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LYKA: Good afternoon to each and everyone, especially ma’am. So today, we will discuss our
report. But before we will start our discussion, let’s have our activity first.

SARAMINA: we have puzzle here. Who can arrange this puzzle? *may mag taas ng kamay then
tawagin mo tas may ibigay ka, then e arrange niya yan* are you finish? Post your answer here.

LYKA: Okay so our discussion for today is all about REFLECTION ESSAY. But before we will start,
read the objectives: the definition of reflective essay, elements, how to write, and example.


Reflection essay is also called Reflective Essay, it is an essay in which the writer examines his or
her experiences in life. The writer then writes about those experiences, exploring how he or she has
changed, developed or grown from those experiences

LYKA: so reflective essay requires the author to inform the reader about his or her attitude,
idea, thoughts, feelings, or impression regarding to the topic or his or her experiences.
Everyone of us here knows how to write a reflective essay right? Because we are writing this
everyday during our work immersion. We are sharing our thoughts, learnings, discovery, and
more. So it is not hard for you to identify what reflective essay is.

SARAMINA: next are the key elements of a reflective essay.

Key Elements of Reflective Essay

1. Organized account

-you need to allow your reader to experience the event.

SARAMINA: it is important to make sure that you organize your ideas to ensure that you tell
them the series of events in a chronological way or in tagalong, pagkakasunod-sunod na
pangyayari to let the readers understand your essay.

2. Personal point of view

-this paper is about how you felt during the event, how you saw things, and how you felt.

LYKA: it is a personal account the event. It is a reflective essay, therefore, you need to reflect it
and express your personal point of view or you should use the first person point of view. You
should not use “you”, this paper should use “I”. it should talk about the things you are affected
not by anyone else.
3. Personal experience

-the paper will be an account of your experience and not that of someone else so
the information that you give should relate to you and not to another person.

LYKA: as what I’ve said, it should be your personal experience, because, again it is a reflection
essay that should always talks to your experience, thoughts, or ideas.
4. Details, detail, details

-you have to include a lot of details. This is the part that will make your paper

SARAMINA: the more details that are used, the better the paper will be. If you can add a lot of
detail to your piece, it will make it easier for your reader to be able to use their imagination to
picture what happened.

LYKA: okay,so let’s proceed on how to write a reflective essay.

How to write a reflective essay

1. Think of an event which could become the topic of your essay.

LYKA: when you have chosen an event, ask yourself how you feel about it, how it affected your
life and why. Next is
2. Make a Mind-Map

LYKA: identify your main arguments or experiences and ideas which will support it and help
readers follow the evolution of your thoughts and experiences.

3. Write a strong opening paragraph

SARAMINA: your introduction must be eye-catching, so the readers become engaged

immediately or they become interesting in your essay.

4. State you your supporting arguments, ideas, and

examples in the body paragraphs.

SARAMINA: emphasize only one point or experience, as well as reflections on it, within each

5. In the first sentence of the conclusion, briefly summarize your thoughts.

LYKA: think about what you have learned and how your experience might be useful to others.
Finish your essay with a rhetorical question to your readers about how they might act in a
similar situation.

LYKA: so that’s on how to write a reflective essay. So now we will give you some example about
reflective essay so that you can understand and you will really know on how to write a
reflective essay. I have also the example here. So as like what you are reading right now, that
example has also introduction, body, and conclusion right? That example taught us that we
should not just write but we should follow its structure so that we have a nice and brilliant

SARAMINA: So that ends our report. We will be having our activity. Count 1-2. *nag count sila
then ituro mo kung saan sila uupo.*

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