Planning For Post-Disaster Recovery Briefing Papers

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At the regional scale, green infrastructure is a network KEY POINT #1
of natural areas and open spaces that provide multiple Green infrastructure reduces damage from storm
benefits for people and wildlife, such as regional parks surge and flooding and plays a role in other types
and nature preserves, river corridors and greenways, of disasters.
and wetlands (Benedict and McMahon 2006). At the
neighborhood and site scales, the U.S. Environmental KEY POINT #2
Protection Agency (EPA) refers to green infrastructure as Resilience to natural disasters is one of a broad
stormwater management practices that mimic natural array of benefits provided by green infrastructure.
processes by absorbing water, such as green streets,
green roofs, rain gardens, and pervious pavement. KEY POINT #3
Trees are a type of green infrastructure that spans these Particularly in urban contexts, green infrastructure
scales, from regional woodlands to the urban forest to must be combined with gray infrastructure to
street and other tree plantings. effectively reduce damage from natural disasters.
Green infrastructure plays an important role in
preparation for and recovery from natural disasters. KEY POINT #4
Climate change scenarios project that precipitation and Green infrastructure resources can suffer severe
temperature extremes, storm frequency and intensity, damage from disasters, which in the absence of
and sea-level rise will accelerate in the coming century. preplanning can be exacerbated in short-term
By incorporating green infrastructure into post-disaster recovery response.
recovery, communities can become more resilient to
future disasters.

The Planning for Post-Disaster Recovery: Next Generation Briefing Papers

are published by the American Planning Association in collaboration
with the Federal
AMERICAN PLANNINGEmergency Management
ASSOCIATION Association.
For the purposes of the [Hurricane Sandy] Rebuilding sewer systems. Green infrastructure is an alternative
Strategy, green infrastructure is defined as the in- approach that retains stormwater near where it is gen-
tegration of natural systems and processes, or en- erated through infiltration (rain gardens, stormwater
gineered systems that mimic natural systems and planters, pervious surfaces, etc.) and evapotranspiration
processes, into investments in resilient infrastructure. from trees and other vegetation. While green storm-
Green infrastructure takes advantage of the services water infrastructure is most commonly used at the site
and natural defenses provided by land and water sys- scale to manage runoff from smaller storms, when de-
tems such as wetlands, natural areas, vegetated sand ployed at a watershed scale it can reduce flooding from
dunes, and forests, while contributing to the health larger disasters such as the benchmark 100-year storm
and quality of America’s communities. (Medina, Monfilis, and Baccala 2011). The New York City
Department of Parks & Recreation manages approxi-
Source: Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force 2013 mately 2,500 green streets, many of which performed
well during Hurricane Sandy. A Stronger, More Resilient
New York, former Mayor Bloomberg’s post-Sandy plan to
address future climate risk, recommends expansion of
KEYPOINT #1: Damage from flooding the city’s green streets program as part of a strategy to
in inland areas, and from mitigate the impacts of extreme weather events (New
Green York City 2013).
storm surge and flooding
infrastructure Green infrastructure—and how it is managed—plays
in coastal environments, is
reduces damage a role in other types of natural disasters. For example,
significantly reduced when
from storm surge intense urban heat waves such as those experienced
natural wetland, riparian,
and flooding by Chicago (approximately 700 fatalities in 1995) and
and floodplain areas and the
and plays a role Europe (more than 70,000 fatalities during the summer
ecosystem services they pro-
in other types of of 2003) will likely become more common in the future
vide are protected. Buildings,
disasters. as a result of climate change and the global trend of
roads, and other supporting
infrastructure are particularly increasing urbanization. Green infrastructure such as
vulnerable to storm damage trees, parks, and green roofs can ameliorate the so-called
when constructed in these areas, and loss of natural func- urban heat island effect. One study found that adding 10
tions such as flood storage capacity can increase damage percent green cover in high-density residential areas in
to development on adjacent, less sensitive lands. Thus a Manchester, United Kingdom, will keep maximum surface
particularly effective use of green infrastructure to reduce temperatures at or below 1961–1990 baseline levels in
damage from natural disasters is to conserve environ- the 2080s, contrasting with a projected 1.7o C to 3.7o C
mentally sensitive areas through strategies such as acqui- increase due to climate change with no increase in green-
sition of land or easements, natural resource protection ing (Gill et al. 2007).
ordinances, and other regulatory controls and incentives. Drought is a type of natural disaster that can ad-
In many urban areas, natural resources such as versely impact green infrastructure by weakening natural
streams, floodplains, and wetlands have been replaced ecosystems, making them more susceptible to inva-
by development and natural hydrological processes sive species, disease, and pests, and causing the loss of
have been disrupted by fill and impervious surfaces. urban trees and other vegetation (Schwab 2013). The
The conventional stormwater management approach Manchester study notes that the potential of green cover
in such areas has been to collect the high volumes of to moderate surface temperatures is adversely impacted
runoff generated during storms and convey them via by drought, when grass dries out and loses its evapora-
pipes to nearby waterways. This approach can exacer- tive cooling function (Gill et al. 2007). Mature trees retain
bate flooding from major storms and degrade water this cooling function longer than grass, and the study
quality, for example from combined sewer overflow recommends that adequate water be provided to vegeta-
(CSO) in older cities with connected storm and sanitary tion during droughts (which may, however, conflict with | AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION

the need to restrict water usage). Such issues are particu- Economic
larly important in arid regions such as the southwestern • Creation of job and business opportunities
United States, highlighting the need to conserve native • Increased tourism, retail sales, and other
ecosystems that are adapted to the climate and to specify economic activity
low-maintenance, drought-resistant plant species. • Increased property values
Wildfires are another type of disaster with impli- • Reduced energy, health care, and gray
cations for green infrastructure in drier climates. For infrastructure costs
example, low-intensity wildfire is a natural occurrence • Provision of locally produced resources
that maintains the health of southwestern Ponderosa (food, fiber, and water)
Pine forests, but fire suppression has resulted in dense,
overcrowded tree stands that threaten development Social
with destructive and costly wildfires. To combat this risk, • Promotion of healthy lifestyles through walking,
Flagstaff (ranked as Arizona’s most at-risk wildfire com- biking, and outdoor recreation
munity) developed a comprehensive fire management • Improved public health outcomes (e.g., by
program with five core areas: public preparedness, stra- connecting people to nature)
tegic development, response, land-use management, • Increased environmental justice, equity, and
and hazard mitigation (Schwab 2009). Land-use plan- access for underserved populations
ning focuses on creating and maintaining fire-adapted • Enhanced community identity through public
neighborhoods (, while hazard art, culture, and places for people to gather
mitigation involves managing forest conditions and fuel
regimes to reduce the likelihood of destructive wildfires. While many of the above benefits do not directly
relate to post-disaster recovery, they can contribute to
increased community resilience and, in doing so, reduce
KEYPOINT #2: vulnerability to natural disasters. A park designed to
Green infrastructure can accommodate flooding during storms while provid-
Resilience to mitigate the direct effects ing benefits such as recreation, social interaction, and
natural disasters of natural disasters through increased commerce is an example of using green infra-
is one of multiple services such as reducing structure to leverage multiple benefits beyond mitigat-
benefits provided stormwater runoff, buffer- ing the direct impacts of a disaster. The triple-bottom-
by green ing against storm surge in line analysis conducted for Green City, Clean Waters, the
infrastructure. coastal environments, and EPA-approved plan prepared by the Philadelphia Water
reducing surface tempera- Department to address the CSO problem, found that $1
tures during heat waves, million in green infrastructure investments would yield a
while also providing a $2.2 million return on investment over a 40-year period
broad array of other com- (Philadelphia 2009). Monetary return was calculated for
munity benefits. Often framed in terms of the triple bot- eight different factors, such as green jobs generated,
tom line of environmental, economic, and social return additional recreational user-days, reduced energy con-
on investment, these additional benefits include (Rouse sumption, and fewer heat-related deaths.
and Bunster-Ossa 2013): Green infrastructure can be of particular value for
poor and disadvantaged neighborhoods that too of-
Environmental ten suffer a disproportionate share of the impacts of a
• Improved air and water quality natural disaster. Incorporating green infrastructure into
• Natural habitat preservation planning for post-disaster recovery can provide multiple
• Climate change mitigation (from reduced fossil environmental, economic, and social benefits for these
fuel emissions, reduced energy consumption, neighborhoods, which frequently have fewer trees and
and carbon sequestration) green spaces than more advantaged communities.


According to a recent study catastrophic events (e.g., levee failure in New Orleans
KEYPOINT #3: by the Natural Capital during Hurricane Katrina). Examples of unintended con-
Particularly Project and the Nature sequences include barriers that displace flooding from
in urban Conservancy, 16 percent of one area to another or groins (coastal erosion structures
contexts, green the U.S. coastline, inhabited typically constructed perpendicular to the shoreline to
infrastructure must by 1.3 million people and trap sand) that cause beach erosion along the “down-
be combined with representing $300 billion in drift” shoreline.
gray infrastructure residential property value, Integrated approaches to planning for future disas-
to effectively is located in high-hazard ters combine green and gray infrastructure strategies.
reduce damage areas (Arkema et al. 2013). For example, a study of Howard Beach, a neighborhood
from natural Sixty-seven percent of in Queens that was flooded by Hurricane Sandy, con-
disasters. these areas are protected cluded that a combination of natural and structural de-
by natural green infra- fenses would provide the most cost-effective protection
structure (intact reefs, sand against future storms (Nature Conservancy 2013). These
dunes, marshes, and other coastal vegetation), and the “hybrid” strategies include restored marsh, mussel beds,
number of people and total property value exposed to rock groins, removable flood walls, and flood gates.
hazards would double if this habitat were lost. These At a larger scale, A Stronger, More Resilient New York
findings underscore the effectiveness of preserving and combines nature-based (e.g., beach, dune, and marsh
restoring natural habitat areas, as well as mimicking restoration) and structural (e.g., floodwalls and storm-
the services provided by such areas through “nature- surge barriers) measures to protect against the effects of
based” approaches (e.g., artificial oyster reefs and living climate change (New York City 2013).
shorelines), to increase resilience to natural disasters. Louisiana’s Coastal Protection Master Plan proposes a
However, in many populated areas at risk from flood- combination of restoration, nonstructural, and targeted
ing, natural ecosystems have been extensively altered structural measures to provide increased flood protec-
or replaced by development. Moreover, barrier beaches, tion for all communities (Louisiana 2012). If current
dunes, riverine floodplains and the like are dynamic sys- trends continue, Louisiana’s coastline is projected to lose
tems that move in response to natural processes such as 1,750 square miles over 50 years from multiple causes,
erosion and sea-level rise, with implications for adjacent including alteration of natural ecosystems, land subsid-
developed properties. Green infrastructure can reduce ence, storms, and sea-level rise. Annual damages from
damage but may be insufficient to protect against cata- coastal flooding are projected to increase almost ten-
strophic events such as the storm surge experienced by fold (from $2.4 billion to $23.4 billion in 2061). The plan
New York during Hurricane Sandy. proposes nine project types, ranging from marsh cre-
Traditional structural protection measures (often ation, barrier island restoration, and oyster barrier reefs
referred to as gray infrastructure) include, among others, to bank stabilization and structural protection (levees,
seawalls, bulkheads, breakwaters, and jetties to protect flood walls, and pumps). The largest proportion of the
against erosion and storm surge in coastal areas and proposed $50 billion investment is allocated for marsh
levees, dams, embankment walls, and channelization creation ($20 billion).
to protect against flooding and erosion in inland areas. While the above discussion addresses protection
Such measures can be effectively deployed to protect against flooding and storm surge, similar concepts can
urban and other areas with extensive investment in be applied to other types of natural disasters. One ex-
buildings and infrastructure. Considerations regarding ample is to combine green infrastructure (trees, green
the use of gray infrastructure include cost relative to roofs, etc.) with building technology (e.g., active and
benefits provided (it is typically more expensive than passive cooling systems) to reduce the heat island ef-
green infrastructure), unintended consequences caused fect that exacerbates urban heat waves. Another is to
by interruption to natural processes, and the possibil- preserve active fault systems, unstable soils (prone to
ity of inadequate protection or even failure during earth shaking, liquefaction, or mudslides), and low-lying | AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION

coastal areas (subject to tsunamis) as green space while coastal vegetation can sustain significant damage from
implementing state-of-the-art building codes to reduce saltwater flooding, storm surge, and high winds; in 1989,
risk of damage from earthquakes. approximately 4.45 million acres of forest were damaged
by wind and water when Hurricane Hugo struck South
Carolina (
mate). Inland flooding can cause significant damage to
The largest structural riparian forests, particularly if trees and shrubs are inun-
KEYPOINT #4: component of green in- dated for a period of weeks during the growing season.
Green frastructure in urban areas, Foresters estimate that 36,546 acres of riparian and com-
infrastructure the urban forest takes years munity forests were impacted by flooding along the
resources can to grow and cultivate, but Missouri and Mouse Rivers in June 2011, and thousands
suffer severe can be devastated in a of dead and toppled trees were inventoried on public
damage from single disaster. The Federal lands (Kangas 2013).
disasters, which Emergency Management While the effects of a severe storm can be devas-
in the absence of Agency’s Public Assistance tating, the long-term recovery phase provides the op-
preplanning can guidance, National portunity to “regrow” healthy forests—and other forms
be exacerbated Response Framework, of green infrastructure—that provide enhanced com-
in short-term and National Recovery munity benefits while being more resilient to future
recovery response. Framework primarily ad- disasters. Recommended strategies include replanting
dress trees as debris (stand- with low-maintenance, low-risk, and long-lived species;
ing or on the ground), maximizing below- and above-ground growing space
and during the immediate recovery phase they are too and minimizing infrastructure conflicts; preparing and
often viewed as a problem that slows response efforts. If maintaining baseline tree inventories; and implement-
handled poorly, the community can be faced with years ing regular structural pruning, inspection, and mainte-
of expensive restoration to bring back a mature urban nance programs.
forest and the multiple benefits it provides.
Post-storm surveys have shown that most trees CONCLUSION
and branches that fail during storm events have pre- The potential of green infrastructure to reduce damage
existing structural defects that could have been pre- from natural disasters has risen to the forefront in recent
vented through proper planting and pruning practices. years in the aftermath of catastrophic events such as
Furthermore, these defects could have been detected Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy. Preservation and resto-
and corrected if the trees had been inspected prior to ration of marsh, dune, floodplains, and other natural
the storm. Thus the most effective way for a community systems; creation of living shorelines, oyster reefs, and
to improve preparedness and reduce damage to its other nature-based solutions; and integration of green
urban forest from a major storm is to develop a tree risk resources (trees, green streets, green roofs, etc.) into the
management program that includes periodic inspec- urban environment can increase community resilience
tions and corrective actions (Pokorny 2003). To facilitate while providing multiple environmental, economic,
recovery, response plans should be developed during and social benefits. Planning for post-disaster recovery
preplanning to specify contractual arrangements, in- should use green infrastructure in combination with
volvement of licensed and qualified arborists, damage appropriate structural protection measures to reduce
assessment protocols, staging areas, opportunities for potential risks; specify how short-term recovery will
use of woody debris, etc. address trees and other green resources; and set the
Dunes, marshes, and wetlands are adapted to framework for incorporating green infrastructure into
withstand storm damage if natural processes such as long-term recovery. The result will be healthier commu-
overwash (the landward transport of beach sediments nities that are more resilient to future disasters.
across a dune system) are retained. Other types of


American Planning Association. 2014. Hazardous Tree Nature Conservancy. 2013. Integrating Natural
Management and Post-Disaster Recovery. Available at Infrastructure into Urban Coastal Resilience: Howard Beach, Queens. Available at
Arkema, Katie K., Greg Guannel, Gregory Vertutes, ork/natural-infrastructure-study-at-howard-beach.xml
Spencer A. Wood, Anne Guerry, Mary Ruckelshaus,
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Benedict, Mark, and Ed McMahon. 2006. Green
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Infrastructure. Built Environment Vol. 33 No. 1, pp. Rouse, David C., aicp, and Ignacio F. Bunster-Ossa. 2013.
115–133. Available at Green Infrastructure: A Landscape Approach. PAS Report
Article_Gill_Adapting_Cities_for_CC.pdf. no. 571. Chicago: American Planning Association.

Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force. 2013. Schwab, James, aicp, ed. 2009. Planning the Urban Forest:
Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Strategy. Available at Ecology, Economy, and Community Development. PAS Report no. 555. Chicago: American Planning Association.
Schwab, James, aicp, ed. 2013. Planning and Drought. PAS
Kangas, Michael. 2013. Flood Recovery Guide for Green Report no. 574. Chicago: American Planning Association.
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Master Plan for A Sustainable Coast. Coastal David Rouse, aicp, is APA’s Director of Research and Advisory Services. He can be
Protection Master Plan available at http://coastal. reached at Cover image entitled Jamaica Bay, Queens used with permission of the New York
City Department of City Planning. All rights reserved.
Medina, Daniel E., Jacquelyn Monfils, and Zachary Copyright © 2014 by the American Planning Association, 205 N. Michigan Ave.,
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