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1-395 2% HW 2021-982 /24 of 88 pages vag tof ‘Marke Spidel - Re: Mobile Crisis Response From: Usa Thibeaw Te: DewizeLavisFleming Or Michal Gtdaay Mark de Date z/tyenet 935 aM ‘sbjct_Re Maile Cre Rsponce more (On Hess ide me have most fed the sense agreement for ERS fo aster the panes re ae ard with ter lyers andthe WOU’ ated othe pole serves. Toprol he ul nding we need ape $200 ihc we con access ra he commun fet unig, cers af tne It compte. EMS wi wet be tunedin heh ~can be done qucywth cur eduetor. Tn van and als are ere ard vad. Plies and proceduer se being ansiioned fem daft o complete For I5-thay ead 1 eperovathe sic agterar, post fr staf and rcv tan, They wi staf the 24 hou linea patch for moble ss he el hey enue este stn get it stared whe they post posters For oles ELS 24a 22000) ‘as not atthe resting ls meek when you a cased the standing cones presentation tut was under the ‘undrtoeng that the tended ne nes hod ated en cere 0 | pologie Yr ay eenksen. ‘Unornstey it these paces ot ng soe wt aw enforerent ae aelonking at March ot ensure ‘we lau is prope and mere portant ey. Usa Thitmaa MBA, route Dito aes) Mental ath ae aeons 2 Mat piel 271072021 13. Ax>>> eed marin, an yu plese prone a update on mobic spore and he ellos to get operational by February 18H Happy a seiedlea meeting neceed. ‘hope standing commitee goes walle. twill besurto une site|) rrsrcs HW 2021-282 / 25 of 88 pages Page Lof | cart Jay - Updated Document Brom: Mathew Cross To Mark Spiel ral Brey Date: 2/19/2001 9:41 Al Subject: Upulated Document ‘Atiachonents: 210218 Mobile Mental Health Crisis Unit PID - Final, clsaned doo “This cml had anetachment that has been molfied because it contained a posible threat, It ow sale for use; however some ietionality may have beea removed. iat, please se the attached undated document based on ov dscussions. Matthew Crossman ‘ie Present Operations | Vio én Opérations i cs asl ie TMEDAVIE Pru to suppartthe Medovie Neath Foundatin | Her de soutnt Fa tion tedevepourlapremation de la sort Caution External Rail» Do not click links or open atachments unless you recognize the sender rey ae *d; CO HW 2021-882 / 26 of 88 pages Mobile Mental Health Cri: * Confidential . PROJECT INITIATION DocuMENT Contents Proc Oreriation a Proj dese Craniztion & Customer Benet. Cita Success Fae ns : Projet Scone/Outf Scope st Milestones and Koy Deverables (Bese vegies 4 Unit HW 2021-832 /27 of 8 pages Mobile Mental Health PROJECT INITIATION DocuMENT Project tame oor ompany/Business Unit onis2021 PID Owner ‘VERSION CONTROL [CBecanent Veion® | Baie Version, ~[ February 38, | Matthew Crossman, Darey Gi ee 207i eee |S — = Project Organization i Ree eam Meniber - Tey Responaibinies ] [Brose Sponsor — Deborah radley Tiina Overight / omer ead Matthew Lead from Medavie ‘Company isd Dare, inten ead interface from Fi Project Maneger 730. A project ma fees Se Project Sign-off Tame ~Sinatwre Dae Deborah Bradley Enksande, aPene Tindevs ne, 20a HW 2021-832 /28 of 88 pages Mobile Mortal Health Cris Unit 41. Project Description (Executive Summary/Purpose) Executive Summary The mandate of the Mabile Health Mental Crisis Program {MMHCP) has strong alignment with the province Mobile integrated Heath (tal) program, There san opportunity for sland EMS (EMS) to assume management resporsbilty tooperate the program lnder 2 performance-based contract with the Dapartment of Health and Wellness (DHW),IEMS has the necessary experience and core competencies to siceesfuly implement MIMHCP pursuant to DHW tiles. Further supoor wil be pronded by TENS’ parent Company, Medavie Heath Services, which deliver a wide range of clinical services in six provinces. Purpose “The Mable Mental Health Criss Prosrem (VIMEICP) supports 2 "community fist ision forthe future state of mental heath and The progam a desired promaeepldpaentsesmatndconncion a aprotat care wie ain police officers in plan clothes assess and mitigaty sk, responding tothe needs af slanders in work closely with OHW, HPEIand all ther partners ‘Bisnd ES Re, DOE Tene HW 2021-382 / 29 of 88 pages Mabie Monta Heit Crs Unit sédctionscinicans. Based on the Community Fist model which 2 to home as passible, the aim ito alleviate thehigh volume of calls ‘to law enfarcement an island EMS and ultimately the number of visits to Emergency Departments, by providing a more appropriate resource (Mobile Criss Respons ‘The program wilt commence with a soft launch in March of 2021 with the rollout expanding aeross the province 2s more staf are hired rained and deployed 2. Organization & Custor its ‘Enhancenent the excerience for patients anf Deecease’n mental health calls fr lice and e departments ‘More cocrdinated and intagrated community care Robust data collection Cost effectiveness and cost aveidance Integration ofthe MMIHCP witn the Mil rogram In thelr homes and communities ney medical services leading to reduced sires on emergency 3. Critical Success Fa ‘© Buyrin rom and collaboration with key stakeholders ‘+ Abily toreeruitand retain program staff ‘Bidens ES oe, 202 alfage HW 2021-832 /80 of 88 pages Mobile Mentl Heath rile Unt 4 Project Scope/Out of Scope Ta Scope [Key Objectives) Tow to moderate iskor urgent) sodden los get, recent trauma) 11/not overlse or poisoning nat intoxicated vo extent that srecludes aH assessment): Addictive Behavior Concerns (ue, gambling) ‘Suicice risk (bw to moderate rsk— not imminent er urgent) ‘Frequent vitor Emergency Department for Mental Heath a ‘Mental helt» Post discharge fellow ups ‘Gut of Scope (Key Objectives) Sulede attempt — —— ‘Self haem requiring medical tention “gad means are present |, plans o use weapon and has weapon plansto eats of violence, including domestic WoTenee 5. Project Milestones and Key Deliverables We have significant experience roling-out complex health eare projects. Our team includes resources ath expertise in best practice methodologies in arene suchas Project Management, Change Management, Communi Bisand EMS, BiPaee HW 2021-332 /31 of 88 pages Mobile Mental Heath Celis Unit Project implementation Completion = _ Complete analysis of current orogrars March5, 202, ‘Develop project governance & implementation plan March 03,2024 ~ ‘Develop Sandard Operating Procedures and Policies ‘March 02,2021 arch O4, 2025, ‘March 04, 2025 Soft Launch Mobile Health Crisis Unit utlzin exsting staff ‘arch 1, 2024, Launch Mile ers ine 24/7 March 28,2021 (Develop and implement srograr evaluation ‘May 02,2001 (onwards), future raadmap for NINIHCP (including poteatislvital | May 30,2021 ages) > jetorecrun and daploy sta forthe Mobile health crais | Ongoing = tench website Tune 35,3005 = Saunch tet lne uly 35, 2005 6. Key issu Issue/Risk Probability severity | Projectimpact | MBA" | Responsbity = Succassfil engagement ww HW Rasstance tothe 7 BAW suppose | __DaW swith HEL projectwouldbe | ensu havea highimpact’ | cooperation on ‘aventhensed for | project [patents to access ‘services within HPEL > Rralabiliy oftrainedsaih | W [Staffing wil have a | Medalewil | Wedave/DHW large impact onthe | develop suming and deivery_| comprehensive ‘Didend ES ne, TOA Sirage HW 2021-382 / 92 0f 88 pages obit Manta Health ils Unit ofsenice recruitment and ‘tention strategies ‘Aone year contract be granted to Medavie with the goal to negotiate a longer term agreement EMS, HPE, and DEW will develop 2 joint governance model as part the agreement Fall cooperation and collaborations with HPEl and other mental health stakeholders Full access te psyehatric care within HPE! "0 mantal heath clinical expertive and walning resources + Fal sia ron sa Tem Description Funded Prejed cose 2.0 | Operating et Fully funded by DHW? 3071 Res 8. Appendices (es required) “Bisand ENE ne, FORE Thee

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