L D) L8Sn P08 6) LSGSN SN) H: Kl/Lzi6-! K'JF ( RN Ljzjljbfno

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k'jf{~rn ljZjljBfno

>L d]l8sn P08 6]lSgsn sn]h

e/tk'/–!), lrtjg
;';'lrt d~h'l/gfdf

ljifoM u}8fsf]6 gu/kflnsf, gjnk'/sf] cfw/e"t txdf k9fpg] lzIfsx?df

P=l8=Pr=l8= ;DaGwL 1fg / dgf]j[lQ
p2]ZoM u}8fsf]6 gu/kflnsf gjnk'/sf] cfw/e"t txdf k9fpg] lzIfsx?df
P=l8=Pr=l8= ;DaGwL 1fg / dgf]j[lQ d"Nofªsg ug'{
cg';Gwfgstf{ PlGhnf e';fn, lj=P;=;L= gl;{Ë rf}yf] jif{, >L d]l8sn P08
6]lSgsn sn]h, e/tk'/– !) lrtjgsf] ljBfyL{, cg';Gwfgstf{ oxfF "Knowledge and attitude
regarding attention deficit hyperactive disorder among basic school teacher of
Gaindakot, Nawalpur" ;DaGwL vf]h u/L la=P;=;L= gl;{Ë, rf}yf] jif{sf] cf+lzs
kf7\oef/ k'/f ug{sf] nfuL pkl:yt x'g'ePsf] 5 . of] cg';Gwfgn] 5gf]6df k/]sf lzIfsx?
nfO{ s'g} klg xfgL gf]S;fgL k'¥ofpg] 5}g . tkfO{x?nfO{ cfkm\gf] pQ/x? k|
ZgfjnLdf n]Vg cg'/f]w ul/G5, o;n] tkfO{sf] @)–@% ldg]6 ;do lng] 5 .
o; cg';Gwfgdf efu lng tkfO{sf] OR5f cg';f/ /xg] 5 / s'g} klg ;dodf tkfFO{n]
5f8\g ;Sg' x'g]5 . tkfFO{n] lbg' ePsf ;Dk"0f{ hfgsf/Lx? uf]Ko /xg] 5g\ . cfzf ub{5'
ls tkfFO{n] cfkm\gf] cd"No k|ltlqmof lbO{ ;xof]u ul/lbg' x'g]5 .
;xdltM d}n] dfyL n]lvPsf ;'rgfx? /fd|/L k9F] / a'em]F . d}n] cfkm\gf] ;Dk"0f{ k|
Zgx?sf] pQ/ kfFP / d vf]lhdf ;xefuL x'g d~h'/ 5' . o; vf]lhdf ;xefuL x'Fbf d]/f]
sfg'gL clwsf/ xgg x'g] 5}g elg lglZrt /x]sf] 5' .

;xeflusf] x:tfIf/
cg';Gwfg ;fwfg
sf]8 g+=M====== tYofs+ ;+sngsf]
ldltM ===================
lgb]{zgM s[kof k||To]s k|Zgx? Dffkm{t hfg'xf]; / k|To]s k|Zgx?df k|bfg
ul/Psf] ljsNkx?af6 , k|Zgdf tf]lsP cg';f/ Ps jf ax'pQ/ k|bfg ub}
{ cfkm'nfO{ pko'Qm nfUg] pQ/df -√_ lrGx nufpg'xf];\ / vfnL 7fpF ePsf]
k|Zgdf pko'Qm pQ/ eg'{xf];\ .
hg;fª\lvs ljj/0f ;DaGwL k|ZgfjnL
!= tkfO{sf] pd]/ slt eof] < -k'/f ePsf] jif{_
What is your age?________(in completed years)

@= tkfO{ lnË s] xf] < (What is your sex?)

s= dlxnf (Female) v= k'?if (Male)

#= tkfO{sf] j}jflxs l:ytL s] 5 < (What is your marital status?)

s= ljjflxt (Married ) v= cljjflxt (Unmarried)
u= Psn (Widow) 3= kf/kfr's] u/]sf] (Divorced/separate)
$= olb ljjflxt eP slt j6f aRrf 5g\ <
If married how many children do you have?_____

%= tkfO{sf] z}lIfs of]Uotf slt xf] < (What is your educational degree?)
s= P;=Pn=l;= kf; .(SLC\SEE passed)

v= dfWolds tx (Secondary level )

u= :gfts tx (Bachelor)

3= :gftsf]Q/ tx (Master)

^= tkfFOsf] z}lIfs of]Uotfsf] d'Vo ljifo s'g xf] < (What is your graduation
subject?) ==================

&= lzIff0f k]zfdf nfUg' ePsf] slt eof] < (How long have you been teaching?)

s= @ jif{ eGbf sd (less than 2 year) v= @–% jif{( 2-5 years)

u= %–!) jif{ (5-10 years) 3= !) jif{ eGbf a9L(More then 10 years)

*= P=l8=Pr=l8= -Wofg glbg] / clt ;s[o ljsf/_ ;DalGw tflnd k|fKt
ug'{ ePsf] 5 <(Have you ever attended training related to ADHD ( attention deficit
hyperactive disorder)?)
s= 5 (Yes) v = 5}g (No)

(= P=l8=Pr=l8= ePsf] aRrnfO{ lzIf0f ug'{ePsf] 5 < (Have you ever taught a
child with ADHD?)

s= 5 (Yes) v = 5}g ( N0)

-1fgl;t ;DalGwt k|Zgx?_
!= P=l8=Pr=l8= eg]sf] s] xf] < (What is Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder?)

s= Jojxfl/s ;d:of.( Behavioral disorder) v= lrlsT;f /f]u(Medical diseases)

u= zfl/l/s ;d:of (Physical problem ) 3= aRrfsf] c6]l/kg.( Disobedience of

@= P=l8=Pr=l8= s'g pd]/ ;d'xsf] aRrfdf a9L b]lvG5 < (When is ADHD most
commonly seen?)

s= hGdg] ljlQs} (at birth ) v= %–!@ jif{( 5-12 years)

u= !#–!( jif(13- 19 years){ 3= @) jif{ eGbf dfyL(Above 20
#= P=l8=Pr=l8= को sf/0f s] xf] < (What is the cause of ADHD?)

s= cleefjsTjsf] sdL. (Poor parenting)

v= j+zf0f'ut . (Genetic )
u= vfgfdf lrgLsf] cToflws k|of]u . (Use of a lot of sugar in diet)
3= ;fyLsf] k|efj. (Peer influence)

$= P=l8=Pr=l8= sf nIf0fx? k|fo sFxf b]lvG5 < ( Where are the symptoms of
ADHD most commonly noted?)

s= :s'n(School ) v= 3/ (Home)
u= v]ns'b d}bfg. (Playground) 3= hxfF klg(Anywhere )

%= P=l8=Pr=l8= sf nIf0fx? s]–s] x'g\ < -ax' pQ/ lbg'xf];\_ [What are the signs
& symptoms of the ADHD? (multiple response is allowed)]

s= w]/} af]Ng] (Talks excessively )

v= cfkm\gf] kfnf] s'g{ g;Sg] (Have difficulty waiting in line )
u= Ps} 7fpF df a;L /fVg g;Sg] (cannot sit still in one place)
3= b}lgs lqmofsnfksf cfjZos ;fdfgx? x/fpg] (Looses things necessary for
daily tasks)

ª= k|Zg ;lsg cl3 g} pQ/ lbg] . (calls out answer before the question is complete)

r= Wofg s]lGb|t ug{ ufx|f] x'g (Has difficulty sustaining attention )

5= k|fo h;f] s'/fx? la;{g] (often forget things)

^= olb aRrfdf P=l8=Pr=l8= sf] nIf0f b]lvPdf s] ug'{kb{5 < (What should be
done if the features of ADHD are seen in a child?)

s= c? aRrfx?af6 5'§} /fVg] .( Separate from other child)

v= 8fS6/sf] k/fdz{ lng] (Consulted to the doctor)
u= cleefjsx?nfO{ aRrfnfO{ s8f lgoddf /fVg nufpg] . (Ask parents to
make them follow rules strictly)

3= hlt ;Sbf] rfF8f] ljz]if lzIff lbg] ljBfnodf egf{ ul/lbg] (Admit in a
special school as soon as possible )

&= P=l8=Pr=l8= ePsf] aRrfnfO{ s;/L lzIff ug'{ kb{5 <(How must the child
with ADHD be taught?)
s=c? ljBfyL{ ;/x .( Same as other children )
v=sIff sf] aLr aLr df k|:g ;f]wL /fVg] (asking frequent questions in between
the class)

u= w]/} u[xsfo{ lbg] (Give a lot of homework)

3= ;hfo lbg] (Punished )

*= lo dWo] s'g tl/sf P=l8=Pr=l8= ePsf] ljBfyL{nfO{ pko'Qm x'G5 <

(Which one of the following is a successful strategy used in teaching students with ADHD?)

s=gf]6 ug{ gnufpg] (Elimination of note taking)

v= sfdnfO{ ljleGg v08x?df ljefhg ul/lbg] (Simplification of task into short

u= ;fyLx?;Fu sfd ug{ lg?T;flxt ug]{ (Discouragement in working with partners)

3= sIffsf]7fdf zfl/l/s lqmofsnfk sd ug]{ (Reduction of physical activity in the

(= P=l8=Pr=l8= ePsf aRrfsf] nfuL ;xL egfO{ s'g xf] < (Which of the
following is correct statements for child with ADHD?)

s= zfl/l/s kl/kSstfdf sdL. (Physical maturity is hampered )

v= z}lIfs bIftfdf sdL x'g' .(Academic performance is disrupted)
u= df]6/ l;ksf] sdL (Motor skills are poor)

3== kf}li6s l:ytLdf sdL x'g' (Nutritional status is hampered)

!)= P=l8=Pr=l8= ePsf aRrfx?nfO{ pkrf/ gu/fPdf eljiodf s] x'g ;Sb5 <
(What may happen in the later life if the child with ADHD left untreated?)

s= pd]/ ;Fu} ;d:of x6\b} hfG5 (ADHD will disappear itself with age)

v= l8k|];g (Depression )
u= zfl/l/s c;Qmtf (Physical disability)

3= nfdf] cjlw;Dd ;d:of /xFb}g (No long term effects)

efu #M
dgf]j[lt ;DalGwt ljj/0f
lgb]{zgM ;xefuLx?nfO{ lgDg k|To]s egfO{x?sf] hjfkm -√_ lrGx /fv]/ ;
+s]t ug{ cg'/f]w ul/Psf] 5, olb tkfO{ k"0f{ ;xdt, ;xdt, clglZrt, c;xdt of
k"0f{ c;xdt x'g'x'G5 .

ljj/0f k"0f{ ;xdt clglZrt c;dxt k"0f{ c;

;xdt xdt
!= jRrfx?n] P=l8=Pr=l8=
Wofg cfsif{0f ug{sf nfuL
b]vfp5g\ .
Children develop ADHD as they
need attention

P=l8=Pr=l8= ePsf]
aRrfsf] af}l4s Ifdtf c?
aRrf ;/x
x'G5 . IQ level of child with
ADHD is same as other child.

P=l8=Pr=l8= aRrfn]
cfkm'nfO{ lgoGq0f
ug{ g;Sg'sf] glthf xf] .
ADHD is the result of the child
not trying to control his/her
cleefjsn] lgod sfg'gdf
/fVg g;Sg'sf] sf/0fn]
P=l8=Pr=l8= x'G5 . ADHD
can result from parents being
inconsistent with rules &
% consequences
cf}ifwf]krf/ / Jojxf/
Jojf:yfkg P=l8=Pr=l8=
sf] pkrf/sf] nfuL pTs[i6
x'G5 . A combination of
medication & behavior
management is best for treating

P=l8=Pr=l8= ePsf
aRrfnfO{ cg}lts
lqmofsnfksf nfuL ;hfo
lbg'kb{5 . Children with
ADHD must be punished for their
immortal acts.

= ;dodfg} pko'Qm sbd
rfNbf P=l8=Pr=l8= ePsf
aRrfx?sf] z}lIfs k|utL
x'G5 . If timely interventions
are done child with ADHD will
have good academic performance

P=l8=Pr=l8= ePsf]
aRrfnfO{ sIffsf] cGo
ljBfyL{af6 5'6\ofpg'
k5{ . Children with ADHD
must be isolated from other
students of the class

lzIfssf nfuL Jojxf/
Joj:yfkg ;DalGw tflnd
lbg' dxTjk"0f{ x'G5 .
Training of the teachers in
behavior management is
!)= important

P=l8=Pr=l8= ePsf]
aRrfnfO{ b'3{6gf x'gaf6
hf]upg :s'n k|zf;gn]
jftfj/l0fo ;'/Iffdf Wofg
lbg'kb{5 . Environmental
safety must be concerned by
school administration to prevent
injuries in child with ADHD

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