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Group Name: ____________________________ Title: _________________________________________ Date: _________

POINTS 20 15 10 5 1 SCORE
Level of Exceeds expectations for Meets expectations for Do not meet No effort
difficulty student’s skill level student’s skill level student’s skill level Minimum effort shown shown
The process is The process is
The process, techniques, summarized but missing summarized but missing
The process, techniques, variables and results are one of the three: two of the three:
variables and results are summarized but techniques, variables or techniques, variables or
Project process covered somewhat lacking results result Missing
New and innovative Student’s adapts others’
approach to the topic; ideas to create own Students adapt other’s Creativity and
Originality and student has created own design; some originality ideas to create own design; Creative but no originality
creativity design and product shown very little originality shown originality shown absent
Students disregard detail
Superior craftsmanship Some craftsmanship and Details were overlooked and work is sloppy;
and attention to detail is attention to detail evident; and project lacks quality; improper materials were
evident; proper materials proper materials used on proper materials were used used on majority of Absent/
Project quality used for entire project majority of project on half of the project project Missing
The demonstration of
The demonstration of The demonstration of The demonstration of knowledge gained and
knowledge gained and knowledge gained and knowledge gained and application to career
Tie to career application to career is application to career is application to career is shows little Absent/
choice thorough attempted faulty understanding Missing

Total points

Panel’s Signature: ____________________

Group Name: ____________________________ Title: _________________________________________ Date: _________


Content and Development 70 -
All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive manner.
Content is comprehensive, accurate, and/or persuasive.
Major points are stated clearly; are supported by specific details, examples or
analysis; and are organized logically.
When appropriate, the paper supports the major points with theory relevant to
the development of ideas and uses the vocabulary of the theory correctly.
Theory and real world practice are integrated within the paper.
Research is adequate and timely for the topic.
The context and purpose of the writing is clear.
Writing 30 -
The structure of the paper is clear and easy to follow; ideas flow in a logical
The paper’s organization emphasizes the central theme or purpose and is
directed towards the appropriate audience.
The introduction provides sufficient background on the subject and previews
major points.

Panel’s Signature: ____________________


Group Name: ____________________________ Title: _________________________________________ Date: _________

Organization Audience could not follow Audience have some Students presented Students presented in logical,
presentation. No or poor difficulty following material in logical format; easy to follow format, and
sequence of information. presentation. easy to follow. maintained audience interest.
Subject Knowledge Students did not grasp of Students were Students were at ease with Students “owned” the
information; could not uncomfortable with the the information and information and answered
answer questions about information and could not answered questions but did questions in depth with
subject. answer questions not elaborate. explanations and elaboration.
Visual Presentation Students did not include any Visual media included but Visual media related to the Visual media reinforced the
visual media in did not entertain or do justice presentation but only presentation and helped
presentation. to content. partially entertaining. captivate the audience’s
attention during presentation.
Preparedness Students does not seem at The students were Students seem pretty Students were completely
all prepared to present. somewhat prepared, but it prepared but might have prepared and has obviously
was clear that rehearsal was needed a couple more rehearsed.
lacking. rehearsals.
Presentation Skills Students read the report Students occasionally used Students maintained eye Students spoke directly to the
from paper or PowerPoint or eye contact but read much of contact most of the time audience, and engaged with the
computer screen. the report. but frequently used notes. audience which won audience’s
attention and appreciation.
Elocution Students could not be Students could be partially Students’ voice were clear Students spoke clearly,
understood because of poor understood; audience had and audience could hear expressively and correctly, and
English skills, or the difficulty hearing or and understand most of the the audience enjoyed listening
students spoke too quietly. understanding. presentation. to the presentation.

Panel’s Signature: ____________________

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