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Advocacy Written Proposal in Oral Communication

Key Message: Life takes you higher than drugs.

Get high on grades, not on drugs.

Specific Objectives:

 To tackle about the causes, effects and impacts of drugs not only to the users but also to
the community they belong.
 Spread awareness to the consequences of unlawful and unsanctioned drug use.
 To reduce the health and social costs of illegal drugs to the community especially the
 Educate everyone (parents, teachers, community leaders, etc.) to help people especially
the youth reject illegal drugs and encourage them to engage in positive, healthy lifestyles
and modeling behavior to be emulated by young people.
 Support the Duterte’s Administration by providing active campaign assistance on
government’s war on drugs.


As the Philippines welcomed the new administration under President Rodrigo Duterte
last year (2016), the country face an intensified campaign to war on drugs. With aid of the
media, it was surprisingly known that there are lots of drug users or pushers in the country.
Numerous incidents have been reported in local and international television and in social media
about drug users and dealers who are caught in the act. Some of them lives in squatter’s area or
what they call the “drug dens”, some of them are powerful people like government officials and
believe it or not, most of the drug users in the country are young people. Dangerous Drug Board
estimated that 3.7 million people are dealing with drug addiction and 65 % of it are young people.
In line with this, Philippine National Police (PNP) stated that as drug addiction rate gets high,
crime (rape, murder, robbery, etc.) rates also increase.


Our group chose this advocacy because drug addiction is one of the problems that our
country is facing nowadays and it should be resolved because it destroys many lives and
families. Even the society is affected because as drug addiction rate gets high, crime rates
increase, which makes people to be more anxious. Besides, we want to spread awareness to
people about the effects and implications of using drugs and we also want to tackle about the
causes and factors why people engage in that activity. We chose this advocacy because we
want to save people especially the youth from indulging themselves in using drugs and
encourage them to engage in activities that will improve their lives. We did this advocacy to
support President Duterte’s drug campaign and to provide possible solutions to this problem.

a.) Benefits of the advocacy

This advocacy will….
 Make people aware about the real condition of drug addiction in the country.
 Make people aware about the causes, effects, impacts and consequences of drug
 Provide solutions to the issue.
 Support the government’s program against drugs.
 Safer community

b.) Recipient/s of the advocacy

 Everyone
c.) Planned solution on how to address the issue;
 Continue this campaign to spread awareness to people.
 Provide counseling, meaningful activities and programs through the help of the
school and community.
 Encourage parents to establish good relationship and communication with their
children through seminars.
 Establish good relationship with other so they may feel “sense of belongingness”.
d.) Existing group/s supporting this cause.
 Barkada Kontra Droga (BKD)
-It was created in 2004 to counter the dangers and disastrous effects of drug

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