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"Cyberbullying on (Facebook) to students,a study of the effect and how to avoid it in

10-Agoncillo students"

This paper analyze how 10-Agoncillo students can affect and prevent Cyberbullying
on facebook. Bullying has been a problem among both children and adults since long
before any of us can remember.Cyber bullying is continuing increasing in every social
flatforms, especially in Facebook. Weight-based cyberbullying is prevalent among
students and adolescents and can have lasting negative psychological effects on the
victims. Facebook is a common social media site where cyberbullying is reported.
Although social media provides excellent communication opportunities, but many
people particularly students, are subjected to cyberbullying. Cyberbullying occurs when
a student teases, threatens, humiliates, or taunts another student using electronic
means. These acts often include posing as other people online, spreading lies or rumors
about another student. According to a study by the University of Georgia, higher social
media addiction scores, more hours spent online, and identifying as male significantly
predicted cyberbullying perpetration in adolescents.
In some states and situations, cyberbullying is deemed illegal and/or criminal.
Cyberbullying occurs frequently in private via text messages, messaging apps, or email,
but it also occurs frequently on a more visible platform such as Facebook, where the
consequences can be severe. Low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, anger, poor
academic achievement, and suicide are some of the physical and mental consequences
of cyberbullying, which vary depending on the victim.
Not surprisingly, cyberbullying is a significant stressor in a student's life.Some
students may also be humiliated, hurt, or worried about their safety. They might even
hold themselves responsible for the cyberbullying.The sheer number of people who are
aware of the bullying can cause tremendous embarrassment. When cyberbullying
occurs, parents sometimes recommend shutting off the computer or turning off the cell
phone. But for many students, using these devices is considered the most important way
to study.Turning them off usually indicates that they believe they will fail because they
have not studied, which can make them feel isolated. According to,
“More research on social media and cyberbullying indicates that while only about 10
percent of teens have reported being bullied on social media, the harm can be far more
lasting and severe than the typical school-yard bully name-calling.”Victims of
cyberbullying can experience wide-ranging effects, including mental health issues, a
desire to drop out of school, and even suicidal thoughts.
Being aware of all of the effects of cyberbullying cannot only help you support a
student's you know is affected, but help you become more aware of signs that may be
reason for concern and a conversation. Cyberbullying had been reported by 57 percent
of the kids at least once or twice through various forms of media. Gender, religion, and
sexual preferences were discovered to have substantial influences on the research
variables. Bullying prevention is one of every educator's, parent's, and student's
objectives. Anti-bullying legislation is one technique for changing societal norms.There
are many ways we can avoid cyberbullying on social media and some of them are Speak
to someone you trust,Understand the scope of cyberbullying, and Be educated about
cyberbullying. You must come forward and speak to someone you trust if you have been
bullied or if you are being bullied.Knowing where cyberbullying originates is critical
because it allows you to target your efforts. Bullying is no longer limited to schoolyards
it is now prevalent on all social media platforms, particularly Facebook. Parents should
also be informed of what is happening in their children's lives, including what they are
doing on their phones.

Feinberg T, Tobey N, (2019), Cyberbullying, Retrieved, June 29, 2021 from

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