Module 7

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1. Ruism
2. Learning
3. Values
4. Social code
5. Confucians
6. Shantung Province
7. Ancestral cult
8. Reverence for heaven
9. Mourning ceremonies
10. Way of life
11. Social harmony
12. Renxing
13. Archery
14. Charioteering
15. Calligraphy

Activity # 1

The quote, “everyone has beauty but not everyone can see”, clearly implies the internal beauty of a
person which cannot be seen by everyone through the naked eye. Only few appreciate since the
society is bounded by “social media” standards; the aesthetically pleasing and well-curated features
which distort the reality .

In my opinion, every single person possesses a unique trait that makes him/her standout from the
rest; making him/her beautiful in his/her own way. It is something people, especially teenage girls
nowadays, should think about.

In this modern era, where people seek for perfection at all times, tendencies are, everything must be
in accordance and flaws don’t have room. Inside and outside the house, teenagers in this generation
only seem to care about appearances so they apply a couple layers of makeup to conceal what’s
supposedly a ‘normal’ thing. Suicide is growing even more popular, self-confidence is dropping, all
because teenagers are uncomfortable with their appearances, so far compared to their favorite idols.

To internalize deeper, we should look at this quote and realize that we are all beautiful in our own
ways. The standards of society should not hinder us in being our own version. If we ever really think
about what people say to us whenever we showcase ourselves, it manifests that we probably don’t
belong to us, but for the people around us. What should be the top priority is sharing to the world
who we are; our talents and capabilities, since the world is better to have us in it. Meanwhile,
somewhere along the road, someone’s gonna appreciate our being; more than physical. Someone
who sees within, and that someone, eventually would bring more than appreciation but love to our

For inasmuch as we compare ourselves to the standards of society, at the end of the day, beauty is
beyond what we see, but with the combination of feelings and unique qualities unfolding before us.

Activity # 2

In this time of pandemic, to practice and uphold basic human moral is a must. As a human, we are
rational and capacitated to do things in accordance to our will; therefore, there’s no excuse in
showing our human etiquette.

In the recently concluded community pantry of Aldersgate College, in one way, I have given a good
amount of monetary donation to be shared with those unfortunate ones. Although at times, we
experience a little struggle, I am still grateful that I am able to eat meals in the right time, still better
than what others experience. Thus, my help, tho small, definitely has gone a long way and
contributed to someone else’s meal for their nutritional sufficiency.

Meanwhile, as a student, a good character must be built first. Thus, in order for this to be attained, Yi
(honesty), Zhi (wisdom), Xin (fidelity), Li (good manners) should set in first as well. In building a good
character, it should manifest greatly on my activities as a student; for example, examinations, where
honesty is a big deal. Moreover, on the decision-making that needs to be carefully discerned upon,
with this I imply wisdom from God rather than my own knowledge. Also, my loyalty per se is
incomparable for a person. I don’t talk hate on him/her at his/her back for I believe, that is awfully
disgusting; also this reflects my manners as well upon growing.

Activity # 3

Water is one of the most versatile among all elements. It can be added or mixed with various solubles;
reason why it is abundant on our planet. Personally, water represents blessings. The abundance of
water also implies the abundance of blessings. If we only look around, we can say that, we are not
forgotten by the Supreme Being since His providence is everywhere, everytime. These blessings give
us the sense of relaxation, just as the water’s gift of refreshment. If water quenches our thirst
physically, blessings quench our longingness for these come at the perfect time.

In the same way, water had played a vital role in my totality. From the moment I was born and
entered Christianity, water had always been with me. Water marked my Christianity from the
moment I had been cleansed in baptism and in my spirituality, it still represents cleansing.

1. D
2. D
3. D
4. D
5. D
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. D
10. A
11. B
12. C
13. D
14. B
15. C
16. C
17. C
18. D
19. D
20. D
21. A
22. A
23. A
24. A
25. A

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