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Daily Routine of the Director Secretary

Good morning everyone, in this presentation I would like to explain my morning, afternoon,
evening and night activities as a director secretary. The purpose of this presentation is to provide
information about daily routine of the director secretary.

Well, so the first let’s talk about my morning activity. in the morning, I always went to the
company at 7am. it took 15 minutes to get to the company. 07.15 am I always arrived at the
company, I usually cleaned the director's room and my own room until 08.00 am. at 08.00 to
09.30 I usually schedule director activities and provide reminders for upcoming activities such as
meetings, giving dispositions and others then arrange business trips and schedule appointments.
after that, at 09.30 to 11.00 I often prepared the documents needed by the director such as
meeting minutes, incoming letters and others. at 11.00 to 11.30 I usually receive and serve guests
on the phone. With the telephone, information can be conveyed and received quickly for both
business and non-business activities.from 11.30-12.00 I always cleaned up the files that had been
us prepared lunch.

Okay, now lets talk about my day and afternoon activity. in the afternoon, at 12.00-13.00 I usually
receive guests who come to the company. I will filter the guest according to his importance. there are
guests who will be served by the director himself usually because there are personal matters or
cooperation between companies. then guests that I can serve myself and guests who can be transferred to
the manager, this is to make work more effective. Then, at 13.00 -14.00 after serving guests, I always
manage and control incoming mail, such as selecting letters addressed to the leadership. And at 14.00-
15.00 I always distribute incoming letters that have been given a disposition sheet to be followed up by
other managers mentioned in the disposition and forward the letter that has been signed by the director to
the expedition unit or other company that made the letter. at 15.30-17.30 I often make an outgoing
letter, both for the company's internal interests and letters to external parties such as business
partners, potential customers or consumers. Letters made are letters of cooperation, agreements,
promotions, orders and others. In writing a letter I have to always research the source of the letter
and examine how it was sent.

Based on my presentation, we all know that as a secretary I have the most activities
compared(*kempeird) to the others. so, I asked the company to increase my salary.

Well ladies and genrelmen, I think my presentation has clearly explain all about my daily activity
in the company. Thank you so much for your attention.

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