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Network Analyzer-Fiber

Release 9.2.11

User Guide

Issue 10
July 2017
Network Analyzer-Fiber
July 2017
Copyright © 2017 Nokia.

Legal Notice

Nokia is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation. Other products and company names mentioned herein may
be trademarks or tradenames of their respective owners. The information presented is subject to change without
notice. No responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein are assumed. Contains proprietary/trade secret information
which is the property of Nokia and must not be made available to, or copied or used by anyone outside Nokia
without its written authorization. Not to be used or disclosed except in accordance with applicable agreements.



Preface .......................................................................................................... vii

Conventions used in this guide .................................................................... vii
Special information ................................................................................... viii
Support and contact information ................................................................. viii

1 NA-F concepts ................................................................................................ 1

Representation of the network ...................................................................... 5
Equipment inventory ................................................................................... 5
Topology replication model ......................................................................... 6
Optical link model ....................................................................................... 6
NA-F database and topology ....................................................................... 10
Creating the topology files ........................................................................ 11
Critical links versus regular links ............................................................... 25
Automatic single-split level topology creation ........................................... 27
Topology maintenance ............................................................................. 27
Topology audit .......................................................................................... 28
TWDM NG-PON2 overview ......................................................................... 29
PON types: GPON-only, TWDM-only, GPON-TWDM ................................. 29
Link status ................................................................................................... 30
Link priority ................................................................................................. 32
Link quality .................................................................................................. 32
Data collection ............................................................................................. 34
Using NA-SBI and SDC ........................................................................... 35
Embedded OTDR ........................................................................................ 36
Terminology .............................................................................................. 36
Examples of use cases ............................................................................. 36
OTDR implementation details ................................................................... 38
Power validation .......................................................................................... 41
Fault life cycle .............................................................................................. 46
Faults: types and states ............................................................................ 46

Issue 10 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA iii

Views on faults .......................................................................................... 47
From alarms to faults ................................................................................ 48
Fault visibility ............................................................................................ 49
Fault detection and localization ................................................................... 50
Relationship between power validation, link quality, and faults ................... 51
PON protection ............................................................................................ 52
PON BW loss ............................................................................................. 53
PON BW margin ......................................................................................... 55
Multivendor alarm integration ...................................................................... 57
Overview ................................................................................................... 57
Alarm synchronization .............................................................................. 58
NA-F in service provider workflows ............................................................. 58
Service activation workflow example ........................................................ 59
Troubleshooting workflow example ........................................................... 59
Tagging the optical infrastructure with notes ............................................... 60

2 The NA-F user interface .............................................................................. 63

Overview .................................................................................................... 64
The NETWORK WIDE tab .......................................................................... 68
PON utilization ......................................................................................... 69
Link quality ................................................................................................ 70
Most impacting faults ................................................................................ 70
Link quality evolution graph ...................................................................... 72
Faults per hour .......................................................................................... 73
The PON tab ............................................................................................... 73
The PON Diagnosis page ......................................................................... 75
The OPTICAL LINK tab ............................................................................... 99
Optical Link Diagnosis page ................................................................... 105
The FEEDER CABLE tab .......................................................................... 122
The FAULT tab ........................................................................................... 123
The ALARM tab ......................................................................................... 124
The EXPORT STATISTICS tab .................................................................. 126
Data in the NETWORK WIDE tab compared to data from the EXPORT
STATISTICS tab ..................................................................................... 134
The ADMINISTRATION tab ....................................................................... 135
Information tab ........................................................................................ 135
Topology Replication tab ........................................................................ 137
Topology Audit Report tab ...................................................................... 144

iv 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10
System Settings tab ................................................................................ 145
Display Label Management tab .............................................................. 153
Fault Notification Filter tab ...................................................................... 156
GIS Management tab ............................................................................. 156
Data Feed tab ......................................................................................... 158
PON Utilization tab ................................................................................ 159
URL inbound and outbound redirection .................................................. 161

3 Administration ............................................................................................ 163

Logging in to the NA-SBI and NA-F GUIs ................................................. 164
Logging in and changing the UNIX user's password ................................. 164
Starting and stopping services .................................................................. 165
Updating NA-F server properties .............................................................. 165
User management ..................................................................................... 165
Authenticating users with an LDAP server (optional) ................................ 166
File-based topology operations ................................................................. 166
Statistics collection management in NA-SBI and in 5529 SDC R9.0.x .... 168
Archive files ............................................................................................ 169
Statistics collection management in 5529 SDC R9.4.y (or later) .............. 169
Managing news items ................................................................................ 170
Exporting NA-F data to external reporting applications ............................. 170
Directory for the files ............................................................................... 170
File creation and contents ...................................................................... 171
Explanation of "Warning: license will require update soon!" ..................... 180

4 Common operations .................................................................................. 181

Common sorting and filtering operations .................................................. 182
Overview ................................................................................................. 182
Sorting and filtering in the PON tab and the ALARM tab ....................... 182
Sorting and filtering in the OPTICAL LINK tab and the FAULT tab ......... 183
Filtering in NA-SBI and SDC .................................................................. 187
URL-encoded navigation .......................................................................... 187
Tagging the optical infrastructure with notes ............................................. 188

Glossary ..................................................................................................... 191

Index ........................................................................................................... 195

Issue 10 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA v
vi 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10
The Nokia Motive Network Analyzer-Fiber (NA-F) is a cost-effective remote management
solution for fiber access networks. NA-F leverages the service provider's existing equipment
capabilities to speed up fiber activation, detect faults, and localize them in the access
infrastructure. NA-F provides visibility into the performance of the network, enabling operations
and customer support with a real-time view into issues and potential faults. Motive NA-F
seamlessly integrates within the Motive Customer Service Console (CSC). When service
disruptions generate customer calls to the helpdesk, Nokia Motive NA-F enriches the CSC
with the troubleshooting information needed by customer service representatives (CSRs), who
can rapidly validate the customer's experience, resolve common customer premises issues,
or forward the issue to the appropriate operations team.

The Network Analyzer-Fiber User Guide provides information about:

■ The NA-F system architecture and concepts
■ The NA-F user interface
■ System administration tasks

Conventions used in this guide

The following table lists the conventions that are used in this guide.

Documentation conventions
Convention Description Example
Key name Press a keyboard key. DELETE
Italics Identifies a variable or other replaceable hostname
element, typically inside a code listing.
monospace Used for code listings, file names, and some /dev/null
code used inline.
Bold GUI elements such as menus, buttons, and Click the OK button
other labels.
↵ Press the Return key. ↵
— An em dash in a table cell indicates that —
there is no information.

Issue 10 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA vii

Preface NA-F User Guide

Documentation conventions (continued)

Convention Description Example
* A wildcard character that means “any *
character” in a search argument.
Indicates that a value must be entered for Line Address: *
the parameter (mandatory).
➝ Indicates that a cascading submenu results Administration->System
from selecting a menu item that has a right settings
arrow graphic following the menu label.
⇦ In a code listing, indicates that the line has System.out.println("Hello ⇦
been broken for typographical reasons.

Special information
The following are examples of how special information is presented in this document:

Warning Indicates that the described activity or situation might, or will, cause equipment
damage or serious performance problems.

Caution Indicates that the described activity or situation might, or will, cause service

Provides information that is, or might be, of special interest.

Support and contact information

The Online Customer Support (OLCS) web site [] provides
access to technical support, related documentation, related training, and feedback tools. The
site also provides account registration for new users.

Nokia® is interested in feedback about your experience with this product and its documentation.
If you have comments or suggestions, send an e-mail message to

viii 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10

This chapter covers:

Representation of the network
NA-F database and topology
TWDM NG-PON2 overview
PON types: GPON-only, TWDM-only, GPON-TWDM
Link status
Link priority
Link quality
NA-F concepts

■ Data collection
■ Embedded OTDR
■ Power validation
■ Fault life cycle
■ Fault detection and localization
■ Relationship between power validation, link quality, and faults
■ PON protection
■ PON BW loss
■ PON BW margin
■ Multivendor alarm integration
■ NA-F in service provider workflows
Issue 10 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA 1
NA-F User Guide NA-F concepts

NA-F reduces costs and improves the quality of service in three phases of the subscriber life
■ Service activation
■ Continuous supervision
■ Troubleshooting

Service activation. Power validation during service activation provides the following benefits:
■ Improves coordination and information exchange between partners
■ Qualifies the installation to preserve long-term robustness and ensures that no neighboring
fiber branches are affected
■ Enables subscriber self-installation

See “Power validation” on page 41, “Service activation workflow example” on page 59, and
“Fault detection and localization” on page 50.

Continuous supervision. Continuous supervision identifies link quality on fiber branches

with reduced robustness or fiber branches that are close to a service interruption to allow
preempting problems before they affect any subscriber's service. NA-F provides visibility into
the health of the entire network by providing visualizations of the optical infrastructure.
■ Network Wide tab. The Network Wide tab of the NA-F GUI provides four views into the
current state of the network health. The views into the current number of lines with a given
link quality and the change in this data over time allows you to identify and repair problems
quickly and in many cases before they impact subscriber service. See “The NETWORK
WIDE tab” on page 68.
■ PON Diagnosis page. The PON Diagnosis page provides a view into PON-wide
measurements and detected faults, including historical data, and a tree-like view of the PON.
See “The PON Diagnosis page” on page 75.
■ Optical Link page. The Optical Link page provides a set of selectable filters and a list of
optical links selected according to the filters. Any line in the list gives access to the Optical
Link Diagnosis page for that link and to the PON Diagnosis page of the PON the link belongs
to. See “Optical Link Diagnosis page” on page 105 and “The PON Diagnosis page” on page 75.

Troubleshooting. Fault detection and localization identifies faults and degradations in the
fiber branch, suggests probable locations for the fault, and indicates when the fault first occurred
and how it developed over time. This information reduces the time required to address fiber
issues by improving fault escalations and eliminating the fiber from consideration when it is
not the source of the problem. The power validation performed at service activation provides
a baseline against which to compare current performance. See “Troubleshooting workflow
example” on page 59.

2 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10
NA-F User Guide NA-F concepts

■ Optical Link Diagnosis page. The Optical Link Diagnosis page provides detailed current
and historical link quality data. By knowing when a link was first impacted and how that
impact evolved over time, you can better identify the source of the problem. See “Optical
Link Diagnosis page” on page 105.
■ Network Wide tab. From the Network Wide page, you can easily drill down to individual
fiber branches, locate the cause of faults affecting one or more fiber branches, and determine
when faults and degradations began to impact service. See “The NETWORK WIDE tab” on
page 68.
■ PON Diagnosis page. The PON Diagnosis page lists detected faults affecting a PON.
You can click a detected fault to highlight its location in the PON tree view. The Latest Link
Quality table (top left) lists Customer IDs, Branch IDs, and the current link quality. From the
PON tree view, you can drill down to the Optical Link Diagnosis page for an individual
PON branch.

The History tab gives an overview of the link quality for all branches in the PON so you can
determine when a problem arose and how it has evolved over time. Three or ten days of
optical signal level for every branch are displayed (if data have been collected). When you
click the line showing data for a branch, a detailed graph appears showing the signal level
variations on both the ONT and the OLT sides.

See “The PON Diagnosis page” on page 75.

In the context of these use cases, users in different roles interact with NA-F in a number of
ways. These roles include:
■ Network operations personnel. Network operations personnel access use the NA-F and
NA-Southbound Interface (NA-SBI) web applications for:
❐ Proactive monitoring of network health and detected faults to enable preventive
maintenance of the optical infrastructure. In this way, you can prevent having an
accumulation of faults that would impact the subscriber's service.
❐ Detecting faults, locating them in the fiber infrastructure, and identifying when the link
quality issue resulting from the fault began and how it evolved over time.
❐ Application administration activity, such as topology import and update, node
synchronization, user management, and so on.
■ Customer Support Representatives (CSRs). A typical deployment uses the NA-F
northbound interface (NBI) to provide an integration with the service provider's customer
care application, providing the CSR with access to the subset of NA-F functionality necessary
to troubleshoot a problem in the context of a support call. The CSR can quickly determine
whether there was a link quality issue with the fiber branch, how severe the impact is, and
to what group to escalate the call so that the fault can be repaired quickly.

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NA-F concepts NA-F User Guide

■ Field force personnel. Field technicians access NA-F functionality through a laptop or a
handheld device to perform power validation and other troubleshooting tasks in the context
of an installation or support call.
“NA-F architecture ” on page 4 illustrates the architecture of an NA-F installation, the interfaces
available, and the typical integration points:

NA-F architecture

An NA-F deployment offers several integration points with the provider's environment or other
Nokia products. These integrations are typically provided by Nokia customer projects or as
part of a larger Nokia solution. These integration points, illustrated at the top of the figure
above, include:
■ Customer care integration. CSRs typically have an interface they use in the course of
handling a support call. By integrating with the NA-F NBI, you can to expose the subset of
NA-F functionality relevant to the CSR's task in the same user interface they use for other
support call-related tasks.

4 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10
NA-F User Guide NA-F concepts

■ Field force integration. If it is not practical for the field force personnel to access NA-F
in the field through a laptop, a provider might provide access through a smart phone
application using the NA-F NBI.
■ Topology update integrations. You need to update the optical infrastructure centric
database through ongoing topology maintenance:
❐ When new subscribers have been added
❐ Whenever a subscriber moves
❐ When splitters have been added / moved / deleted

The most effective way to do this is to have the BSS or OSS integrate with the NA-F NBI
and update this information automatically whenever it is updated in the system of record.

For more details, see “NA-F database and topology” on page 10.
■ OSS activation workflows. During service activation, NA-F can qualify the installation
and record the received power measurements to serve as a benchmark for future network
supervision and troubleshooting. NA-F can also check other optical links on the same splitter
to make sure no neighbors were affected by the activation of the new link. When integrated
into the service activation workflow, NA-F improves communication between field and central
office personnel. See “Service activation workflow example” on page 59.

Representation of the network

NA-F provides several ways of displaying network elements and events. They are described
in this section from the conceptual viewpoint and in more operational details in Chapter 2, “The
NA-F user interface” on page 63.

The representation of the network in NA-F is based on two mechanisms: Equipment inventory
and Topology replication.

Equipment inventory
The equipment inventory uses the standard NA-SBI or SDC background data collection
mechanism to retrieve information about ONTs and OLTs, cards, ports, and configuration from
a node provider. The update mechanism (Start [collection] link) from the PON view and the
Quick search operation also trigger an instant update of the Equipment inventory.

However, these collections cannot retrieve splitters or PON branches information: This
information must be provided through a topology import and synchronization; it will only be
visible after a topology has been created.

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NA-F concepts NA-F User Guide

The equipment inventory will not provision collected ONTs in the access node: This is outside
the scope of NA-F and has to be executed directly in the node.

Similarly, the equipment inventory cannot provision OLTs: This operation has to be executed
in the access node.

Topology replication model

The Topology replication mechanism provides NA-F with simple CSV files that contain the
values needed to populate the splitters' and PON branches' parameters. For information about
the CSV file formats, see “Topology Replication tab” on page 137.

After first import, NA-F synchronizes the data from the files with the data collected from
equipment inventory and provides, in the PON view, a network representation that matches
the physical network discovered and the logical topology from the files, and maps them together.

The Topology replication mechanism is activated on demand by the operator. Additional

operations (update, partial updates, deletion of PON branches and of empty splitters) are part
of the process.

Details about topology operations are provided in “Topology Replication tab” on page 137.

Optical link model

From the conceptual viewpoint, an optical link can be represented as shown in the picture
below, which illustrates the case of a provisioned optical link. The picture shows where the
optical links information is gathered from: For active components (OLTs and ONTs), the data
is from automatic port inventory; for passive components (feeder cables, splitters, and PON
branches), which are shown in the dotted boxes, the data is from external inventory and/or
CRM information (topology import).

NA-F supports up to three levels of cascaded splitters (primary, secondary, and tertiary).

6 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10
NA-F User Guide NA-F concepts

Optical links conceptual model

If we isolate one optical link, the model layers can easily be identified in the sections delimited
by the vertical lines in the figure below:

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NA-F concepts NA-F User Guide

Three optical links with layers/sections

The above representation of the optical link model is not available in the NA-F Optical Link
view or Optical Link Diagnosis page. Instead, the picture below shows the mapping between
the optical links shown in the PON view and the conceptual model. Colored circles in the top
view correspond to the circles with the same color in the bottom view (note that the ID, S/N,
and SLID data from the ONT do not show in the model view).

8 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10
NA-F User Guide NA-F concepts

Mapping PON view - Model

The description of the topology files can be found in section “Creating the topology files” on
page 11 below. The description of the synchronization, update, and maintenance phases of
the topology replication mechanism can be found in “Topology Replication tab” on page 137.

NA-F R9.2 provides support for TWDM NG-PON2 OLTs. The following figure shows a network
that combines GPON and TWDM NG-PON2 OLTs using a co-existence element.

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NA-F concepts NA-F User Guide

Hybrid network of GPON and TWDM NG-PON2 OLTs with co-existence


NA-F database and topology

An optical link starts on the service provider's side with an OLT (optical line terminal), which
is linked by a PON branch consisting of fiber sections, connectors, and splitters, and terminates
at an ONT (optical network terminal) in the subscriber's residence. The Network Analyzer-Fiber
database models the service provider's optical infrastructure by dividing it into the following
three components:
■ OLT data
■ PON branch topology data (splitters, fiber sections)
■ ONT data

By decoupling the ONT, OLT, and passive fiber components, NA-F supports equipment and
topology changes over time. Likewise, modeling the PON branch topology data, such as the
relationships between splitters and the fiber sections connecting them, allows Network
Analyzer-Fiber to detect, diagnose, and isolate the location of faults in the optical infrastructure.

Network Analyzer-Fiber discovers the active equipment (the OLTs and ONTs) in the optical
link from the data it collects from network elements. This is the equipment inventory mechanism
mentioned above.

However, the OSS must provide Network Analyzer-Fiber with information about the passive
equipment (the splitters and the fiber) that connect the OLT to the ONT. Initially, you provide

10 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10
NA-F User Guide NA-F concepts

this information through two CSV files, which you import using the NA-F GUI. This is the
topology replication mechanism mentioned above.

File-based import can be used to integrate the OSS with the Network
Analyzer-Fiber so that changes, such as newly added fiber branches as well
as new ONTs, are added automatically and periodically without manual
operation. For more information, see “File-based topology operations” on
page 166.

Creating the topology files

You create the CSV files to define your network topology as described below, and then you
import them into NA-F. For information about importing the files, see “Topology Replication
tab” on page 137.

Splitter CSV (associate the splitter ports to the OLT port; create or
delete GPON-TWDM PONs)
To define the association between the different splitter ports and the OLT port, use the Splitter
CSV file. Also use this file to create or delete GPON-TWDM PONs, which are PONs that have
both GPON PONs and TWDM PONs. The fields are:

# Column Maximum Optionality Description

1 Splitter name 100 Required A unique, provider-defined name for the
characters splitter within the NA-F database.
2 OLT port OLT TL1 Required if The TL1 address of the OLT port to which
Address address this is the the splitter is connected. If this field is
primary populated, then the parent splitter name
splitter. and parent splitter port fields must be
Optional if
this is a
3 Parent 255 Optional if The name of the parent splitter. If this field
splitter name characters this is the is populated, then the parent splitter port
primary must also be populated and the OLT port
splitter. address field must be empty. Use this field
together with “Parent splitter port” to link

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NA-F concepts NA-F User Guide

# Column Maximum Optionality Description

cascaded splitters. Three levels of
cascaded splitters (including the primary
splitter) are supported.
4 Parent If inserted, Optional The port number on the parent splitter.
splitter port should be
between 1 If you are not sure of the port number,
and the enter zero or no value. Do not enter a
maximum value unless you are sure about it;
Splitter ratio otherwise, performance is adversely
(row 8) affected.

A value of question mark (?) leaves the

existing value in place.

If this field is populated, then the parent

splitter name must also be populated and
the OLT port address field must be empty.

Use this field together with “Parent splitter

name” to link cascaded splitters.
5 Vendor name 100 Optional Name of the vendor of the splitter.
6 Model name 100 Optional Name of the splitter model provided by the
characters vendor.
7 Serial 32 Optional The serial number of the splitter.
number characters
8 Splitter ratio A power of 2 Required The number of fiber sections into which
(2, 4, 8, 16, the splitter divides the incoming fiber
32, 64, 128) section.

If the value is not specified, it defaults to a

splitter ratio of 1/128.
9 Feeder cable 100 Optional The name of the feeder cable the PON
name characters belongs to.
10 CEXName 100 Required if A unique, provider-defined name for the
characters the topology CEx (co-existence element) within the
uses both NA-F database. A value of question mark
GPON and (?) leaves the existing name in place.

12 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10
NA-F User Guide NA-F concepts

# Column Maximum Optionality Description

Optional if
the topology
is all GPON
or all TWDM.
11 CG address Channel Optional The address for the channel group.
Group TL1
12 PON ID 100 Optional A unique identifier for the PON.
NA-F assigns this ID as follows.
■ If the PON is created during live
collection or hourly collection:

For a GPON-only PON, the format is

SNMPAgent:OLT port address.

For a TWDM-only PON, the format is

SNMPAgent: CG address.
■ If the PON is created or updated during
topology replication:

For a GPON-only PON, the ID is the

imported PON ID if it is not null and is
unique; otherwise, NA-F creates the ID
using the format SNMPAgent:OLT port

For a TWDM-only PON, the ID is the

imported PON ID if it is not null and is
unique; otherwise, NA-F creates the ID
using the format SNMPAgent:CG

For a GPON-TWDM PON, the ID is the

imported PON ID if it is not null and is
unique; otherwise, NA-F creates the ID
using the format SNMPAgent:OLT port
address + SNMPAgent: CG address
(with both parts truncated to 50
characters to ensure the maximum
length is not exceeded).

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The following example shows a splitter file that has three records. Splitter “SPLX” is connected
to “SOMEGPON:1-1-1-1”, while the splitter “SPLY” is connected to “SPLX” on port 1 and
“SPLZ” is connected to “SPLX” on port 2:
#Splitter name,OLT port Address,Parent splitter name,Parent splitter port,Vendor name,⇦
Model name,Serial number,Splitter ratio,Feeder cable name,CEXName,CG address,PON ID

Even though some fields are optional, there must be extra commas in the CSV
file to indicate that the fields are not used. Unused fields get no value, but you
cannot skip them. See the two extra commas in positions 3 and 4 in the first
record of the example above.
“Topology files and the PON” on page 24 provides a graphical representation of this splitter

Creating or deleting GPON-TWDM PONs

To create a GPON-TWDM PON, coupling GPON PONs and TWDM PONs. Assume the
following PONs and PON IDs were created during a live collection or hourly collection:
■ GPON-only PON with PON ID = ISAM39:1-1-1-1
■ TWDM-only PON with PON ID = ISAM39:1

or that they are already defined in a splitter file as follows:


To create a GPON-TWDM PON, import a new splitter file with the following line:

The two PONs are then merged into one PON with PON ID=PON1 and are connected to
Splitter1. Splitter2 and its children are deleted.

To delete a GPON-TWDM PON, decoupling the GPON PONs and TWDM PONs. Assume
you have a GPON-TWDM PON that was created with the following line:

To delete the GPON-TWDM PON, splitting it into two PONs, import a new splitter file with
these lines:

14 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10
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Managing a CEx (co-existence element)

To rename a CEx, import a new splitter file that uses the same lines as the initial import—with
the new name.

To move a CEx to a new GPON or channel group (CG), import a new splitter file that uses the
same lines as the initial import—with a reference to another GPON, CG, or CG splitter.

To delete a CEx, import a new splitter file that has the CEx removed.

PON branch CSV (name the PON branch; link it to a splitter)

To name the PON branch and link it to a splitter, splitter port, and ONT, use the PON branch
CSV file. Each record in this file adds an optical link in the database.

For best performance during a topology synchronization / update, group the
ONTs you mention in the CSV file by PON.

R9.0 introduces the notion of critical link. When an optical link is of CRITICAL priority and the
ONT is disconnected (ONT INACT alarm), the link is localized immediately and the alarm is
forwarded to the fault notification interface. See "Optical Link Priority" in the table below.

The number of critical links is limited by an absolute value. When the threshold is reached, all
further imported links are considered regular, even when they are indicated as CRITICAL in
the topology file. However, a warning is present in the response file for those. Actions needed
are explained with details in “Specific actions for critical links” on page 25.

The fields are:

# Column Maximum Optionality Description

1 PON 100 Required A unique, provider-defined name for the
branch ID characters branch/fiber end. For example:
■ The postal address
■ Geographical coordinates
■ The concatenation of the splitter name
and port number
■ NID (Network Interface Device)
■ Demarcation point identifier

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# Column Maximum Optionality Description

Use this value to update the other
properties of a particular physical location.
2 Splitter 100 Required The splitter name to which the ONT
Name characters when: connects. A value of ? leaves the existing
value in place.
■ The
branch is
■ The
branch is
moved to

Optional if
3 Splitter Port Within the Optional The splitter port to which the ONT
Number range defined connects.
by the Splitter
ratio A value of ? leaves the existing value in

Zero (0) is also accepted.

4 ONT ONT TL1 The TL1 address of the OLT port and the
Address address ONT number. If it is present, then the
Must specify ONT Serial Number and ONT SLID are
at least one discovered from the network.
■ ONT A question mark (?) can
Address be used for the ONT

Address. This does not
affect the above
description. Even when a
value was already present
■ ONT SLID in DB, it is updated with
what is discovered from
the network.

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NA-F User Guide NA-F concepts

# Column Maximum Optionality Description

5 ONT Serial 32 characters The serial number of the ONT. If it is
Number present and the ONT Address is not, the
ONT Address and the ONT SLID are
discovered from the network.

A question mark (?) can
be used for the ONT Serial
Number. This does not
affect the above
description. Even when a
value was already present
in DB, it is updated with
what is discovered from
the network.

6 ONT SLID 72 characters The subscriber location ID of the ONT. If

it is present but both the ONT Address
and ONT Serial Number are not, the ONT
Address and ONT Serial Number are
discovered from the network.

A question mark (?) can
be used for the ONT SLID.
This does not affect the
above description. Even
when a value was already
present in DB, it is
updated with what is
discovered from the

7 Absolute Implicit, as Required if If you omit this field, you should also not
PV the value is a you want to choose that strategy or you get an error
threshold floating-point use the message.
number absolute
threshold A value of ? leaves the existing value in
strategy in place. A blank or nonnumeric value clears
PV the existing value.
Optional if Note that a 3dB transceiver accuracy
not. value is subtracted from the imported
value defined here.

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# Column Maximum Optionality Description

For more information on PV calculation,
see “Power validation” on page 41.
8 Optical Link Implicit Optional Defines a link as critical, triggering special
Priority because actions when an ONT INACT alarm is
there are only detected. Used for VIP customers or
two values, mobile backhaul.
and Possible values: CRITICAL, REGULAR,
CRITICAL or ?. The question mark (?) leaves the
existing value in place.

For more information, see “Critical links

versus regular links” on page 25.
9 ONT Type Implicit Optional The type of ONT.
there are only Possible values: GPON (default) or
two values, TWDM.
GPON and
TWDM This field was introduced with NA-F R9.2
to support TWDM NG-PON2, also
referred to as TWDM . Before R9.2, only
GPON was supported.
10 Custom 255 Optional These items map to the custom labels
Label 1 characters defined in “Display Label Management
tab” on page 153.
11 Custom 255 Optional
Label 2 characters In the Display Label Management tab,
12 Custom 255 Optional both Topology Replication and Enabled
Label 3 characters must be selected for a custom label for
the corresponding custom label field in
this file to be imported.

Possible values: A new value (possibly

an empty or null value) or ?. The question
mark (?) leaves the existing value in

The following example shows a PON branch file (with headers; to be omitted in the actual file)
that lists three records. This example uses the ONT Address as the identifier:
555 Main 78756,SPLY,1,SOMEGPON:1-1-1-1-1,,,,,,District,Local Area,Vendor

18 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10
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444 Oak 78756,SPLZ,1,SOMEGPON:1-1-1-1-2,,,,,,,,

333 Pine 78756,SPLZ,2,SOMEGPON:1-1-1-1-3,,,,,,,,

Even though fields 4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12 are optional, extra commas must be
used in the CSV file to indicate that the fields are not used. Unused fields get
no value, but you cannot skip them.
“Topology files and the PON” on page 24 provides a graphical representation of this PON
branch data.

Linking ONTs to PON branches

NA-F requires the CSV file to include an ONT identifier (address, serial number, or SLID) to
link the ONT to a PON branch. NA-F uses the link when data comes in for an ONT through a
data collection.

When the PON branch CSV file is imported, the linking strategy is selected implicitly per line,
depending on the presence of the identifiers in the file. So, each line must have at least one
of the three identifiers (address, serial number, SLID). The first identifier found determines the
initial linking strategy. If subsequent identifiers are also present, they are ignored. Later, when
the ONT is physically connected or provisioned in the ISAM/GPON node and data is collected
for the ONT, NA-F gets the ONT address through either data collection or discovery.

The linking strategies and their effects on subscriber moves are described below.
■ Address-based linking strategy

The ONT address is used to link the ONT to the PON branch. The last digit of the ONT
address is the ONT number. For example, in SOMEGPON:1-2-3-4-5, "5" is the ONT number,
and "SOMEGPON:1-2-3-4" is the TL1 port address.

For a TWDM-only network or a GPON-TWDM network, you can view the topology in NA-F
only after a live collection or hourly collection happens. Also, feeder cables are not linked
and might need a resynch after an hourly collection.
■ Serial number-based linking strategy

The serial number of the ONT device itself is used to link the ONT to the PON branch. This
scenario requires the ONT serial number to identify the subscriber and the OSS to link the
ONT serial number to the PON branch ID. In case duplicate serial number entries are present
in the NA-F database, the ONT is linked to the first entry found in the database.
■ SLID-based linking strategy

The subscriber location ID, typically assigned to the subscriber using an account number,
is used to link the ONT to the PON branch. This scenario requires the SLID to identify the

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subscriber and the OSS to link the SLID to the PON branch ID. In case duplicate SLID entries
are present in the NA-F database, the ONT is linked to the first entry found in the database.

■ No data collection has happened for an ONT address; the ONT address, and thus, the serial
number and SLID, are not known in the NA-F system; there is no fiber branch in the NA-F

When the provider imports a topology file with:

❐ Address-based linking

The fiber branch is created and is linked to the ONT address. The ONT's link status is
Newly Imported. After a background collection for the ONT address, NA-F updates the
serial number and SLID for that ONT and the link status changes according to the optical
link lifecycle, described in “Link status” on page 30.
❐ Serial number-based or SLID-based linking

The fiber branch is created; however, NA-F cannot find the ONT with that serial number
or SLID because data collection has not happened. So, no linking is done. . After a
background collection, the ONT address with its serial number and SLID is discovered in
the NA-F system. At this point, NA-F does not have the link between the PON branch and
the ONT. The provider must import the same topology, which then identifies the ONT from
the serial number or SLID, based on the strategy, and links the PON branch to it. For
information about the optical link lifecycle, see “Link status” on page 30.
■ A data collection has happened for an ONT, but there is no topology for it.

When the provider imports a topology file with an address-based, serial number-based, or
SLID-based linking strategy, the fiber branch is created and linked to the correct ONT.
■ Assume that Mr. Smith moves from 555 Main Street to 444 Oak Street. If Mr. Smith takes
his ONT (serial number ALCLF9A1A28A) to his new address, the provider must assign him
the ONT number previously associated with that fiber branch (ONT #2) so that his ONT
address is now SOMEGPON:1-1-1-1-2 and must associate the new ONT address with Mr.
Smith's account in their database of record. Because the ONT addresses-PON branch ID
associations do not change, no change is required to the NA-F database. NA-F automatically
updates the ONT serial number associated with the fiber branch based on collected data.

The following figure illustrates this strategy.

20 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10
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Mr. Smith lives at 555

Main St. with the ONT
serial number
His ONT address is

ONT #1
1 555 Main 78756 SN ALCLF9A1A28A


ONT #2
1 444 Oak 78756
ONT #3
2 333 Pine 78756

1 555 Main 78756 Mr. Smith moves from 555

SPLY Main St. to 444 Oak St.,
taking the ONT with him.
His ONT address was
1 After the move it is

ONT #2
1 444 Oak 78756
ONT #3
2 333 Pine 78756

Discovered OSS Splitter file PON branch file Discovered

(from NE) (from OSS) (from OSS) (from NE)

However, if the OSS keeps the ONT address with Mr. Smith or if the OSS assigns a new
ONT address to Mr. Smith other than the one already assigned to the branch, a change in
the ONT address-PON branch ID association occurs. So, the NA-F topology must be updated
with the new association. This change in association can be accomplished as follows:
❐ Address-based linking

In the topology import file, specify the new TL1 address of the ONT to the PON branch to
which Mr. Smith moves.
❐ Serial number-based linking

You can use this strategy after the OSS has changed the TL1 address of Mr. Smith and
after Mr. Smith has connected his ONT to his new PON branch.

In the topology file, specify the serial number for the PON branch to which Mr. Smith has
moved. The TL1 address need not be specified.

The following figure illustrates this strategy.

Issue 10 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA 21
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Mr. Smith lives at 555

Main St. with the ONT
serial number
His ONT address is

ONT #1
1 555 Main 78756 SN ALCLF9A1A28A


ONT #2
1 444 Oak 78756
ONT #3
2 333 Pine 78756

1 555 Main 78756 Mr. Smith moves from 555

SPLY Main St. to 444 Oak St.,
taking the ONT with him.
The provider must update
the NA-F database so that
1 to reflect the change:
ALCLF9A1A38A -> 444 OAK 78756

ONT #1
1 444 Oak 78756
ONT #3
2 333 Pine 78756

Discovered OSS Splitter file PON branch file Discovered

(from NE) (from OSS) (from OSS) (from NE)

❐ SLID-based linking

Similar to the serial-based case, you can use this strategy after the OSS has changed the
TL1 address of Mr. Smith and after Mr. Smith has connected his ONT to his new PON

In the topology file, specify the subscriber location ID. The TL1 address need not be

Feeder cable CSV (specify feeder cable for a paired PON)

With protection groups, two PONs are paired to provide redundancy. To specify the feeder
cable for the secondary, or paired, PON, use the Feeder cable CSV file instead of the Splitter
CSV file.

Any values you specify in the Feeder cable CSV file take precedence over the feeder cable
field in the Splitter CSV file.

This CSV file has the following format (both fields are mandatory):
<PON Address>,<Feeder cable name>

22 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10
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For more information, see “PON protection” on page 52.

PON ID CSV (rename PON IDs)

To rename PON IDs, use the PON ID CSV file in Administration->Topology

This CSV file has the following format:

<PON ID name>,<GPON Address>,<CG Address>

The PON with the specified address is renamed using the new PON ID <PON ID name>.

You cannot rename individual channels in a TWDM-only PON or a GPON-TWDM PON.

The type of PON determines which fields are required:

■ GPON-only PON: Specify <GPON Address> and a comma (,), and then leave the last field
■ TWDM-only PON: Leave the second field empty, and then specify a comma and <CG Address>.
■ GPON-TWDM PON: Specify both <GPON Address> and <CG Address>.

When you specify an address, the address must exist and must be specified using the proper
syntax: For a GPON PON, the syntax is SNMPagent:OLT Port address; for a TWDM PON,
the syntax is SNMPagent:CG address.

Even though some fields are optional, there must be extra commas in the CSV
file to indicate that the fields are not used. Unused fields get no value, but you
cannot skip them.

Example: New PON name,GPON92:1-1-6-1,

PON branch ID CSV (delete PON branches)

To delete PON branches from the topology, use the PON branch ID CSV file. The file lists
each PON branch ID to delete and its ONT type on a separate line, as shown in the example
below. The ONT type is optional and defaults to GPON.

#PON_branch_ID, ONT Type

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Topology files and the PON

After the topology data is imported, Network Analyzer-Fiber links the PON branch to the ONT
identifier (which is the ONT Address, ONT Serial Number, or ONT SLID, depending on what
is specified in the PON branch CSV file).

Topology files and the PON

ONT #1
1 555 Main 78756 SN ALCLF9A1A28A


ONT #2
1 444 Oak 78756
ONT #3
2 333 Pine 78756

Discovered OSS Splitter file PON branch file Discovered

(from NE) (from OSS) (from OSS) (from NE)

After NA-F has collected data from the network, it correlates the discovered information with
the imported topology data and constructs a graphical PON topology tree. For more information,
see “Topology (classic) tab, Topology (compact) tab, and Topology tab” on page 79.

24 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10
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Critical links versus regular links

Not all optical links are equal, especially in the interpretation of a disconnect. For regular
subscribers, it is expected that the link will go out of service from time to time. However, for
VIP customers or mobile backhaul, such interrupts must be immediately localized and forwarded
to the fault notification interface. This is made possible by defining the optical link as critical.

Critical links are defined in the CSV import topology file by adding CRITICAL at the end of the


Without critical links:


With critical links (optional Optical_Link_Priority added):


When you import a topology file, if you do not assign a priority of REGULAR or CRITICAL for a link:
■ A new link is assigned the REGULAR priority
■ An existing link retains its priority

The number of critical links is limited. It is an absolute value. When this value is reached, all
links imported are then regular, even when they are marked CRITICAL in the topology file.
However, a warning is included in the response file for these critical links that are considered

Specific actions for critical links

When an alarm for a critical link is received, depending on whether it is on a OTDR capable
port or not, and depending on the type of alarm, the following actions are performed:

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No INACT Perform PON diagnosis and send None
fault notification.
No PONLOS Feeder cable diagnosis is Feeder cable diagnosis is
performed. performed.
■ Feeder cable fault: Send fault ■ Feeder cable fault: Send fault
notification. notification.
■ No feeder cable fault: Perform ■ No feeder cable fault: None.
PON diagnosis and send fault
Yes INACT Perform OTDR diagnosis (includes Perform OTDR diagnosis (includes
PON diagnosis) and send fault PON diagnosis) only in case of
notification (after the OTDR single link splitter.
Yes Burst of Perform OTDR diagnosis (includes Perform OTDR diagnosis (includes
INACT PON diagnosis) and send fault PON diagnosis).
(minimum 2 notification (after the OTDR
INACT within diagnosis).
1 minute)
Yes PONLOS Feeder cable diagnosis is Feeder cable diagnosis is
performed. performed.
■ Feeder cable fault: Perform ■ Feeder cable fault: Perform
OTDR diagnosis (includes PON OTDR diagnosis (includes PON
diagnosis) and send fault diagnosis) and send fault
notification. notification.
■ No feeder cable fault: Perform ■ No feeder cable fault: Perform
OTDR diagnosis and send fault PON diagnosis and OTDR
notification. diagnosis and send fault

Fault notification behavior

■ Faults created for critical links are not persisted in the DB: They do not have a fault ID, except
if the fault is a feeder cable fault. Faults are persisted and get an ID only at hourly background
collection. (If the fault on the critical link is still there at hourly collection, a second fault
notification is sent for the same fault, this time with a fault ID.)
■ If the fault affecting a critical link is not a feeder cable fault, the timestamp for the fault in the
notification and PON view might differ.

26 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10
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■ If the fault affecting a critical link is not a feeder cable fault and is resolved before an hourly
collection happens, a "fault resolved" notification is not sent.

Automatic single-split level topology creation

If the entire network is based on a single-split level architecture, NA-F can create the topology
automatically when it has discovered the optical links.

Topology maintenance
The administrator has several ways to manage topology information in NA-F:
■ Topology synchronization: This action completes the following tasks in the specified order:

1. Adds / updates all the feeder cables specified in the input file.

2. Adds / updates all the splitters specified in the input file.

3. Adds / updates all the PON branches specified in the input file.

4. Removes all the PON branches that exist in the NA-F system but that are not part of the
PON ID CSV file.

5. Removes all the ONTs that satisfy both of the following conditions:
❐ Has no PON branch ID assigned to it
❐ Has link status of NEW, NO_ADDRESS, or NOT_PROVISIONED

6. Removes ALL the splitters that do not have any PON branches linked to them (and are
therefore considered as ‘empty’). The check is done for all the splitters that exist in the
NA-F system—including the ones that were added in step 2.
■ Topology incremental update: This action completes the following tasks in the specified

1. Adds / updates all the feeder cables specified in the input file.

2. Adds / updates all the splitters specified in the input file.

3. Adds / updates all the PON branches specified in the input file.
■ Topology delete: This are two separate requests that the administrator can trigger on-demand:

Issue 10 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA 27
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❐ Remove PON branches: Removes all the PON branches that are specified in the input
CSV file.
❐ Delete empty splitters: Removes ALL the splitters that do not have any PON branches
linked to them.
■ PON ID update: This action enables the administrator to assign a new PON ID to an existing

For information about how to complete these tasks in the GUI, see “Topology Replication
tab” on page 137.

Best practices.
■ Use the topology update daily to feed NA-F with your daily topology changes
■ Use the topology synchronization weekly to clean up unused components from the topology

This practice is recommended because the topology update has a smaller impact on the
performance and finishes in considerably less time than the topology synchronization, which
is a heavy operation.

Important As an alternative to the topology operations through the user interface, NA-F
also offers a file-based full automated mode, described in “File-based topology
operations” on page 166.

Topology audit
R9.0 introduced a topology auditing process in two situations:
■ At topology synchronization or topology incremental update

This auditing process runs together with the synchronization or incremental update operations.
It reports additional inconsistencies listed in the problems file (next to the existing warnings
and errors). The problems file gives a summary and repair advice for all detected problems.
For more information, see “To have NA-F audit your topology import” on page 143.
■ On explicit request from the administrator, after at least one hour of data collection

This audit is run from the Administration tab ->Topology Audit Report tab. It audits the
whole topology or a specific OLT. The report, generated as a CSV or Excel file, is available
for download from the page that opens after submitting the request. See “Topology Audit
Report tab” on page 144 for more information.

28 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10
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TWDM NG-PON2 overview

Starting with NA-F R9.2, NA-F supports Time- and wavelength-division multiplexed passive
optical networks (TWDM NG-PON2), which is abbreviated as TWDM hereafter. NA-F supports
both TWDM and GPON in one environment.

Here are some important ISAM implementation aspects:

■ A Channel Pair (CP) corresponds to a dedicated wavelength pair on an LT port; it is the
equivalent of a PON in GPON.
■ A Channel Group (CG) combines different CPs (with different wavelengths) onto the optical
■ A Sub Channel Group (SCG) is an administrative domain to separate different providers or
■ An ONT is provisioned on a SCG with a preferred CP.

Terminology notes. In NA-F 9.1, the following terms are identical: PON, GPON, OLT port,
ODN. However, starting with NA-F R9.2, PON denotes an ODN with a passive tree-structured
fiber topology that uses GPON, TWDM, or both to transport data.

A channel is a wavelength, or lambda, that transports either a GPON signal or a TWDM channel
pair signal. A channel is terminated on an OLT port.

As of NA-F R9.2, for backward-compatibility, a PON address is interpreted as a channel

address, OLT port address, or address—depending on the context.

A PON ID is a unique identifier of the PON. Channels map to the parent object PON through
the PON ID. The PON can be GPON-only, TWDM-only, or GPON-TWDM.

Address format. Because TWDM ONTs are provisioned on a SCG, the address format for
these ONTs is: <ChannelGroup>-<SubChannelGroup>-<ONT>.

PON types: GPON-only, TWDM-only, GPON-TWDM

Up to and including NA-F R9.1, NA-F supported PONs based on GPON. With R9.2, NA-F also
supports TWDM. Your PONs can be:
■ GPON-only
■ TWDM-only

Issue 10 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA 29
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For an illustration showing how a GPON-TWDM PON is formed, see “Optical link model” on
page 6.

Link status
NA-F 8.2 introduced a new way of representing the status of the optical links in the network.
This status is a combination of the ONT status and the PON branch status for a individual
optical link (the unique link from the OLT through splitters and PON branches to one user's

Phases. An optical link is at any moment in one of the three following phases:
■ Definition (topology or equipment inventory)
■ Activation
■ Operation

Statuses. An optical link can be in any of the following statuses, which in many cases actually
reflect the current status of the considered ONT:
■ During Definition phase, via topology or equipment inventory:
❐ Newly imported (ONT)
❐ Not provisioned (ONT)
■ During Activation phase:
❐ Waiting for ONT
❐ Waiting long for ONT
❐ Never connected ONT
■ During Operation phase:
❐ Connected (ONT)
❐ Disconnected (ONT)
■ Through Configuration:
❐ Discovered (ONT)
❐ Administrative down
❐ Disabled (ONT)

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❐ Operational down (ONT)

❐ Switched off (ONT)

Lifecycle of an optical link. The table below summarizes the possible stages in the lifecycle
of an optical link:

Stage Description Possible states

New optical A PON branch referencing an ONT that has not yet been Newly Imported
link collected has recently been imported. This status is skipped
if the ONT had been collected by NA-F prior to the import
of the PON Branch into the topology.
Provisioned A PON branch references a (provisioned) NA-F collected Connected
optical link ONT. This is the preferred state, indicating all information
is available. Disconnected

Operational down


Waiting for…

Disabled This is a PON branch without ONT address reference. This
optical link can occur after another PON branch was defined that
referenced the same ONT address, and the original PON
branch was not redefined with a new ONT address (only
one PON branch can reference a given ONT). Another
case is if the PON branch referenced an ONT address with
invalid syntax at import.

Note: Both cases can be solved by importing with

synchronization the PON branch file with a valid ONT
address, an ONT S/N, or an ONT SLID. (The PON branch
file requires at least one of these three items.)
Splitter This case can occur if the splitter that was referenced Connected
detached moved outside of the PON. The optical link status displays
optical link the equipment state of the ONT. Disconnected

Operational down


Waiting for…

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Stage Description Possible states

Splitter This is the combination of the detached and disabled cases Disabled
detached above. The OL status is displayed as disabled.
optical link
Collected A ONT was collected through background collection or Connected
optical link quick search but was not referenced by a PON branch.

Operational down


Waiting for…

Discovered A discovered optical link is an ONT that is physically Discovered
optical link connected to the PON but was not provisioned in the OLT.
In this state, the ONT cannot be attached to a PON branch.
NA-F displays such ONTs in quick search results or PON
view updates; however, it does not list them in the Optical
Link view.

Link priority
Link priority is either critical or regular. When a disconnect occurs, the priority determines how
the interruption is handled. For more information about link priority, see “Critical links versus
regular links” on page 25.

Link quality
The link quality classifies the optical link according to its optical performance and the (potential)
impact the performance has on the service. NA-F determines the link quality based on LOS,
dying gasp, and by analyzing the received power levels at the OLT (optical line terminal) and
ONT (optical network terminal). The link quality is displayed throughout the user interface in
reports that aggregate the network-wide and PON-wide data, as well as for individual optical
links. Each of the link quality categories is represented in the user interface with a color, as
shown below.

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Link quality area of the Network Wide tab

The table below describes the link quality categories:

Description of the link quality categories

Optical Service Link quality Description
link status category
Up Online Good The optical link is not affecting the subscriber's
Up Online Reduced The optical link's signal is degraded but not
robustness affecting the subscriber's service, though the
degradation lowers the equipment's ability to
compensate for any new faults.
Up Online Degraded An interruption of the subscriber's service is
impending because the received signal is close to
the transceiver sensitivity. This is detected by the
existence of transmission errors.
Down Offline Interrupted The optical link has interrupted the subscriber's
Down Offline Switched off The ONT has been powered down.
Down Offline Unknown NA-F does not have data collected for the optical
link. This can happen in following situations:
● The optical link listed in the optical links page is
defined through the topology import, but no data
has been collected for it yet.
● If no data can be retrieved, the previous Link
Quality value is kept (with an exclamation mark
in the bullet).

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Data collection
NA-F is installed with NA-Southbound Interface (NA-SBI), which maintains the list of all network
elements and the SNMP/TFTP/SFTP configuration used to communicate with them.

Important NA-F requires NA-SBI regardless of the use of an external 5529 SDC.

NA-F uses three types of data collection:

■ The live collection

The live collection is defined as the SNMP collection done when the user visits a PON page
or an Optical Link page or requests a service diagnosis. This live collection is done by NA-F
itself. The SNMP configuration required to communicate with the network elements is fetched
from NA-SBI.
■ The 15-minute background collection

The 15-minute background collection can be done by NA-SBI, an external 5529 SDC R9.0.x,
or an external 5529 SDC R9.4.y (or later). (For the exact SDC version, see the release

This collection is supported on ISAM 7302, 7330, 7360 nodes by NA-SBI, 5529 SDC R9.0.x,
and 5529 SDC R9.4.y (or later). The collection is supported on GPON 7342 nodes by NA-SBI
and 5529 SDC R9.4.y (or later). It uses BFMU to collect the data.
■ The hourly background collection

The hourly background collection is done by NA-SBI for GPON 7342 and ISAM 7302, 7330,
7360 nodes.

The live and the hourly data collections gather the following optical infrastructure data:
● ONT and OLT OTM data
● Transceiver parameters
● Tx and Rx power level
● Equipment status data
● Card
● Port

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● Quality parameters
● Bit error counter
● Configuration parameters
● Serial number
● Traffic data

The live and the 15-minute data collections gather traffic data. These traffic counters are used
to display information for Subscriber bandwidth utilization and channel bandwidth utilization in
the PON Utilization tab on the PON Diagnosis page and in the Service Diagnosis tab on
the Optical Link Diagnosis page. See “PON Utilization tab” on page 95 and “Service Diagnosis
tab” on page 120.

For information about how to export these statistics, see “The EXPORT STATISTICS tab” on
page 126.

Using NA-SBI and SDC

Important NA-F requires NA-SBI regardless of the use of an external SDC.

To use NA-F and do live collection, you must synchronize NA-SBI with a node provider, as
explained in "Synchronizing network element providers" in the NA-SBI User Guide.

For the 15-minute background collection, you have these options:


NA-SBI comes with a collection strategy named NA-F 15 Minutes.

To start a collection with NA-SBI, follow the steps in the "To start a statistics collection"
procedure in the NA-SBI User Guide using the NA-F 15 Minutes strategy.
■ 5529 SDC R9.0.x

An external 5529 SDC R9.0.x also comes with the collection strategy named NA-F 15-min
collection for ALU.

To start a collection with an external 5529 SDC R9.0.x, see “Initial startup and configuration”
in NA-F Installation Guide.

For the exact SDC version, see the release notes.

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■ 5529 SDC R9.4.y (or later)

To start a collection with an external 5529 SDC R9.4.y (or later), you must run an ipm script.
For more information, see “Initial startup and configuration” in NA-F Installation Guide.

For the exact SDC version, see the release notes.

Embedded OTDR
This section describes the embedded ODTR support available starting with NA-F R9.0.

OTDR stands for Optical Time Domain Reflectometry

OTDR is a technology that measures the optical reflections. With this technology, you can
measure losses and reflections to determine at what distance from the OLT they occur. For
traditional OTDR measurements, an external test head is required. NA-F supports Nokia
embedded OTDR.

Embedded OTDR (eOTDR) is a continuous monitoring of an optical path to instantly detect

fiber degradations and outages. On top of the normal optical data signal, a test signal is added.
The reflections of that test signal are measured and are translated by NA-F into an OTDR

OTDR can only be launched if an eOTDR-enabled SFP is plugged in the PON port.

SFP stands for Small Form-factor Pluggable. It is an optical transceiver.

If the device is not pluggable but is integrated on the board, it is called an SFF: Small Form

Examples of use cases

■ Alarm-triggered OTDR: OTDR can perform proactive diagnosis.

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Alarm-triggered OTDR

1. A cable cut is introduced in the collector section. One of the end-users happens to be
watching TV and notices this immediately, but his neighbors are unaware of the fault.

2. OSS Alarm Dispatcher (5529 OAD) forwards many INACT alarms to NA-F.

3. If more than 50% of the optical links behind a certain splitter port generate an INACT, an
OTDR diagnosis on the PON starts automatically.

4. The OTDR measurement itself takes several minutes.

5. The current OTDR measurement is compared to the reference OTDR measurement for
that PON. NA-F detects the distance to the fiber cut.

6. If the end-user who was watching TV at the time the fiber was cut calls the helpdesk, the
helpdesk can immediately inform him that they are aware that a fiber cut occurred a couple
of minutes ago. After 10 minutes, a field force can be sent to the exact location.
■ Link loss validation

Link loss validation based on embedded OTDR measures the link loss between the OLT
port and an inserted UPC.

A field technician installs a new ONT and validates the installation. He will insert an open
UPC for this validation test. This will cause a strong reflection. This validation is particularly
beneficial for the very first link behind a splitter. For the links that are activated afterwards,
there is already a benchmark and you can run an accurate power validation.

Many operators suffer from a bad installation: When the first link is bad, one cannot measure
that it is bad (as long as no comparison is possible). With this link loss validation, you can.

The link loss validation is very useful if the installation is done by a third-party installer,
because the results are saved in NA-F and can be checked later on.

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A link loss validation has a typical duration of four minutes.

OTDR implementation details

OTDR is launched on the entire PON. OTDR does a measurement in real-time that needs to
be compared to a reference. By default, NA-F takes as reference the long-term measurement
of the previous hour. The operator also has the option to manually save a different long-term
measurement to be used as a customized reference.

OTDR further refines the diagnosis results to narrow down the fault location geographically.
The distance estimation by OTDR is much more precise than the fault localization by correlation
available in Optical Diagnosis & Supervision.

OTDR can be used for PON validation or infrastructure validation. The Optical Diagnosis &
Supervision feature power validation focuses on the drop validation, while infrastructure
validation focuses on OLT-to-distribution-point validation.

OTDR can be launched manually or automatically (based on incoming alarms sent by the 5529
OAD or a third-party alarm dispatcher).

OTDR measurements are retrieved from the network element (NE) using TFTP or SFTP,
depending on settings in the NE and NA-SBI or SDC. For more information, see "File transfer
management" in the SDC User Guide.

OTDR sends a pulse—a kind of a flash—inside a fiber and measures the reflection of this
pulse over time in a trace. This trace provides a view on how the light travels and is reflected

The resulting OTDR trace is a combination of signal attenuation due to Raleigh backscattering
by a fiber, signal loss events, and local reflections. Raleigh backscattering is attenuating the
signal due to impurities of the fiber structure. This is quite similar to sun glasses that dim the

A signal loss event is a sudden loss of signal due to obstacles like dirt or air in between
connectors, or due to splitter signal loss. Because of the downward flank, the receiver will need
to recover, resulting in a attenuation dead zone.

Reflections are like when you see your own image in a glass window. Because of the reflection,
the receiver is temporarily blinded: This is called an event dead zone.

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OTDR display of a detailed "map" for the tested link

When behind a splitter, the trace displays a combination of multiple signals returning from the
different fiber branches. All signal loss types are combined in one single dimension trace. It is
impossible to assign an event found in the trace to one of the fiber branches. In the case events
overlap, it is also impossible to pull them apart. Therefore, it is almost impossible to detect the
topology from a trace.

OTDR can measure losses and reflections on the feeder section (that is, between the OLT
and the first splitter) at distances up to 20 km.

It can do accurate loss measurements before the first splitter and after one 1:2 splitter.

Because reflections are much easier to detect than optical losses, an open UPC connector
can be detected even after a 1:64 split. A UPC connector is a straight connector that reflects
the signal strongly.

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OTDR span

The OTDR trace has an initial dead zone of 200 to 500 m. This is caused by internal reflections
within the SFP. Within this dead zone, it is still possible to detect events like a cut or a dirty or
loose connector, but without localization.

After an event (for example a reflection), there is an event dead zone of 10 m. This means that
it will be impossible to distinguish events if they are situated within 10 m from each other.

In case the first splitter is situated at more than 20 km from the OLT, the OTDR measurement
can accurately identify attenuations within 20 km.

In most cases, the feeder section is less than 20 km. OTDR can measure loss of signals beyond
one 1:2 splitter. The maximum distance from the OLT in such cases is 8 km.

Reflections can be measured in many more cases than the above.

Reflections can be very strong, especially when the end of the fiber is straight, like for a UPC
connector. Most of the signal is reflected back. For an angular connector (APC), there will be
more attenuation and almost no reflection (unless the connector is dirty). Because the reflections
received from an open UPC are so strong, it can even be detected after a split of 1:64 (this
can be after a series of splitters with a total split of up to 1:64, for example three splitters with
a split ratio of 1:4 or a mix of splitters with different ratios).

A poor mechanical splice can be seen after a splitter of 1:16 and a random fiber break after a
splitter of 1:8. A random fiber break is typically not as straight as a UPC connector. There is
more attenuation and less reflection in such cases.

The key advantages of the Nokia NA-F embedded OTDR solution are:
■ In service, no traffic interrupt: NA-F measures OTDR constantly without interrupting the
service on the optical link.
■ In band: The fault impact is measured on the downstream wavelength.
■ OTDR is embedded: No coupler, no extra ODF, and no extra hardware are needed; hence,
it is a cost-effective solution.

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Power validation
Power validation, or PV, compares the current upstream and downstream received power
levels of an optical link to a reference value to determine whether the optical link's attenuation
falls within an acceptable range. The result of power validation establishes a baseline for
determining the link quality of the optical link.

Power validation is a two-step process.

The first step consists of estimating some references, in terms of RxPower, for the entire PON
as well as for the last splitter to which the branch requesting the PV is connected. It performs
an estimation of the typical RxPower level that should be expected for a given branch with
respect to what is measured as power in the ONT-neighbors on the PON as well as in the
ONT-neighbors on the same last-splitter.

Practically, this means PV produces references in terms of received power (US/DS),

personalized/adapted to each branch's topology and distance, which determine whether the
received power is "as expected" or "below". If it is below, physical issues on the current optical
link should be expected.

Four references are calculated:

■ DS PON ref
■ US PON ref
■ DS Splitter ref
■ US Splitter ref

The second step consists in checking whether the installation of the branch has been properly
performed. In other words, the purpose is to assess if the RxPower is comparable to what the
neighbors in the PON or from the same (last) splitter receive, and if the PHY QoS is good. This
PHY QoS is based on the existence of bit errors.

You can initiate a power validation through the NA-F GUI or using the NBI (see the Northbound
OSS Interface Developer Guide).

This on-demand PV performs a PON-level data collection. The power level is validated for all
the connected ONTs on the PON, and the latest results are updated for them.

Starting with Release 9.0, the power validation is always executed on the PON
level and causes updates for multiple optical link PV results.

From R9.0 on, power validation is also planned at the PON level automatically in the following

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■ At ONT connect (OLS going to connected state)

■ When a new ONT is collected
■ When the ONT, SFP, or OLT card is replaced

This PV planning is always done as part of hourly collection or live collection.

The actual PV is always run as part of an hourly collection, unless it has been done manually
by the user before the planned time.

Use the setting Administration tab->System settings->Automatic PV launch period (default

value: 2 hours) to configure when the corresponding PON is scheduled for PV. This setting
defines how many hourly collections must occur after planning the PV and how many hours
NA-F waits before running the PV after the planning.


Default value = 2

Scenario 1:

Time Action
10:07 Hourly collection: ONT is collected for the first time; plan PV.
11:00 Hourly collection: PV is not run because two hours have not passed since the
planning of PV and only one hourly collection has happened.
12:00 Hourly collection: missed: PV is not run.
13:00 Hourly collection: PV is run because we have two hourly collections and two hours
have passed since the PV planning time (actually already almost three hours).

Scenario 2:

Time Action
10:07 Hourly collection: ONT is collected for the first time; plan PV.
11:00 Hourly collection: PV is not run because two hours have not passed since the
planning of PV and only one hourly collection has happened.
12:00 Hourly collection: PV is not run because two hours have not passed since the
planning of PV.
13:00 Hourly collection: PV is run because we have two hourly collections (in fact, we
have three) and two hours have passed since the PV planning time.

When an on-demand PV has been performed meanwhile, the planned PV is cancelled.

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Each optical link has a power validation result that is you can see on the Optical Link Diagnosis
page, under the Power Validation tab.

The UI shows the current and historical data and the originator of the PV (automatic or a specific

When an optical link fails the validation process, it is with high confidence that there is an
impairment and with high statistical significance that it is weaker than its neighbors or that its
PHY QoS is affected.

The possible results for an optical link's power validation are as follows. For more information,
see “Detailed reasons and repair actions” on page 44.

PV results
Value Icon Description
None No power validation has been performed or is currently being performed
on the optical link.
Normal The most recent power validation determined that the optical link's power
level was acceptable. A power validation result is saved as a reference,
consisting of the collected data, a PON branch received power reference,
and the fact that the validation succeeded.
Abnormal The most recent power validation determined that the optical link's power
level was not acceptable. The result, consisting of the collected data, a
PON branch received power reference, and the fact that the validation
failed, is stored.
Not The most recent power validation failed to determine the optical link's
enough power level.

The possible statuses of the PV can be:

PV statuses
Value Description
Planned PV is planned automatically due to:
■ ONT connect (OLS going to connected state)
■ When a new ONT is collected
■ When the ONT, SFP, or OLT card is replaced
Completed PV has run.

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PV statuses (continued)
Value Description
Important The status does not say anything about the PV result.

In PV is running.

In some cases, a detailed reason is present:

Detailed reasons and repair actions

PV result Detailed reason Description / repair actions
Abnormal POWER_FAULT_ A fault affecting the optical level within the
CONTACT_MISALIGNMENT current link is suspected, most probably
because of a connector misalignment. Check
the connectors.
Abnormal POWER_FAULT_BEND A fault affecting the optical level within the
current link is suspected, most probably
because of a fiber bend or a pressured fiber.
Check the fiber path.
Abnormal POWER_FAULT_CONNECTOR A fault affecting the optical level within the
current link is suspected, most probably
because of a loose/dirty connector. Check
the integrity of the connectors.
Abnormal POWER_FAULT_UNDEFINED A fault affecting the optical level within the
current link is suspected. Check the fiber
path and the quality of their connections.
Abnormal QOS_DEGRADED PV succeeds on validating against calculated
references but fails on QoS validation.
Normal/Abnormal ONLY_QOS_VALIDATION Validation against calculated references
does not give a result, but QoS validation
Not Enough DISTANCE_TO_OLT_CHECK Distance to OLT parameter returns 0 or is
Data not available to calculate the power
Not Enough ONT_STATUS_CHECK ONT is not in connected state. Check the
Data ONT connectivity and powering.
Not Enough THRESHOLD_NOT_SET PV threshold not set during topology update.
Data Update the topology with the pvThreshold

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Detailed reasons and repair actions (continued)

PV result Detailed reason Description / repair actions
Not Enough RSSI_NOT_SUPPORTED Both ONT and PON port do not support
Data RSSI.
Not Enough NO_TOPOLOGY Topology not defined for this link. Import
Data topology for this ONT link.
Not Enough SINGLE_ONT_TOPOLOGY The ONT is directly connected to the PON
Data without splitters.
Not enough MALFUNCTIONING_ONT ONT is operational down.

In NA-F, you can find PV status and results as follows:

■ On the Optical Link overview page: The PV icon in the list of optical links reflects the
current PV result.
❐ None is shown when there is no current result (there is none, or PV status is planned and
current result was emptied).
❐ Normal or Abnormal is shown when PV status is completed.
❐ Not enough data is shown when PV is not possible because there is not enough data
and the current result was empty before PV ran.
■ On the Optical Link Diagnosis page, the Optical Link Details table at the top left contains
the timestamps for each equipment that can change:
❐ The timestamp is between brackets next to the item when the change occurred fewer than
24 hours ago.
❐ The item has "Changed recently" and the timestamp is displayed as a tooltip when the
change is more than 24 hours ago.
■ PV results in the PV tab of Optical Link Diagnosis view show a current result, a table with
the four references, measured values and theoretical value, and a history table with all
completed PV results. Planned PVs are shown above the table.
■ When measured equipments change, the following is shown:
❐ ONT S/N change: A new PON PV is planned, and the current PV for that optical link
becomes empty (because it is not valid anymore, as it has become another physical ONT).
❐ OLT port S/N change: A new PON PV is planned, and the current PV for all optical links
of the PON becomes empty (because they are not valid anymore due to the physical
change of OLT port).

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❐ OLT card S/N change: A new PON PV is planned for all OLT ports, and the current PV
for all optical links connected to the OLT card becomes empty (because they are not valid
anymore - physical change of OLT card).
■ When a ONT at collection time gets connected and there is no current PV:
❐ A PV gets planned for the PON (so you see it for all ONT parts of the PON).
■ When PV fails because of Not Enough Data and there is already a current PV:
❐ The current PV stays and an entry in the table with all completed PV results is added (the
"not enough data" line).

Fault life cycle

Faults: types and states

NA-F fault management handles the following types of faults:
■ Active equipment fault
■ Passive equipment fault

Feeder cable cuts are passive faults. However, because they are based on
alarms, they behave as active faults with respect to the fault life cycle.

Depending on the type, the faults can be in any of the following states:

Faults states per type

Fault type Possible states
Active equipment fault 1. Active

2. Resolved
Passive equipment fault 1. Active

2. Pending (impact on link has gone)

3. Resolved

The transitions between states occur according to the table below:

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Fault transitions
Fault type Transition Comment
Active equipment fault Active to
Passive equipment fault Active to Pending The operator confirms that the cause of the
to Resolved interrupted service has been fixed.

Or, according to the graph below:

Views on faults
NA-F offers different views on faults. Those views are described in their corresponding sections
in Chapter 2, “The NA-F user interface” on page 63.
■ The Network Wide view shows the most recent faults that have been recorded in the
database during the automatic fault collection process that runs hourly.

This view is for supervision or maintenance, as most of the time the faults collected this
way do not impact the service and do not call for immediate solution.
■ The PON view scans the network and returns the list of PONs present in the network. Each
PON can be zoomed, collecting in real time the status of the ONTs composing the PON,
the impacts on service and, if any, the detected faults.
■ The Optical Link view allows you to launch a manual fault collection. It collects faults that
have appeared since the last automatic fault collection. The faults shown here are not
recorded in the database if they are resolved before the next automatic collection.

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This view is for troubleshooting. Use it to visualize, identify, and resolve faults that are
impacting the service and require immediate reaction, typically when a customer calls the
online help to report a malfunction.
■ The Fault view displays the history of faults persisted in the NA-F database. This view is for
fault management: Transition to Resolved state, launch of a manual collection through the
PON Diagnosis page or Optical Link Diagnosis page.

The table below indicates which view is in real time:

View classification
View Name Real time view vs Comment
periodic view
Network Periodic Can be defined as real time if declared during NA-F
Wide installation
PON Real time
Optical Link Real time
Fault [History of faults]

From alarms to faults

NA-F does not natively manage alarms. If this functionality is required, an additional component
called OSS Alarm Dispatcher (OAD) (a module from EMS) can be installed. The alarms are
then collected according to the selected parameters' settings; NA-F launches a fault collection
based on the incoming alarms, correlates OTM and failures and persists the fault and its
localization. They then appear as faults in the Network Wide view after proper OAD configuration
is executed. For more information about OAD configuration, see the NA-F Installation Guide,
"Configuration of OSS Alarm Dispatcher."

The Nokia 5529 OSS Alarm Dispatcher (OAD) is part of the AND EMS Network Management product family. OAD
is an advanced alarm dispatching solution that facilitates the integration of alarm flows into client OSS applications.
The 5529 OAD northbound interface is based on widely accepted web service standards, XML/SOAP. Network element
alarms and EMS alarms are reported in the TMF multi technology MTOSI v1.1 standard. The product simplifies alarm
collection, aggregation, and dispatching to OSSs.

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Optional management of alarms

Fault visibility
The table below shows which faults in which state are visible in which view.

Fault visibility
View Visible faults Comment
Active Pending Resolved
Network V X X Shows only the active faults in the Most impacting
Wide faults panel.
Optical V V V
Fault V V V You can filter on status using the Filters panel above
the list

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Fault detection and localization

Fault detection and localization refers to the NA-F features that perform the following functions:
■ Detect signal degradations or interrupts in an optical link
■ Determine which fiber section in the PON is common to the observed optical link interruptions
or degradations

The timestamps of the signal interrupts can improve this determination but are
node-dependent. For the list of nodes that support it, see the Customer Release

The following system settings are used to correlate detections of the same fault:
❐ Correlation window to aggregate Loss of Signal faults
❐ Correlation window to aggregate Degradation faults with Loss of Signal faults
These settings are available from the Administration tab, on the Fault
Aggregation subtab. For information about these settings, see “Fault
Aggregation group” on page 146.

■ Identify which optical links are affected by the fault and determine the impact it has.

NA-F performs fault detection and localization in two contexts, supervision and troubleshooting:

Context When performed Where displayed See

Supervision During data collection Faults detected during data collection “Data collection” on
and analysis as an aspect of supervision activity page 34
are persisted in the database and
displayed throughout the system, in
the Network Wide tab and in the
Optical Link Diagnosis and PON
Diagnosis pages.

You must clear these faults when

they have been repaired, as
described in “The FAULT tab” on
page 123.
When the NA-F user Faults detected as an aspect of “The PON Diagnosis
performs a PON troubleshooting activity are not page” on page 75
Diagnosis persisted in the database and are
only displayed in the PON Diagnosis

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Context When performed Where displayed See

When the NA-F user or Optical Link Diagnosis in which “Optical Link Diagnosis
performs an Optical they were discovered. page” on page 105
Link Diagnosis
Because these faults are not
persisted, it is not necessary to clear
them. When the faults are
successfully repaired, they no longer
appear in future diagnoses.
In Optical service diagnosis, only data for that given optical link is collected. Therefore, NA-F does not perform
localization for fiber faults as it cannot correlate the different optical link data with the topology.

Relationship between power validation, link quality, and

Minor faults can accumulate over time with each fault incrementally impacting the link.
Relationship between power validation, link quality, and faults shows the effect of a successive
accumulation of faults on the link quality for an optical link. Initially, NA-F indicates that the link
quality of the link is “Good” because the level of optical loss is below the level recorded at the
power validation.

1. A macrobend in a fiber segment in the optical link increases the optical signal loss above
the level recorded in the power validation reference but does not introduce transmission
errors or cross the ONT/OLT sensitivity threshold. Therefore, NA-F records the link quality
as “Reduced robustness.” See number 1 in Relationship between power validation, link
quality, and faults.

2. Later, a contact misorientation or UPC/APC contact combines with the effect of the
macrobend to further reduce the optical signal. The optical loss now has increased to a
point where transmission errors are introduced, or the ONT/OLT sensitivity threshold is
crossed. NA-F now lists the link quality of the optical link as “Degraded.” See number 2 in
Relationship between power validation, link quality, and faults.

3. At a later point in time, a dirty connector combines with the other two faults to reduce the
signal to a point where connectivity is no longer possible. NA-F now lists the link quality due
to these faults as “Interrupted.” See number 3 in Relationship between power validation,
link quality, and faults.

Any one of these faults would cause only minor problems, but in combination they interrupt
the subscriber's service completely.

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Relationship between power validation, link quality, and faults

PON protection
With the increasing split ratios and deployment of business-critical services, implementing
PON protection schemes is important. ITU-T specification G.984.1 section 14 describes multiple
PON protection schemes. ISAM GPON line cards implement the Type B PON protections
defined in this standard. These protections address route diversity to the first splitter in a 1:1
arrangement. The PON links of the ISAM can be configured in protection groups, or pairs, on
the PON boards across the shelf. (The boards should be of the same type.) In case an active
PON link fails, all traffic is switched to the other port in the protection group without service

Creating. You do not directly define protection groups. Instead, you import the topology for
a redundant setup. NA-F discovers when a PON is in a protection group but does not provision

The paired PON port is learned from the OLT; do not specify the paired PON in your CSV file.

Specify the 2:x splitter as linked to the primary PON.

Specify the feeder cable for the secondary, or paired, PON, in the Feeder cable CSV file
instead of the Splitter CSV file. For more information, see “Feeder cable CSV (specify feeder
cable for a paired PON) ” on page 22.

In the GUI. NA-F indicates protection groups in various locations:

■ “Most impacting faults” on page 70

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■ “The PON tab” on page 73

■ “Top right list: PON Latest detected faults” on page 77
■ “Topology (classic) tab, Topology (compact) tab, and Topology tab” on page 79
■ “The FAULT tab” on page 123

Forwarding to the primary PON. With a paired PON, you are forwarded to the primary
PON when you:
■ Do a Quick Search using the box in the upper-right corner for a paired PON
■ Use URL-encoded navigation for a paired PON
■ Are on the PON tab, select a paired PON, and click Show
■ Are on the Fault tab, select a fault on a paired PON, and click Go to PON
■ Are on the Alarm tab, select an alarm on a paired PON, and click Go to PON

Tx parameters of active PON used. NA-F uses the Tx parameters of the active PON port
in a protection group. All board-related parameters are relayed to the active PON port.

OTDR not supported. PONs in a protection group do not support OTDR measurements.

Deleting. You cannot delete a PON that is in a protection group. Remove the PON from the
protection group and then delete it.

PON BW loss
The PON BW (bandwidth) loss feature helps you determine when a PON channel is being
overused and by how much.

This feature requires the Service Diagnosis & Supervision license option.

For information about:

■ How to configure PON utilization monitoring on the node
■ Guidelines about the number of ONTs you can safely monitor

see the Operations and Maintenance Guides for the 7432 GPON and ISAM GPON.

Every 15 minutes, the loss is calculated as a percentile of all normalized, discarded bandwidth
per PON channel over the last n days; intervals with no data are ignored. You can configure
the percentile and number of days as explained in “PON Utilization tab ” on page 159. Also,

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you can configure various maximum loss rate thresholds. NA uses those settings to produce
a BW loss indicator with one of three values to simplify troubleshooting:

Pass (No threshold is crossed.)

Fail (At least one threshold is crossed.)

Unknown (No data is available.)

Where BW loss is presented. NA presents the BW loss information in the following locations:
■ Network Wide tab (PON utilization table in upper-left corner) (See “The NETWORK WIDE
tab” on page 68.)
■ PON tab (Loss column) (See “The PON tab” on page 73.)
■ PON Diagnosis page (PON Utilization tab label indicates BW loss in brackets ( [ ] ) if available;
hover for tooltip) (See “The PON Diagnosis page” on page 75.)
■ PON Utilization tab (also shows reasons for a Fail value) (See “PON Utilization tab” on
page 95.)
■ Optical Link Diagnosis page (after PON ID in brackets ( [ ] ); hover for tooltip) (See “Optical
Link Diagnosis page” on page 105.)

Reasons for a Fail value. NA compares loss rates against thresholds configured in “PON
Utilization tab ” on page 159 to get a Pass, Fail, or Unknown value to simplify troubleshooting,
as mentioned above. When a Fail value results, NA indicates the reason for the value by
indicating which thresholds were crossed in the PON Utilization tab, reached from the PON
Diagnosis page. The possible reasons are given below. Multiple items are separated by

Reason Threshold crossed for

Total DS Total DS discarded bandwidth
UC DS UC DS discarded bandwidth
MC DS MC DS discarded bandwidth
Total US Total US discarded bandwidth

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NA-F User Guide NA-F concepts

PON BW margin
The PON BW (bandwidth) margin helps you determine when a PON channel is being underused
and how much margin, or headroom, is left.

Important While you can use the NA data to do preliminary planning, use a separate
application to supervise the actual planning to avoid over-planning.

This feature requires the Service Diagnosis & Supervision license option.

For information about:

■ How to configure PON utilization monitoring on the node
■ Guidelines about the number of ONTs you can safely monitor

see the Operations and Maintenance Guides for the 7432 GPON and ISAM GPON.

Every interval (15 minutes)—regardless of whether data was received, the free capacity per
PON channel is calculated by taking the difference of the maximum achievable bandwidth and
the normalized forwarded bandwidth. The margin is then a percentile of the free capacity over
the last n days; intervals with no data are ignored. You can configure the percentile and number
of days as explained in “PON Utilization tab ” on page 159. Also, you can configure various
minimum margin rate thresholds. NA uses those settings to produce a BW margin factor, or
margin, to simplify planning. This margin is the smallest of the ratios between the calculated
margin rates and the configured thresholds. For example, consider the following table.

Calculated margin Minimum margin rate Ratio

rate (Mb/s) threshold (Mb/s)
(configured in UI)
Total DS forwarded 250 100 2.5
UC DS forwarded 100 Not set —
MC DS forwarded 100 200 0.5
Total US forwarded 150 50 3.0

The smallest ratio, and thus the margin, is 0.5. If a threshold is not set, its ratio is not calculated
and not taken into account.

Also, NA considers a margin to be as follows:

■ High

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No threshold is crossed.
■ Low

At least one threshold is crossed.

■ Unknown

No data is available.

You can filter on these values.

Where BW margin is presented. NA presents the BW margin information in the following

■ Network Wide tab (PON utilization table in upper-left corner) (See “The NETWORK WIDE
tab” on page 68.)
■ PON tab (Margin column) (See “The PON tab” on page 73.)
■ PON Utilization tab (also shows reasons for a Low value) (See “PON Utilization tab” on
page 95.)

Reasons for a Low value. NA compares margin rates against thresholds configured in
“PON Utilization tab ” on page 159 to get a High, Low, or Unknown value, as mentioned above.
When a Low value results, NA indicates the reason for the value by indicating which thresholds
were crossed in the PON Utilization tab, reached from the PON Diagnosis page. NA also
includes the reason in the data feed and exported data. The reason is a comma-separated
concatenation of the flows that have a ratio less than 1, with the ratio in brackets; the items
are ordered from small to large. The possible reasons are given below.

Reason Threshold crossed for

Total DS (ratio) Total DS discarded bandwidth
UC DS (ratio) UC DS discarded bandwidth
MC DS (ratio) MC DS discarded bandwidth
Total US (ratio) Total US discarded bandwidth

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NA-F User Guide NA-F concepts

Multivendor alarm integration

NA-F allows third-party alarm dispatchers integration. NA-F processes the NEWONT, PONLOS,
and INACT alarms from the third-party alarm dispatchers; also, it synchronizes alarms after a
connection break between the systems. Both new and clear alarm notifications for NEWONT,
PONLOS, and INACT alarms can be sent by the third-party to the NA-F alarm notification.

The NA-F alarm synchronization typically happens once daily and each time a multivendor
daemon is started. It makes the NA-F alarm DB inline with the third-party open alarms.

The figure below describes the alarm synchronization process.

NA-F integration with Multivendor Alarm Dispatcher

During synchronization, open alarms from the third-party not existing yet in the NA-F DB are
created, and open alarms in the NA-F DB not received during synch from the third-party are

Synchronization only handles PONLOS and NEWONT alarms. An ONT INACT alarm triggers
a real-time data collection; the diagnosis is based on the collected data not on the alarm.
Hence, no synchronization is needed. If the alarm is missed, another diagnosis is performed
after hourly data collection.

Per third party, a separate MV daemon is configured using cluster-ini-spec.xml with the
daemon name. The daemons can be started/stopped as described in the NA-F Installation
Guide (ipm-server start/restart/stop daemon). Detailed logging for the specific daemon is
reported at the command prompt and in the ipm-server.log file if the service has problems in

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starting. When starting the daemon is successful, a log directory and a file are created with
the service as name.


alcatel-alarm-bridge-oad93x is the alcatel mvd alarm bridge service and the logging is in the
log directory /var/opt/na/log/alcatel-alarm-bridge-oad93x.

For more information about OAD configuration, see “Optional - Configuration of OSS Alarm
Dispatcher (OAD)” in NA-F Installation Guide.

For more information about how to integrate and configure the MV daemons, contact ALU

Alarm synchronization
PONLOS is directly used to detect feeder cable faults: This alarm is processed during

NEWONT is directly used to report discovered ONTs: This alarm is processed during

As a result, after synchronization, feeder cable faults might get cleared or opened, depending
on the PONLOS clear and open alarms coming from synchronization. Feeder cable diagnosis
tests the fault criteria based on the alarm DB that is now synchronized with the new PONLOS
open and clear alarms.

During synchronization, NA-F continues listening to the alarm notifications. NA-F and alarm
dispatcher connect at startup, the synchronization is performed at that time. After the alarm
dispatcher has been temporarily down, NA-F reconnects and synchronizes automatically.
Synchronization is also done once daily, even when no restart happened.

NA-F in service provider workflows

Each service provider has its own workflow around subscriber activation, network monitoring,
and the troubleshooting of fiber-related issues. NA-F offers the flexibility to integrate into a
wide variety of service provider workflows. The following sections provide examples of how
NA-F can add value to typical service provider workflows.

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Service activation workflow example

The details of an activation workflows are service provider-specific. The following steps illustrate
how NA-F can improve service activation by improving communication between teams, qualifying
the installation, and establishing a baseline for future link supervision.

1. A new subscriber orders service using the provider's web site.

2. The OSS pre-provisions the service.

3. The OSS retrieves the current optical signal quality of the PON from NA-F and issues a
work order.

4. The field technician assigned the work order completes the fiber cross-connect, drop
installation, and ONT installation.

5. After the ONT installation, the field technician can use NA-F to check if the ONT is connected
to the correct PON.

6. NA-F measures and revalidates the optical signal quality of each existing subscriber in the
PON to confirm that no existing subscribers on the PON were affected.

7. NA-F measures and validates the optical signal integrity for the new ONT installation:

a. NA-F qualifies the performance of the new ONT by performing a power validation and
comparing it to the expected value derived from the reference measurement from the
neighboring links in the PON.

b. NA-F notifies the field technician of the results (success or failure) of the validation.

c. NA-F notifies the OSS that the process is complete.

8. The residential gateway is connected, and the service starts.

Troubleshooting workflow example

Fiber faults take a variety of forms, and the workflows to correct them depend on
provider-specific business practices and integrations. The following scenario provides one
example of how NA-F improves the efficiency of troubleshooting fiber faults:

1. A new fiber fault in the collector cable interrupts the optical signal for four subscribers.

2. One of these subscribers attempts to watch live IPTV, notices that the service is not available,
and calls the help desk to report a problem.

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3. The automated voice flow identifies the customer and retrieves from the NA-F northbound
interface the historical link quality originating from the access network (physical or Ethernet).

4. NA-F indicates that the link is currently impacted by a fiber fault and that the fault impacts
three additional subscribers.

5. The automated voice flow compares the time at which the fault was introduced to a record
of digging activities, but finds no correlated activity.

6. The automated voice flow opens a trouble ticket for the subscriber and also opens three
additional trouble tickets for each of the other affected subscribers.

7. The automated voice flow creates a work order that includes the following information:

a. The fiber section location and time the fault began to affect the fiber.

b. For each link, the reference power validation and the recent signal level statistics, including
the last time the signal level was not impacted.

c. A link to the PON diagnosis for the affected PON.

d. The list of related trouble tickets.

8. When the subscriber finishes the automated voice flow and speaks with a CSR, the CSR
can acknowledge the problem and provide details about the scheduled work order.

9. The technician assigned the work order travels directly to the fiber section with the fault,
repairs the fault, and remotely initiates a new PON diagnosis to verify that the link quality
on the related links has been cleared, as indicated by a signal value higher than the reference
power validation.

Tagging the optical infrastructure with notes

In the PON topology tree, tag icons ( ) appear on the PON properties table, fiber sections,
splitter icons, and by each ONT. When you click a tag icon ( ), a window opens so you can
view or edit the notes on the associated object. A tag icon is green ( ) when it contains one or
more notes. You can use these notes to record information such as trouble ticket numbers,
maintenance actions performed or planned, and so on to improve communication between
groups. In an integration scenario, other applications can create such messages using the
NBI. For more information, see the Northbound OSS Interface Developer Guide. Click the
calendar icons ( ) or use the text fields to set the start or end date indicating the date range
to which this message applies.

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Use the buttons along the bottom of the window to manipulate the tag:

Icon Function
Close the dialog.

Page through the list of tags for this object, one tag at a time.

Jump to the first or last tag in the list for this object.

Delete the current tag.

Create a new tag.

Save the current tag.

Revert to the saved or unmodified version of this tag.

For more information about the PON topology tree, see “Topology (classic) tab, Topology
(compact) tab, and Topology tab” on page 79.

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62 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10
This chapter covers:

The PON tab
The FAULT tab
The ALARM tab
The NA-F user interface



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For information about how to access the NA-F graphical user interface, see “Logging in to the
NA-SBI and NA-F GUIs” on page 164.

The Network Analyzer-Fiber user interface has NETWORK WIDE, PON, and OPTICAL LINK
tabs that provide high-level views into the network and a means to drill down to the Optical
Service Diagnosis and PON Diagnosis pages.

Getting help. Release 9.0 introduced a Help button ( ). Click this button from any page to
open the corresponding description of the page in the Online User Guide or, if there is no
specific information for the page, the section the page belongs to.

Depending on the browser settings, warnings might be issued about pop-up
windows. The NA-F Online Help displays in a pop-up window, which may have
to be allowed in the way appropriate with the browser. In case a pop-up window
cannot be used, many browsers open a new tab called User Guide and display
the documentation of the page where the Help button was clicked.

Discovering the main menu bar.

NA-F header

The Search box in the header provides another way to access the Optical Link Diagnosis and
PON Diagnosis pages.
■ Search field: Enter an OLT address and press ENTER to launch an Optical Link Diagnosis
for an optical link, or enter a PON ID to go directly to the PON Diagnosis page.

To launch an Optical Link Diagnosis, enter one of the following:

❐ ONT equipment address
❐ ONT serial number
❐ PON Branch ID

Note: Entering a feeder cable name in the Search field opens the FEEDER CABLE tab, not
a Diagnosis page.

To navigate to the PON Diagnosis page, enter one of the following:

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❐ PON address (also known as OLT port address)

You can use the asterisk character (*) as a wildcard. In a wildcard search, a single result
produces more information about that result; multiple results produces a list.. Wildcard
searches do not search ONT addresses or PON addresses.
■ “The NETWORK WIDE tab” on page 68: This tab provides four views into the current state
of the network health:
❐ A list of Link quality categories that provides the number of subscribers in each category

In this list, click the numbers of optical links for each category to open the Optical Link
tab and show a list of the optical links filtered according to their link quality.
❐ A list of Most impacting faults that provides the number of subscribers affected by each

In this list, click the equipment name in the Fault location column to drill down to the
Optical Link Diagnosis page for a given fault.
❐ A Link Quality Evolution graph that shows the changes over time to link quality
❐ A Faults per hour graph that gives an overview of how many faults were detected during
the last 48 hours
■ “The PON tab” on page 73: This tab provides the PON overview list, a list of PONs that
can be filtered by PON name, by feeder cable name, or by PON address. This list indicates
the total number of optical links on each PON. Select a PON and click Show to open the
PON Diagnosis page.
❐ “The PON Diagnosis page” on page 75: The PON Diagnosis page provides four views
into the state of optical links connected to a single PON, showing:
● Optical links by link quality
● A list of detected faults
● A graphical view of the PON Topology tree
● A view displaying the OTDR diagnosis data
● An History tab showing the evolution of link quality by optical link over time
● A view displaying the PON Utilization
● If GIS management is enabled, a Map tab locating the faults on a geographical map

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■ “The OPTICAL LINK tab” on page 99: This tab provides a list of optical links that you can
sort by column heading and filter using the selectors on top of the page. The filters can be
saved and shared. This table provides information about each link, including its link quality,
status, power validation status, PON branch ID, ONT address, ONT serial number, and
SLID. For each link, you can also navigate to the Optical Link Diagnosis page or to the
PON Diagnosis page.
❐ To open the Optical Link Diagnosis page, select an optical link in the list, and then click
Go to Optical Link.

“Optical Link Diagnosis page” on page 105: The Optical Link Diagnosis page provides
detailed information about a given optical link, its properties, active faults, current and
historical link quality, and tags associated with any portion of the link. From this page, you
can also start a real-time data collection, a power validation, and a service diagnosis; also,
you can start/stop a real-time monitoring (default: one day).
❐ To open the PON Diagnosis page, select an optical link in the list, and then click Go to
PON. See above “The PON Diagnosis page” on page 75.
■ “The FEEDER CABLE tab” on page 122: This tab provides the list of feeder cables provided
with a topology import. From there, you can display an overview of PONs for a given feeder
cable, and then open each PON in its own PON Diagnosis view.
■ “The FAULT tab” on page 123: This tab provides the list of all faults persisted in the database.
Use filters to select any subset of faults that are of interest in a given situation. The filters
can be saved and shared. The PON Diagnosis page or Optical Link Diagnosis can be reached
for any particular equipment listed. The list can be instantly exported to a CSV or Excel file
to open with an appropriate external application. The Resolve button cleans faults manually.
■ “The ALARM tab” on page 124: This tab provides the list of alarms raised on ALU or third-party
network elements. The PON Diagnosis page or Optical Link Diagnosis page can be reached
for any particular equipment listed, provided the equipment is known in the network topology.
The list can be filtered and exported to a CSV or Excel file to open with an appropriate
external application.
■ “The EXPORT STATISTICS tab” on page 126: From this tab, you can export collected statistics
to a CSV or Excel file on the NA-F host.
■ “The ADMINISTRATION tab” on page 135: This tab provides access to NA-F-specific
administrative features. You perform most administrative tasks, such as user management,
collection management, and so on, through the NA-SBI interface. See Chapter 3,
“Administration” on page 163 for information about administrative tasks performed through
the NA-SBI interface. The Administration tab has these tabs:

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Tab Description For more information

Information Provides information about the “Information tab” on page 135
product, its version, and the
Topology Replication Imports information about the “NA-F database and
organization of your fiber network topology” on page 10
Topology Audit Report Launches a specific audit report “Topology Audit Report tab” on
after at least one hour of data page 144
System Settings Configures NA-F specific system “System Settings tab” on
settings page 145
Display Label Defines up to three custom labels “Display Label Management
Management tab” on page 153
GIS Management Enables the GIS map and declare “GIS Management tab” on
the callback script and optionally page 156
the proxy needed for integration
of the GIS map feature
Data Feed Provides an external reporting “Data Feed tab” on page 158
application with the information
stored in the NA-F database to
create customized reports
Fault Notification Filter Selects the notifications that “Fault Notification Filter tab” on
appear in the Diagnosis pages page 156

Map of the NA-F GUI shows how the pages in the NA-F graphical user interface are linked

Issue 10 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA 67
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Map of the NA-F GUI

This map of the NA-F GUI is valid for a user with the 'Administrator' role.
Operator roles cannot access the content of the Administration tab.


The Network Wide tab provides views into the current state of the network health, as shown
in the following figure:

68 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10
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The Network Wide tab

PON utilization
The PON utilization table, which is updated hourly, summarizes the number of channels with
bandwidth loss and low bandwidth margin. For a channels definition, see Terminology notes on
page 29.

The table is only visible if you have the Service Diagnosis & Supervision license

Click the PON count to go to the PON tab with the view filtered for PON channels with loss or
PON channels with low margin.

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For information about these items, see “PON BW loss ” on page 53 and “PON BW margin ” on
page 55.

Link quality
The Link quality table, which is updated hourly, shows the number of affected optical links
sorted by link quality category. Links to the Optical Link tab provide a list of optical links filtered
by that link quality.

The quality of the link. For information about the link quality levels, see “Link quality” on
page 32.

Optical links
The number of optical links with the given link quality. Click the number in this column to
navigate to the Optical Link tab, which provides a list of optical links filtered by that link

Also, this column shows in parentheses how many of those links, if any, have a link priority
of critical. For example, "10 (1)" indicates 10 links with one of those links being critical. If
there are no critical links, only the total number of links is shown. For more information,
see “Link priority ” on page 32.

Most impacting faults

The Most impacting faults table shows for each fault: its severity, type, location in the network,
the number of degraded links, and the number of interrupted links.

The ordering is as follows:

■ Critical, high impact (descending order)

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■ High impact (descending order)

■ Critical, low impact (descending order)
■ Low impact (descending order)
■ Start timestamp (descending order)
■ ID (descending order)

High impact means service interrupting. Low impact is not service interrupting. For example,
admin down and loss of signal are service interrupting; while a fiber bend and connector issues
might interrupt a few ONTs but not all, so they might qualify as both high impact and low impact
depending on the fault location.

For a detailed explanation of the fault types, locations and severities, see “The FAULT tab” on
page 123.

Sev. (Severity)
This column indicates the fault's severity:

Minor: One or more ONTs degraded

Major: One ONT disconnected

Critical: More than one ONT disconnected

This column indicates the type of equipment that contains the fault.

An (R) is shown if the equipment is part of a redundant setup, also known as a protection

This column shows the time and date when the fault was detected.

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Fault location
The location of the faults in the network.

Optical link quality

The number of optical links impacted by a problem of the following types.

Degraded #
The number of optical links that have reduced robustness or that are close to interruption
due to problems of this type.

Interrupted #
The number of optical links with service interrupted due to problems of this type.

Also, this column shows in parentheses how many of those links, if any, have a link priority
of critical. For example, "10 (3)" indicates 10 links with three of those links being critical. If
there are no critical links, only the total number of links is shown. For more information,
see “Link priority ” on page 32.

Link quality evolution graph

The Link Quality Evolution graph shows the number of optical links by link quality over time.
The graph includes up to 20 days of data, depending on what is available in the database. The
graph is updated hourly.

The graph title changes based on the amount of data used to create the graph:

Graph title Amount of data graphed

Link quality evolution No data

Link quality evolution (day in same format as x-axis) One day

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Link quality evolution (first day - last day) Multiple days

Faults per hour

The Faults per hour graph shows the number of faults per hour that occurred during the last
48 hours.

The PON tab

The PON tab provides the PON overview, which is a list of PON channels with their port
addresses, the number of optical links attached to the channel, and the ID of the PON to which
this channel belongs.

For sorting and filtering information, see “Sorting and filtering in the PON tab and the ALARM
tab” on page 182.

Click a PON channel in the list and use the Go to PON, Edit, or Delete buttons to operate on
the given PON channel.

The PON tab

The "Paired Feeder Cable ID" and "Paired Address" columns appear only in environments
with protection groups (also known as redundant setups).

Use the CSV or Excel buttons to export data in the corresponding format. For information
about automatic daily exports, see “Auto Data Export Settings group” on page 148.

Issue 10 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA 73
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With the PON Utilization box at the top of the page (only visible if you have the Service
Diagnosis & Supervision license option), you can limit the list to PON channels with certain
margin and loss traits. For information about these values, see “PON BW margin ” on page 55
and “PON BW loss ” on page 53.

Go to PON, Edit or Delete buttons

These buttons appear when you select any PON in the list. Use the Go to PON, Edit, and
Delete buttons to go to the PON Diagnosis page for the currently selected PON, to edit its
PON ID, or to delete the PON from the NA-F topology database.

The PON ID column displays the PON name as stored in the NA-F database. By default,
this is the same as the PON Address or OLT port address, but you can edit the value using
the Edit button here or in the PON topology tree.

A PON ID is a unique identifier of the PON. Channels map to the parent object PON through
the PON ID. The PON can be GPON-only, TWDM-only, or GPON-TWDM.

Feeder Cable ID
The Feeder Cable ID column displays the name of the feeder cable the PON belongs to.

The Address column displays the TL1 port address of the OLT for the PON.

Paired Feeder Cable ID

The Paired Feeder Cable ID column displays the name of the feeder cable the paired
PON in a protection group belongs to.

Paired Address
The Paired Address column displays the TL1 port address of the OLT for the paired PON
in a protection group.

Sub Channel Group

Lists the sub channel group for channel pairs. (For definitions, see “TWDM NG-PON2
overview” on page 29.)

If no TWDM channel pair is present, this column is not shown. For GPONs, this column is

Optical links
The Optical links column shows the total number of links in the PON. Also, this column
shows in parentheses how many of those links, if any, have a link priority of critical. For
example, "9 (1)" indicates nine links with one of those links being critical. If a PON has no
critical links, only the total number of links is shown.

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Values are presented only if you have the Service Diagnosis & Supervision
license option. Otherwise, a hashtag is displayed.

The bandwidth margin for the PON channel, which you can use for preliminary capacity
planning. Hover your cursor over the value for an explanation of the value. For information,
see “PON BW margin ” on page 55.


Values are presented only if you have the Service Diagnosis & Supervision
license option. Otherwise, a hashtag is displayed.

The bandwidth loss indicator for the PON channel, which helps you identify an overused
PON. Hover your cursor over the value for an explanation of the value. For information,
see, “PON BW loss ” on page 53.

Arrow buttons
Use the arrow buttons to browse through a list of PONs longer than one page. The arrow
buttons do not show when the list has only one page.

Button Function
Return to the first page in the list.

Jump back 10 pages in the list or to the first page if you are not already on a
page higher than page 10.
Jump back one page in the list.

Jump forward one page in the list.

Jump ahead 10 pages in the list.

Go to the last page in the list.

The PON Diagnosis page

The PON Diagnosis page is most informative when looked at as a whole. Summary information
is at the top, with details below, as shown in the following figure: The top left area, Latest Link
Quality and Link Priority, lists one impacted ONT, which is identified by a red spot in the PON
topology tree below. In the same way, you can identify faults listed in the top right area, Latest
Detected Faults, in the PON topology tree through the highlight icon ( ).

Issue 10 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA 75
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How information relates with topology - PON Diagnosis page

Top left list: Latest Link Quality and Link Priority

This area lists the fiber branches on the current PON and their current level of link quality and
“Link priority ” on page 32.

Customer ID
The Customer ID or SLID (Subscriber Location ID) associated with this PON branch.

Branch ID
The PON branch ID.

LQ (Link Quality)
The current link quality for this PON branch. See “Link quality” on page 32.

LP (Link Priority)
The current link priority for the PON branch. See “Link priority ” on page 32.

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Top right list: PON Latest detected faults

This area lists the most recently detected faults for this PON.

Click the down arrow on the left of each row to display a description or a suggested repair

This column indicates the fault's severity:

Minor: One or more ONTs degraded

Major: One ONT disconnected

Critical: More than one ONT disconnected

A brief description of the type of fault. Click the down arrow on the left to display the
description and, if applicable, repair advice for the fault.

An (R) is shown if the fault is present on a redundant setup, also known as a protection

The time at which the fault was first detected.

Fault location
The location of the fault. For fiber faults, the location can be:
■ Between the PON port and the first splitter (the feeder)
■ In a fiber section between two splitters (a collector)
■ Between the last splitter and the ONT (Distribution of PON branch ID)
The location value can also be Unknown.

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Degraded #

The number of optical links on this PON that have a degraded service signal due to this

Also, this column shows in parentheses how many of those links, if any, have a link priority
of critical. For example, "10 (3)" indicates 10 links with three of those links being critical. If
there are no critical links, only the total number of links is shown. For more information,
see “Link priority ” on page 32.

Interrupted #

The number of optical links on this PON with interrupted service due to this fault.

Also, this column shows in parentheses how many of those links, if any, have a link priority
of critical. For example, "10 (3)" indicates 10 links with three of those links being critical. If
there are no critical links, only the total number of links is shown. For more information,
see “Link priority ” on page 32.

Click the highlight icon in the Latest Detected Faults list ( ) to highlight probable locations
for this fault in the PON topology tree below.

In the following figure, the location of the fault is highlighted in the PON topology tree.

Highlight from the Latest Detected Faults list

You can also highlight from the PON topology tree. Click the orange cross in the topology
tree, if present, to highlight the corresponding fault in the fault list.

This is only valid for fiber cuts ( ). It is currently not possible to highlight other
faults from the PON topology tree.

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To remove the highlight that resulted from the first click, click again the highlight icon or
the fault location cross.

Topology (classic) tab, Topology (compact) tab, and Topology tab

In all tabs of the PON Diagnosis page, the bottom panel can be maximized, masking the two
top tables.

These tabs display the PON topology combining information collected from the OLT with
uploaded topology data to create representations of the PON:
■ A graphical representation of the PON that shows the OLT (left) to the splitters (middle) to
the ONT (right).

This representation appears only in the Topology (classic) tab for GPON-only PONs.
■ A table-based representation of the PON.

This representation appears in the Topology (compact) tab for GPON-only PONs and in
the Topology tab for TWDM PONs and for GPON-TWDM PONs

You can use the “Top right list: PON Latest detected faults” on page 77 list to highlight possible
fault locations on the tree.

Topology (classic) tab

This figure shows the Topology (classic) representation for a GPON-only PON.

The splitters and ONTs are sorted and listed according to their parent port

PON properties
The PON properties table (on the left) lists information about the PON:

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Field Description
ID An arbitrary name for the PON. By default, this is the TL1 address. Click
the edit icon ( ) to change this value.
Address The TL1 address of the OLT.
Feeder Cable ID The name or reference of the feeder cable for this PON.
Paired Address In a protection group, the TL1 address of the OLT for the paired PON.

For more information, see “PON protection” on page 52.

Paired Feeder In a protection group, the name or reference of the feeder cable for the
Cable ID paired PON.

For more information, see “PON protection” on page 52.

Card type The type of LT card.

In a protection group, this information is for the active PON port. For
more information, see “PON protection” on page 52.
Tx power level Transmit power level.

In a protection group, this information is for the active PON port. For
more information, see “PON protection” on page 52.
SFP S/N The serial number or reference of the OTDR SFP module.

In a protection group, this information is for the active PON port. For
more information, see “PON protection” on page 52.

Tags ( )
In the PON topology tree, tag icons ( ) appear on the PON properties table, fiber sections,
splitter icons, and by each ONT. When you click a tag icon ( ), a window opens so you
can view or edit the notes on the associated object. A tag icon is green ( ) when it contains
one or more notes. You can use these notes to record information such as trouble ticket
numbers, maintenance actions performed or planned, and so on to improve communication
between groups. In an integration scenario, other applications can create such messages
using the NBI. For more information, see the Northbound OSS Interface Developer Guide.
Click the calendar icons ( ) or use the text fields to set the start or end date indicating
the date range to which this message applies.

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Use the buttons along the bottom of the window to manipulate the tag:

Icon Function
Close the dialog.

Page through the list of tags for this object, one tag at a time.

Jump to the first or last tag in the list for this object.

Delete the current tag.

Create a new tag.

Save the current tag.

Revert to the saved or unmodified version of this tag.

Fiber sections ( )
Grey lines represent the fiber sections that connect OLTs, splitters, and ONTs. Use the
tag icon ( ) to add notes to any fiber section. Click the highlight icon ( ) in the Detected
faults table to see possible locations for each fault rendered over the fiber sections in the
topology tree. The following figure shows a portion of a topology tree with a fault between
the OLT and splitter, at feeder cable level, marked with a red X:

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The line can be dotted ( ), indicating unlinked ONTs: These ONTs

belong to the PON being viewed, but the system does not know how. For instance, the
ONTs have not been topology-imported and there is no information available about the
splitters that connect them to the OLT port; or they once were connected correctly but the
splitter has been removed (this could be a transient state, for instance because splitters
are getting replaced).

Note that feeder cable cuts are not shown on the affected PON feeder. The fault is listed
in the top right fault table as a cable with a red cross. There is no corresponding icon in
the PON tree, but the icon is shown in the PON table next to the feeder cable ID.

The splitter icon represents an individual splitter and associated data.

1. The total number of number of ONTs ultimately connected to this splitter. See callout
number 1 in the figure.

2. The number of optical links in this splitter by link quality. See callout number 2 in the

3. The split ratio (number of fiber sections created by this splitter). When you mouse over
the number showing the split ratio (here, 8), a tool tip pops up showing the splitter

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properties. This information is supplied during the topology import. See callout number
3 in the figure.
■ Name: A unique, provider-defined name for the splitter within the NA-F database.
■ Address: The OLT to which this splitter ultimately connects. Discovered during data
collection and supplied during topology import.
■ Parent Port Number: The port number on the parent splitter.
■ Vendor: Name of the vendor of the splitter.
■ Model Name: Name of the splitter model provided by the vendor.
■ S/N: The serial number of the splitter.
■ Split Ratio: The number of fiber sections into which the splitter divides the incoming
fiber section.

ONT list
The ONT list provides information about the ONTs connected to this splitter.

The ONT number assigned to this ONT.

The ONT model name discovered during data collection.

Link Quality icon

This icon indicates the link quality for this optical link.

Switched off




Indicates that the link quality was

determined at the most recent

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Switched off



Indicates that an error occurred at

the most recent collection. The
current color indicates the last known
link quality.
Indicates that NA-F is in the process
of updating the link quality. The color
indicates the last known link quality.

An intermittent problem on the fiber can produce a link quality of reduced
robustness when there is no corresponding fault detected. This can happen
when the fault detection cannot quantify the type of the fault. Similarly, a
degradation fault might be detected while the link quality is good. In this case,
despite the fault, the subscriber has good service. The operator must consider
both the fault and the link quality to decide whether to take action. In both these
cases, the link quality computation takes precedence over the detected fault
when making a decision. Nevertheless, this behavior is rare and intermittent.

Link Status icon

The icon indicates the status of this optical link (PON Branch and ONT considered as
a whole). Note that the status may apply to the ONT only.

ONT Status Indicators Table

Icon Status Description Resulting link quality
Administrative Down The operator has locked the ONT Interrupted
so it cannot function.
Discovered ONT has been discovered but has Not applicable
no corresponding PON branch.
Grey dashed line in the PON view.
Disabled ONT can be disabled explicitly by Interrupted
an operator, or implicitly after the
ONT has been detected as rogue.

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ONT Status Indicators Table (continued)

Icon Status Description Resulting link quality
Waiting for ONT The ONT was provisioned but no Unknown
(after provisioning) ONT has been connected yet.
Waiting Long for The ONT was provisioned and was Unknown
ONT (after collected the first time X hrs ago.
Waiting Very Long The ONT was provisioned and was Interrupted
for ONT (after collected the first time Y hrs ago.
Newly Imported A new PON branch was defined Unknown
that could not be linked directly at
Not Provisioned A PON branch is defined that is
pointing to an ONT that is not
Connected The ONT is present and connected. Good, Reduced robustness
or Degraded
Disconnected The ONT has become unreachable. Interrupted

Operational Down The ONT is down because of higher Interrupted

layer issues, for example
misconfiguration of service or
software, but not of physical
Switched off The ONT has been switched off and Interrupted
sent a "dying gasp".

Power Validation icon

The possible results for an optical link's power validation are as follows. For more
information, see “Detailed reasons and repair actions” on page 44.

PV results
Value Icon Description
None No power validation has been performed or is currently being performed
on the optical link.

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PV results (continued)
Value Icon Description
Normal The most recent power validation determined that the optical link's power
level was acceptable. A power validation result is saved as a reference,
consisting of the collected data, a PON branch received power reference,
and the fact that the validation succeeded.
Abnormal The most recent power validation determined that the optical link's power
level was not acceptable. The result, consisting of the collected data, a
PON branch received power reference, and the fact that the validation
failed, is stored.
Not The most recent power validation failed to determine the optical link's
enough power level.

Link Priority icon

Icon Status Description

Critical The link is for a VIP customer or mobile backhaul.
Interrupts must be immediately localized and
forwarded to the fault notification interface.
Regular The link does not require immediate attention when
issues arise.

PON branch ID

The PON branch ID assigned during topology import.

Besides topology import through files, the administrator can use the GUI to define
branch IDs for ONTs and to link ONTs to a specific splitter and splitter port. An Edit
icon appears when moving the mouse over the branch ID. When you click this icon,
the Edit Branch window below opens, allowing you to change the branch ID name
and to select another splitter and splitter port (valid value range: from 1 to 128). Branch
ID and Splitter are mandatory; Splitter Port is optional.

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The ONT serial number discovered during data collection or defined during topology

The SLID (Subscriber Location ID) discovered during data collection or defined during
topology import. The value is rendered in ASCII or HEX format depending on the SLID
interpretation mode setting in the OLT.

Custom labels
Up to three custom labels can be added to this table. Use Administration->Display
Label Management->Label Name to change the names of the labels. Only custom
labels that have the Enabled option set in the Display Label Management tab appear
in this table. See “Display Label Management tab” on page 153 for more information.

The following image shows three custom labels: District, Local Area, and Vendor.

The number of the PON or Splitter Port this ONT is connected to.

Rx Pwr
Received power measurement on the ONT side.

OLT side
Received power measurement on the OLT side.

Tag icon ( )
The tag icon to log notes about this piece of equipment in the NA-F database.

Topology (compact) tab

This figure shows the Topology (compact) representation for a GPON-only PON.

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Hover your cursor over the icon in the upper-left corner of the view to show channel details,
as shown below.

For descriptions of the items, see “Topology (classic) tab” on page 79.

Topology tab

This figure shows the Topology representation for a TWDM-only PON.

Hover your cursor over the icon in the upper-left corner of the view to show channel details,
as shown below.

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Lambda Profile indicates the wavelength used. Aλ and Pλ indicate the actual and preferred
wavelengths, respectively.

For descriptions of the other items, see “Topology (classic) tab” on page 79.

OTDR tab
TWDM networks do not support OTDR measurements.

In all tabs of the PON Diagnosis page, the bottom panel can be maximized, masking the two
top tables.

For both OTDR diagnosis and OTDR link loss, whenever something goes wrong, an appropriate
error message is displayed inside the Start button.

For example, you see an "SFTP: Authentication failed" error message in the following cases:
■ The submitted credentials, either the username or password, are incorrect.
■ NA-F is configured to use key-based authentication, but the node is configured for
password-based authentication.
■ NA-F is configured to use password-based authentication, but the node is configured for
key-based authentication.

The following screenshot shows another error message in the red rectangle.

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OTDR error messages

OTDR Diagnosis

With Release 8.1, Network Analyzer - Fiber introduced embedded OTDR (Optical Time-Domain
Reflectometry). OTDR diagnosis measures the signal attenuation on a fiber so you can identify
the distance to, or geographical location of, a fiber cut with a 10-meter accuracy. This feature
is in service (traffic is not interrupted), in band (the fault impact is measured on the downstream
traffic frequency), and is embedded (no coupler, no extra ODF, and no extra hardware are

The user has the following options for OTDR diagnosis for the PON:
■ Click Start to create a new reference measurement.
■ Click Start same ref to reuse the reference of a previous validation (only visible if a previous
validation has been done).
■ Save or discard a reference measurement under the OTDR tab.

When you manually save a reference measurement: NA-F saves the previous
hour's data; that manually saved reference is not overwritten when you start a
new diagnosis using either Start or Start same ref; the Reference column
heading shows "Reference (manually saved: discard)." To automatically create
references again, discard the manually saved reference.

The OTDR tab displays the OTDR Measurements table and OTDR Trace graph. The table
shows the available measurements (Current, Long Term, Reference); the graph shows the
OTDR trace over distance, optionally cumulating any of the three available measurements
(Current in green; Long Term in red in the example), and the position of the current events
from the table above (three events in the example).

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OTDR Measurements

OTDR Measurements table

Measurements Current Long term Reference
The current The last hour's A long-term measurement saved
measurement measurement as a reference
Time (End) The date and time when the corresponding measurement has ended
Period The duration in hh:mm of the measurement
Event Position (km) Type Loss(dB) Refl.(dB)
For each of the 3 measurements above:
Event The distance in kms from The type of the The loss The reflectometry
number the CO to the event position event measured in dB measured in dB

Types include:
■ R--

■ R-G

due to ghost
(< 500m

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OTDR Measurements table (continued)

Event Position (km) Type Loss(dB) Refl.(dB)
indicates a
bad splitter)
■ R-S

due to
Graph legend
Selectors Check-boxes to select the corresponding measurement trace to display in the
graph to the right
Refresh Button to trace again the graph after you have selected a new trace above
Zoom Switch from the original view to views magnified by 2, 4, or 6 (for example, an
original view showing 22 kms shows 11, then 5.5, etc.)

OTDR Link Loss

R9.0 introduced the link loss validation feature. It helps validating the NA-F
installation/deployment based on an OTDR measurement. Nokia embedded OTDR SFP is
required for this feature.

The result of the link loss measurement is an accurate estimate of the link loss in both
downstream and upstream. This result must be compared to the design specification to see
whether it falls inline with what is designed. Finally, the result can be saved to an optical link
for future reference.

The process to get to link loss measurement is as follows:

To perform link loss validation

1. Connect an SC/APC-SC/UPC patch fiber to the PON where you want to have a link loss

The SC/UPC end has to be kept open during the measurement. It generates a "fingerprint"
in the OTDR trace that allows you to estimate the link loss up to the point of the open
SC/UPC end.

2. Start an OTDR link loss measurement (clicking the button OTDR Link Loss Start) from
the top of the PON page to which the patch fiber is connected.

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3. This started OTDR measurement is compared with an older OTDR measurement, which
is called the reference measurement. After two to six minutes, the started measurement
completes and the result is shown under the OTDR tab of the respective PON page.

The following results are possible:

■ The reflector was not found. This either means that the link loss was too high or that
the reflector was not connected.
■ The reflector overlapped with another reflection. To get to a meaningful result, the
reflector should be moved further away from the OLT by at least 10m.
■ The measurement was successful and shows a link loss for both downstream and
upstream. The result can be linked to an optical link.
■ If the measurement is linked to an optical link, it is visible under the PV tab of that
particular optical link.

NA-F automatically creates the reference measurement used in step 3 based on OTDR
measurements of the previous hour.

The user has the following options:

■ Click Start to create a new reference measurement.
■ Click Start same ref to reuse the reference of a previous validation (only visible if a
previous validation has been done).
■ Save or discard a reference measurement under the OTDR tab.

History tab
In all tabs of the PON Diagnosis page, the bottom panel can be maximized, masking the two
top tables.

The History tab shows the link quality of all the optical links, ordered by splitter, in a PON over
time. (Before R9.1.5, this tab was the Link Quality tab.)

Also, if any ONTs support RFoG (radio frequency over glass) and you have selected the Enable
RFoG Views option (“RFoG Settings group ” on page 150), a checkbox appears in the upper-right
corner of the History tab so that you can separately enable the display of link quality and RF
overlay quality history. The RF overlay quality history for a PON is shown immediately after
the PON's link quality history. You can compare:
■ RF overlay quality (RFQ) between ONTs on the same splitter and/or on the same PON to
identify anomalies over time that affect multiple ONTs

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■ RF overlay quality with the link quality (LQ) between ONTs on the same splitter to identify
anomalies over time that affect both GPON and RF overlay signals and multiple ONTs

In the History tab:

■ Click the 3 days or 10 days buttons, and then click and drag the slider to adjust the date
range shown in the chart.
■ Click a color in the chart to see a signal level line graph for that optical link for the period.
You can show multiple signal level line graphs at one time, one per splitter.
❐ In the signal level line graph, areas with a black background indicate that the ONT was
unavailable, a solid red background indicates that the signal was interrupted by the optical
link, and a highlighted background indicates that the signal is degraded.
❐ Red circles in the line graph indicates the point where a fault was detected.

The red circles do not apply to RF optical signal level line graphs.

Click the Close button ( ) to close a signal level line graph.
■ The darkness of the colors in the contour chart indicate the signal level for that period. The
legend maps colors to signal levels. Here are examples and the legend.

The darkness does not apply to the RFQ contour chart.

Link quality graph and signal level graph

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Link quality graph and RF overlay quality graph

Click the Legend button to show the legend:

The Switched off and Reduced robustness categories do not apply to RFQ history. Also,
the Signal Values along the bottom do not apply to RFQ history.

You can widen or narrow the gradient range in the legend using the settings described in
“PON history group” on page 152.

PON Utilization tab

The PON Utilization feature focuses on data collection and display of the traffic counters.

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This feature is under control of the Service Diagnosis & Supervision option of the license key;
it works within the constraints of the Optical Diagnosis & Supervision license (with respect to
the number of equipments).

The PON Utilization gives a view on:

■ Subscriber bandwidth utilization: The graphs show the consumption of bandwidth by the top
5 subscribers over time.

This utilization data requires that the underlying statistics are available, meaning
that the OLTs are configured to produce the data and that OLTs have the
appropriate software, such as ISAM 5.2 or later or FGU 4.10 or later, installed.

■ Channel bandwidth utilization: The graphs show the consumption by all subscribers on a
particular channel.

In the Select Channel drop-down, a coupled GPON-TWDM network shows up with two channel

Several traffic counters are collected every 15 min and displayed in graphs.

For information about how to start the collection of the needed 15-min counters on ALU nodes,
see the Installation Guide topic "Initial startup and configuration" and its "If your NA-F license
includes a Service Diagnosis license, start the 15-minute background collection" step.

NA-F R9.1.5 introduced the naf.ngsdc.enable.pon.utilization property to
control whether the latest node-supported PON utilization data is collected when
using ISAM 5.2 and later or FGU 4.10 and later. Contact your Nokia technical
support representative for assistance in changing this property.

The tab label includes a BW Loss indicator in square brackets ( [ ] ). When you open the tab,
a Loss Indicator appears in the upper-right corner of the tab to present the same information.
When the value is Fail though, reasons for the value are also given. For more information
about this indicator, see “PON BW loss ” on page 53. A Margin Factor also appears in the
upper-right corner. When the value is Low, reasons for the value are given. For more
information, see “PON BW margin ” on page 55.

The following graphs are generated, depending on the availability of the counters:
■ On the PON Diagnosis page, you get a forwarded bandwidth graph and a discarded
bandwidth graph in the PON Utilization tab by selecting one of the following tabs:
❐ Total DS bandwidth
❐ Unicast DS bandwidth

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Also includes a Top 5 ONT table and options to show the bandwidth for those ONTs on
the forwarded/discarded bandwidth graphs.
❐ Multicast DS bandwidth
❐ Total US bandwidth

Also includes a Top 5 ONT table and options to show the bandwidth for those ONTs on
the forwarded/discarded bandwidth graphs.

The Top 5 ONT tables can show a value of up to 2100 in the Occurrences
column. However, the Average Bandwidth calculation is made using at most
2016 data points (12 data points/hour * 24 hours * 7 days = 2016).

Depending on the tab, you also have the option to:

❐ channel
❐ Show channel bandwidth
❐ Show max achievable channel bandwidth

This bandwidth is the maximum possible bandwidth for each of the traffic counters (Total
DS, Unicast DS, Multicast DS, and Total US). The maximum possible value of Total DS,
Unicast DS, and Total US is fixed and is dependent on the PON technology. The maximum
value of Multicast DS is configurable and is the value configured in the QOS CAC profile
of the PON.
■ On the Optical Link Diagnosis page, you get graphs per interface in the Service Diagnosis
tab. See “Service Diagnosis tab” on page 120.


This feature is only supported for nodes for which the needed counters can be retrieved by
■ ISAM versions
❐ With ISAM version earlier than (<) R5.2 AND NA-SBI collector configured: ALU 73xx
FD/FX platforms only provide the unicast counters, so no graphs on multicast traffic are
❐ With ISAM version later than or at (>=) R5.2 AND configured on OLT AND NA-SBI collector
configured: Graphs are generated.
❐ With ISAM version later than or at (>=) R5.2 AND configured on OLT AND SDC 9.4+ is
configured: Graphs are generated.

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❐ All other cases: no graphs

■ FGU versions
❐ On 7342 with FGU version earlier than (<) R4.10: ALU 7342 nodes cannot provide the
needed counters, so no graphs are generated.
❐ On 7342 with FGU version later than (>) 4.10 AND configured on OLT AND SDC 9.4+
collector is configured: Graphs are populated.
❐ All other cases: No graphs.

NA-F is prepared to show unicast and multicast counters for multivendor nodes that provide
all the needed counters.

Data archiving

NA-F creates a zip archive of previous day traffic counter files on a daily basis. These files are
kept for 10 days by default and deleted later. For more information, see “Archive files” on
page 169.

Map tab
In all tabs of the PON Diagnosis page, the bottom panel can be maximized, masking the two
top tables.

The Map tab can display the physical location of PON elements and faults on a geographical
map. NA-F needs integration with an external GIS (Geographical Information System) system
to display the map: The operator or Customer Projects must provide a callback script. The GIS
system has knowledge about the topology via operator and listens for fault notifications from

The configuration is done in “GIS Management tab” on page 156.

On the PON page:

■ The tab shows a GIS map of all network elements of the PON. When the callback script is
called with parameter ${PON}, what the map shows actually comes from the external GIS
■ When faults are selected in the Faults table, the selected faults are also shown on the GIS
map next to network elements. The callback script is called with parameters ${PON} and
❐ The external GIS system must listen to fault notifications to be able to situate them on a

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❐ No notification is sent for faults detected through live collection. These faults cannot be
shown by the external GIS system.
❐ After highlighting faults, the map must be refreshed. To refresh, click the Map tab again.

The link opens the GIS map in another browser window or tab,
depending on the browser settings.

To open a pop-up window that shows the callback URL that was called and the URL that
the script returned, click the icon on the map's upper-right corner. The parameters are
listed in a table. If live faults were selected, the total number of live faults is listed with a
warning that those cannot be shown. This information is useful to mention to support when
something goes wrong.

GIS URL Information window

On the Fault page:

When selecting a fault, a Go to map button becomes visible. It brings you to this PON page's
Map tab.


The Optical Link tab provides a list of optical links that you can filter and sort by column heading.
This list provides information about each link, including its link quality, status, power validation
status, link priority, monitoring status, PON branch ID, ONT address, ONT serial number, SLID,
and ONT ID. You can export the data in the table to a CSV or Excel file by clicking the CSV
or Excel buttons. (For information about automatic daily exports, see “Auto Data Export Settings
group” on page 148.) For each link, you can also navigate to the Optical Link Diagnosis page
or the PON Diagnosis page:
■ To open the Optical Link Diagnosis page, select an optical link in the list and click Go to
Optical Link.

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■ To open the PON Diagnosis view, select an optical link in the list and click Go to PON.

The Optical Link tab

For more information about sorting, filtering, and searching the list, see “Sorting and filtering
in the OPTICAL LINK tab and the FAULT tab” on page 183.

Filters management. On both the Optical Link tab and the Fault tab, the Manage filters
area on the upper-right allows you to define, save, share, update, and delete filters.

The screen captures below were made in the Fault tab. The behavior of this
feature is the same on both Optical Link and Fault tabs.

A filter is the collection of flags currently selected.

The filter is applied immediately at every change. The "My filters" that are shared are now
displayed with [shared] after their names. "Shared Filters" displays the filters that have been
saved and shared (if any) by other users, with [user login] after the names.

After system installation, no filters are present: The My Filters link and the Shared Filters link
are empty.

Manage Filters area

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To save a new filter

1. In the selection area, select the flags to keep together in a filter by selecting their

2. In the Manage Filters area, click Save as new filter.

In the pop-up window, give the filter an appropriate name.

Optionally, select Shared to make this filter available to all operators.

3. Click Submit.

In the Manage Filters area, the My Filters link is now followed by a ">" to indicate the
presence of at least one saved filter.

4. Click My Filters. The list of saved filters opens.

Select the filter to apply.

The filter is applied, and the results table is refreshed.

5. The Manage Filters area now shows the currently applied filter and the available actions
on this filter: Update filter (to change the selection and the name or share it), Delete filter.

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Using the text filter fields to limit the list. With the text filter fields in the header line, you
can limit the list by typing in any field a search criterion with an asterisk (*) as a wildcard
anywhere in the expression—except for ONT address, as explained in “Sorting and filtering in
the PON tab and the ALARM tab” on page 182.

Type your search criterion in the filter you want, and then press Return to refresh the list. To
get the full list back, clear the search criterion and hit Return again.

The results list can be sorted using the arrows next to the column title.

The following figure shows the first page of the full list.

The next figure shows the list limited to the optical links that have an address that starts with

Due to SQL injection protection, some characters or character combinations
are not allowed in these filters. However, this does not mean that the column
filtered cannot contain such characters or character combinations. Some filtering
might not work as expected because of this. When a filter with such character
combinations is used on top of the page, it is replaced with what is allowed.
This is a way to detect whether you have broken certain SQL injection rules in
the filter.

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LQ (Link Quality)
The current link quality for the optical link. See “Link quality” on page 32.

LS (Link Status)
The current status of the ONT. See “ONT Status Indicators Table” on page 84.

PV (Power validation)
This column indicates the state of the current power validation.

The possible results for an optical link's power validation are as follows. For more
information, see “Detailed reasons and repair actions” on page 44.

PV results
Value Icon Description
None No power validation has been performed or is currently being performed
on the optical link.
Normal The most recent power validation determined that the optical link's power
level was acceptable. A power validation result is saved as a reference,
consisting of the collected data, a PON branch received power reference,
and the fact that the validation succeeded.
Abnormal The most recent power validation determined that the optical link's power
level was not acceptable. The result, consisting of the collected data, a
PON branch received power reference, and the fact that the validation
failed, is stored.
Not The most recent power validation failed to determine the optical link's
enough power level.

LP (Link Priority)
The current link priority for the optical link. See “Critical links versus regular links” on
page 25.

This column shows the status of the monitoring action on the optical links for which this
action has been launched using the Start Monitoring button (or the Real-Time Monitoring
Start link in the top toolbar of the Optical Link Diagnosis page). The indicator shows the
date when the monitoring completed (1) or the currently completed percentage (2). If no
indicator is present, no monitoring action has ever been launched on this optical link.

By default, a maximum of 10 real-time monitoring actions can run concurrently. See “System
Settings group” on page 145, Maximum number of concurrent real-time monitorings.

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Branch ID
The PON branch ID supplied during topology import. The filter accepts an asterisk (*)
anywhere as a wildcard character.

The PON ID supplied during topology import. The filter accepts an asterisk (*) anywhere
as a wildcard character.

Address, S/N, SLID, custom labels, and ONT ID columns

Information collected from the ONT. The filters accept an asterisk (*) as a wildcard anywhere
in the expression—except for Address, as explained in “Sorting and filtering in the PON
tab and the ALARM tab” on page 182.

Custom labels (District, Local Area, and Vendor in this case) appear between the SLID
and ONT ID columns. Define custom labels as explained in “Display Label Management
tab” on page 153. You can filter only on custom labels that are imported by file; custom
labels that use the callback mechanism do not support sorting or filtering.

Go to Optical Link, Go to PON, Start Monitoring buttons

The buttons appear when you select any Optical Link in the list.

Click the Go to Optical Link button to open the “Optical Link Diagnosis page” on page 105.

Click the Go to PON button to show the PON Diagnosis page for the currently selected
Optical Link.

Click the Start Monitoring button to start a monitoring on the selected optical link. (This
button is not present for TWDM ONTs.)

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Arrow buttons
Use the arrow buttons to browse through a list longer than one page. The arrows buttons
do not show when the list has only one page.

Button Function
Return to the first page in the list.

Jump back 10 pages in the list or to the first page if you are not already on a
page higher than page 10.
Jump back one page in the list.

Jump forward one page in the list.

Jump ahead 10 pages in the list.

Go to the last page in the list.

Optical Link Diagnosis page

The Optical Link Diagnosis page provides detailed information about a given optical link, its
properties, active faults, current and historical link quality, and tags associated with any portion
of the link. From this page, you can also start a real-time data collection, a power validation,
and a service diagnosis; also, you can start/stop a real-time monitoring (default: one day).

Optical link details

The Optical link details table provides a summary of topology data and basic status.

Optical link properties table

In the table header, the value in parentheses is the PON branch ID.

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Actual Channel
For ONTs of type TWDM. The actual channel (pair) that the ONT is using. This value
matches the preferred channel (pair) when the preferred channel is available.

For ONTs of type GPON. The optical link's port on the LT board.

Custom labels
Up to three custom labels can be added to this table. Use Administration->Display Label
Management->Label Name to change the names of the labels. Only custom labels that
have the Enabled option set in the Display Label Management tab appear in Optical
link details table. See “Display Label Management tab” on page 153 for more information.

The following image shows three custom labels: District, Local Area, and Vendor.

Distance to OLT
Distance in kilometers determined during ranging.

Feeder Cable ID
The name of the feeder cable this ONT is connected to.

Latest Link Quality

The current “Link quality” on page 32 for this optical link.

Link Priority
The current “Link priority ” on page 32 for this optical link.

Link Status
The current “Link status” on page 30 for this optical link.

Loss Indicator
A value of Pass, Fail, or Unknown—as explained in “PON BW loss ” on page 53.

ONT Address
The address of the ONT for this optical link.

The ONT model name discovered during data collection.

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The serial number of the ONT.

The Customer ID or SLID (Subscriber Location ID) associated with this PON branch. The
value is rendered in ASCII or HEX format depending on the SLID interpretation mode
setting in the OLT.

ONT Type
The type of the ONT: GPON or TWDM.

OLT Card type

The type of LT card. For example, GLT4-A or GLT8.


The serial number for the small form-factor pluggable (SFP) transceiver.


For ONTs of type TWDM. The serial number for the 10-gigabit small form-factor pluggable
(XFP) transceiver.

A user-editable name of the PON stored only in the NA-F database. Click the PON ID to
navigate to the PON Diagnosis page for that PON. You can edit the name from the PON
topology tree.

If bandwidth information is collected and you have the Service Diagnosis & Supervision
license option, square brackets ( [ ] ) and a BW Loss indicator for the PON appear. For
information, see “PON BW loss ” on page 53. Click the indicator to see the PON utilization
tab for the PON.

Preferred Channel
For ONTs of type TWDM. The preferred channel (pair) that the ONT is configured to use.
The ONT uses the preferred channel when available. When the preferred channel is not
available, the Actual Channel value indicates the channel that the ONT is using.

RF Overlay
The RF Overlay status for this optical link.

This item appears only when you select the Enable RFoG Views option in
“RFoG Settings group ” on page 150.

For GPON, 2.5/1.25 Gbps. For TWDM, the same value as is shown in the PON tab.

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Faults history
The Faults history list shows the active faults discovered through the latest collection and the
faults collected by the hourly troubleshooting collection. The latest faults, with the exception
of the ONT UNI diagnostic faults, are persisted in the database. For more information, see
“Fault detection and localization” on page 50.

Faults history list

1. The fault severity

2. The fault type icon (See “Faults: types and states” on page 46.)

3. The fault location

4. The time the fault was detected

5. The Resolve fault button

Click this button to remove a fault from NA-F manually. For more information about clearing
faults, see “Fault detection and localization” on page 50.

6. The fault type description

Type name Definition

ONT oper. down The equipment is operational down due to an equipment
malfunction. Reset the ONT and if the problem persists, replace
the ONT.
ONT admin. down Unlock the ONT.
OLT port oper. down The equipment is operational down. Replace the SFP/XFP or
OLT card if no feeder fiber/cable fault is present.

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Type name Definition

OLT port admin. down Unlock the OLT port.
OLT card oper. down The equipment is operational down for an unknown reason.
Replace the card.
OLT card admin. down Unlock the card.
Malfunc. OLT port The transceiver of the equipment is broken and causing
transceiver transmission errors. Replace the SFP/XFP or card.
Malfunc. ONT transceiver The transceiver of the equipment is broken and causing
transmission errors. Replace the ONT.
a Signal is lost either due to an open connector at the CO, or one
Loss of signal
of the flexibility points, or due to a cut in the fiber.
a Signal is lost either due to an open connector at one of the
Loss of signal
flexibility points, or due to a cut in the fiber.
a Signal is lost either due to connectivity issues in the home, the
Loss of signal
drop fiber or an open connector at the distribution point.
Visual bend Fiber is tightly tangled or is forced into a tight bend. Make sure
the fiber has free space, or install a bend insensitive fiber.
Pressured fiber Fiber is squeezed, stapled or is stuck under a heavy object.
Make sure the fiber has free space, or install a bend insensitive
Pressured fiber or visual Fiber is squeezed, stapled, stuck under a heavy object, tightly
bend tangled or forced into a tight bend. Make sure the fiber has free
space, or install a bend insensitive fiber.
Degraded signal A degradation is present in the fiber or connector. Make sure
the fiber has free space or install a bend insensitive fiber. Verify
that the connectors are firmly seated and clean.
Dirty or loose connector One of the connectors is not firmly seated into the socket, or
either a plug or connector is dirty and requires cleaning.
Feeder cable cut Signal is lost due to feeder cable cut.
b The equipment is operational down because it has been
ONT disabled
manually disabled by the operator or automatically because a
rogue ONT was detected. Enable the ONT.
b The equipment is operational down because it has been
ONT disabled
manually disabled by the operator. Enable the ONT.
b The equipment was automatically disabled because the ONT
ONT disabled
is rogue. Reset the ONT. If the problem persists, replace the

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Type name Definition

ONT UNI card admin UNI card on ONT is admin down. Unlock the ONT card.
ONT UNI card oper down The UNI card on the ONT is operational down due to an
equipment malfunction or the card not being configured
properly. Reset the ONT or reconfigure the card. If the problem
persists, replace the ONT.
No carrier detected No Ethernet carrier detected on the UNI interface of the ONT.
Plug a proper Ethernet cable into the UNI interface of the ONT
and connect the cable to an active CPE at the other end.
CG admin. down The channel group is admin down. Unlock the channel group.
SCG admin. down The sub channel group is admin down. Unlock the sub channel
OLT port alien ONT One or more alien ONTs have been detected. Investigate the
optical network as soon as possible and disconnect the alien
PON bandwidth loss Investigate and identify the top ONT bandwidth users on the
PON. Possible actions: ask top users to reduce their bandwidth,
or re-allocate users to other PONs.
The "Loss of signal" fault has three possible descriptions based on whether the fault is a single-location fault or
a multi-location fault.
The "ONT disabled" fault has three possible descriptions depending on NA-F's ability to detect whether an ONT
was disabled manually or automatically. This information is available from the PLOAM status reported by the ONT.

The descriptions above use the following terms:

Rogue ONT. When an ONT on the PON exhibits one or more of the following behaviors, it
is considered a “rogue” ONT. Rogue ONTs, due to the malfunction, disrupt other ONTs on the
same PON.
■ ONT laser continuously sends light into the fiber, rendering the PON unusable.
■ Two ONTs with the same serial number prevent correct ranging of both ONTs.
■ ONT misinterprets the bandwidth map, causing the ONT to transmit for the wrong time slot
allocation, disrupting the PON for another ONT that is trying to use its correctly allocated
time slot.
■ ONT signal is outside its timing window, affecting the start of another ONT time slot.
■ ONT signal is too low or too high, causing bit rate errors or a ranging failure.

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Alien ONT. A non-GPON ONT on the PON is considered an alien ONT when it exhibits all
of the following conditions:
■ Sends continuous laser light into the fiber
■ Has the same operating wavelength with GPON ONTs that is 1260nm to 1360nm in the
upstream direction
■ Does not have service impact or BER to the PON, except for the impact to ranging of other

These conditions may have an effect on other GPON ONTs using the same PON. An alien
ONT indicates that the ONT or SFP module does not follow the GPON protocol. Therefore,
alien ONTs can disrupt the ranging process of other ONTs on the same PON.

To detect rogue ONTs or alien ONTs, run diagnostic tests on the OLT. When the OLT detects
a rogue ONT, NA-F creates an "ONT disabled" fault. When the OLT detects alien ONTs on a
channel, NA-F creates an "OLT port alien ONT" fault.

History tab


The Notes list provides a list of operator's messages manually added to components of the
optical infrastructure for this optical link. See “Tagging the optical infrastructure with notes” on
page 60 for information about those notes.

Notes list

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History chart

The History chart provides a historical view of the link quality to this optical link.

Also, if any ONTs support RFoG (radio frequency over glass) and you have selected the Enable
RFoG Views option (“RFoG Settings group ” on page 150), the chart provides RF overlay quality
(RFQ) history. This RFQ history is shown immediately after the PON's link quality (LQ) history.
You can compare the RFQ history with the LQ history of an optical link to identify anomalies
over time that affect both the GPON and RF overlay signals.

Use the 3 days and 10 days buttons to change the number of days of data to focus on using
the slider. Use the slider to specify which days to show. This data is not aggregated.

The Long term button shows the long-term aggregated data.

History chart

In the legend, the Switched off and Reduced robustness categories do not apply to RFQ

For the long-term data, the information is aggregated in the following, priority order by default:
■ INTERRUPTED (highest priority)

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For information about configuring this order, see “Link Quality priority order for long-term
aggregation group ” on page 152.

So in the long-term data, in a given day, the link quality with the highest priority is the quality
reported for that day. Here are some examples:
■ Consider a day in which the link quality was at times UNKNOWN, INTERRUPTED, or
SWITCHED_OFF. In the aggregation for this day, the quality is INTERRUPTED.
■ Consider another day in which the link quality was at times SWITCHED_OFF, GOOD, or
INTERRUPTED. In this case, the aggregation is INTERRUPTED.

Quick Navigation tab

The Quick Navigation tab provides a tree view of the PON the optical link belongs to. The
observed optical link appears in bold in the tree. The view enables you to click any other optical
link shown to jump directly to its Optical Link Diagnosis page.

Quick Navigation tab

Charts & Faults tab

The Charts & Faults tab provides summaries of statistics collected about the optical link.

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Charts & Faults tab

Select the type of chart to show. See “Chart types” on page 115 for a description of each

The minimum, maximum, average, and latest measurement in the unit of the selected chart
(dBm, µA, °C, V, etc.) at both ends of the link. (RR is reduced robustness.) When no data
is available, a dash (-) character appears.

Use the 3 days and 10 days buttons to change the number of days of data shown in the
chart ( ). Drag the slider ( ) in place, or click the timeline to move it to the start of the
days to show in the chart.

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A graph showing the measurement for the time window specified by the slider ( ) and the
type of graph selected ( ).

Chart types
Icon Description
Click this icon to show all the charts and data for all categories:
● Bit error counter (ONT and OLT) (bit errors/hour)
● Transceiver bias current (ONT and OLT) (microA)
● Optical signal level (ONT and OLT) (dBm)
● Transceiver temperature (ONT and OLT) (Celsius degree)
● Transceiver voltage (ONT and OLT) (uV)
The Bec per Hour chart and data show the bit error counter (BEC) data for the optical

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Chart types (continued)

Icon Description
The Transceiver laser bias current (mA) chart and data.

Vertical dotted lines on the signal line indicate that a fault was detected. Colored
backgrounds indicate a degraded signal (translucent red background, shown), an
interrupted signal (dark red), or switched off (black).

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Chart types (continued)

Icon Description

Power Validation tab

To start a PV, click the Start link ( ) in the Current PV button below the main menu bar.

In the Power Validation tab, the Current result table shows the result for the most recent
Power Validation.

Beneath that, the History table shows the results for the latest Power Validations ( ). Select
a result line in the History table ( ) to display the corresponding values in the table to the
right ( ). When a result line has automatic as the user, the reason the PV was triggered is
shown in square brackets ([, ]).

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Planned PV information appears above the History table ( ). This information can include
links to additional information. For example, if the trigger reason mentions one ONT, the
information has a link to the Optical Link Details page; if the trigger reason mentions several
ONTs, the information has a link to the list of optical links.

Power Validation tab

In case there is not enough data, the view shows the message "Not enough data" with advice
or a reason (for example: ONT not linked to topology - No Data to perform PV), and "#" for
Measured Signal.

The Theoretical Value (if any) is provided at the Import Topology stage and is
used for comparison with the Measured Signal. For more information, see
“Topology Replication tab” on page 137.

For general information about the Power Validation process, see “Power validation” on page 41.

Real-time Monitoring tab

The Real-time Monitoring tab displays the list of real-time monitoring inspections started,
stopped and/or finished.

This tab is not available for ONTs of type TWDM.

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By default, a maximum of 10 real-time monitoring actions can run concurrently. See “System
Settings group” on page 145, Maximum number of concurrent real-time monitorings.

Each line in the list provides links to a CSV file and Excel file that has the inspection data.

Real-time Monitoring tab

The list of parameters returned in the files is as follows:


The real-time monitoring can be scheduled for an NE that is not configured in
NA-SBI. These are two separate tasks, which do not interact.

1. An NA-F user can first schedule real-time monitoring on an NE and only later
configure that NE in NA-SBI. The real-time monitoring starts producing files as
soon as the NE is configured.

2. An NA-F user can schedule real-time monitoring on a configured NE at T1,

remove it from NA-SBI configuration at T2, and configure it again at T3, with
T1<T2<T3. The real-time monitoring will have files for the period the NE was
configured (there will be a gap).

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When real-time monitoring is scheduled, the icon next to the action button starts

This does not mean that real-time monitoring is ongoing, but that it is scheduled
and that it produces files regularly if the NE is configured.

Whether the NE is not configured can always be observed when the most-left
action button reads as shown below:

This tells you no files for real-time monitoring are being produced even though
the real-time monitoring icon is the spinning wheel.

Service Diagnosis tab

With the Service Diagnosis tab, you can view an instant, on-screen-only data collection for
all bridge ports of the ONT selected in the Optical Link Diagnosis tab. The data collection
shows a tree that you can use to select an interface and display its graphs.

This collection starts automatically when you perform any of the following actions:
■ Select an optical link on the Optical Link tab and click Go to Optical Link to view the details
for the optical link
■ Do a Quick Search using the box in the upper-right corner
■ Use URL-encoded navigation

You can also manually start the Service Diagnosis (Start link in the top toolbar on the details

GPON collection is made according to two criteria:

■ Forwarded Bandwidth (Upstream / Downstream)
■ Discarded Bandwidth (Upstream / Downstream)

Launching a Service Diagnosis discovers the interfaces and services configured on an ONT
and displays bandwidth graphs and tables for that ONT.

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Starting with NA-F R9.1.5, the service diagnosis graphs are at the ONT level
instead of the interface level.

The bandwidth data displayed in the graphs are historical, the result of the background collection
that happens every 15 minutes. The tick size in the graphs is 5 minutes. In addition, tables
that show the list of bandwidth profiles used on the node are shown if available (for ALU nodes,
this is available only on 7342).

The Interfaces and Services tree shows the ONT UNI card information (type and interface
number) and Ethernet interface information (carrier status; actual speed and duplex mode;
configured speed and duplex mode in parentheses; QoS session profile and bandwidth profile
names for unicast and for VLan services).

The Today volume data displayed in the tree is the accumulated bandwidth measured from
12:00AM on the current day.

The Current bandwidth data displayed in the tree is the bandwidth measured during the
discovery of the interfaces with one 5-second interval (Current bandwidth, forwarded traffic

The Discarded bandwidth data displayed in the tree is the current ratio of discarded traffic /
(forwarded/discarded) measured during the discovery of the interfaces with one 5-second
interval and expressed in %.

This page displays the following graphs per ONT:

■ DS bandwidth usage
❐ Unicast DS forwarded traffic in kbps or Mbps
❐ Unicast DS discarded traffic in percentage
■ US bandwidth usage
❐ Unicast US forwarded traffic in kbps or Mbps
❐ Unicast US discarded traffic in percentage

You can select the option to include channel bandwidth in the graphs.

Diagnostics Metrics tab

This tab displays overall diagnostics about the displayed ONT and its surroundings.

This can show 0 values if the user is not using the connection at the time the Service Diagnosis is run.

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Three values are displayed:

■ Number of optical links connected to the parent: 7

Shows how many ONTs are connected to the same splitter. Here, there are 6 more ONTs
next to the one displayed.
■ Number of collected optical links: 1

Shows how many optical links were collected to derive the location of faults on the ONT. If
there is no fault, this number is 1 because only the displayed ONT is collected. When there
is a fault, it is necessary to collect more ONTs to determine where the fault location is and
then this number grows.
■ Number of optical links used for fault correlation: 7

This value shows how many ONTs were used for fault correlation. The number of collected
and used ONTs can differ because some ONTs are ignored for the fault correlation, like for
instance the ones that are found to be switched off.


The FEEDER CABLE tab displays the list of feeder cables provisioned by the topology import.
A feeder cable bundles the feeder fibers from PONs. The feeder fiber in a PON is the fiber
located between the PON port on the LT card and the primary splitter.

Feeder Cable list

To use the Feeder Cable list

1. Select any feeder cable name in the list, then click the Show button.

This action shows the [Feeder Cable Name] table, which lists the PONs that have their
feeder fibers in this feeder cable. The latest status of each PON is shown. If a PONLOS
occurred on the PON, its detection time is also shown. In this example, the feeder cable,
named FC, has one non-faulty PON.

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Feeder Cable

2. Click any PON ID to open it in the PON tab.

This action displays the PON Diagnosis view for the selected PON.

The figure below identifies the feeder cable and primary splitter of PON1 in the PON
Diagnosis view.

PON Diagnosis view for the PON above

The FAULT tab

The FAULT tab lists all faults persisted in the database. Above the list is a selection zone to
easily and efficiently filter the list.

The list provides information about each fault, including its severity, category, type, location,
number of impacted links (regular and critical), status, time of the fault detection, time when
set to pending, and time when resolved.

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For each fault, you can use the buttons that appear to navigate to the Diagnosis page of the
Optical Link or PON where the fault has been located, and you can Resolve the fault.

If the fault is located in an optical link, the Go to Optical Link button does not
show. If the fault is resolved already, the Resolve button does not show. These
are intended behaviors.
■ To export data, click the CSV or Excel buttons. (For information about automatic daily
exports, see “Auto Data Export Settings group” on page 148.)
■ To open the Optical Link Diagnosis page, select a fault in the list and click Go to Optical
■ To open the PON Diagnosis view, select a fault in the list and click Go to PON.
■ To resolve a fault, select a fault in the list and click Resolve.

The FAULT tab

For more information about sorting, filtering, and searching the list, see “Sorting and filtering
in the OPTICAL LINK tab and the FAULT tab” on page 183.

When to use the Resolve button. When the fault is in Pending state, clicking Resolve
acknowledges the status and changes it to Resolved. If the fault is not yet in Pending state, it
cannot be resolved: The fault must have been cleared (by system operation) before you can
resolve it.

The ALARM tab

ALIENDETECTED alarms (from ALU Network Elements and from third-party NEs, provided a
third-party alarm dispatcher is integrated), with start time and clear time if applicable.

This tab is accessible to users with the 'operator' role.

For sorting and filtering information, see “Sorting and filtering in the PON tab and the ALARM
tab” on page 182.

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You can export the data (possibly filtered) in the table to a CSV or Excel file by clicking the
CSV or Excel buttons. (For information about automatic daily exports, see “Auto Data Export
Settings group” on page 148.)

The values in the first column Notification ID indicate the source of the alarm: AMS:430603
identifies that the alarm was received from AMS.

The table below describes the columns in the Alarm Overview table.

Field Description Sortable Searchable

Notification The reference of the alarm in its source system (for Yes
ID example AMS)
Alarm The type of the alarm: PONLOS, ONTLOS, NEWONT, Yes Yes
Address The address on which the alarm was raised Yes Yes
ONT S/N The serial number of the ONT on which the alarm was Yes
raised (if applicable)
ONT SLID The subscriber location ID of the ONT on which the alarm Yes
was raised (if applicable)
ONT Nr The ONT number of the ONT on which the alarm was Yes
raised (if applicable)
Start Time The date and time when the alarm has been notified Yes
Clear Time The date and time when the alarm has been cleared Yes

When you select an alarm in the list, one or both of the following buttons appear, depending
on the alarm:
■ Go to Optical Link

Click this button to open the Optical Link Diagnosis page. (For information about this page,
see “Optical Link Diagnosis page” on page 105.)
■ Go to PON

Click this button to open the PON Diagnosis page. (For information about this page, see
“The PON Diagnosis page” on page 75.)

The following image shows both buttons.

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In some situations, no button appears after you select an alarm. For example,
if a PONLOS alarm is raised for a PON that has not yet been imported in the
network topology, the alarm is shown; however, one cannot go to that PON.
Therefore, the Go to PON button does not appear. The importance of such an
alarm is that the operator can see that the topology should be updated.

Caution NA-F never visualizes any alarms in the Diagnosis pages, only faults. Based on an
alarm, a fault might get created—or not. For example, NEWONT alarms do not
cause a fault to be created; they simply indicate that the ONT is not yet in the
topology. An INACT alarm also does not necessarily lead to a fault: It depends on
what caused the ONT to go inactive. One should not automatically assume a link
between alarms and faults all the time. For more information, see “Fault life cycle” on
page 46.


The EXPORT STATISTICS tab allows you to export a snapshot of the data available for each
optical link and for each PON from the NA-F database into a CSV or Excel file. (For information
about automatic daily exports, see “Auto Data Export Settings group” on page 148.)

The Export statistics feature does not export current data: The exported stats are derived from
data collected over the previous day by the hourly background collection. (This time frame is
known as the monitoring period.) For example, if today is 04/08/2015, the data collected during
the previous day means the data collected each hour for each ONT from 00:00:00 03/08/2015
until 23:59:59 03/08/2015.

The exported files contain the data used to populate the charts described in “Charts & Faults
tab” on page 113 and also contains the information in “Optical link details” on page 105. The two
tables below describe the exported data.

For a given set of stats that end with _avg, _max, and _min (for example,
distanceToOlt_avg, distanceToOlt_max, and distanceToOlt_min), the stats are
meaningful only if the _notNullValuesNr stat (for example,
distanceToOlt_notNullValuesNr) is positive. If the _notNullValuesNr is 0 (zero),

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the corresponding _avg, _max, and _min stats are also reported as 0—and you
should consider those _avg, _max, and _min stats as invalid values.

ONT Statistics export fields

Header Description
address Address of the Optical Link (the optical path between the OLT
and one ONT) under monitoring
snmpAgentName Identifier, in terms of IP and credentials, of a node
subaddressfield1 For a GPON ONT, this field is the rackNr: ID of the rack
containing the Optical Link (ONT) under supervision

For a TWDM ONT, this field is the cg: Channel group

subaddressfield2 For a GPON ONT, this field is the subRackNr: ID of the sub-rack
containing the Optical Link (ONT) under supervision

For a TWDM ONT, this field is the scg: Subchannel group

subaddressfield3 For a GPON ONT, this field is the slotNr: ID of the slot
containing the Optical Link (ONT) under supervision

For a TWDM ONT, this field is the ontNr: ID of the ONT defining
the Optical Link
subaddressfield4 For a GPON ONT, this field is the portNr: OLT PON port ID
containing the Optical Link (ONT)

For a TWDM ONT, this field is empty

subaddressfield5 For a GPON ONT, this field is the ontNr: ID of the ONT defining
the Optical Link

For a TWDM ONT, this field is empty

timestamp End time of the monitoring period (values after this point in time
are not taken into account)
fiberId ID for the branch/fiber end, such as a postal address or a
concatenation of the splitter name and port number
S/N Serial Number of the monitored ONT
SLID Identifier number for the ONT
changeDetected Detection of a change in link quality during the monitoring period
link quality NA-F classification in terms of Quality of Experience
ONT status Connectivity status for current ONT

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ONT Statistics export fields (continued)

Header Description
notNullValues Number of hourly samples during which there are retrieved
values during the monitoring period
operationalUpCount Number of hourly samples during which the ONT is up and
running during the monitoring period
distanceToOlt_avg Average over the samples of the monitoring period of the
measured OLT-ONT distance in kilometers
distanceToOlt_max Max value over the samples of the monitoring period of the
measured OLT-ONT distance in kilometers
distanceToOlt_min Min value over the samples of the monitoring period of the
measured OLT-ONT distance in kilometers
distanceToOlt_notNullValuesNr Number of hourly samples, over the monitoring period, that are
not null for the ONT-OLT distance statistics estimation
distanceToOlt_stdDeviation Standard deviation value over the samples of the monitoring
period of the measured OLT-ONT distance
transceiverTemperature Average over the monitoring period of the ONT transceiver
CelsiusDegree_avg internal temperature in Celsius (Part of the OLT OTM data)
transceiverTemperature Max value over the monitoring period of the ONT transceiver
CelsiusDegree_max internal temperature in Celsius (Part of the OLT OTM data)
transceiverTemperature Min value over the monitoring period of the ONT transceiver
CelsiusDegree_min internal temperature in Celsius (Part of the OLT OTM data)
transceiverTemperature Number of hourly samples, over the monitoring period, that are
CelsiusDegree_notNullValuesNr not null for the ONT transceiver internal temperature in Celsius
(Part of the OLT OTM data)
transceiverTemperature Standard deviation over the monitoring period of the ONT
CelsiusDegree_stdDeviation transceiver internal temperature in Celsius (Part of the OLT
OTM data)
transceiverPowerFeed Average over the monitoring period of the ONT transceiver
VoltageMicroVolt_avg power feed voltage in microvolts (Part of the OTM data)
transceiverPowerFeed Max value over the monitoring period of the ONT transceiver
VoltageMicroVolt_max power feed voltage in microvolts (Part of the OTM data)
transceiverPowerFeed Min value over the monitoring period of the ONT transceiver
VoltageMicroVolt_min power feed voltage in microvolts (Part of the OTM data)
transceiverPowerFeed Number of hourly samples, over the monitoring period, that are
VoltageMicroVolt_notNullValuesNr not null for the ONT transceiver power feed voltage in microvolts
(Part of the OTM data)

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ONT Statistics export fields (continued)

Header Description
transceiverPowerFeed Standard deviation over the monitoring period of the ONT
VoltageMicroVolt_stdDeviation transceiver power feed voltage in microvolts (Part of the OTM
transceiverLaserBias Average over the monitoring period of the ONT transceiver
CurrentMicroAmpere_avg laser bias current in microamps (Part of the OTM data)
transceiverLaserBias Max value over the monitoring period of the ONT transceiver
CurrentMicroAmpere_max laser bias current in microamps (Part of the OTM data)
transceiverLaserBias Min value over the monitoring period of the ONT transceiver
CurrentMicroAmpere_min laser bias current in microamps (Part of the OTM data)
transceiverLaserBias Number of hourly samples, over the monitoring period, that are
CurrentMicroAmpere_notNullValuesNr not null for the ONT transceiver laser bias current in microamps
(Part of the OTM data)
transceiverLaserBias Standard deviation over the monitoring period of the ONT
CurrentMicroAmpere_stdDeviation transceiver laser bias current in microamps (Part of the OTM
rxOpticalSignalLevel_avg Average over the monitoring period of the ONT received optical
signal level in dBm (Part of the OLT RSSI data)
rxOpticalSignalLevel_max Max value over the monitoring period of the ONT received
optical signal level in dBm (Part of the OLT RSSI data)
rxOpticalSignalLevel_min Min value over the monitoring period of the ONT received optical
signal level in dBm (Part of the OLT RSSI data)
rxOpticalSignalLevel_notNullValuesNr Number of hourly samples, over the monitoring period, that are
not null for the ONT received optical signal level (Part of the
OLT RSSI data)
rxOpticalSignalLevel_stdDeviation Standard deviation over the monitoring period of the ONT
received optical signal level (Part of the OLT RSSI data)
txOpticalSignalLevel_avg Average over the monitoring period of the ONT transmitted
optical signal level in dBm (Part of the OLT RSSI data)
txOpticalSignalLevel_max Max value over the monitoring period of the ONT transmitted
optical signal level in dBm (Part of the OLT RSSI data)
txOpticalSignalLevel_min Min value over the monitoring period of the ONT transmitted
optical signal level in dBm (Part of the OLT RSSI data)
txOpticalSignalLevel_notNullValuesNr Number of hourly samples, over the monitoring period, that are
not null for the ONT transmitted optical signal level (Part of the
OLT RSSI data)

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ONT Statistics export fields (continued)

Header Description
txOpticalSignalLevel_stdDeviation Standard deviation over the monitoring period of the ONT
transmitted optical signal level (Part of the OLT RSSI data)
rxOpticalSignalLevelAtOlt_avg Average over the monitoring period of the OLT received optical
signal level in dBm for the current Optical Link (Part of the OLT
RSSI data)
rxOpticalSignalLevelAtOlt_max Max value over the monitoring period of the OLT received
optical signal level in dBm for the current Optical Link (Part of
the OLT RSSI data)
rxOpticalSignalLevelAtOlt_min Min value over the monitoring period of the OLT received optical
signal level in dBm for the current Optical Link (Part of the OLT
RSSI data)
rxOpticalSignalLevelAtOlt_ Number of hourly samples, over the monitoring period, that are
notNullValuesNr not null for the OLT received optical signal level for the current
Optical Link (Part of the OLT RSSI data)
rxOpticalSignalLevelAtOlt_stdDeviation Standard deviation over the monitoring period of the OLT
received optical signal level for the current Optical Link (Part
of the OLT RSSI data)
bponPonStatsBerUpstream_avg Average over the monitoring period of the Bit Error Rate
upstream in bits per hour for the current Optical Link
bponPonStatsBerUpstream_max Max value over the monitoring period of the Bit Error Rate
upstream in bits per hour for the current Optical Link
bponPonStatsBerUpstream_min Min value over the monitoring period of the Bit Error Rate
upstream in bits per hour for the current Optical Link
bponPonStatsBerUpstream_ Number of hourly samples, over the monitoring period, that are
notNullValuesNr not null for the Bit Error Rate upstream for the current Optical
bponPonStatsBerUpstream_stdDeviation Standard deviation over the monitoring period of the Bit Error
Rate upstream for the current Optical Link
bponPonStatsBerDownstream_avg Average over the monitoring period of the Bit Error Rate
downstream in bits per hour for the current Optical Link
bponPonStatsBerDownstream_max Max value over the monitoring period of the Bit Error Rate
downstream in bits per hour for the current Optical Link
bponPonStatsBerDownstream_min Min value over the monitoring period of the Bit Error Rate
downstream in bits per hour for the current Optical Link

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ONT Statistics export fields (continued)

Header Description
bponPonStatsBer Number of hourly samples, over the monitoring period, that are
Downstream_notNullValuesNr not null for the Bit Error Rate downstream for the current Optical
bponPonStatsBer Standard deviation over the monitoring period of the Bit Error
Downstream_stdDeviation Rate downstream for the current Optical Link
rfOpticalQuality Classification of the quality of experience of the ONT radio
frequency optical signal
rfOpticalSignalLevel_avg Average over the monitoring period of the ONT radio frequency
optical signal level in dBµW
rfOpticalSignalLevel_max Max value over the monitoring period of the ONT radio
frequency optical signal level in dBµW
rfOpticalSignalLevel_min Min value over the monitoring period of the ONT radio frequency
optical signal level in dBµW
rfOpticalSignalLevel_notNullValuesNr Number of hourly samples, over the monitoring period, that are
not null for the ONT radio frequency optical signal level in dBµW
rfOpticalSignalLevel_stdDeviation Standard deviation over the monitoring period of the ONT radio
frequency optical signal level in dBµW
Custom_label_1 The actual header values for the custom labels are determined
at the time of export and are based on the labels set in the
“Display Label Management tab” on page 153.

PON Statistics export fields

Header Description
address Address of the PON port (OLT side) under supervision
snmpAgentName Identifier, in terms of IP and credentials, of a node
rackNr ID of the rack containing the OLT PON port under supervision
subRackNr ID of the sub-rack containing the OLT PON port under
slotNr ID of the slot containing the OLT PON port under supervision
portNr OLT PON port ID
endTime End time of the monitoring period (values after this point in time
are not taken into account)

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PON Statistics export fields (continued)

Header Description
changeDetected Detection of a change of link quality during the monitoring period
notNullValues Global number of hourly samples having null values (for
instance when there is data not retrieved for any reasons)
transceiverLaserBias Average over the monitoring period of the OLT transceiver laser
CurrentMicroAmpere_avg bias current in microamps (Part of the OTM data)
transceiverLaserBias Max value over the monitoring period of the OLT transceiver
CurrentMicroAmpere_max laser bias current in microamps (Part of the OTM data)
transceiverLaserBias Min value over the monitoring period of the OLT transceiver
CurrentMicroAmpere_min laser bias current in microamps (Part of the OTM data)
transceiverLaserBias Number of hourly samples, over the monitoring period, that are
CurrentMicroAmpere_notNullValuesNr not null for the OLT transceiver laser bias current (Part of the
OTM data)
transceiverLaserBias Standard deviation over the monitoring period of the OLT
CurrentMicroAmpere_stdDeviation transceiver laser bias current in microamps (Part of the OTM
transceiverPowerFeed Average over the monitoring period of the OLT transceiver
VoltageMicroVolt_avg power feed voltage in microvolts (Part of the OTM data)
transceiverPowerFeed Max value over the monitoring period of the OLT transceiver
VoltageMicroVolt_max power feed voltage in microvolts (Part of the OTM data)
transceiverPowerFeed Min value over the monitoring period of the OLT transceiver
VoltageMicroVolt_min power feed voltage in microvolts (Part of the OTM data)
transceiverPowerFeed Number of hourly samples, over the monitoring period, that are
VoltageMicroVolt_notNullValuesNr not null for the OLT transceiver power feed voltage (Part of the
OTM data)
transceiverPowerFeed Standard deviation over the monitoring period of the OLT
VoltageMicroVolt_stdDeviation transceiver power feed voltage (Part of the OTM data)
transceiverTemperature Average over the monitoring period of the OLT transceiver
CelsiusDegree_avg internal temperature in Celsius (Part of the OLT OTM data)
transceiverTemperature Max value over the monitoring period of the OLT transceiver
CelsiusDegree_max internal temperature in Celsius (Part of the OLT OTM data)
transceiverTemperature Min value over the monitoring period of the OLT transceiver
CelsiusDegree_min internal temperature in Celsius (Part of the OLT OTM data)
transceiverTemperature Number of hourly samples, over the monitoring period, that are
CelsiusDegree_notNullValuesNr not null for the OLT transceiver internal temperature (Part of
the OLT OTM data)

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PON Statistics export fields (continued)

Header Description
transceiverTemperature Standard deviation over the monitoring period of the OLT
CelsiusDegree_stdDeviation transceiver internal temperature (Part of the OLT OTM data)
txOpticalSignalLevel_avg Average over the monitoring period of the OLT transmitted
optical signal level in dBm (Part of the ONT RSSI data)
txOpticalSignalLevel_max Max value over the monitoring period of the OLT transmitted
optical signal level in dBm (Part of the ONT RSSI data)
txOpticalSignalLevel_min Min value over the monitoring period of the OLT transmitted
optical signal level in dBm (Part of the ONT RSSI data)
txOpticalSignalLevel_notNullValuesNr Number of hourly samples, over the monitoring period, that are
not null for the OLT transmitted optical signal level (Part of the
OLT RSSI data)
txOpticalSignalLevel_stdDeviation Standard deviation over the monitoring period of the OLT
transmitted optical signal level (Part of the ONT RSSI data)

To export statistics from NA-F

If you use custom labels, custom labels that have the Enabled option set in the
Display Label Management tab appear in exported ONT file mentioned below.
See “Display Label Management tab” on page 153 for more information.

1. Log in to the NA-F user interface.


3. Select CSV or Excel to set the desired type for the exported files. Note that the files in
Excel format are still suffixed with .csv.

4. To limit the export to a single OLT, select the name of this OLT in the drop-down. If you
leave the field blank, stats for all OLTs are exported.

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5. Click Export.

6. When the export completes, you are prompted to download the files. Click the icon to
download the ONT (Optical Link) or OLT (PON) file.

Data in the NETWORK WIDE tab compared to data from the

Do not expect the same data in exported stats and in the Network-wide view. The following
rules in the selection of ONTs and in their ranking in the exported stats create differences.
■ The selection of ONTs to be included in the exported stats is made according to the following
❐ The exported stats feature only reports statistics for ONTs that have actual data.

ONTs in the following states appear in the Network-wide view but not in the exported
statistics because they do not have actual data:
● Not provisioned
❐ The exported stats feature does not report ONTs that are not collected by the "NAF 1
Hour" collection.
■ The ranking of an ONT in the exported stats with regard to link quality is selected according
to the following rule: ONTs can go through different rankings of link quality. The ranking in
the exported file is selected, by default, according to the following hierarchy in link quality
states (the top-most is ranked higher):

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❐ INTERRUPTED (highest priority)


(For information about configuring this order, see “Link Quality priority order for long-term
aggregation group ” on page 152.)

Based on the order above, if an ONT has been in INTERRUPTED state even for one hour
on a particular day, it is aggregated to INTERRUPTED and exported as Interrupted in the
exported stats. In the Network-wide view, the ranking of the last hour is displayed.


The ADMINISTRATION tab provides access only to configuration points that are specific to

Use the NA-SBI user interface to make configuration changes such as: user management,
node synchronization, and other data collection-related configurations. See Chapter 3,
“Administration” on page 163 for more information.

Information tab
The Information tab provides product version and license information, including the ability to
update the license.

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The Information tab in the Administration tab

Product information
The product name, vendor URL, and version and build information.

License information
The Host Id, licensed version, and license details for this installation.

Optical Diagnosis & Supervision

The total number of licensed optical links and OLT ports compared to the actual number
of optical links and OLT ports in the NA-F database; in other words, your current
consumption of licensed links and ports. The optical links and OLT ports in the NA-F
database include both those defined in the topology import and discovered through data

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The total number of licensed OLT ports with OTDR enabled compared to the actual number
of licensed OLT ports with OTDR enabled in the NA-F database; in other words, your
current consumption of licensed links and ports with OTDR enabled.

Service Diagnosis & Supervision

Indication of whether Service Diagnosis & Supervision is licensed. This license is needed
for the PON Utilization feature. For information, see “PON Utilization tab” on page 95 and
“Service Diagnosis tab” on page 120.

Integration options
The features that have been licensed for this installation. The list varies according to the
licensed features.

NA-F features
Features Description
Northbound Interface Support for the northbound interface. See the NA-F Northbound
OSS Interface Developer Guide.
Multi-vendor plugin Support Support the plugin for other vendors' material.
LDAP Support for LDAP integration. See “Authenticating users with an
LDAP server (optional)” on page 166 for more information.
Data Feed Support for making NA-F data available to external reporting

To update the NA-F license

1. Log in to the NA-F user interface.

2. Click Administration.

3. Click Information.

4. Click Update License.

5. Paste the updated license text into the text field.

6. Click Submit to activate the new license or Cancel to return to the previous screen.

Topology Replication tab

With the Topology Replication tab, you can import information about the splitters and PON
branches that cannot be discovered automatically. You provide this information using CSV

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files. For more information about the format and content of the CSV files, see “Creating the
topology files” on page 11.

Also, see the recommendation Topology import best practice in “Topology maintenance
” on page 27.

Important As an alternative to the topology operations through the user interface described
here, NA-F offers a file-based full automated mode, described in “File-based
topology operations” on page 166.

Caution The NA-F system interprets all imported files as UTF-8 encoded files. To upload
files with special (non-ASCII) characters, make sure they are always UTF-8 encoded.

To check the character encoding of a file, you can use the following (Linux)

file -bi <filename>

Example: file -bi NAF_Splitter.csv

To convert a file from another character encoding to UTF-8, you can use the following
(Linux) command:

iconv -f <original character encoding> -t utf-8 -o <target filename> <origin


Example: iconv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf-8 -o NAF_Splitter_UTF8.csv


The following figure shows the tab's contents.

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Topology definition, renaming, delete, update

The same tab also enables you to complete these tasks:

■ Update information about added splitters and PON branch IDs by importing CSV files for
topology update
■ Delete existing PON branch IDs by importing a CSV file that contains the list of PON branch
IDs to delete
■ Rename existing PON IDs by importing a CSV file that contains the new names
■ Create PONs with both GPON PONs and TWDM PONs; delete these PONs
■ Export topology files
■ Have NA-F audit your topology

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For more information about the format and content of the CSV files, see “Creating the topology
files” on page 11.

Caution The Delete empty splitters option is applicable not only to files being imported at
a particular moment; it also deletes all empty splitters in the system.

To import topology definition CSV files into NA-F (synchronize)

You can synchronize the topology by defining all PON branches and splitters in the input CSV
files. What is not defined in the file but currently present is deleted from the topology.

1. Log in to the NA-F user interface.

2. Click Administration.

3. Click Topology Replication.

4. For each CSV file to import:

a. Click Browse...

b. Locate the desired file on your local system and click OK.

5. Click Synchronize.

6. The Historical topology updates table shows information about the status of the import
and indicates when it is complete.

For information about this table, see “Overview: "Historical topology updates" table” on
page 143.

To import topology update CSV files into NA-F

You can do an incremental update in which you only put lines with changed or added splitters
and PON branches in the input CSV files. Splitters and branches not defined in the file but
currently present are not deleted from the topology. However, if you change the primary splitter
attached to a PON, the ONTs attached to the PON’s current primary splitter are unlinked.

When decoupling a network, the decoupling should be done in the same topology

1. Log in to the NA-F user interface.

2. Click Administration.

3. Click Topology Replication.

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4. For each CSV file with changed or added items to import:

a. Click Browse...

b. Locate the desired file on your local system and click OK.

5. Click Update.

6. The Historical topology updates table shows information about the status of the update
and indicates when it is complete.

For information about this table, see “Overview: "Historical topology updates" table” on
page 143.

To delete PON branches from NA-F

1. Log in to the NA-F user interface.

2. Click Administration.

3. Click Topology Replication.

4. Select the CSV file that has the PON Branch IDs to delete:

a. Click Browse...

b. Locate the desired file on your local system and click OK.

5. Click Remove PON branches.

6. The Historical topology updates table shows information about the status of the update
and indicates when it is complete.

For information about this table, see “Overview: "Historical topology updates" table” on
page 143.

To import renamed PON IDs CSV files into NA-F

Rename PON IDs in the current topology by importing CSV files with new names.

1. Log in to the NA-F user interface.

2. Click Administration.

3. Click Topology Replication.

4. For each CSV file to import:

a. Click Browse...

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b. Locate the desired file on your local system and click OK.

5. Click Update.

6. The Historical topology updates table shows information about the status of the import
and indicates when it is complete.

For information about this table, see “Overview: "Historical topology updates" table” on
page 143.

To export the topology

After numerous topology updates, the best way to get up-to-date topology files is to export
them from NA-F.

If you use custom labels, custom labels that have the Enabled option set in the
Display Label Management tab appear in the OntTopologyExport* file
mentioned below. See “Display Label Management tab” on page 153 for more

1. Log in to the NA-F user interface.

2. Click Administration.

3. Click Topology Replication.

4. Specify an OLT name to get only the topology for that OLT. Leave the drop-down with no
OLT name selected to include all the OLTs.

Empty export files occur for OLTs that do not have a topology. (This can occur
when NA-F discovers ONTs, but no topology for the ONTs has been imported.
The OLTs appear in the drop-down, even though there is no topology to export,
because NA-F has created a PON for the unlinked OLTs.)

5. Click Export Topology.

6. The Historical topology updates table shows information about the status of the export
and indicates when it is complete.

For information about this table, see “Overview: "Historical topology updates" table” on
page 143.

When the export is complete, the table contains an entry with a link to download the export.

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The export is a zip file named It contains these

■ SplitterTopologyExport_yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss.csv

■ OntTopologyExport_yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss.csv

■ FeederCableTopologyExport_yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss.csv

To have NA-F audit your topology import

• Check the Topology Audit Report field at the top.

This action runs the import audit together with the import, and reports additional
inconsistencies in the problems file, next to existing warnings and errors.

Overview: "Historical topology updates" table

The table appears at the bottom of the page. Here is an example.

The ID of the operation. The number increments by one each time you perform an operation,
so the highest number is the most recent operation.

The type of the action: Synchronization, Incremental update, PON Branches delete, Empty
splitters delete, PON IDs rename, Export topology.

The source of the action: GUI (as used in this procedure) or File (see “File-based topology
operations” on page 166).

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The status of the operation. A green check mark ( ) indicates success. A red X ( )
indicates failure.

Indicates the number of lines from the CSV files that are already processed.

Shows the date and time of the operation.

During topology import, errors do not stop the import process but are written to a file while
the process goes on. At the end of it, the Problems column shows the following information:
■ A download link to the file containing the list and location of all errors that happened
during import.
■ Single errors are still possible. If an invalid input file is provided, the message states that
the whole input file is invalid.

Topology Audit Report tab

With this tab you can trigger an inventory audit to reveal possible inventory inconsistencies,
with repair advice:
■ For the PON inventory:
❐ No SFP present (6003): Insert the SFP to the OLT.
❐ OLT Card not present (6001): Insert the OLT card or verify that the OLT is functional.
❐ Empty OLT port (6002): Connect the optical links to the OLT or provision the ONTs
connected to OLT.
■ For an Optical Link inventory:
❐ ONT not provisioned (5001): ONT present in the topology import file but not provisioned
in the node. Provision the ONT using the EM of the node.

The administrator can run the topology audit for the complete topology or limited to a specific
OLT. The OLT name (optional) field can be populated using the drop-down or left empty. The
report can be generated as a CSV or Excel file. The filename is either OLT_inventory(_
OLTname )_<timestamp> (complete topology) or Optical_link_inventory(_ OLTname
)_<timestamp> (specific OLT).

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To generate the report for the complete topology or a specific OLT, click Submit. A new page
opens offering a button to download the generated file.

Example of a report generated as CSV; viewed in Excel

Warning Detection of such inconsistencies is only possible after a first hourly collection of
the imported topology.

This Topology Audit Report is different from the report obtained after selecting the
Topology Audit Report check-box described in the Topology Replication tab
above, which is provided by the replication mechanism after it has completed.

For more information about the topology audit and for an explanation about the differences
between the two audit reports, see “Topology audit” on page 28

System Settings tab

The System Settings allow you to define and modify various settings that impact the behavior
of the NA-F.

System Settings group

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System Settings group parameters

Parameter Description Default
GUI Data export limit The number of lines in the CSV file or the Excel file 10000
exported from the PON tab, OPTICAL LINK tab, FAULT
tab, and the ALARM tab. The maximum number is 10000.

This setting does not apply to the

Max number of The maximum number of real-time monitoring processes 10

concurrent real-time on optical links running simultaneously.
Automatic PV launch The duration in hours before a planned PV can start; 2 hours
period also, the number of hourly collections that must be
complete for the PV to start.
System Proxy URL of the proxy used for every service that calls an
external web service. Examples: GIS, Custom label.

Fault Aggregation group

Fault Aggregation group parameters

Parameter Description Default
Correlation window to Two faults are considered to have happened at the same 60 seconds
aggregate Loss of time when they have timestamps with a difference of less
Signal faults than this value.
Correlation window to At the time of a degradation detection, any Loss of Signal 3600
aggregate fault with a timestamp in this window is aggregated with seconds (1
Degradation faults the newly detected degradation. hour)

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Fault Aggregation group parameters (continued)

Parameter Description Default
with Loss of Signal
Leaf data collection Time out for retrieving data when visiting an optical link 10 seconds
time out page.
Fault notification The language that will be used for the messages provided English
language through the Fault Notification Interface of the NBI. See
“Overview” in NA-F Northbound OSS Interface Developer

Link Status Settings group

The two fields allow you to define the maximum time duration for statuses "Waiting for ONT"
( ) (default: 6 hours) and "Waiting long for ONT" ( ) (default: 24 hours).

Distance to OLT Settings group

This group defines two configurable parameters used to display the distance to OLT of a fault

Number of fraction digits: The number of decimals used when showing the distance, in the
unit defined below: 3.506 km for 3 kilometers 506 meters.

Unit of measurements: The unit used to show the distance between the fault position and the
OLT. Default: km.

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Topology Replication Settings group

Orphaned ONTs are components that belong to the previous topology but are not in the last
one imported. They have to be cleaned up at the end of the import process: This operation
can take an excessively long time. When a topology import with synchronization leaves more
orphans than this limit, the operation fails and reports an error.

Auto Data Export Settings group

Enable or disable automatic daily export of CSV files that match the CSV exports from the
following tabs:

The file from the FAULT tab lists faults that are not pending and not resolved.

The file from the ALARM tab lists alarms that are not cleared.

If you have defined any custom labels, those labels are included in the exports. For more
information about these labels, see “Display Label Management tab” on page 153.

The exported files are stored in the NA-F server in the

/var/opt/na/shared/app/naf/data_export/ready directory. By default, these files are purged
after 7 days.

Contact your Alcatel-Lucent technical support representative for assistance in setting the time
when this export occurs and changing the number of days before a purge occurs.

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Search Callback group

Search Callback group parameters

Parameter Description Default
Enable Search Check the box to activate Search Callback. Inactive
Allow wildcards in Allows forwarding of entries with wildcards to the callback Inactive
Search Callback application.

The wildcard is the asterisk (*). The interpretation of

wildcards is specific to the callback applications. For
example, a wildcard might be interpreted as "0 or more
matches" or "1 or more matches."
Search Callback URL The interface to access the external DB is based on http Empty
URL requests. The URL is encoded as shown below:


It can respond with one or more ONT addresses, ONT

serial numbers, ONT SLIDs, or UNKNOWN. You can control
the UNKNOWN response with the "Search Callback response
for no results" option, described next.
Callback & Custom Specifies the number of seconds to wait before timing 10
label search timeout out a search callback or a custom label search.
Search Callback Sets the value to indicate that no results were found. UNKNOWN
response for no When the callback returns this value, NA-F displays that
results there are no results and stops the search.

You can leave this value empty. If you do leave this value
empty, the callback should return an empty string.

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Search Callback group parameters (continued)

Parameter Description Default
Leaving the value empty is not the same
as not responding. If the callback
application does not respond, NA-F
displays another error.

Understanding the difference between Search Callback and Custom Label Search.

With Search Callback, you can search for a given input string (entered in the Quick Search
box in the upper-right corner) on an external location. The Search Callback URL specifies the
location to search. The search callback application returns zero, one, or more matches. Instead
of returning zero matches though, you can return a dedicated value for "No Results" that you
specify in the System Settings. Matches can either be ONT addresses, ONT serial numbers,
or ONT SLIDs. When there is more than one value, a semicolon (;) is the expected separator.
There can only be one type of return value. For example, if the first value of multiple matches
is an SLID, then all the other values are also SLIDs.

With Custom Label Search, you can also search for a given input string (entered in the Quick
Search box in the upper-right corner) on an external location—but only in a database that is
related to the defined custom labels. Matches are only ONT addresses.

RFoG Settings group

The RF Overlay feature is under control of the Optical Diagnosis & Supervision

RFoG stands for radio frequency over glass.

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RFoG Settings group parameters

Parameter Description Default
RF Overlay Degraded The default value configured for RF Overlay Degraded 25.1
Threshold Threshold, in dBµW.

Valid values are 0 to 255, with RF Overlay Degraded

Threshold less than RF Overlay Good Threshold.

With RF Overlay enabled, if the comparison of the actual

video receive power to the threshold set here indicates
that the signal is not strong enough to transmit video, an
extra status indicator appears in the Optical Link
Diagnosis page's optical link details table for the
considered link. The system uses the same icons as the
ones used for Link Quality.
RF Overlay Good The default value configured for RF Overlay Good 100
Threshold Threshold, in dBµW.

Valid values are 0 to 255, with RF Overlay Good

Threshold greater than RF Overlay Degraded Threshold.

With RF Overlay enabled, the comparison of the actual

video receive power to the threshold set here indicates
whether the signal is good enough to transmit video.
Enable RFoG Views Displays a checkbox in the PON Diagnosis page's Inactive
History tab. Selecting this checkbox shows RFoG history,
if available.

For example, using the default settings, the RF Overlay categories are as follows:
■ GOOD (green bullet in UI) if 100 >= signal level >= 25.1 dBµW
■ DEGRADED (orange bullet in UI) if 0 < signal level < 25.1 dBµW
■ INTERRUPTED (red bullet in UI) if signal level = 0 dBµW
■ UNKNOWN (grey bullet in UI) if signal level > 100 dBµW

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PON history group

PON history group parameters

Parameter Description
Upper signal bound for the PON history chart The upper bound for the gradient in the
“History tab” on page 93. Use this setting to
widen or narrow the gradient range, as shown
in the legend.

Default: -10.0 dBm

Lower signal bound for the PON history chart The lower bound for the gradient in the “History
tab” on page 93. Use this setting to widen or
narrow the gradient range, as shown in the

Default: -35.0 dBm

Link Quality priority order for long-term aggregation group

The above order is the default.

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As described in “History tab” on page 111, in the long-term data, in a given day, the link quality
with the highest priority is the quality reported for that day. That section also provides examples.

If you change the priority order, only new aggregations are affected by the
change. That is, previous aggregations are not affected.

Display Label Management tab

The Display Label Management tab allows you to define up to three custom labels to display.
The label name can be any name. Up to approximately 15 characters is a reasonable length
for this name. Longer names might affect rendering in the GUI.

You can define these labels in the following ways:

■ Specifying the labels on this tab
■ Importing the labels using topology replication
■ Importing the labels from an external server through prefix URL values

Display Label Management parameters

Parameter Description Default
Top settings
Custom The time duration (in hours) after which a custom 1 (hour)
Label label value is queried again from its original DB.

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Display Label Management parameters (continued)

Parameter Description Default
Invalidate This parameter only applies to custom labels that
Hours use a prefix URL. The custom labels imported via
topology are not aged-out.
Custom The URL address of the external DB having the Empty
Label Custom Labels records.
Table settings
Order The order determines the order of the custom labels
in the topology replication fields (import and export),
the files exported from the GUI, the data feed files,
and the NBI replies.
Label The name of the label in the external DB. Empty
Changes in the label names affect the Optical Link
tab, Optical Link Details table, and the PON tab.

These label names are displayed in the GUI and in

files exported from the GUI. They are not displayed
in the exported data feed files or the topology export
file; generic names of the form custom_label_n are
used instead.

You can enter a label such as Vendor, and then

filter optical links based on this label.
Prefix Prefix URL: A complete http URL that identifies the Empty
URL application that responds to external queries. Https
is currently not supported.

If Topology Replication is enabled, you cannot

specify a prefix URL. Similarly, if you specify a prefix
URL, you cannot enable Topology Replication.

The Quick Search box in the upper-right corner

does not search for prefix URL values.

Customers are expected to write
their own clients to listen to this URL
and respond.

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Display Label Management parameters (continued)

Parameter Description Default

Syntax of the request: <prefix

URL>?p=<PON branch
address>&l1=<label 1 name>

Syntax of the response: <label

value>,<label URL>

Empty values (for instance if there

is no URL) must be provided as
empty space.

Enabled Whether the custom label is enabled for use in the Empty
UI and topology files or prefix URL.

If enabled, export files include custom labels.

However, if Prefix URL is used, the labels are not

If disabled, empty values are exported.

UI Order The position of the custom label relative to the other Empty
custom labels in the Optical Link tab, Optical Link
Diagnosis page, and PON Diagnosis page—if Possible values: 1, 2, 3
Topology Whether the custom label is to be used in topology Empty
Replication files. The Enabled option must also be set.

If Topology Replication is enabled, you cannot

specify a prefix URL. Similarly, if you specify a prefix
URL, you cannot enable Topology Replication.

If Topology Replication is not set, NA-F populates

the label with an external search using the Prefix

Understanding the difference between Search Callback and Custom Label Search.

With Search Callback, you can search for a given input string (entered in the Quick Search
box in the upper-right corner) on an external location. The Search Callback URL specifies the
location to search. The search callback application returns zero, one, or more matches. Instead

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of returning zero matches though, you can return a dedicated value for "No Results" that you
specify in the System Settings. Matches can either be ONT addresses, ONT serial numbers,
or ONT SLIDs. When there is more than one value, a semicolon (;) is the expected separator.
There can only be one type of return value. For example, if the first value of multiple matches
is an SLID, then all the other values are also SLIDs.

With Custom Label Search, you can also search for a given input string (entered in the Quick
Search box in the upper-right corner) on an external location—but only in a database that is
related to the defined custom labels. Matches are only ONT addresses.

Fault Notification Filter tab

With this filter, you select (check) the boxes for which you want to receive fault notifications.

The fault notifications are put on the fault notification interface and are not
directly visible in NA-F itself.

GIS Management tab

The GIS management tab allows you to enable the GIS map (see “Map tab” on page 98) and
to declare the callback script and optionally the proxy needed for integration of the GIS map

The callback script is an application to be provided by the operator or Customer Projects. It

expects as parameters the PON ID (${PON}) and optionally the fault IDs (${faults}).

NA-F replaces ${PON} by the PON name. If ${faults} is used, NA-F replaces it with 0 to n faults.
If there are no faults, the ampersand symbol at the end of the URL is removed. If there are
faults, the replacement is like this: ...&f1=<id>&f2=<id>&...&fn=<id>.

The script must return the full URL that points to the correct GIS map. The URL is embedded
in the NA-F GUI as it is received.

The script can return an error instead of a URL. The format of the error is: {ERROR}<your
text>. NA-F displays <your text> on the screen instead of the map.

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GIS Management tab

GIS Management tab parameters and buttons

Parameter Description Default
Enable GIS Enables GIS integration. Unchecked.

If left unchecked, the Map tab in the PON

Diagnosis page is not shown and fault tables
do not have a link to the GIS map.
GIS Callback HTTP link to the callback script. Pattern: http://<script
URL URL>?p=${PON}&${faults}
The following parameters are
■ Mandatory: p=${PON}
■ Optional: &${faults}
Button Description
Validate Tests whether the configured URL is well-formed and accessible. Relevant
error message is shown if not.

Examples of error message:

URL validation failed! Reason: Callback URL malformed

URL validation failed! Reason: GIS callback URL not accessible

URL validation failed! Reason: Callback URL should contain mandatory

parameter ${PON}
Submit Save the configuration. When the Enable GIS flag is set, the URL must be
accessible; when the Enable GIS flag is not set, the URL must be well-formed
but can still be inaccessible. Relevant error messages are shown if Submit
Cancel Does not save any changes and jumps to Information screen.

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Data Feed tab

The Data Feed feature provides archive files of the data stored in NA-F so that an external
reporting application can create customized reports. An overview of the data available in NA-F
is given in the figure below.

NA-F data model

Enabling and disabling reporting. Use the Data Feed tab to enable and disable the data
feeds of Optical Diagnosis & Supervision data and Service Diagnosis & Supervision data. The
options are:
■ Enable data feed of Optical Diagnosis & Supervision data

This option is not available if either the Data Feed license is inactive or the Optical Diagnosis
& Supervision license is inactive.
■ Enable data feed of Service Diagnosis & Supervision data

This option is not available if either the Data Feed license is inactive or the Service Diagnosis
& Supervision license is inactive.

The archive files. For information about the archive files, see “Exporting NA-F data to
external reporting applications” on page 170.

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PON Utilization tab

With the PON Utilization feature, you control normalization, margin settings, and loss settings
used to monitor PONs for underutilization and overutilization.

Normalization rules. For each link status, indicate whether the value is applicable or not.
The following figure shows the possible rules.

PON utilization data is used to assess whether more ONTs can be added to a PON. However,
an ONT that is planned (and not yet connected) or is disconnected, for example, does not
consume any capacity. As a result, the PON utilization data should correct for the possibility
that such ONTs would be connected.

First, some definitions:

Available link
A link is available if, in its current state, it can send or receive traffic. An available link can
be active (connected and sending/receiving traffic) or inactive (switched off, no user traffic).

Do not confuse available with uptime, downtime, or reliability. In this PON utilization/traffic
context, it means able to transport traffic.

Unavailable link
A link is unavailable (or idle) if, in its current state, it cannot send or receive traffic. Such
states include administrative down and disconnected.

Such a link is always inactive.

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Not applicable link

A link is not applicable if it is a link for which it is not possible to say whether it is available
or unavailable. Such a link can result from inconsistencies in the topology import. Ignore
these links in normalization.

Because of differences in operator definitions for these terms, you normalization rules to indicate
whether an item is applicable (normalized), applicable (not normalized), or not applicable.

The following diagram explains how to determine normalization rules.

Normalization is performed on all bandwidths. If a PON has no available links, there is no

normalized bandwidth. The number of available and unavailable links is based on the latest
link status data for a PON in the database.

The Connected link status is always Applicable (Not Normalized) and cannot be changed.

Margin settings. These settings have the indicated defaults and ranges. For information,
see “PON BW margin ” on page 55.

Setting Default Range

Data period over which the 168 (hours) 1 to 168
margin rates should be
Margin rate 99 (percentile) 1 to 100
Minimum margin rate total 200 (Mb/s) 0 to 10,000

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Setting Default Range

Minimum margin rate unicast 100 (Mb/s) 0 to 10,000
Minimum margin rate multicast 50 (Mb/s) 0 to 10,000
Minimum margin rate total 10 (Mb/s) 0 to 10,000
A value of 0 instructs NA to not use the threshold.

Loss settings. These settings have the indicated defaults and ranges. For information, see
“PON BW loss ” on page 53.

Setting Default Range

Data period over which the 168 (days) 1 to 168
loss rates should be calculated
Data period over which the 24 (hours) 1 to 168
loss indicator should be
consecutively 'Pass' to clear
the PON BW loss fault
Loss rate 99 (percentile) 1 to 100
Maximum loss rate total 1 (Mb/s) 0 to 10,000
Maximum loss rate unicast 1 (Mb/s) 0 to 10,000
Maximum loss rate multicast 0 (Mb/s) 0 to 10,000
Maximum loss rate total 1 (Mb/s) 0 to 10,000
A value of 0 instructs NA to not use the threshold.

URL inbound and outbound redirection

The NA-F UI integration framework allows other products to embed the NA-F GUI by direct
linking. For more information, see “URL-encoded navigation ” on page 187.

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This chapter covers:

Logging in to the NA-SBI and NA-F GUIs
Logging in and changing the UNIX user's password
Starting and stopping services
Updating NA-F server properties
User management
Authenticating users with an LDAP server (optional)
File-based topology operations

■ Statistics collection management in NA-SBI and in 5529 SDC R9.0.x

■ Statistics collection management in 5529 SDC R9.4.y (or later)
■ Managing news items
■ Exporting NA-F data to external reporting applications
■ Explanation of "Warning: license will require update soon!"

Issue 10 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA 163

NA-F User Guide Administration

Network Analyzer-Fiber relies on NA-SBI for data collection and certain system administration
functionality, such as user management. The sections below describe administration procedures
and interfaces in both NA-F and NA-SBI.

Logging in to the NA-SBI and NA-F GUIs

■ Common default logging in

You can connect to the default interface of either NA-SBI or NA-F over http at the URL
http://hostname, which displays one link to NA-F and one to NA-SBI.

You can also enter the desired program directly by adding /sbi or /naf to the URL.
■ NA-SBI. See the procedure “Starting and stopping services” on page 165 for instructions
on about starting NA-SBI. Note the following:
❐ By default, you access the NA-SBI interface over http at the URL: http://hostname/sbi,
but see the section on HTTP and HTTPs in the NA-F Installation Guide.
❐ Log in for the first time using the default administrator user name (admin) and password.
Contact your Nokia support representative for the default password. Nokia recommends
that you change the default administrator password and create new accounts or configure
NA-SBI to use an LDAP server, as discussed in “Authenticating users with an LDAP server
(optional)” on page 166.
■ NA-F. By default, you connect to the NA-F interface over http at the URL:
http://hostname/naf, but see the section on HTTP and HTTPs in the NA-F Installation Guide.
User management for the NA-F server is controlled by NA-SBI. See “User management” on
page 165 for more information.

Logging in and changing the UNIX user's password

The following procedures describe how to log in as the na user and change the password after
the first login. Nokia recommends that you change the password after you log in for the first

To log in as the na UNIX user

1. Log in to the NA-F host and type:
su - na ↵

2. Type the password. Contact your Nokia technical support representative for the default

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NA-F User Guide Administration

To change the na UNIX user's password

1. If you have root access:

a. While logged in to the NA-F host with root access, type:

passwd na ↵

b. Respond to the password prompts.

2. If you do not have root access:

a. Log in to the NA-F host as the na UNIX user, as described above.

b. Type:
passwd ↵

c. Respond to the password prompts.

Starting and stopping services

For the procedures to start and stop the services, see the NA-F Installation Guide.

Updating NA-F server properties

For the procedure to update the NA-F server properties, see the NA-F Installation Guide.

User management
Manager users through the NA-SBI GUI. The application is preconfigured with three user
● Administrator: Use this profile to create administrative users.
● Operator: Use this profile when creating uses who log in to perform day-to-day operations.
● Northbound: Use this profile to invoke operations through the northbound interface (NBI).

All NA-F users must use one of these three profiles.

When selecting a profile for a user, be aware that:

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Administration NA-F User Guide

■ Users with the Administrator profile can access the Administration tab and
delete/edit PONs; users with the Operator profile cannot.
■ Users with the Northbound profile cannot access the GUI.

To manage users in NA-F and NA-SBI

1. Open a browser and navigate to https://sbihost/sbi or http://sbihost/sbi


sbihostis the IP address or fully qualified domain name of an NA-SBI server or the load

If you are using https, depending on your browser, one or more security
certificate warnings might appear. Follow the on-screen instructions to accept
the self-signed certificate and continue.

The login prompt appears in the NA-SBI login window.

2. Click Administration->User management.

3. Consult the NA-SBI User Guide for information about how to manage users in NA-SBI.

Avoid changing the roles assigned to the preconfigured user profiles.

Authenticating users with an LDAP server (optional)

This operation changed significantly with Release 9.0. For detailed information and procedures,
see “Configuring LDAP and SSO” in NA-F Installation Guide.

File-based topology operations

On top of the topology operations available through the user interface, described in “Topology
Replication tab” on page 137, NA-F offers a file-based automated mode. The administrator
creates a single zip file that contains both the topology files and an file; the
administrator then places this zip file in the directory specified below. The NA-F system then
manages this file to automatically execute the topology operations requested.

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NA-F User Guide Administration

The topology files must be put in the ready directory of <shared_dir>/app/naf/topology as a

single zip file. The standard file creation convention of first creating the file in the creating
directory and then using a move command to move it to the ready directory should be followed.

The zip file name must be unique. After creating the zip file and copying it to the creating
directory, use the following command to append a timestamp to the zip file name and ensure
that the zip file name is unique:
cp /path-to-zip-file/<fileName>.zip <shared_dir>/app/naf/topology/creating/<fileName>⇦
_$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S").zip

For details about the topology files naming and format, refer to “Creating the topology files” on
page 11.

1. For topology synchronization or update, the zip file must contain the following files:
■ onts.csv = PON branch CSV file in the GUI
■ splitters.csv = Splitter CSV file in the GUI
■ = Property file that specifies the topology operation

The format of the file should be as below. Possible values for the
properties are separated by a "|".

2. To delete PON branches, the zip file must contain the following files:
■ branches.csv = PON branch ID CSV file in the GUI
■ file with the following lines:

Note that no topology audit is executed when deleting PON branches, even if the property is added and set to true in the

3. To delete empty splitters, the zip file should only contain an file that has
the following lines:

4. To rename PON IDs, the zip file should contain the following files:
■ pon.csv = PON ID CSV file in the GUI

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Administration NA-F User Guide

■ file that has the following lines:


Note that no topology audit is executed when renaming PON IDs, even if the property is added and set to true in the file.

If errors occur during the automated execution of the topology operations, a problems file is
available in the failed directory of <shared_dir>/app/naf/topology. This is a zip file named, where X is the job ID number. The zip file contains files that list all
warnings and errors.

If the property has been added and set to true in the
file, the file also contains the detected topology inconsistencies found
during topology audit (see the equivalent operation through the user interface in “To have NA-F
audit your topology import” on page 143).

Statistics collection management in NA-SBI and in 5529 SDC

For information about how to manage statistics collection in NA-SBI or 5529 SDC 9.0.x, see
the "Collection management" section in the respective user guide. (For the exact SDC version,
see the release notes.) That section covers the following topics:
■ Managing collection intervals
■ Starting and stopping collections

Important To start a collection, see “Initial startup and configuration” in NA-F Installation

Caution If you have to perform a node upgrade, you MUST stop data collection before
proceeding, and start collection again when the node upgrade has completed.
■ Monitoring collections per node (SDC User Guide)
■ Monitoring collections and protocol statistics (NA-SBI User Guide)
■ Monitoring collections for the system (SDC User Guide)
■ Failure logs

Another section to read is "Filtering, listing, and sorting information."

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NA-F User Guide Administration

Archive files
By default, NA-F archives the results of the hourly collections for the last 10 days, once a day,
in /shared/app/naf/stats/success on the shared drive.

The path for the shared drive might be different on your system if a non-default configuration
has been used following the instructions in the NA-F Installation Guide, section 2.7 "Setting
up NFS shared directories".

The format of the archive file name is archive-<date>_<time>.zip. The date and time show
when the archive file was created; the file contains the CSV files of the day before (and possibly
CSV files that would have been created on the current day before the process creating the
archive would run).

To clean up, ensure that you only clean up files that are archived. It could happen that a new
CSV file arrives between the time the archive process starts and finishes.

Statistics collection management in 5529 SDC R9.4.y (or

Starting and stopping collections.

You start and stop collections with the naf-configure-ams-sdc ipm script. For more information,
see “Initial startup and configuration” in NA-F Installation Guide.

Important The naf-configure-ams-sdc script does not stop the 15-minute collection in 5529
SDC 9.4.y if the related AMS is in a cluster setup. Because NA-F cannot
determine whether the AMS is in a cluster setup, the script always displays the
following warning:
Warning: 'Stop' operation will not work on AMS Cluster system. Use AMS ⇦
GUI to stop the collection.

If your AMS is actually in a cluster setup, explicitly stop the collection using the

For more information about how to manage statistics collection in 5529 SDC R9.4.y (or later),
see the 5529 SDC Installation and User Guide for R9.4.y (or later). (For the exact SDC version,
see the release notes.)

Archive files. NA-F archives some collections as explained in “Archive files” on page 169.

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Administration NA-F User Guide

Managing news items

With news items, you can provide information to NA-F users when they log in. NA-F uses the
news items from NA-SBI. For information about how to add, delete, and change news items,
see “Managing news items” in NA-SBI User Guide.

Exporting NA-F data to external reporting applications

The Data Feed feature creates archive files that you can retrieve with SFTP for use with external
reporting applications.

In any future version (major, minor, maintenance, patches) of NA-F, data feed changes can
occur. Any client consuming the data feed should take into account—upfront—the following
■ Columns might be added (header and values), moved (header and values), removed (header
and values), or null-ified (header is kept; values become null or empty) to any file in the
■ Obsolete/phased-out files might be removed from the archive.
■ Files might be added to the archive.
■ The order of the parameters in the files is NOT fixed.
■ Not all parameters in the files are always present. You can get more or fewer parameters.

Directory for the files

The archive files are available in the following directory by default:

■ Make sure that the directory exists and that the na user has write permissions
for it.
■ The archive files can become very big. Make sure that writing to this directory
will not create performance issues.

Every night at 2 A.M., the directory is purged of files older than 7 days

170 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10

NA-F User Guide Administration

File creation and contents

Optical Diagnosis & Supervision files (created every hour)

The Optical Diagnosis & Supervision data archive file contents are described below.

To enable/disable the creation of these files, use the Administration > Data Feed tab and its
Enable data feed of Optical Diagnosis & Supervision data option, as explained in “Data
Feed tab” on page 158.

When you enable the Optical Diagnosis & Supervision data feed, NA-F creates an archive file
for every network element at each hourly collection and stores it in the directory mentioned

The file is named according to this pattern:


Example: HourlyData_2015-01-18-09-13-23_GPONOTDR.tar.gz

The timestamp marks the end time of the collection interval.

The archive file contains the following files.

File Contents General parameters like NE information, collection
timestamps, and language setting.

Timestamps in all files use the ISO8601/RFC3339 format.

The language setting is used for the localizable items in the

files. It is the same language as the one used for fault
notification. It can be set in Administration tab->System
Settings->Fault notification language.
a Parameters collected for the ONTs:
■ Address
■ TrustedAdminStateONT
■ ItfOperationalStateONT
■ ONTPloamStatus
■ ONTOnceConnected

Issue 10 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA 171

Administration NA-F User Guide

File Contents
■ ONTSoftwareVersion
■ ONTSerialNumber
■ ONTSubscriberLocationId
■ ONTDistance
■ PONStatsBerDS
■ PONStatsBerUS
■ ONTLaserBiasCurrent
■ ONTPowerFeedVoltage
■ ONTTemperature
■ ONTRxOpticalSignalLevel
■ ONTTxOpticalSignalLevel
■ ONTOLTRxOpticalSignalLevel
■ ONTRfOpticalSignalLevel
■ ActualCP
■ PreferredCP
■ ONTType
■ custom_label_n, where n is 1, 2, or 3 (Define these labels
as explained in “Display Label Management tab” on
page 153.)
a Parameters collected for the OLT Ports:
■ FeederCableId
■ Address

172 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10

NA-F User Guide Administration

File Contents
■ ItfAdminStateOLT
■ ItfOperationalStateOLT
■ PONConfigFecDSInd
■ PONOLTLaserBiasCurrent
■ PONOLTVoltage
■ PONOLTTemperature
■ PONOLTTxOpticalSignalLevel
■ SCGAddress
■ Speed
■ LambdaProfile
■ PortProtectionStatus
■ PairedFeederCableId
■ PairedAddress
■ PairedPortProtectionStatus
■ PairedItfAdminStateOLT
■ PairedItfOperationalStateOLT
PON_oltCards.csv Parameters collected for the OLT Cards:
■ Address
■ BoardActualType
■ EqptBoardAdminStatus
■ EqptBoardOperStatus
a The following parameters for each optical link.
■ Address
■ BranchId
■ LinkQuality

Issue 10 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA 173

Administration NA-F User Guide

File Contents
■ LinkStatus
■ PowerValidation
■ Topology
■ RfOpticalQuality
■ ONTType

The topology is defined as:

<PON ID>-<Parent port of the primary splitter>-<⇦
Port number>-<PONBranch>

When there are "-" signs within the separate elements, those
are escaped (preceded by a \ character). Example:

in which:
■ PON ID = ISAM-138:1-1-1-1
■ Parent port of the primary splitter = 0
■ Primary Splitter = ISAM-13801010101L1
■ Primary Splitter Port = 1
■ Secondary Splitter = ISAM-13801010101L101L2
■ Secondary Splitter Port = 4
■ PONBranch = ONTISAM-13801010101L101L2006
PON_faults.csv Fault information.
■ FaultId
■ Timestamp
■ Status
■ Category
■ TypeDisplay

174 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10

NA-F User Guide Administration

File Contents
■ Type
■ Redundancy
■ Severity
■ NumberOfLocations
PON_faultLocations.csv Fault information. Fault locations link to the faults via the
faultId. There can be more locations per fault.
■ FaultId
■ LocationId

Is a unique identifier of the component that caused the

■ LocationType

Indicates the type of component that caused the fault.

Here are some location types and their explanations:
❐ BOARD: OLT card admin down or OLT card oper. down

In this case, LocationId is the fiberBranchID, and

Address is the ont-address.
❐ BRANCH: Fault on a branch

In this case, Address is the full port address.

❐ FEEDER: Feeder cable cut fault

In this case, LocationId is the feeder ID, and Address

is not set.
❐ OLT: OLT port admin down

In this case, Address is the full port address.

❐ OLT_PORT: OLT port oper. down or transreceiver
malfunction fault

In this case, Address is the full port address.

❐ ONT: Fault on an ONT

Issue 10 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA 175

Administration NA-F User Guide

File Contents
In this case, LocationId is the fiberBranchID, and
Address is the ont-address.
❐ SPLITTER: Fault on a splitter

In this case, LocationId is the feeder ID, and Address

is not set.
■ Address
■ SplitterPosition
PON_faultImpactedBranches.csv Fault information. Impacted branches link to the faults via
the faultId. There can be more impacted branches per fault.
■ FaultId
■ FiberId
■ ImpactType
■ Address
PON_ngpon2SubChannelGroups.csv Sub channel group and channel group information.
■ SCGAddress
■ SCGAdminStatus
■ SCCOperStatus
■ CGAdminStatus
■ CGOperStatus
Except for the "PON ID" parameter, when "PON" is used in a parameter name, it refers to a channel instead of the
complete PON.

■ The order of the parameters in the files is NOT fixed.

■ Not all parameters in the files are always present. You can get more or fewer

Service Diagnosis & Supervision files (created every 15 minutes)

The Service Diagnosis & Supervision data archive file contents are described below.

176 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10

NA-F User Guide Administration

To enable/disable the creation of these files, use the Administration > Data Feed tab and its
Enable data feed of Service Diagnosis & Supervision data option, as explained in “Data
Feed tab” on page 158.

When you enable the Service Diagnosis & Supervision data feed, NA-F creates an archive file
for every network element at each quarter-hourly collection and stores it in the directory
mentioned above.

The file is named according to this pattern:


Example: QuarterlyData_2015-01-17-17-33-57_GPONOTDR.tar.gz

The timestamp marks the end time of the collection interval.

The archive file contains the following files.

File Contents NE information and NA-F version.
PON_oltPortTrafficStats.csv Note
As of NA-F R9.1.5, the content depends on the compatibility
mode. Contact your Nokia technical support representative
for assistance in changing the mode.

For each PON, a row with the following data:

Backward compatibility enabled Backward compatibility disabled

■ PON Address ■ PON Address
■ Bandwidth data for the previous ■ Bandwidth data for the previous
15 minutes: 15 minutes in three 5-minute
❐ UnicastForwardedBitRateUS
❐ TotalForwardedBitRateUS
❐ UnicastForwardedBitRateDS
❐ TotalForwardedBitRateDS
❐ UnicastDiscardedBitRateUS
❐ TotalDiscardedBitRateUS
❐ UnicastDiscardedBitRateDS
❐ TotalDiscardedBitRateDS
❐ MulticastForwardedBitRateDS
❐ UnicastForwardedBitRateUS
❐ MulticastDiscardedBitRateDS
❐ UnicastDiscardedBitRateDS

Issue 10 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA 177

Administration NA-F User Guide

File Contents

Backward compatibility enabled Backward compatibility disabled

❐ MulticastForwardedBitRateDS
❐ MulticastDiscardedBitRateDS
❐ MarginFactor
❐ Margin reason
❐ TotalMarginRateDS
❐ TotalMarginRatioDS
❐ UnicastMarginRateDS
❐ UnicastMarginRatioDS
❐ MulticastMarginRateDS
❐ MulticastMarginRatioDS
❐ TotalMarginRateUS
❐ TotalMarginRatioUS
❐ Loss Indicator
❐ Loss reason
❐ TotalLossRateDS
❐ UnicastLossRateDS
❐ MulticastLossRateDS
❐ TotalLossRateUS

The header in the file indicates the units, such as bps, for the upstream
and downstream values.
PON_ontTrafficStats.csv Note
As of NA-F R9.1.5, the content depends on the compatibility
mode. Contact your Nokia technical support representative
for assistance in changing the mode.

178 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10

NA-F User Guide Administration

File Contents

Backward compatibility enabled Backward compatibility disabled

For each ONT interface per ONT, a For each ONT, a row with the
row with the following data: following data:
■ ONT Address ■ ONT Address
■ Interface Address ■ Bandwidth data for the previous
15 minutes in three 5-minute
■ Bandwidth data for the previous intervals:
15 minutes:
❐ UnicastForwardedBitRateUS
❐ UnicastForwardedBitRateUS
❐ UnicastForwardedBitRateDS
❐ UnicastForwardedBitRateDS
❐ UnicastDiscardedBitRateUS
❐ UnicastDiscardedBitRateUS
❐ UnicastDiscardedBitRateDS
❐ UnicastDiscardedBitRateDS
❐ MulticastForwardedBitRateDS
❐ MulticastDiscardedBitRateDS

The header in the file indicates the units, such as bps, for the upstream
and downstream values.
PON_topONTDsTrafficStats. For the top ONTs, a row with the following data:
■ Interval Number
■ Rank
■ ONTAddress
■ Bandwidth
PON_topONTUsTrafficStats. For the top ONTs, a row with the following data:
■ Interval Number
■ Rank
■ ONTAddress
■ Bandwidth

Important The order of the parameters in the files is NOT fixed.

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Administration NA-F User Guide

Not all parameters in the files are always present. You can get more or fewer

Explanation of "Warning: license will require update soon!"

NA-F might display the following message:
"Warning: license will require update soon!"

Causes for this message include:

■ Actual number of optical links exceeds 90% of the licensed number of optical links.
■ Actual number of OLT ports exceeds 90% of the licensed number of OLT ports.
■ Actual number of OTDR enabled OLT ports exceeds 90% of the licensed number of
OTDR-enabled OLT ports.
■ Actual number of OTDR enabled optical links exceeds 90% of the licensed number of
OTDR-enabled optical links.
■ Current day is within one month of the expiration date.

180 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10

This chapter covers:

Common sorting and filtering operations
URL-encoded navigation
Tagging the optical infrastructure with notes
Common operations

Issue 10 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA 181

NA-F User Guide Common operations

This chapter describes operations that users can execute in many locations in the NA-F user
interface: Filtering and using URL encoded navigation.

The operation Tagging the optical infrastructure with notes is, however, only available in the
PON Topology tree.

Common sorting and filtering operations

This section describes the sorting and filtering capabilities available with NA-F. They might
differ depending on the tabs considered: While PON and ALARM tabs have a basic, 'key with
wildcard' based filtering, the OPTICAL LINK tab and FAULT tab offer a more sophisticated

Sorting and filtering in the PON tab and the ALARM tab
Sorting. To sort the list by this column in ascending order, click the white diamond next to
the column header. To sort in descending order, click it a second time.

Filtering. To filter the rows to a particular value, enter the value in the text field below the
column header and press ENTER. The filter accepts an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character at
the end of the search key sequence in any searchable field.

Address, Paired Address, and PON Address fields are searchable with these guidelines:
■ You can specify the full address.
■ You can use wildcards with these restrictions:
❐ You must specify a partial or full SNMP agent name (that is, you cannot wildcard the entire

For example, you can specify: R*.

❐ You can specify the SNMP agent with or without a rack number (rackNr), followed by a

For example, you could specify RB6-FD2* without a rack number to display results such
as RB6-FD2:1-1-3-4-1, RB6-FD2:1-1-3-4-2, RB6-FD2:1-1-3-4-3, and so on. You could
specify RB6-FD2*:1* to display the same results.

182 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10

NA-F User Guide Common operations

❐ You must specify the address separator dash (-) when you use wildcards for rackNr,
subRackNr, slotNr, portNr, or ontNr.

For example, use RB6-FD2:1-1-* instead of RB6-FD2:1*1*.

StartTime and ClearTime fields in the ALARM tab are searchable with the following restrictions:
■ They do not support wildcards.
■ You enter either the date only or the full timestamp. For example, with '5/9/14 10:29 AM' as
the timestamp, you can filter using '5/9/14' or '5/9/14 10:29 AM'.
■ The combination of filters on StartTime and ClearTime uses logical AND:
❐ Start time filter (4/16/14): Alarms started on 2014-04-16.
❐ Clear time filter (4/18/14): Alarms cleared on 2014-04-18.
❐ Start time filter (4/16/14) and clear time filter (4/18/14): Alarms started on the 16th AND
cleared on 18th of April.

Sorting and filtering in the OPTICAL LINK tab and the FAULT
Sorting. In both tabs, you can sort the list using the diamond arrows next to the column

In the OPTICAL LINK tab, the LQ, LS, PV, and LP columns have icons, where each icon has
a name as well. The name is displayed in the filter section at the top of the page. The column
values are sorted in a fixed order instead of alphabetically by name because the names are
■ For LQ, the order is: Good, Reduced robustness, Degraded, Interrupted, Switched off,
■ For LS, the order is: Administrative down, Operational down, Waiting for ONT, Waiting long
for ONT, Never connected ONT, Newly imported, Connected, Disconnected, Discovered,
Switched off, Disabled.
■ For PV, the order is: None, Normal, Abnormal, Not enough data.
■ For LP, the order is: Critical, Regular.

No matter what you use as sorting criteria, new ONTs, discovered by alarms
and not yet part of the current topology, are always sorted on top.

Issue 10 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA 183

Common operations NA-F User Guide

In the FAULT tab, the Type and Status column values are sorted in a fixed order instead of
alphabetically by name because the names are configurable.
■ For Type, the order is:
■ For Status, the order is: Active, Pending, Resolved.

OPTICAL LINK tab: Filtering the Address column. Filter the Address column as explained
in “Sorting and filtering in the PON tab and the ALARM tab” on page 182.

184 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10

NA-F User Guide Common operations

OPTICAL LINK tab: Using the selection zone to limit the list. The selection zone of the
Optical Link tab offers these sets of selectors: Link Status, Link Priority, Link Quality, Power
Validation, and Audit. You can easily check the selectors that match the list you want to receive,
including and excluding optical links depending on their status in any of the selectors' groups.
Checking/unchecking a selector with a label in bold (All Online, etc.) selects/unselects all the
selectors in that group. The list is refreshed on each selection.

Warning The filtering is AND-based between the sets, but OR-based within the sets.

FAULT tab: Using the selection zone to filter the list. The selection zone of the Fault tab
offers these sets of selectors: Status, Link Priority, Redundant, and Type grouping (Operational
faults, Configuration faults, Malfunctioning equipment faults, Degradation faults, Interruption
faults, PON Utilization faults). You can easily check the selectors that match the list you want
to receive, including and excluding faults from any of the selection groups. Checking/unchecking
a selector with a label in bold (All Operational, etc.) selects/unselects all the selectors in that

Warning The filtering is AND-based between the sets, but OR-based within the sets. If nothing
is selected for a certain set, it is assumed that no filtering happens for that particular
set. So selecting all or nothing is basically the same.

Filters management. On both the Optical Link tab and the Fault tab, the Manage filters
area on the upper-right allows you to define, save, share, update, and delete filters.

The screen captures below were made in the Fault tab. The behavior of this
feature is the same on both Optical Link and Fault tabs.

A filter is the collection of flags currently selected.

The filter is applied immediately at every change. The "My filters" that are shared are now
displayed with [shared] after their names. "Shared Filters" displays the filters that have been
saved and shared (if any) by other users, with [user login] after the names.

After system installation, no filters are present: The My Filters link and the Shared Filters link
are empty.

Issue 10 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA 185

Common operations NA-F User Guide

Manage Filters area

To save a new filter

1. In the selection area, select the flags to keep together in a filter by selecting their

2. In the Manage Filters area, click Save as new filter.

In the pop-up window, give the filter an appropriate name.

Optionally, select Shared to make this filter available to all operators.

3. Click Submit.

In the Manage Filters area, the My Filters link is now followed by a ">" to indicate the
presence of at least one saved filter.

4. Click My Filters. The list of saved filters opens.

186 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10

NA-F User Guide Common operations

Select the filter to apply.

The filter is applied, and the results table is refreshed.

5. The Manage Filters area now shows the currently applied filter and the available actions
on this filter: Update filter (to change the selection and the name or share it), Delete filter.

Filtering in NA-SBI and SDC

See the "Filtering, listing, and sorting information" section in the NA-SBI User Guide or SDC
User Guide.

URL-encoded navigation
The NA-F interface allows you to navigate to individual PONs, ONTs, and feeder cables from
the corresponding tabs available on the main page, as explained in the description of the tabs
in “Overview ” on page 64.

Starting with NA-F R8.1, if you are already logged in to NA-F, you can also directly access
individual pages for PONs, ONTs, and feeder cables using a URL from external systems.

All you need to know is:

■ The name or IP address of the server running NA-F, for example:

■ The type of element:

❐ For the PONS:


❐ For the ONTs:

Issue 10 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA 187

Common operations NA-F User Guide


❐ For the Feeder Cables:


■ The address or name of the network element, for example:

❐ A PON: GPONOTDR:1-1-2-1
❐ An ONT: GPONOTDR:1-1-2-1-10
❐ A feeder cable: FeederCable

For any given ONT, the addresses of the ONT and of the PON and name of
the feeder cable it belongs to are shown on the “Optical link details” on page 105
of this ONT.

You can now compose a full URL by concatenating the three parts, for example:

Using this URL from an external system, you get the Optical Link Diagnosis page for the
specified ONT.

Tagging the optical infrastructure with notes

In the PON topology tree, tag icons ( ) appear on the PON properties table, fiber sections,
splitter icons, and by each ONT. When you click a tag icon ( ), a window opens so you can
view or edit the notes on the associated object. A tag icon is green ( ) when it contains one or
more notes. You can use these notes to record information such as trouble ticket numbers,
maintenance actions performed or planned, and so on to improve communication between
groups. In an integration scenario, other applications can create such messages using the
NBI. For more information, see the Northbound OSS Interface Developer Guide. Click the
calendar icons ( ) or use the text fields to set the start or end date indicating the date range
to which this message applies.

188 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10

NA-F User Guide Common operations

Use the buttons along the bottom of the window to manipulate the tag:

Icon Function
Close the dialog.

Page through the list of tags for this object, one tag at a time.

Jump to the first or last tag in the list for this object.

Delete the current tag.

Create a new tag.

Save the current tag.

Revert to the saved or unmodified version of this tag.

See “Topology (classic) tab, Topology (compact) tab, and Topology tab” on page 79 for more
information about the PON topology tree.

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Common operations NA-F User Guide

190 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10

Background Fast MIB Upload (BFMU)
This is based on the existing RFMU feature that provides a one-time collection of data
based on a list of OIDs provided in the configuration file. The main difference with the
real-time variant is that the data is collected internally in the system at preconfigured
intervals and stored locally in files. This de-couples the internal collection from the external
upload of the data by the operator.

A wavelength, or lambda, that transports a GPON signal, a TWDM channel pair signal, an
XGS channel pair signal.

channel group
A group that combines different channel pairs (with different wavelengths) onto the optical

channel pair
A dedicated wavelength pair on an LT port.

In an optical link, a fiber section between two splitters.
See also fiber section , distribution , feeder .

comma-separated values file (CSV)

A text file that contains one record per line and one or more fields delimited by commas.

A passive element of the PON branch that connects one fiber section to another.

In an optical link, a fiber section between the last splitter and the ONT (optical network
See also fiber section , collector , feeder .

A fiber section in an optical link between the PON port and the first splitter.
See also fiber section , collector , distribution .

fiber section
A section of fiber cable between two elements in the optical link (that is between splitters,
between OLT and splitter, and so on).
See also distribution , collector , feeder .

Issue 10 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA 191

Glossary NA-F User Guide

Northbound interface

ONT address
The ONT address is the TL1 address of the port on the network element with the ONT
number appended. For example, SOMEGPON:1-1-1-1-1, where SOMEGPON:1-1-1-1 is
the TL1 port address and the final digit (“-1”) is the ONT number.

optical line terminal (OLT)

In a PON (passive optical network), an OLT is the device that terminates the optical local
loop at the edge of the service provider's network. The OLT generates downstream optical
signals and receives upstream signals from the ONT (optical network terminal) at the
subscriber's premises.
See also passive optical network (PON) , optical network terminal (ONT) .

optical link
In a PON (passive optical network), the optical transmission channel, including the active
and passive equipment.

optical network terminal (ONT)

An ONT provides the subscriber-side interface of the optical access network and is
connected to the Optical Distribution Network (ODN). It includes functionality that allows
interfacing with user terminals. An ONT is used for Fiber To The Premises (FTTP).

passive equipment
Portions of the optical link that do not require an external power source such as the splitters,
connectors, and fiber sections.

passive optical network (PON)

A PON consists of an OLT (optical line terminal) located at the Central Office (CO) and a
set of associated ONTs (optical network terminals) located at the customer premise.
Between them lies the Optical Distribution Network (ODN) comprised of fibers and passive
splitters or couplers.

All ONTs share the upstream and downstream bandwidth of the ODN. There are several
kinds of PON, such as ATM Passive Optical Network (APON), Broadband Passive Optical
Network (BPON), Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON), Gigabit Passive Optical
Network (GPON), and Time- and wavelength-division multiplexed Passive Optical Network

PON branch
The portion of the optical link that includes only the passive equipment.

A unique identifier of the PON. Channels map to the parent object PON through the PON
ID. The PON can be GPON-only, TWDM-only, or GPON-TWDM.

192 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10

NA-F User Guide Glossary

Real-time Fast MIB Upload (RFMU)

This feature is used to retrieve a larger amount of statistical data than using the SNMP
protocol on the network. RFMU continues to use the MIB OIDs and SNMP protocol internally
within the ISAM node, but the resulting data collection is formatted to reduce the amount
of information that is transferred to the management system through Xftp.

service impact
Service impact classifies the optical link according to its optical performance and the
(potential) impact the performance has on the service. Possible service impact classifications
are: Available, Reduced robustness, Close to interruption, Interrupted, Switched off, and

A passive element of the PON that branches a single fiber into two or more branches.

sub channel group

An administrative domain to separate different providers or services.

In industry usage, an individual who pays for Internet access or other services from a

In Motive™ usage, an end-user who uses Motive software as a result of purchasing services
from a provider.

Subscriber Location ID (SLID)

A provider-defined string that uniquely identifies the subscriber.

Transaction Language 1

Issue 10 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA 193

Glossary NA-F User Guide

194 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10

A link quality, 32
administration link status, 30
listing information, 168 power validation, 41
Administration tab, 135 service activation workflow, 59
Data Feed, 158 tagging the optical infrastructure, 60
Display Label Management, 153 tags, 60
Fault Notification Filter tab, 156 contact misorientation, 51
GIS management tab, 156 continuous supervision, 2
Information tab, 135 creating or deleting GPON-TWDM PONs, 14
System settings, 145 critical links
Topology Audit Report, 144 defining in the PON branch CSV, 15
Topology Replication tab, 137 link priority (LP), 32
Alarm tab, 124 versus regular links, 25
architecture, 4 CSV
automatic export automatic export, 148
CSV, 148 customer care integration, 4
customer support representatives (CSRs), 3
bulk collector D
monitoring, 168 data collection, 34
BW Loss, 96 Data Feed, 158
Exporting NA-F data, 170
detection of faults, 50
C dirty connector, 51
CEx Display Label Management tab, 153
management, 15 DSLAMs
Charts & Faults tab clearing failures, 168
Charts & Faults tab, 113 displaying failures, 168
collection controls displaying failures per DSLAM, 168
managing intervals, 168 monitoring statistics collection for DSLAMs,
collection intervals 168
managing, 168 monitoring statistics collection per DSLAM,
Common operations 168
notes, 188 starting statistics collections, 168-169
tagging, 188 stopping statistics collections, 168-169
tagging the optical infrastructure, 188
concepts, 2
data collection, 34 E
fault detection and localization, 50 Export Statistics tab, 126
link priority, 32

Issue 10 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA 195

Index NA-F User Guide

F OTDR Tab, 92
failure logs, 168 link priority, 32
(see also failures) link quality, 32
failures relationship to power validation and faults,
clearing for DSLAMs, 168 51
displaying for DSLAMs, 168 Link quality, 70, 76
displaying per DSLAM, 168 Link quality evolution graph, 72
fault detection, 50 link status, 30
fault localization, 50 linking strategy, 19
Fault Notification Filter, 156 localization of faults, 50
faults logging in, 164
relationship to link quality and power loss, 53, 74
validation, 51
Faults history list, 108 M
Faults per hour graph, 73 macrobend, 51
Feeder Cable ID, 74 managing a CEx (co-existence element), 15
Feeder Cable tab, 122 map of the NA-F GUI, 68
field force integration, 5 Map tab, 98
field force personnel, 4 margin, 55, 74
filtering margin factor, 96
GUI information, 168 monitoring
bulk collector, 168
G collection throughput, 168
GIS management, 156 granular collector, 168
GPON-TWDM PONs statistics collection for DSLAMs, 168
creating, 14 statistics collection per DSLAM, 168
deleting, 14 Most impacting faults, 70
granular collector
monitoring, 168 N
filtering information, 168 changing password, 165
listing information, 168 logging in, 164
sorting information, 168 NA-F and SDC architecture, 4
network operations personnel, 3
H Network Wide tab, 68
History, 93 Faults per hour graph, 73
History tab Link quality evolution graph, 72
in Optical Link Diagnosis, 111 Link quality table, 70
Most impacting faults, 70
PON utilization table, 69
I notes, 60
integrations, 4 Notes list
in Optical Link Diagnosis, 111
Latest detected faults, 77
Link Loss Validation

196 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10

NA-F User Guide Index

O Power Validation tab

Optical link details in Optical Link Diagnosis, 117
in Optical Link Diagnosis, 105 protection group, 71, 77
Optical Link Diagnosis protection groups, 22, 52
Charts & Faults tab, 113
Faults history, 108 Q
History tab, 111 Quick Navigation tab
Notes list, 111 of Optical Link Diagnosis, 113
Optical Link details, 105
Power Validation tab, 117 R
Quick Navigation tab, 113 radio frequency over glass, 93, 112, 150
Real-time Monitoring, 118 Real-time Monitoring
Service Diagnosis, 120 in Optical Link Diagnosis, 118
Optical Link tab, 99 redundant setup, 52, 71, 77
Optical Link Diagnosis, 105 RF Overlay, 150
OSS activation workflow integrations, 5 RFoG, 93, 112, 150
OTDR Diagnosis enable views, 150
OTDR tab, 90 OD&S license, 150
OTDR Link Loss, 92 RFQ, 93

Paired Feeder Cable ID, 74 SDC
paired PON, 52 collection control, 168-169
Paired PON port address, 74 filtering information, 168
password intervals, 168
changing, 165 listing information, 168
PON branch ID, 86 sorting information, 168
PON BW loss , 53 statistics collection management, 168-169
PON BW margin , 55 service activation, 2
PON Diagnosis page, 75 service activation workflow example, 59
GIS Map, 98 Service Diagnosis & Supervision, 53, 55
History tab, 93 Service Diagnosis tab
Latest detected faults list, 77 in Optical Link Diagnosis, 120
Link quality table, 76 service provider workflows, 58
OTDR tab, 89 splitter icon, 82
PON topology tree, 79 Splitter link
PON history, 152 add through GUI, 86
PON ID, 74 starting
PON port address, 74 services, 165
PON protection, 22, 52 statistics collections, 168-169
pON protection, 52 statistics
PON tab, 73 exporting from NA-F, 133
PON utilization , 69, 74 statistics collection
PON Utilization tab , 159 clearing failures DSLAMs, 168
power validation, 41 clearing per DSLAM, 168
relationship to link quality and faults, 51

Issue 10 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA 197

Index NA-F User Guide

displaying failures DSLAMs, 168

displaying failures per DSLAM, 168
displaying per DSLAM, 168
intervals, 168
monitoring collected statistics, 168
monitoring for DSLAMs, 168
monitoring restricted statistics, 168
resetting monitored collections DSLAMs,
statistics collection, 168-169
System Settings, 145

tagging the optical infrastructure with notes,
60, 188
tags, 60, 80, 188
Topology (classic) tab, 79
Topology (compact) tab, 79
Topology Audit, 28
Topology Audit Report, 28, 144
Topology Replication tab, 137
Topology tab, 79
topology update integration, 5
troubleshooting, 2
troubleshooting workflow example, 59
TWDM NG-PON2 overview, 29
type B PON protection, 52

user interface
map of, 68
NA-F, 64

198 3JB-00149-AAAA-PCAAA Issue 10

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