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Joshua Boanerges Tampi



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Name : Joshua Boanerges Tampi

Signed : Date : 7th October 2021

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Name : Joshua Boanerges Tampi

Tanda Tangan : Date : 7th October 2021

STATEMENT LETTER .............................................................................................................. 2

CONTENT ..................................................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................... 5
1.1. Definition of Algorithm.................................................................................................. 5
1.2. Search Engine and Algorithm ....................................................................................... 6
1.3. How Search Engines Work............................................................................................ 7
1.4. Definition of Community ............................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER 2 ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................... 10
2.1. Search Engines in Business.......................................................................................... 10
2.2. Business for Community .............................................................................................. 13
CHAPTER 3 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................... 15
3.1. The Most Suitable Business ......................................................................................... 15
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 17

In your opinion, what kind of business will be suitable using Community or Search Engine?

1.1. Definition of Algorithm

Algorithm is related to logic, which is an ability to think rationally about a
problematic to know truth, justified and accepted by logic. Moreover, logic itself
normally refers to intelligent, one who can think logically well generally called
intelligent. In solving problem, logic is necessary (Barakbah et al., 2013). Logic is
regarded as knowledge to understand how to think in order, meaning to think correctly
based on rules, law, and method to rationally and correctly understand the truth (Sobur,
2015). The terminology of algorithm came from a mathematician from Arab named
Abu Ja’far Muhammad Ibnu Musa al-Khuwarizmi. The westerns pronounce al-
Khuwarizmi as Algorism. Eventually, due to the word “algorism” was mistakenly
recognized as arithmetic, the word “algorism” was changed into “algorithm” and still
used until today (Saniman & Fathoni, 2008).
Algorithm is the heart of computer science. Many branches of computer science
derived from the terminology of algorithm. Likewise, the normal daily activity such as
baking cake or cooking elucidated in the cooking receipt is also algorithm (Saniman &
Fathoni, 2008). Algorithm is widely used in computer sciences because creating an
algorithm is not dependent on any programming language. People can use the algorithm
notation in any programming language. The way to utilize algorithm in computer
science is to render algorithm according to the programming notation. Thereby this is
called programming. Program is the representation or implementation of an algorithm
used to make a computer execute specific functions, including preparing to organize the
instruction (Dianta, 2019).
Understanding the algorithm is vital for a programmer to create a program
properly. Programmer is the individuals capable of solving problems using a
programming language. Programmers are varied, meaning that programmers have their
own proficiency in coding and understand the algorithm (Maulindar & Cahyani, 2019).
Algorithm offers sequential steps to effectively and efficiently solve problems (Harahap
& Khairina, 2018). Hence, programmers need an algorithm because the algorithm
serves to help programmers solve computational problems by creating programs with
sequential steps.
1.2. Search Engine and Algorithm
The search engine is the integration of hardware and computer software managed
by a particular company through the determined website (Josi et al., 2014). The work of
the search engine is checking the words entered by users to get the relevance and show
the information (Wirawan, 2007). There are many algorithms that can be applied in the
search engine. For example, the clustering algorithm which serves as the logical step to
search many document according to the input, namely, the words entered by users
(Andayani, 2007). Another example, an algorithm named the best-first algorithm can
also be applied as the search engine algorithm. The best-first algorithm is the
combination of two algorithms named breadth first search and depth first search by
collecting the respective advantages of the two algorithms (Liana & Nudin, 2020).
Therefore, the search engine must involve the contribution of the algorithm to
make the searching works. Although the basic steps are fundamentally the same which
is finding the search objects according to the words entered by users, different algorithm
gives different search result and time. Google, the most popular search engine has its
own distinctive algorithms. Each search engine must have its secret ranking algorithm
and the developers can change the algorithms anytime (Bar-Ilan, 2007). Search engines
are handy to search for information that a directory unable to find. Humans create a
directory to store data. Likewise, search engines are created by humans to store data,
albeit the database is generated by software known as spiders or robots (Edosomwan &
Edosomwan, 2010).
The particular elements reside on every search engine is search engine
optimization, also known as SEO. It serves as the facility to increase the visibility of
information related to what users search. The particular element that resides on every
search engine is search engine optimization, also known as SEO. It serves as the facility
to increase the visibility of information related to what users search. Search engines
such as Google and Bing utilize bots to crawl existing pages on the web. Searching from
site to site, trying to collect information regarding the pages and arrange them in an
index (Search Engine Land, n.d.).
1.3. How Search Engines Work
SEO uses the crawler or spider to deliver information to users. The crawling
process is conducted by using the spider. The spider travels from page to page, website
to website by way of links. Indexing means that the spider copies the information to
save the information to the search engine’s database. Provided that a website adds new
pages, the spiders will find and put the result in the database (Garman, n.d.). Based on
Sonya Zhang and Neal Cabage statement, search results have two different types. The
first is organic, produced by the algorithm of the search engine. The second is paid by
advertisement (Zhang & Cabage, 2017). SEO can also be the proper marketing tool to
influence many marketing variable such as market share, brand loyalty, brand
recognition, product price, and many more (Bhandari & Bansal, 2018).
According to Mehzabul Hoque Nahid, a lecturer in American International
University-Bangladesh, crawlers are not humans, meaning that they may not see things
which human can see. There is Spider Simulator where people can use to see whether or
not their stuffs are visible by the crawlers. Suppose that the files are not visible, the
spiders cannot index and process, allowing the files to be non-existent. When a page is
crawled, spiders will index its content. All the indexed pages will be stored in a giant
database, where all the data can be retrieved here. Indexing is the process of word
identification and expressing the best page description and assigning the page to
particular keyword (Nahid, 2016).
When a search request appears, the search engine processes it and compares the
search string (words used in searching) in the search request with the indexed pages in
the database. Suppose that there are millions of pages contains the search string, the
search engine begins to calculate the relevancy of the indexed pages according to the
search string. The algorithms to calculate relevancy are diverse, allowing the rise of
different search result pages. Due to every search engines have their own unique
algorithms, different search engines show different search results pages for the same
search string (Nahid, 2016).
According to Joseph Edosomwan and Taiwo Edosomwan (2010), Google is the
best search engine for response time and precision. Response time refers to the
calculation between inputting the search strings and retrieving the first search result,
counted by a stopwatch. Precision is about the relevance of a search result compared to
the search query. The research shows that Google is the most precise search engine and
the fastest search engine compared to the rests. Afterward, this research serves as
evidence that search engines have their own execution time and precision.
1.4. Definition of Community
The definition of community is a group formed from several people who interact
socially among the group members. Communities are also created based on the
similarity of needs or goals within themselves or among other group members. Every
existing community is formed by itself. There is no coercion from any party because the
built community aims to meet the needs of each individual in the group. A community
is usually formed because several individuals have the same hobbies, the same place to
live, and the same interests in several things (Fauziah et al., 2014). According to
Kertajaya Hermawan (2008), the definition of community is a group of people who care
about each other more than they should. In a community, there is a close personal
relationship between community members because of the similarity of interests or
values. Community is the identification and social interaction built with various
dimensions of functional needs (Soenarno, 2002). The binding strength of a community,
in particular, is a common interest in meeting the needs of its social life, which is
usually based on similarities in cultural, ideological, socio-economic backgrounds.
Besides, a community is generally bound by location boundaries or geographic areas
(Fauziah et al., 2014).
Communities have various roles in improving performance in multiple aspects.
For example, Tangan Di Atas (TDA), the largest entrepreneurial community in
Indonesia, was founded in 2006. This community has a role in encouraging the
development of MSME businesses that are still constrained. The TDA community
provides education about human resources, financial, operational, technical, and
marketing (Rahmanto et al., 2018). Another example is the Islamic community, which
encourages young people to apply their religious values (Utami, 2019). Various hobbies
such as sports can also be enhanced by the presence of a community. For example, the
Bike To Work Indonesia community in Jakarta can build a cycling culture and involve
government support (Adityo, 2017). The community is a place for learning as in the
creative community in developing cultural tourism at the Gunung Padang Megalithic
site. This community makes tourism objects a learning tool to support the development
of sustainable cultural tourism (Nafila, 2015). For companies or marketers who want to
target a community, it is necessary to understand the targeted community's primary
concern and activities correctly.

2.1. Search Engines in Business

The primary purpose of using search engines for sellers is to appear on search
pages for the goods or services. Meanwhile, for buyers, it is to get the goods or services
they are looking for on search engines. Sellers have to do keyword research to deeply
understand the words typed in by people doing searches on search engines. For
example, the keyword often searched for in the travel tour business is "cheap travel
tours", sellers can take advantage of this by making articles related to affordable travel
tours. A seller or marketer who wants to market goods or services on the internet must
create original articles. The keywords used must be the right keywords so that they are
easy to find in search results on search engines. We must also post content consistently
to become a top recommendation in search engines. An active website will be more
valuable and have a greater chance of appearing in search engines than inactive
websites (Agung, 2021). As long as those who want to sell goods or services on the
internet can follow the right way to appear in search results, they can obtain profits from
search engines.
The technique used by search engines in arranging content in search is search
engine optimization (SEO) techniques. Utilization of SEO must be accompanied by a
physical location that is consistent and does not change. Stores that market goods or
services with inconsistent physical locations can make the store's website not
appropriately indexed. As a result, the search results that appear are poor. Regular photo
updates must also be carried out so that online stores, posted content, and things related
to marketed products or services can appear in search results (Pratomo et al., 2019).
After doing keyword research, proper use of long-tail keywords can contribute to
getting content into the main search results. It is also necessary to upload videos on the
website and internal links so that the website is more often perched on the main search
results. Internal links that direct readers to other links but still on the same website can
make readers stay on the website for a long time. Websites with low bounce rates, i.e.
websites whose visitors visit for a long time, have a high chance of entering the main
search results (Agung, 2021).
SEO techniques can be used to increase sales by utilizing various tricks that can
be applied. Research that examines the sale of SME products in the international market
at CV. Ayung Sportindo stated that increasing sales by using SEO techniques. The
techniques used are keyword research, updating site content, writing articles by entering
keywords relevant to the topics discussed, website links spreading in various online
advertisements, online forums, and social media (Satibi et al., 2017). A website that
utilizes SEO correctly will have the opportunity to enter the main search page to
increase traffic. If visitor traffic increases, then sales figures have the potential to grow
as well (Artanto & Nurdiyansyah, 2017). The right business to use search engines is a
business whose owners understand how to use search engines properly. Even
agricultural businesses that usually target older people can also take advantage of search
engines. For example, utilising SEO can be an option for the agricultural sector that
targets restaurants, young people, or parties who use the internet. As long as those who
promote on the internet understand how to make good use of SEO, a business can make
a profit if it is marketed on the internet.
When viewed from the point of view of the products being marketed, the most
appropriate business is a business whose products are often searched for on the internet
and rarely searched conventionally. For example, a book business where buyers can still
choose online or offline, meaning that there is an opportunity for a buyer only to choose
one approach. A business where people can mostly buy online, is a business that can be
categorized as the most suitable for using search engines. In essence, all businesses can
take advantage of online services such as search engines, but if we want to choose, then
the most searched online rather than offline business is the most suitable business. For
example, the import book business is rarely sold in conventional stores. People who
want to look for original imported books have an excellent opportunity to use online
stores because it is scarce for conventional shops to sell these books. The actual
evidence is imported books that are only found in the amazon online store when we
look for them. However, these kinds of businesses are not guaranteed as the best-selling
One can sell imported goods and post them online. The difficulty of finding
imported goods has the opportunity to gain consumers. However, this does not mean
making a profit, considering that not everyone is also looking for imported goods. Also,
things suitable to be sold online are non-physical goods. For example, game items,
game vouchers, and any related things. Selling physical goods online still has to be sent
physically, meaning buyers have to pay shipping costs, so not all buyers want to buy
online. Non-physical goods are the most suitable items for sale online because they do
not require shipping costs. However, this does not mean that goods that normally sold
offline, do not need to be sold online. The point is that as long as we can use SEO
correctly, we don't need to be afraid to sell goods online, even though they are usually
sold conventionally. Instead, it can help us to get a broader market. We can get
consumers online and consumers offline. For example, many people sell books in
bookstores, but many also look for books online. Then we can sell books online by
using SEO tricks properly.
Objectives in marketing products online also vary. For example, a food seller
wants to increase consumer segmentation by targeting online consumers to market their
products on social media and websites. However, some want to find a specific group
and want to fulfil the needs of that group. For example, game voucher sellers facilitate
game players who find it difficult to buy vouchers, so this seller becomes a facilitator
for gamers. It does not seek new consumers, does not expand its market. It only targets
these gamers. The seller's goal is to keep the gamers loyal, meaning they keep buying
game vouchers sold by the seller. In this case, the seller will utilize the internet to make
the seller's product keep appearing on the search engine. The utilization of search
engines can also be used to keep consumers loyal, meaning retain existing customers.
For example, if we upload content about products or services regularly, it can make our
consumers interested in buying. Websites that rarely upload products give the
impression that the website is no longer active, so consumers may think the website is
no longer operating. Thus, in addition to the website not appearing on the main page,
consumers may switch to other stores.
2.2. Business for Community
A viable business for a community is one that the community can easily access.
For example, businesses engaged in glamping, restaurants, cafes can facilitate specific
communities. Usually, a community looks for cafes, restaurants, lodging to carry out
their activities, so such businesses are suitable for a community. Another example is
that an art community certainly needs tools related to art. Hence, we can sell art tools
following the community's needs. A community can also mean an online community, so
the internet is also needed to target that community. If we target a community correctly
and can meet their needs and facilitate their various activities, we can get loyal
customers. They will also become our public relations, meaning that they will help
maintain our reputation and become our marketers. The most suitable businesses to
target communities are those that can meet the needs of that community.
Based on the definition of community that has been discussed in the previous
chapter, community is a forum that brings together parties who have interests in certain
aspects. Communities are also usually based in a specific region. For example, the
Minahasa art community is located in the city of Manado. If we want to target a
community, we need to understand their interests. We even need to sell products that are
close to their location. A community certainly exchanges opinions frequently, so
businesses engaged in lodging and cafes can become facilitators for them. There is also
a literacy community that prioritizes the education side. The book business is the right
business to target this community. A business suitable for the interests of a community
facilitates the community's activities and has the potential to sell well in the target
One of the cafes in Manado called Pojok Indie is a cafe that facilitates various
cultural activities that are staged there. One of them is the Freedom of Art exhibition in
the indie corner, which is an event that showcases various beautiful paintings (Rompis
& Posumah, 2021). Although the cafe is not very big, the cafe is crowded. Perhaps,
because the cafe facilitates the community's needs in the city of Manado, allowing many
people to visit the cafe. Targeting a particular community does not automatically get us
a lot of consumers, but we have the potential to keep our customers, even if not many. A
community can also mean an online community. If we facilitate online communities
with various things they need, we can also get loyal online customers.

3.1. The Most Suitable Business

The most suitable businesses to use search engines are the ones that are most
searched for online. The business can be a business where people can only easily obtain
these goods or services online. For example, imported books are hard to find in
conventional bookstores. However, marketing products online does not always
guarantee that there will be many consumers. Not everyone will look for our products,
and not everyone will be interested in our products. Hence, we cannot guarantee that the
sales will definitely be more than marketing offline. However, online marketing by
utilizing SEO can help us secure loyal consumers. On the other hand, it is possible that
even though our goal is only to secure consumers in certain segments, we can get a lot
of consumers. That is, marketing products online with the use of SEO can be an option.
We can implement the integration of online and offline marketing.
Essentially, a business whose owner can properly utilize SEO is the right business
to utilize search engine services. Although consumers usually look for a product
conventionally, we can apply it online. Moreover, many consumers search online or
offline, so it is not wrong to use online services such as marketing through websites.
Sellers can also target communities by presenting products and services that are easily
accessible to a community. In general, a community holds various activities, and they
need a place. Place-based businesses such as cafes, inns, restaurants can be the right
business to target a particular community. A community can also mean an online
community. Thus, we can also target them by using websites or social media. As long as
we can meet their needs, we can get loyal customers from specific communities.
Businesses with the use of search engines can help us secure certain consumer
groups. For example, selling books on the website, consumers who buy our books are
consumers who usually look for books online. If they like the products and services we
provide, these consumers will continue to visit our website. Also, with constantly
updated websites and other SEO techniques, we can secure a specific group, namely
groups who often look for books online and those who have frequently bought our
products. Perhaps, using a website may not make people who don't look for books on
the internet become our customers, but at least we can secure and keep existing
consumers loyal. Our existence on the internet with the correct use of SEO techniques
can keep the consumers we have obtained online. Likewise, with the community
context, if we can meet their needs, we have the potential to keep them loyal.

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