trees
Edible Crop learner should be harvesting of fruits Oxford
Gardening able to: such as guava and modern
Appreciate tree tomato. agriculture
importance of Learners apply 4page 66-67
consuming fruits for acquired skills to
nutrition. plant and care for
fruit trees at home
2 Domestic Domestic By the end of the What Learners visit the Cattles
Animals Animals and sub strand the domestic neighboring farms to Sheep
their Uses learner should be animals are explore various Goats
able to: Identify kept by types of domestic Poultry
types of domestic farmers? animals and their Rabbits
animals in the uses and also Oxford
community distinguish male modern
from female animals agriculture
4page 68-70
3 Domestic Domestic By the end of the What In groups, Pictures
Animals Animals and sub strand the domestic learners share Video clips
their Uses learner should be animals are experiences on Oxford
able to Distinguish kept by the types of modern
between a male farmers? domestic animals agriculture
and a female found in their 4page 71-72
domestic animal community and
their uses.
Learners discuss
between male and
female animals in
cows and goats.
5 1 Domestic Uses of By the end of the What are the In groups, Pictures
Animals Domestic sub strand the uses of learners match the Video clips
Animals learner should be domestic domestic animals Oxford
able to: animals? to their uses modern
Relate various (cattle, sheep, agriculture 4
domestic animals goat and poultry). page 76-77
to their uses Learners play and
share games on
domestic animals
and their uses
2 Domestic Uses of By the end of the What are the In groups, Pictures
Animals Domestic sub strand the uses of learners match the Video clips
Animals learner should be domestic domestic animals Oxford
able to: animals? to their uses modern
Source for (cattle, sheep, agriculture
information on goat and poultry). 4page 77-78
types of domestic Learners play and
animals share games on
Appreciate the domestic animals
importance of and their uses
domestic animals
to human beings

3 Domestic Uses of By the end of the What are the In groups, Pictures
Animals Domestic sub strand the uses of learners take Video clips
Animals learner should be domestic photographs and Oxford
able to: animals? store them in modern
Store information digital devices. agriculture
on types of Learners play and 4page 79-81
domestic animals share games on
using digital domestic animals
devices and their uses
6 1 Gardening Crops for By the end of the What are Learners to Pictures
Practices Gardening sub strand the vegetable watch a video Video clips
learner should be crops? clip or visit a Oxford
Vegetables able to: farm to explore modern
Give the types of agriculture
meaning of a vegetables grown 4page 84-86
vegetable such as carrots,
crop spinach and
Identify main tomatoes.
vegetable In pairs,
crops grown in learners
Kenya suggest the
meaning of

2 Gardening Crops for By the end of the How can we In groups, Pictures
Practices Gardening sub strand the classify learners to Video clips
learner should be vegetable identify various Oxford
Categories of able to: crops? vegetable crops modern
Vegetables Classify grown in Kenya agriculture
vegetable crops such as carrots, 4page 87-90
according to the spinach,
part eaten tomatoes.
Appreciate the In groups, learners
importance of to classify vegetable
vegetable crops in crops according to
the food we eat. parts eaten such as
parts for carrots,
spinach, tomatoes
3 Gardening Cereals By the end of the What are Learners to Pictures
Practices sub strand the cereal crops? watch a video Video clips
learner should be clip or visit a Oxford
able to: farm growing modern
Give the meaning cereal crops agriculture
of a cereal crop such as wheat, 4page 91
maize, rice.
In pairs, learners
suggest the meaning
of cereal crops

7 1 Gardening Cereals By the end of the What are Learners to Pictures

Practices sub strand the cereal crops? watch a video Video clips
learner should be clip or visit a Oxford
able to: farm growing modern
Identify main cereal crops agriculture 4
cereal crops such as wheat, page 91
grown in Kenya maize, rice.
In pairs, learners
suggest the meaning
of cereal crops
2 Gardening Types of By the end of the Which cereal In groups, learners Pictures
Practices cereals grains sub strand the crops do you to identify various Video clips
learner should be know? cereal crops grown Oxford
able to: in Kenya such as modern
Develop a display wheat, maize, rice. agriculture 4
of various types of In groups, learners page 92-98
cereal grains in the to collect, mount
classroom and label cereal
Appreciate the grains such as
importance of cereal wheat, maize, rice
crops in the food we on a manila paper
eat. for display.
Learners to assist
parents or guardians
in activities for
preparing cereals for
3 Gardening Selected By the end of the How can we In groups, Pictures
Practices gardening sub strand the plant tiny learners to Video clips
practices: learner should be seeds? brainstorm Oxford
able to: on crops with modern
Direct sowing Identify tiny seeds tiny seeds agriculture 4
of tiny seeds presented by the such as page 101
teacher carrots and
among others
and how they
can be grown
in the
8 1 Gardening Selected By the end of How can we . In this activity, Pictures
Practices Gardening the sub strand plant tiny learners to be Video clips
Practices the learner seeds in a guided to prepare Oxford
should be able seedbed? seed beds for modern
to: carrots seeds and agriculture 4
Prepare a fine sunflower seeds page 102-
seedbed for In pairs, learners 103
crops with tiny to brainstorm on
seeds how the tiny
seeds are sown in
the seedbed.

2 Gardening Selected By the end of the How can we Learners to watch a Pictures
Practices Gardening sub strand the plant tiny video clip on how Video clips
Practices learner should be seeds in a to prepare a fine Oxford
able to: seedbed? seedbed and sow modern
Sow tiny seeds tiny seeds such as agriculture 4
directly into the carrot or sunflower page 103-
seedbed. seeds into the 104
seedbed. In groups,
learners to sow the
tiny seedlings for
carrots and
The crop should be
suitable for direct
Learners to sow the
tiny seeds in the
prepared seedbed

3 Gardening Care for tiny- By the end of What care is Learners to share Oxford
Practices seeded crops the sub strand needed for experiences on modern
the learner directly sown appropriate agriculture
should be able tiny-seed crop gardening practices 4page 105
to: in a seedbed? for a seedbed with
Identify the directly sown tiny
practices to care seeds such as
for directly sown carrots and
tiny-seeded crops sunflower
in a seedbed

9 1 Gardening Care for tiny- By the end of the What care is Learners to watch a Video clip
Practices seeded crops sub strand the needed for video clip on Oxford
learner should be directly sown gardening practices modern
able to: tiny-seed crop carried out on agriculture 4
Learn how to in a seedbed? directly sown tiny page 105-
carry out caring seeds in a seedbed 107
practices for the

2 Gardening Care for tiny- By the end of the needed for Learners to carry Video clip
Practices seeded crops sub strand the directly sown out the gardening Oxford
learner should be tiny-seed crop practices carried modern
able to: in a seedbed out on directly agriculture 4
Carry out caring sown tiny seeds in page 105-
practices for the a seedbed such as 107
seedbed. mulching,
thinning and
uprooting weeds
3 Gardening Care for tiny- By the end of the What care is In groups, learners Oxford
Practices seeded crops sub strand the needed for to carry modern
learner should be directly sown out gardening agriculture 4
able to appreciate tiny-seed crop practices on the page 108-
the value of caring in a seedbed? established tiny- 110
for tiny-seeded seeded seedbed
crops in the seedbed such as mulching,
thinning and
uprooting weeds

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