Summative Assessment For The Term2 Characteristic of Tasks For Summative Assessment For The 4 Term

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Саврамбаева Бақыт Нурмуғанбетқызы Мұғалім портфолиосы Б бөлімі

Талдықорған қ ПШО филиалы «Бағалау тапсырмаларын әзірлеу және сараптау»

Summative Assessment for the term2

Characteristic of tasks for summative assessment for the 4 term

Unit Strand Learning objective Total Question № Type of Task description Time Total
number question marks
Travel and Listening Understand most 6 1 Multiple Task 1- Learners listen to an 10 6
Tourism of the detail of an 2 choice extended talk on the topic minutes
argument in unsupported 3 «Travel and Tourism».
extended talk on a wide 4 Learners listen to the
Science and range of general and 5 recording and choose two
Technology curricular topics 6 opinions which are
appropriate according to the Deduce meaning recording. The task enables
from context in learners to identify the
unsupported extended speaker’s opinion.. Learners
talk on a wide range of listen to an extended talk on
general and curricular the topic “Travel and
topics Tourism”. Task 2 -
Sentence Learners listen to the
correction recording and replace the
underlined words with their
synonyms with the correct
spelling. The task enables
learners to identify meaning
of the words.
Learners should listen to the
recording twice, having
chance to look through the
questions before the
Саврамбаева Бақыт Нурмуғанбетқызы Мұғалім портфолиосы Б бөлімі
Талдықорған қ ПШО филиалы «Бағалау тапсырмаларын әзірлеу және сараптау»

recording starts.

Learners read an extended

Reading Deduce meaning 6 1 text on the topic «Science and 6
from context in extended 2 Technology». 10
texts on a range of 3 Word Task 1 requires identifying minutes
familiar general and 4 replacing the meaning of the words
curricular topics 5 from the context . Learners
6 should circle the word that Recognise typical can replace the underlined
features at word, word in the text without
sentence and text level in changing the meaning
a wide range of written Task 2 is matching
genres paragraphs to the topic
Matching sentences. Learners should be
able to recognize typical
features at text level
Writing Use 1 1 Writing an Learners write an essay. 20 6
independently essay Learners should write an minutes
appropriate layout at text essay according to the given
level on a growing range questions and following the
of general and curricular given topic.
topics , keeping the layout and
format of a given genre, using Spell most high- punctuation marks correctly.
frequency vocabulary
accurately for a wide Learners should choose one
range of familiar general task on the topics «Travel and
and curricular topics Tourism» and «Science and
1 1 Technology». 6
Monologue Learners talk on the topics 2-3
Speaking Recount extended «Travel and Tourism» and minutes
Саврамбаева Бақыт Нурмуғанбетқызы Мұғалім портфолиосы Б бөлімі
Талдықорған қ ПШО филиалы «Бағалау тапсырмаларын әзірлеу және сараптау»

stories and events on a «Science and Technology».

range of general and Learners choose a card and
curricular topics speak on the given questions Use a variety of providing examples from life
future forms, including experience 2-3 minutes using
some passives, on a a variety of future forms,
range of familiar general including some passives, on a
and curricular topics range of familiar general and
curricular topics and
Learners should prepare for 1
minute and talk 2-3 minutes.
Teacher can ask supporting
questions if necessary to help
Саврамбаева Бақыт Нурмуғанбетқызы Мұғалім портфолиосы Б бөлімі
Талдықорған қ ПШО филиалы «Бағалау тапсырмаларын әзірлеу және сараптау»


Task. Listen to the speakers talking about their experience of travelling.

Finish the sentences (1-2) with their points of view (A-C) There is one extra
world/travellingnever-waste-money Adapted by the teacher

1. David was struck by the statement…. [1]

2. Kate thinks that travelling is a great chance …… [1]

A. relatives are always with you during travelling too.

B. to step out of your comfort zone.
C. you never waste money on travelling.

Task. Listen to Mia. Replace the underlined words in the sentences with the
words from the recording. Write one word only for each case. Use the correct
part of speech.
world/travellingnever-waste-money Adapted by the teacher

3. Travelling made Mia sure on herself _______ [1]

4. It involves being skillful to find good train ________[1]
5. Travelling also helps to improve organization skills ________[1]

6. It is also nice to be unforced and learn to relax. ________[1]

Total [6]

Reading 1>leksika>gargets Adapted by the teacher

A. People always (o) invent something new and unusual. Such things aimed to
simplify people's life always become an important part of it. For example it is
difficult to imagine the modern life without computers, television, cars, mobile
phones and so on. We use them in our everyday life. Besides, every year all such
inventions are developed and become faster and "smarter ".
B. Nowadays we often hear a (1) popular word "gadget " . What is a gadget? It
is the small device aimed to simplify the life of people. We can meet gadgets in
different fields. For example, we use different kinds of fit bits in sport.
C. It seems to me that one of the most unusual gadgets is used in medicine . It is
an electronic adhesive bandage. It traces different things such as pulse rate and body
temperature. In (2) software industry the..... "gadget" is also used. However in that
field it means some additional icon. For example which shows weather forecast.
Саврамбаева Бақыт Нурмуғанбетқызы Мұғалім портфолиосы Б бөлімі
Талдықорған қ ПШО филиалы «Бағалау тапсырмаларын әзірлеу және сараптау»

D. As for devices it is impossible not to mention such gadgets as virtual vision

video glasses, game consoles, smartphones, tablets, MP3-players and many other
things. Smartphones are mobile phones which combines the (3) function of a phone
and a computer. Tablets are devices with touch screen which gives a user an
opportunity to control different computer software programmes. E-books are also
gadgets. They allow people to read books everywhere without necessity of carrying
printed books.
E. In my opinion, gadgets really simplify our life and allow us do many things
when and where it is convenient for us.

Task. Read the text and circle the word that can replace the underlined word
in the text without changing the meaning.

Example: A)think B)jump C)create D)write [1]

1 A)cruel B)well C)differen D)enormous [1]
known t
2 A)application B)equipment C)machine D) helmet [1]
3 A)memory B) world C) level D) role [1]

Task. Match paragraphs A-E to the topic sentences below.

4.Changing our life for the best is the main aim of inventions. _______[1]
5. Cellphones may include several functions _______[1]
6.Gargets make our life easier _______[1]

Total [6]

Choose ONE of the topics and write an essay.

Topic 1. Travelling takes a great part in our life. Name the “PROS” and “CONS” of

Topic 2. Modern technologies are a giant leap for mankind. Name the “PROS”
and “CONS” of modern technologies.
Total [6]

Task. Choose one of the cards and answer the questions. You have 1 minute to
prepare and 2 minutes to speak. Try to use appropriate vocabulary to talk.
Саврамбаева Бақыт Нурмуғанбетқызы Мұғалім портфолиосы Б бөлімі
Талдықорған қ ПШО филиалы «Бағалау тапсырмаларын әзірлеу және сараптау»

Card 1- “Science and technology”

1.What video games do you know?

2. Why do people play video games?
3.What computer games are popular among children?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of computer games for children?

Card 2- “Science and technology”

1.What computer games are popular in Kazakhstan?

2. Why computer games become popular?
3. Can computer games help us to get education? How?
4. What are the PROS and CONS of computer?

Card 3- “Travel and Tourism”

1.What is the best way to travel for you?

2. Which country would you like to visit? Why?
3.Will it be possible for you to contact with local people, if you don’t speak their
language? If yes HOW?
4. Your tips for your mates who is going to travel abroad the first time?

Card 4 - “Travel and Tourism”

1.Would you like to visit other planets?

2. Do you believe that there is life on the moon? Explain.
3. Will it be possible to inhabit the moon by the end of 21 century ?
4. What industry will be the prosperous in the moon if people start inhabit it?


Total marks_|24
Саврамбаева Бақыт Нурмуғанбетқызы Мұғалім портфолиосы Б бөлімі
Талдықорған қ ПШО филиалы «Бағалау тапсырмаларын әзірлеу және сараптау»

Mark scheme
Listening and Reading
Question № Answer Mark Additional
1 C 1
2 B 1
3 confident 1
4 able 1
5 develop 1
6 spontaneous 1
1 B 1
2 A 1
3 D 1
4 A 1
5 D 1
6 E 1
Саврамбаева Бақыт Нурмуғанбетқызы Мұғалім портфолиосы Б бөлімі
Талдықорған қ ПШО филиалы «Бағалау тапсырмаларын әзірлеу және сараптау»

Mark scheme
Writing and Speaking
Give a mark out of 6 for each criterion (content, organisation, vocabulary, and grammar and punctuation), and then
calculate a mean to give an overall total out of 6. All fractional marks should be rounded up to the closest whole mark.
Mark / Criterion Content (relevance and Organisation (cohesion, Vocabulary (style and Grammar (style and
development of ideas paragraphing, and format) accuracy) accuracy) and Punctuation
6  All content is relevant to  Uses a wide range of  Uses a range of everyday  Writes simple and
the task. connectors accurately; vocabulary appropriately; compound sentence forms
 The register completely referencing is mostly clear. attempts to use less correctly and demonstrates
corresponds to the  Uses paragraphs to common lexical items with some variety in length.
requirements of the task; separate ideas; all occasional inappropriacies.  Attempts some complex
consistent and intentional paragraphs revolve around  Has good control of sentences, but they tend to
misuse of register* may one idea or a set of like word formation; may make be less accurate, including
indicate a writer’s personal ideas; the size of each occasional errors in punctuation.
style. paragraph allows for a producing less common  Errors in grammar and/or
 All content points are proper and balanced word forms. punctuation do not distort
fully addressed and development of ideas.  Spells common meaning.
developed in a balanced  The format is appropriate, vocabulary items correctly;
way. *Such misuse of but may be modified for a very few (one or two)
register should not harm the better reading experience. occasional spelling
format of writing. mistakes may be present.
 May occasionally
misspell less common
lexical items.
 Errors in word choice
and/or spelling do not
distort meaning.
5  All content is relevant to  Uses a range of basic  Uses a range of everyday Writes simple and
Саврамбаева Бақыт Нурмуғанбетқызы Мұғалім портфолиосы Б бөлімі
Талдықорған қ ПШО филиалы «Бағалау тапсырмаларын әзірлеу және сараптау»

the task; insignificant connectors accurately and vocabulary appropriately; compound sentence forms
content omissions may be attempts to use more attempts to use less correctly, but does not
present. advanced connectors, but common lexical items, but demonstrate variety in
 The register on the whole not always accurately, and may make frequent errors. length.
corresponds to the referencing, but not always  Has good control of word  Occasional errors in
requirements of the task; clearly or appropriately. formation; may make errors grammar and/or
occasional and inconsistent  Uses paragraphs to in producing less common punctuation do not distort
misuse of register may be separate ideas; most word forms. meaning.
present paragraphs revolve around  Spells common
 Most content points are one idea or a set of like vocabulary items correctly;
addressed, but their ideas; the size of each few (no more than five)
development may be paragraph may reflect occasional spelling
slightly imbalanced. imbalanced development of mistakes may be present.
ideas.  May often misspell less
 The format is appropriate. common lexical items.
 Errors in word choice
and/or spelling do not
distort meaning
4  Most content is relevant  Uses a range of basic  Uses everyday  Writes simple and some
to the task; insignificant connectors accurately. vocabulary generally compound sentence forms
content omissions may be  Uses paragraphs to appropriately, while correctly.
present. separate ideas, but tends to occasionally overusing  While errors in grammar
 The register on the whole misuse paragraphing (a certain lexical items. and/or punctuation are
corresponds to the script is a set of very short  Has good control of noticeable, meaning is
requirements of the task. paragraphs or some word formation; can rarely distorted.
 Most content points are paragraphs may be much produce common word
addressed, but some longer than other ones for forms correctly.
content points may be more no apparent reason).  May make infrequent
fully covered than others  The format is generally errors in spelling more
appropriate. difficult words.
 Errors in word choice
Саврамбаева Бақыт Нурмуғанбетқызы Мұғалім портфолиосы Б бөлімі
Талдықорған қ ПШО филиалы «Бағалау тапсырмаларын әзірлеу және сараптау»

and/or spelling rarely

distort meaning
3  Some content is relevant  Uses some basic  Uses basic vocabulary  Writes simple sentence
to the task; significant connectors, but these may reasonably appropriately. forms mostly correctly.
content omissions may be be inaccurate or repetitive  Has some control of  Errors in grammar and/or
present.  Writes in paragraphs, but word formation; can punctuation may distort
 The register barely may not use them to produce some common meaning at times
corresponds to the separate ideas (a script may word forms correctly.
requirements of the task. have random breaks  Makes frequent errors in
 Only some content between paragraphs). spelling more difficult
points, which are minimally  The format may be words, but simple words
addressed. inappropriate in places. are spelled correctly.
 Some content is relevant  Errors in word choice
to the task; significant and/or spelling distort
content omissions may be meaning at times.
 The register barely
corresponds to the
requirements of the task.
 Only some content points,
which are minimally
2  Severe irrelevances and  May use a very limited  Uses an extremely limited  Writes some simple
misinterpretations of the range of basic cohesive range of vocabulary. sentence forms correctly.
task may be present. devices, and those used  Has very limited control  Frequent errors in
 Only few content points, may not indicate a logical of word formation; can grammar and/or
which are minimally relationship between ideas. produce a few common punctuation distort
addressed.  Attempts to write in word forms correctly. meaning.
paragraphs, but their use  Makes many errors in
may be confusing (may spelling, including a range
start every sentence with a of simple words.
Саврамбаева Бақыт Нурмуғанбетқызы Мұғалім портфолиосы Б бөлімі
Талдықорған қ ПШО филиалы «Бағалау тапсырмаларын әзірлеу және сараптау»

new line).  Errors in word choice

 The format may be and/or spelling distort
inappropriate meaning.
1  Attempts the task, but it is  Links are missing or  Can only use a few  No evidence of sentence
largely misinterpreted and incorrect. isolated words and/or forms.
the response is barely  Does not write in memorised phrases.
relevant to the task. paragraphs at all (a script is  Has essentially no
a block of text). control of word formation;
 The format is not can barely produce any
appropriate. word forms.
 Displays few examples of
conventional spelling.
0  Does not attempt the task in any way. OR
 The response is completely irrelevant to the task. OR
 There is too little language to assess. OR
 Content is completely incomprehensible due to extremely poor handwriting: very few words are distinguishable, so
there is a lack of context to verify meaning.


Give a mark out of 6 for each criterion (development and fluency, and language), and then calculate a mean to give an
overall total out of 6.
Mark / Criterion Development and Fluency Language
6  Produces stretches of language in a register  Produces error-free simple sentences.
which is appropriate to the situation provided in  Attempts some complex grammatical forms,
the task and may opt to vary register to enhance but may make errors, which rarely cause
meaning. comprehension problems.
 Shows sustained ability to maintain a  Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary to
conversation and to make relevant contributions give and exchange views on a growing range of
at some length. general and curricular topics.
Саврамбаева Бақыт Нурмуғанбетқызы Мұғалім портфолиосы Б бөлімі
Талдықорған қ ПШО филиалы «Бағалау тапсырмаларын әзірлеу және сараптау»

 Produces extended stretches of language

despite some hesitation.
 Can respond to change in direction of the
 Pronunciation is intelligible*.
 Intonation is appropriate.
5  Produces stretches of language in a register  Produces error-free simple sentences.
which is appropriate to the situation provided in  Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary when
the task.  Responds relevantly and at length talking about a range of general and curricular
which makes frequent prompting unnecessary, topics.
resulting in a competent conversation.  Occasional mistakes do not cause
 Produces mostly extended stretches of comprehension problems.
language despite some hesitation, although
instances of using short phrases may be present.
 Can generally respond to change in direction
of the conversation.
 Pronunciation is generally intelligible.
 Intonation is generally appropriate
4  Produces stretches of language in a register  Frequently produces error-free simple
which is generally appropriate to the situation sentences.  Uses appropriate vocabulary to talk
provided in the task. about a limited range of general and curricular
 Attempts to respond to questions and topics.
prompts.  Errors may cause comprehension problems.
 Produces responses which are extended
beyond short phrases, despite hesitation.
 Effort will need to be made to develop the
conversation; only partial success will be
achieved.  Pronunciation is mostly intelligible.
 May not follow English intonation patterns at
3  Produces stretches of language without  Produces basic sentence forms and some
Саврамбаева Бақыт Нурмуғанбетқызы Мұғалім портфолиосы Б бөлімі
Талдықорған қ ПШО филиалы «Бағалау тапсырмаларын әзірлеу және сараптау»

awareness of register. correct simple sentences.

 Responses tend to be brief and are  Uses a limited range of appropriate
characterised by frequent hesitation. vocabulary to talk about a limited range of
 Has to be encouraged to go beyond short general topics.
responses and struggles to develop a  Errors are frequent and may lead to
conversation.  There is a lack of intelligibility misunderstanding.
of pronunciation, but it is unlikely to impede
 May not follow English intonation patterns
2  Responses are so brief that little is  Attempts basic sentence forms, but with
communicated. limited success. OR
 Barely engages in a conversation.  Heavily relies on apparently memorised
 Pronunciation may cause some utterances.
communication difficulty.  Uses a limited range of appropriate
 Does not follow English intonation patterns. vocabulary to talk about a very limited range of
general topics.
 Makes numerous errors except in memorised
1  No communication possible.  Pronunciation  Cannot produce basic sentence forms.  Can
and intonation patterns cause difficulty for even only produce isolated words and phrases or
the most sympathetic listener. memorised utterances.
0  No attempt at the response. OR  No rateable
Саврамбаева Бақыт Нурмуғанбетқызы Мұғалім портфолиосы Б бөлімі
Талдықорған қ ПШО филиалы «Бағалау тапсырмаларын әзірлеу және сараптау»


David: Recently I was watching a stand-up comedy sketch by a comedian called

Trevor Noah, a mixed-race comedian from South Africa who often discusses
important topics such as discrimination and racism. I was extremely impressed with
his performance. The part which struck me the most was his advice about travelling.
He said, ‘The one thing you will never waste your money on is travelling. It is the
antidote to ignorance.’ In my opinion this statement should be everyone’s life motto.

Kate: This year I’ve had the opportunity to do a lot of travelling around Europe and
it has shown me how much you can learn and develop by visiting different places. It
is so wonderful to be able to go to a different country, listen to the different
languages, try local food and experience the different culture. It’s never good to live
in a bubble, and travelling allows you to step out of your comfort zone.

Mia: Travelling has made me so much more confident and independent. It involves
being able to find good train or plane tickets, getting yourself to the airport, not to
mention trying to find your way around a brand new city. Travelling also helps you
develop your organization skills! It is essential to figure out how to get to different
tourist attractions and plan your time wisely. However, it is also nice to be
spontaneous and learn to relax. On top of that, hostels (which are the best and
cheapest accommodation) are a great way to meet new people from all around the
world. It is fantastic when young people from different parts of the world come
together; I’ve met so many strange and wonderful people this way.

So my advice: try and travel as much as possible, because the experiences you will
gain from travelling can’t be taught at school and they will change your life.

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