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C OVER STORY   Ac oustic s | N V H

AI-based, Automated
Acoustic Diagnostics in Vehicles
Automatically detecting anomalous noises in vehicles and identifying their causes is a challenge, which
has never been resolved in any satisfactory manner until now. Given the complexity of the input variables,
conventional methods of signal processing quickly reach their limits. IAV and TU Braunschweig have
investigated where AI-based methods of detecting and classifying anomalous acoustic events promise
significant advancements.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tim Fingscheidt

holds the Signal Processing
and Machine Learning Chair at the
Institute of Communications
Technology of Technische Universität
Braunschweig (Germany).

Jan Baumann
is Research Assistant in Signal
Processing and Machine Learning
at the Institute of Communications
Technology of Technische Universität
Braunschweig (Germany).

Michael Papendieck
is Senior Vice President Advanced
Diagnostics and Digital Product Life
Cycle at IAV GmbH in Berlin (Germany).

Dr.-Ing. Alexander Roy

is Senior Technical Consultant
on Advanced Diagnostics at
IAV GmbH in Berlin (Germany).

ATZ worldwide 07-08|2021    17
C OVER STORY   Ac oustic s | N V H

sures, noise databases, etc.). To begin

with, the reasons for this are found in
the diversity of normal operating noises,
which include noises produced by the
vehicle itself (engine, gearbox, blower,
etc.) as well as noises generated by the
vehicle’s movement (tires, aerodynam-
ics, etc.). In addition, there are external
noises such as rain, hail, other vehicles
passing by and the like. Below, these
noises are summarized as “background.”
However, the anomalous noises this
­a rticle focuses on, referred to below as
“events,” are also extremely complex
and vary in relation to the vehicle’s oper-
ating state. They also vary with vehicle
type, age, and mileage.
FIGURE 1 Exemplary noise categories (© IAV) Some OEMs have databases of anoma-
lous noises. These provide a reference for
clearly identifying a noise that frequently
occurs in a particular vehicle type as well
g Acoustics is a broad field in the will replace the driver’s sensor function? as the remedial measure that is needed
product life cycle of a vehicle which con- In this case, the only solution can be whenever the service team gets a vehicle
tinues to be made up of a large number automated acoustic diagnostics. of the same type with related complaints.
of mechanical parts. Depending on the Other databases have the goal of classify-
OEM, a distinction is drawn between ing at least the noise category or event
over 40 different noise categories (also class, FIGURE 1, in a distinctive manner.
called event classes) – initially disre- The problem of automated detection of Classic methods of detection by pat-
garding the source, FIGURE 1. anomalous noise in the vehicle is related tern matching are unable to meet the
to acoustic diagnostics and – although large variability of both events and back-
in existence for a rather long time – has ground. With the advent of deep learn-
never been resolved in any satisfactory ing, conventional machine learning
Acoustics in the operating state (Noise, and universal way using conventional approaches [1] have been increasingly
Vibration, Harshness, NVH) are opti- signal-processing methods (frequency replaced by neural networks, which can
mized in different ways from the vehicle analytics, correlations, similarity mea- significantly exceed the detection rates
development stage on. Once a vehicle has
been produced and delivered, operating
noise becomes relevant for after sales
­service and quality assurance, as anoma- Vehicle bus
lous noise can be an indication of wear
or even a critical problem. To date, the
Audio signals Operating state
driver has played the part of a smart sen-
sor. Drivers perceive strange noises as
anomalies compared to the normal oper- Signal processing and feature extraction
ating noises they are familiar with, proba-
bly animating them in many cases to con-
tact after sales service. Usually, though, Features
the driver’s mind is occupied by diverse
demands from the actual activity of driv- Detection of acoustic events Detection of anomalies
ing the vehicle. In addition, the road con-
ditions and individual driving style can Probability of event occurring Probability of anomaly occurring
also produce many different noises. As
a result, the driver’s role as a “smart sen-
sor” is not always optimal. AI-based
Then, of course, there is the question acoustic diagnostics
of what the situation will look like in
future, when more and more car-sharing
vehicles or autonomously driven shuttles Vehicle state
are used. Who will then know what con-
stitutes normal operating noises? Who FIGURE 2 Main AI-based acoustic diagnostics (green) including optional ways (blue) (© IAV)

Visualization tool for acoustic diagnostics
Times (s)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120







FIGURE 3 GUI for visualizing

event detection (© IAV)

achieved so far, provided sufficiently ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN) [3,
large datasets are available. 4]. An architecture of this type is opti-
Within neural networks or, to be more mized and employed for the task under
precise, within their the layers, a dis- discussion.
tinction is made between various types: To process the audio signal in the
In the first step of AI-based acoustic fully connected layers, convolutional CRNN, frame-based Mel filterbank fea-
diagnostics, signals are pre-processed to layers and recurrent layers. By using tures are extracted from the audio signal
enhance the signal that is picked up, for the latter two, it is possible to learn as input data for the neural network. In
example, by a hands-free microphone in context with a neural network. While the first convolutional part of the net-
the vehicle. If necessary, it is also possi- convolutional layers are particularly work, data is now processed, reducing
ble at this point to compensate for echo- good at processing information as a the dimension of the input features in
ing, to deploy voice activity detection, or function of the frequency, recurrent lay- frequency domain. The resulting fea-
to subtract infotainment signals [2]. The ers are capable of learning context over tures are merged and handed over to a
signal is then fed to a properly config- a sequence of time. A neural network recurrent layer, where sequential infor-
ured neural network – the core element architecture that combines these bene- mation is exploited. For the output layer,
of acoustic diagnostics. fits is referred to as a Convolutional a fully connected layer is used with each

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ATZ worldwide 07-08|2021    19
C OVER STORY   Ac oustic s | N V H

recordings from different vehicles in

No events detected
­various driving situations is mixed,
with proprietary anomalous automo-
Operating point tive noises from the arbitrarily chosen
False positives False negatives value) classes buzz, creak, squeak, and rattle.
The mixed data contains an average of
six events per minute at various event-
to-background ratios.
Everything detected as event In FIGURE 3 the precision of a diagnos-
tic system based on acoustic event detec-
FIGURE 4 Exemplary selection of an operating point (© IAV) tion is illustrated using a Graphic User
Interface (GUI) with all events displayed
in separated tracks, each along the time-
line. This enables an observer to detect
output node simultaneously providing tion to signal pre-processing, feature events themselves and compare them
probabilities for the presence of multiple extraction and acoustic event detection, with the system’s outputs.
event classes (polyphonic output). One the post-processing estimates the cur- Robustness and reliability play a key
binary event activity track per class is rent vehicle or component status. part in practical use. For this reason,
finally generated by comparing these false positives should be avoided to the
probabilities to a threshold. greatest possible extent. By varying the
FIGURE 2 shows the overall system of detector’s operating point, the true posi-
AI-based acoustic diagnostics, including For the purpose of analysis, a dataset tives and the false positives are always
optional ways of extending it. In addi- from approximately 5 h of background influenced similarly, whereas the false
negatives are influenced in an opposite
manner, FIGURE 4. Assuming a total of
60 events during a 10-min test drive,
FIGURE 5 shows possible compromises
between false positives and the ratio
83.7 of true positives to all ground truth
­positives. If only one false positive is
80 to occur within 10 min, a good 75 %
(45 out of 60) of the ground truth posi-
True positives [%]

77.6 tives will still be detected. Further tech-

75 nical and scientific details can be found
in [5, 6].


67.9 In order to increase further the precision

of acoustic diagnostics, the system can
0.1 0.5 1 2 3 5 10 be combined with anomaly detection in
Number of false positives in 10 min [-] the next step, as shown in blue color in
FIGURE 5 Trade-off between false and true positives (© IAV) FIGURE 2, which potentially can improve
classification by reducing the amount
of data that needs to be evaluated. Simi-
larly, it is also possible to evaluate real-
AWS audio processing time information on the vehicle’s operat-
Audio signal
ing state (for example data available on
the vehicle bus), making it possible to
interaction restrict or exclude specific diagnoses.
Alexa skill Data collection


Training data
Estimated Often, modern vehicles already come
with a link to cloud-computing services.
Acoustic diagnostics
These can be invoked from the vehicle’s
infotainment system, for example by
Vehicle with Alexa Skill implementation AWS cloud backend
Auto integration
means of a special “skill,” and have
access to various vehicle systems, such
FIGURE 6 AWS cloud-based implementation (concept) (© IAV) as hands-free microphones. AI-based
acoustic diagnostics can also be imple-
mented in this way, with most of the
computation performed in the cloud.
This opens up the option of deploying
automatic acoustic diagnostics in a large
number of vehicles without having to
install additional hardware.
This somewhat deeper integration
of acoustic diagnostics into the vehi-
cle – FIGURE 6 shows an implementation
example based on the Amazon Web Ser-
vices (AWS) cloud – offers further bene-
fits: By controlling audio dialog accord-
ingly in the skill used, the aspect of
­private data protection can be covered
by only ever making a recording if the
driver explicitly and directly agrees to
such. At the same time, unwanted audio
sources can be muted during diagnosis.
After a recording, a confirmation can be
obtained from the driver that the anoma-
lous noise was in fact present during the
This way, a large amount of data can
be collected as the basis for continu-
ously improving the detector used, both
in terms of precision and of adding new
and up-to-now unseen event classes.

The Road in Your Lab

[1] Transfeld, P.; Receveur, S.; Fingscheidt, T.:
An Acoustic Event Detection Framework and Eva­ Pioneering Test Systems
luation Metric for Surveillance in Cars. In: Proceed-
ings of Interspeech, Dresden, September 2015,
pp. 2927-2931
for Road Driving Simulation
[2] Matheja, T.; Buck, M.; Fingscheidt, T.:
A Dynamic Multi-Channel Speech Enhancement
System for Distributed Microphones in a Car Envi-
ronment. In: EURASIP Journal on Advances in Sig-
nal Processing, 2013, Vol. 1, pp. 1-21
[3] Cakir, E.; Parascandolo, G.; Heittola, T.; Hut-
tunen, H.; Virtanen, T.: Convolutional Recurrent
Neural Networks for Polyphonic Sound Event Detec-
tion. In: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech
and Language 25 (2017), Vol. 6, pp. 1291-1303
[4] Strake, M.; Defraene, B.; Fluyt, K.; Tirry, W.;
Fingscheidt, T.: Fully Convolutional Recurrent Net- AIP designs and manufactures individual test
works for Speech Enhancement. In: Proceedings
of International Conference on Acoustics, Speech
systems for development and manufacturing
and Signal Processing, Barcelona, May 2020, centers, most vehicle OEM’s and their tier
pp. 6674-6678
[5] Baumann, J.; Lohrenz, T.; Roy, A.; Fingscheidt, suppliers as well as testing institutions, locally
T.: Beyond the DCASE 2017 Challenge on Rare and globally.
Sound Event Detection: A Proposal for a More Real-
istic Training and Test Framework. In Proceedings
of International Conference on Acoustics, Speech
and Signal Processing, Barcelona, May 2020,
pp. 611-615 AIP GmbH & Co. KG
[6] Baumann, J.; Meyer, P.; Lohrenz, T.; Roy, A.; 87490 Haldenwang / Germany
Papendieck, M., Fingscheidt, T.: A New DCASE Tel. +49 (0)8374-2409-0
2017 Rare Sound Event Detection Benchmark under Test Systems for a Clean
Equal Training Data: CRNN With Multi-Width Ker- and Safe Environment
nels. Accepted for presentation on International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal
Processing, Toronto, June 2021

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