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Phrasal Verbs

Definition: A verb and a particle (up, on, out) which has a different meaning from the verb
on its own.

„GO AWAY” = leave

I made the neighbor kids go away by yelling at them.

„GO BACK” = return

When are you going back to school?

„GO DOWN” = decrease or reduce

The cost of gasoline is going down.

„GO IN FOR” = take part in; participate

Are you going in for football this year after school?

„GO OFF” = A. explode B. begin, start (with alarms or signals) C. become angry quickly D.
stop (of a machine)

A. The bomb could go off at any moment.

B. The air raid signal went off and scared everyone in the room.
C. He went off in a flash when he heard the news. I've never seen him so upset.
D. The generator went off and we can't get it started again.

„GO ON”= A. continue B. happen

A. Do go on! I could listen to you sing all day.

B. What's been going on here this morning? This place looks like a pig pen.

„GO ON WITH „= continue as planned

I think we should go on with the lesson after break.

„GO OUT” = A. fire stops burning B. social activities; a date

A. The fire went out because we ran out of fuel for it.
B. They love to go out on weekends to the movies.

„GO THROUGH” = A. examine, study carefully B. endure; experience difficulties

A. I need to have my lawyer go through this contract before I sign it.

B. I would never want to go through what she has.

„GO WITH” = A. match or suit B. accompany someone C. have as boyfriend or girlfriend

A. That blouse doesn't go with that skirt.

B. I am going with Jill to school.
C. Sarah is going with John. They make a cute couple.

'to get away' means to go on holiday.

 We had a lovely holiday. We got away for a few days on the beach.
 I don't think we can get away until the end of the month. We're too busy.

'to get back' means to return from a trip or a journey.

 She's still in Taiwan. She doesn't get back until next week.
 I get back on Friday afternoon. I'll call you then.

'to get in' can also mean to enter

 He opened the door so I could get in the car.

 You need to have some photo id to get in the company.

to get off' means to leave a bus, train or plane

 Take the 23 bus and get off at the last stop. I live very near there.
 To go to the National Gallery, take the underground and get off at Trafalgar Square.

'to get on' means to have a good relationship.

 I like working with him. We get on really well.

 He's not an easy person. I don't get on with him very well.

'to get out' means to leave a car or building

 I often don't get out of work until after seven pm.

 After the accident, the door was stuck and I couldn't get out of the car

'to get on' can also mean to continue an activity.

 I must get on or I will never get this report finished.

 I can't get on. He is always interrupting and asking me to jobs for him.
 To turn on –a deschide, a aprinde
 To turn off- a inchide, a intrerupe
 To turn up-a da mai tare
 To turn down- a incetini

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