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Hope that you are able to grasp the lesson from the story of the lifesaving station

What is there problem again?

The loss of their primary goal of saving lives

No matter how big and grand they become;

No matter how many members they are able to recruit;

No matter how much money they are able to raise;

No matter how well equipped the station become

If the main purpose, if the main objective is FORGOTTEN


Same thing with you

Never loss your objective

Never forget your main goal

Never loss your purpose

It is always good to check on the original goal.

Now…. Do you still have the strong resolve to finish?

Today, we will also lay some of the basic foundations of this subject

By looking at the different ways of doing definitions

Kindly check the following types of definitions.

These are the different perspectives that people commonly use to define or give meaning.

Etymological definition.

This type defines the word according to its origin or root words.

The beauty of this type of definition is that it allows one to see the development of the meanings of the
word throughout history.

This is the simplest and easiest way of understanding words.

It is like how we define biology earlier during high school as coming from the root words “bios” – life and
“logos” – study.

So by etymology. Biology is the study of life.

Essential definition.

They key word is essence.

Essence is the thing that makes a thing, the thing.

Simply put, it is the very material that created the thing.

In definitions, when we speak of essential, we define the meaning of the word by its very essence.

Water for example needs 2 molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen to form water.

The absence of the elements of hydrogen and oxygen makes it difficult to create water.

Functional definition.

Here we define the meaning of the word by its function, purpose or task.

For example. We define a chair as an object or furniture that one sits on so anything that people use to
sit on could actually be considered a chair

Normative definition.

In this type of definition, the meanings are given according to how it is establish or define by the
If the community defines good students as those who always come to class on time then it is the
definition of a good student.

Contextual definition.

The meaning of the words depends on the context, or surrounding words, phrases, and paragraphs, of
the writing.

It is also to understand the meaning of the word according to the situation where it is connected.

The Photo shows creative images with the Sun

In the animistic belief of the ancient people like the Egyptians, Incas, and Mayans

The Sun is God

In ancient Egypt, two gods rule supreme

“Ra” the Sun God and “Nun” the water god

the Sun “Ra” is regarded as the greatest God

Although Egyptians believe that the god “Nun”, the god of the Water is the God of life and Death

They took their cues on the power of Nun on the situation of the Nile River
When the River rises, it kills and destroys

When it receded, it fertilizes the soil; giving life

Ra is considered fire as manifested by the Brightness and the heat of the Sun

The Egyptians believe that Ra is higher than Nun

Because the Sun rises from the water

And dives into it in the night

Normally water kills fire

But not the Sun; hence, the belief

Written on the photo is the “Buenas dias”

It should be “Buenos Dias” because day is male

This is a greeting in Spanish

Buenas/buenos means good and dias day

I wish you a good day as we start a new lesson today.

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