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Name : Dinda Biolawatila Setyaningsih

NIM : P3.


My Favorite Place

My favorite place that I’m going to talk about is my father hometown, Pati. Pati is a regency in the
northeastern part of Central Java province in Indonesia. Its capital is Pati and there are twenty one
region. Pati is a place the most i like because that's where i can feel the different view of the city
besides Jakarta and Bekasi.

Pati is a small town which is the east or northeast of Semarang, the capital of the province of Central
Java. This district is bordered by Laut Jawa in the north and on the east is Rembang. In addition,
Blora and Grobogan in the south, as well as Kudus and Jepara regency in the west. Pati is located in
the Pantura is always the busy roads in Java.

Most of the resident of Pati work as farmer with many agricultural villages. It is suitable with the
motto which reads “Pati Bumi Mina Tani”. We can find many varieties of commodities like
sugarcane, rice, salt, fish, vegetables, fruits, etc. Furthermore Pati is sometimes called the “City of a
Thousand Pesantren”, because it is mostly populated by Moslem and there are so many Islamic
religious schools.

The food heritage of Pati is Nasi Gandul which serves in a plate covered by banana leaf. As a result,
when we pour the broth over the rice, it will look floating. I like this food very much. Moreover, the
other special food from Pati is Soto Kemiri and Pati  is also known for producing Bandeng Presto.

If you go to Pati, there is place you must visit,the name is Alun-alun. that where we can see the
crowd that's different from what we see and as in front of Alun alun there is Masjid Raya Pati which
people visit to Pray.

Although the city of Pati is quiet town with the hot weather, Pati is a must place to visit, and I will
recommend anyone who is visiting Pati to explore.

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