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Salvacion, Daraga, Albay

1. Brief history of Dance
From the earliest moments of known human history, dance accompanied ancient
rituals, spiritual gathering & social events. Period when dancing became widespread can be
traced to the third millennia BC, when Egyptians started using dance as integral parts of their
religious ceremonies.

2. When did dance started?

The earliest finding have pinpointed the origin of ancient dances in 9000-years-old India
or 5300-years-old Egypt, but the records more common infusion of dance into a modern
culture can be found from ancient Greece, China, and India.

3. When did dance became popular?

After the Black Bottom, most popular from 1926 to 1927, then in 1927, the Lindy Hop
took over & became the most popular social dance. The Lindy Hop eventually evolved into
Swing dance. In the 1920’s the introduction of electric lighting made dancing late into the night
more comfortable.

4. Who is the founder of dance?

Ballet got a great boost in the 1700’s in France when King Louis XIV appeared on the
stage as a dancer. He founded the Paris Opera Ballet in an old abandoned indoor tennis court,
King Louis’ teacher was a man named Pierre Beaunchamp who in 1671 became the first
director of the first ballet training school in Paris.

5. What is the importance of folkdance?

People think folkdances are important because they help a culture alive. People have
been doing folkdances for hundreds of years, and there is value keeping that tradition alive folk
dance are important because they preserve the Philippine culture and pass it on to the next


1. What is the meaning of music & dance?

Dance music is music composed specifically to facilitate or accompany dancing it can be
either a whole musical piece or part of a larger musical arrangement.
Modern popular dance music initially emerged from late 19 th century’s Western
ballroom & Social dance music.

Best dance song of 2019

1. Starry Night by Peggy Gou
2. Bustin Out GRiZ featuring Bootsy Collins
3. Sexy Black Timberlake by Channel Tres
4. Let’s Go by Stonie Blue
Etc. . . .

What’s also in the Philippines . . . .


What is a ritual dance?

Ritual dance – a dance that is part of a religious ritual, ceremonial dance, ritual dancing,
terpsichore dance etc. . .

Some of the popular style of dance

1. Contemporary – This style of dance incorporates lyrical, modern, ballet and
2. Ballet – Ballet is often referred to as the backboned of dance.
3. Jazz – This type of dance is very fun & energetic.
4. Tap
5. Hip – Hop
6. Ballroom
7. Folkdance


Dance Ecstacy is a sensory journey into the mesmerizing world of trance and ecstacy
that binds dancers. It is a visual and aural feast for the senses, an innovative documentary
blending exciting dance rituals, evocative imagery, interviews, and a spellbinding global music
soundtrack. The film is an inspiration to dance, and to reconnect with a sense of the sacred
that many have lost touch with in modern life.


Dance in film, television, music videos, and other media forms provides entertainment
for audiences. It also provides choreographers and dancers more media choices for presenting
dance as an art form. Dance for the camera is term that covers entertainment, artistic, and
multimedia form of presenting dance.

1. What are the forms of entertainment?

Under the forms of entertainment, it can be clear to see how these different forms have
evolved through time and how they affect each other.
* Banquets . . .
* Music . . .
* Games . . .
* Reading . . .
* Performance . . .
* Child Entertainment . . .
* Adult Entertainment . . .
* Public Entertainment . . .
* Corporate Entertainment . . .
2. Why do people dance for fun?
Fun dancing is something that can brighten people lives . . . Dance links people
together and it’s a great way of making new friends. There’s a common interest, and not too
much pressure to talk because often people are focused on what their feet are doing.
3. What is dance in art?
Dance is a performing art form consisting of purposefully selected sequences of human
movement. This movement has aesthetic and symbolic value, and is acknowledged as dance by
performers and observers within a particular culture.

4. What is considered entertainment?

Entertainment is any activity which provides a diversion or permits people to amuse
themselves in their leisure time, and may also provide fun, enjoyment, and laughter . . . It
applies to every, aspect of entertainment including cinema, television, radio, theatre and music.


1. Waltz – This is the most commonly though-of dance when someone mentions
ballroom dancing.
2. Tango – Ballroom tango is different when compared with Argentine tango . . .
3. Foxtrot – an all American dance set to jazz music and can be fast or slow depending
on the band.
4. Quickstep – This dance inspired by the foxtrot, but it takes on a quicker tempo, hence
the name.
5. Viennese Waltz – As soon as the ¾ time music starts, the ballroom studio will become
ablaze with the quick and passionate flow of this “old school” waltz.
6. International Latin Samba . . .
7. Cha – cha – this flirtatious dance can be though of as a slower mamba. Much hip
movement will be involved.
8. Rumba – Many people consider the rumba to be the most passionate and romantic
dance on this list. It is incredibly complex and involves many different hip
9. Jive – A spicy swing dance set to big band music in which the man leads and the
woman encourage more men to ask them to dance.
10. Paso Doble – the man dances as if he was bull, and the woman as if she was

5. What are the different types of Entertainment?

Exhibition entertainment (museums, art shows, trade-exhibit, fairs), Live entertainment
(theatres, circus, concert, dancing program, fireworks, etc.) Mass media entertainment
industry (TV, radio, fashion industry, TV & radio broadcasting, web media entertainment, film
studios, etc.) Electronics.

Favorite source of entertainment:

* internet/personal interest 51%
* watching TV 51%
* reading newspaper (printed or online) 46%
* listening to music (using any device) 37%


Display dance generally refers to the sort of dancing that is watched by spectators . . . It
won’t usually matter if you’re never done it before – teams usually practice weekly, and the
more experienced dancers will be responsible for teaching the newer ones.
1. What is expression in dance?
Dance – Expression and Interpretation. When you dance you should not simply be going
through a series of moves; you should be giving a performance. Dance is another means of
expression. It should convey a story or a emotional; it should make the audience feel
something, communicate with them on another level.

5 Traits that make a Great Dancer

1. Motivation & determination. What motivates you?
2. Discipline. Practice makes perfect and there’s really no way around it . . .
3. Ability to Focus. Another essential traits that makes a great dancer is the ability to
really focus . . .
4. Spatial Awareness . . .
5. Enthusiasm . . .


1. Why do humans dance to music?

Why do we get pleasure from dancing? The first reason we derive such pleasure from
dancing is that many people believe music was borne from rhythmic movement. e. g., tapping
your foot on the floor. Second, some reward-related areas in the brain are connected to motor
to motor areas.

2. What is the purpose of dancing why human dance?

Why dance is important. Dance is more than the exploring of different ways to make a
shape or learning a series of the steps to music, it is a way of moving that uses the body as an
instrument of expression and communication. Through dance, students learn teamwork’s,
focus, and improvisational skills.

4 Fundamentals elements of dance

1. Space
2. Time
3. Levels
4. Force


Dance is a form of art, a language, and an evolving cultural expression. Learn about how
dances have evolved in different cultures throughout . . .

1. Why is dancing important to culture?

Why dance is important. . . Through dance, students learn teamwork’s, focus, and
improvisational skills.
Dance awakens new perceptions in children which help them learn and think in new ways.
Children need to express and communicate their ideas and to be given the opportunity to make
creative decision, even at a young age.

2. What is tradition in dance?

Traditional dancing can be another term for folk dance, or sometimes even for
ceremonial dance. The term “Traditional” is more frequently used when the emphasis is on the
culture roots of the dance. . . However, dances that have a ritual origin or purpose are not
usually considered to be Traditional dances.
3. What is cultural dance in the Philippines?
Tinikling is a traditional Philippine folk dance which originated during the Spanish
colonial era. The dance involves two people beating, tapping, and sliding bamboo poles on the
ground and against each other in coordination with one or more dancers who step over and in
between the poles in a dance.

4. What is the difference between folk dance and cultural dance?

The difference between a folk dance and a ethnic dance are the following . . . An ethnic
dance on the other hand is a dance formed originating from an ethnic culture that expresses
the aesthetics of a particular culture.

Types of Folk Dances

1. National – traditional dance of a given country
2. Regional – local
3. Character – created by individual or group


1. To foster patriotism and nationalism through the study of our dance.

2. To arouse better appreciation of Philippine music and folk dances.
3. To provide through dancing, a healthful form of relaxation and recreation.
4. To develop a graceful and rhythmic coordination of body movements that will
improve posture.
5. To preserve for posterity, folk dances and music indigenous to the different regions
of the Philippines.
6. To demonstrate the growth of Filipino culture through the evolution of Philippine


1. Dance in a natural, simple and direct manner.
2. Dance with ease and smoothness.
3. Use the proper costume for the dance.
4. Follow directions and dance instructions as closely as possible.
5. Dance with feeling and expression.


1. Do not exaggerate the dance steps.
2. Do not make the dances too dainty and graceful like ballet.
3. Don’t make entrance and exit long.
4. Don’t make steps too elaborate & complicated.
5. Don’t call a dance a folk dance unless steps come from traditional dancers.

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