Practice - cp2, Kyth Delos Santos 1c Day

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NAME: Kyth Delos Santos Course, Yr. & Sec.





1. What do people believe before Copernicus laid his thoughts about the universe?

Before Copernican revolution there is a Egyptian astronomer, mathematician and

geographer and his name is Claudius Ptolemy who made his own version of solar system
and that is ’’Geocentric Model or Ptolemaic model” which he explained that earth is the
center of entire universe.

2. What was Copernicus’ revolutionary idea about the universe?

Copernicus revolutionary idea shift the field of astronomy from Geocentric understanding of
Copernicus explains that earth is not the center of entire universe and it also a planet and
along with the other planets that revolve around the sun. Through Copernicus idea gave
birth to modern science and philosophy

3. What made the theory of Copernicus controversial?

Theory of Copernicus is so controversial because Copernicus' ideas took nearly a hundred

years to seriously take hold. When Galileo Galilei claimed in 1632 that Earth orbited the sun,
building upon the Polish astronomer's work, he found himself under house arrest for committing
heresy against the Catholic Church. In February-March 1616, the Catholic Church issued a
prohibition against the Copernican theory of the earth’s motion. This led later (1633) to the
Inquisition trial and condemnation of Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) as a suspected heretic, which
generated a controversy that continues to our day. 




4. What does Darwin’s Revolution tell us?

Darwin’s theory of evolution tells us that through presentation of the evidence that living
species evolved from organisms that lived in the pass and that evolution is happened in
natural selection. Darwin proposed that natural selection is a cause of evolution.
Evolution is a change in the inherited characteristics of a population from one generation
to next. Darwin’s theory explains why living things vary in form yet seem to fit their
environment. Each habitat presents unique challenges and opportunities to survive and
5. What makes his theory controversial?

Many advocates of Darwinian evolution promote the stereotype that the theory is controversial
only because a small religious segment of society has social, religious, or political objections.
These advocates claim that there is no credible scientific disagreement with Darwinian
evolution. This, however, is not true. The Scientific Dissent from Darwinism list shows that there
is credible scientific dissent from Darwinian theory.


6. Before Freud’s revolutionary thought came, how did society regard and deal people with
mental illness?

In the late 1800s marked the end of the Victorian age a period of extreme puritanical
restrictions any expression of human sexuality was considered an outrage, respectable
women only went to their doctors with a chaperone personal matters were never
discussed in polite society. Professional therapist didn’t exist and people with
psychological problems had nowhere to go. Mental patients were treated like outcasts
they were put in asylums and received antiquated and in some cases even barbaric care
treatments included alternating hot and cold baths, lengthy periods of drug-induced
sleep and brain surgery that resulted to death.

7. Explain Freud’s iceberg analogy and how he used this to explain the mental illness of a

To understand Freud's theory, it is essential to first understand what he believed each

part of personality did, how it operated, and how these three elements interact to
contribute to the human experience. Freud made a three level of awareness the
conscious mind, preconscious mind and last unconscious mind. Conscious mind is
merely visible above surface, whereas the bulk of the important workings of the mind
lurks mysteriously beneath the surface. Preconscious mind it consisted of memories that
are not presently conscious but can easily be brought in consciousness. Unconscious
mind things that we are unaware of and cannot aware of.

8. What is free-association and how it was done with patients?

Free association is a practice in psychoanalytic therapy. In this practice, a therapist asks

a person in therapy to freely share thoughts, words, and anything else that comes to
mind. The thoughts need not be coherent. But it may help if they are authentic. Free
association it treats patients with mental health disorder which they are invited to relate
whatever comes into their minds during the analytic session, and not to censor their
9. Do you think Sigmund Freud became controversial during that time?

Yes, because his ideas trigger’s the world and Freud theorized the three levels of
consciousness which is the conscious mind, preconscious mind, and unconscious mind.
Sigmund Freud biggest impact was the change the way society deal with mental illness.
Freud’s was also attracted cocaine because he wanted to help a close friend During this
time, cocaine was viewed as a panacea for everything from headaches to indigestion to
aches and pains to depression. So Freud started researching cocaine in hopes that it’d
also become an amazing antidote to addiction.


10. Describe Information Revolution and analyze its pros and cons.

Information revolution is a period of change that might prove as significant to the lives of
people. Computer technology is at the root of this change, and continuing advancements
in that technology seem to ensure that this revolution would touch the lives of people.
Computers are unique machines; they help to extend the brain power.

There are benefits and drawbacks to the Information Revolution. One of its advantages
is that, since the introduction of e-books (electronic books), books have become nearly
obsolete. I can save my page without fear of losing it, I can't lose it, and I can share it with
others. To share the book with someone else, I'd have to ship it to them, which would cost both
money and time. In addition, eliminating books would result in fewer trees being cut down and
taken from the Earth.
There are several drawbacks to the Information Revolution, such as greater exposure to
computers and dependency on computers, as well as an increase in cyber-crime. Fraud and
identity theft, for example, have increased as a result of the fact that many people are highly
adept with computers and choose to exploit that expertise. Some would even argue that, as a
result of the Internet, a person's level of personal security has diminished. As a result, many
people's personal space has been invaded, and they may have even been victims of cyber-

11. What is MESOAMERICA? What are the countries considered as part of Mesoamerica?

Mesoamerica is a word that comes from the Greek and meaning "middle America." It
refers to a physical and cultural region that stretches from central Mexico through
Central America, and includes the land that is presently occupied by Guatemala, Belize,
Honduras, and El Salvador, Costa Rica. As a result, it is seen as partially located in
North America and spanning a huge portion of Central America.

12. What were the first great civilizations in Mesoamerica? What are the contributions (at
least 1) of the different Mesoamerican civilizations?

The first civilization of Mesoamerica is Olmec “Rubber People” they also harvest rubber
to make rubber balls for ritualistic ballgame.
13. Identify one great invention/discovery from each ASIAN country and explain what makes
this invention revolutionary.

For me the great discovery of ASIAN people is ACUPUNCTURE

Acupuncture Revolution connects the ancient technique of acupuncture with modern
medicine, demonstrating how to utilize it in conjunction with other types of treatment to
improve your health. Holistic health care isn't about rejecting mainstream Western
medicine; it's about learning to employ a variety of techniques to support your health and
wellness, each in the appropriate manner and at the right time. Acupuncture is an
excellent addition to Western medicine because of its unique capacity to restore balance
and encourage self-healing. Learn about the history of acupuncture, how it sees
sickness, what we know about it scientifically, the illnesses it treats, how it cures, and
how to combine it with traditional medicine.

14. Name at least 3 revolutionary inventions/contributions of the Middle East.

Great contributions to civilization included





15. Name at least 3 revolutionary inventions/contributions of the Africans.




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