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Maurice Ravel

Maurice Ravel (1875–1937) Joseph Maurice Ravel was born in Ciboure, France to a Basque mother and a
Swiss father. He entered the Paris Conservatory at the age of 14 where he studied with the eminent
French composer Gabriel Faure.
During his stint with the school where he stayed until his early 20’s, he had composed a number of
masterpieces. The compositional style of Ravel is mainly characterized by its uniquely innovative but not
atonal style of harmonic treatment. It is defined with intricate and sometimes modal melodies and
extended chordal components. It demands considerable technical virtuosity from the performer which is
the character, ability, or skill of a virtuoso a person who excels in musical technique or execution.
The harmonic progressions and modulations are not only musically satisfying but also pleasantly
dissonant and elegantly sophisticated. His refined delicacy and color, contrasts and effects add to the
difficulty in the proper execution of the musical passages. These are extensively used in his works of a
programmatic nature, wherein visual imagery is either suggested or portrayed. Many of his works deal
with water in its flowing or stormy moods as well as with human characterizations.


Expressionism was a modernist movement that originated in Germany at the beginning of the 20th
century, at first in poetry and painting. Its unique feature is to present the world solely from a personal
point of view, misrepresenting it significantly for emotional impact in order to provoke moods of ideas.
Instead of expressing physical reality, expressionist artists wanted to express meaning or emotional

Electronic Music

It is any music involving electronic processing, such as recording and editing on tape, and whose
reproduction involves the use of loudspeakers. Although any music produced or modified by electrical,
electromechanical or electric means can be called electronic music, it is more precise to say that for a
piece of music to be electronic, its composer must anticipate the electronic processing subsequently
applied to his or her musical concept. The composer records different sounds that are heard in the
environment such as bustle traffic

With Claude Debussy prelude a l'apres-midi d'un faune begins the piece with a windy flute melody
resemble of a graceful woman. Strings, harp, and horns are quickly followed by slowly swelling phrases.
The music continues to progress without sudden change themes blend into one another, rising and falling
slowly. As for Maurice Ravel’s Bolero, throughout the piece, a rhythmic theme has been repeated. It is
made up of two parts which start moving around together. The music is interesting to listen to because the
tune of both the rhythmic line constantly changes as the music is carried from around musical's different
instruments and relatives.

The pattern of beats are not present at all to the both compo

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