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GPU-based rendering for deformable translucent objects

Article  in  The Visual Computer · February 2008

DOI: 10.1007/s00371-007-0188-6 · Source: DBLP


20 687

5 authors, including:

yi Gong Wei Chen

Tongji University Xuzhou Medical College


Yun Zeng Qunsheng Peng

Harvard University Zhejiang University


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Visual Comput (2008) 24: 95–103
DOI 10.1007/s00371-007-0188-6 ORIGINAL ARTICLE

Yi Gong GPU-based rendering for deformable

Wei Chen
Long Zhang translucent objects
Yun Zeng
Qunsheng Peng

Published online: 10 January 2008 Abstract In this paper we intro- scattering stage, we adopt two modes
© Springer-Verlag 2008 duce an approximate image-space for efficient accomplishment of the
approach for real-time rendering view-dependent scattering. Our
of deformable translucent models approach is implemented by fully
by flattening the geometry and exploiting the capabilities of graphics
lighting information of objects into processing units (GPUs). It achieves
textures to calculate multi-scattering visually plausible results and real-
in texture spaces. We decompose time frame rates for deformable
the process into two stages, called models on commodity desktop PCs.
the gathering and scattering cor-
responding to the computations Keywords Sub-surface scattering ·
Y. Gong · W. Chen (u) · L. Zhang · for incident and exident irradiance BSSRDF · Translucency · Real-time
Y. Zeng · Q. Peng respectively. We derive a simplified rendering
State Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang
University 310027, illumination model for the gathering
Hangzhou, China of the incident irradiance, which is
{ygong,chenwei,lzhang,yzeng,peng} amenable for deformable models using two auxiliary textures. In the

1 Motivation like translucent objects are still not taking full advantage
of GPU power, especially the deformable ones.
Photo-realistic modeling and rendering have proven to be
capable of simulating the appearances of almost all types 1.1 Previous works
of objects, especially those with ideal diffuse, specular
or gloomy materials. Even for the objects with complex Translucency cannot be simulated by simply using re-
materials like skin, jade, marble and milk, there have flection or transparent illumination models because it is
been well-established techniques in the computer graph- formed by single and multiple scattering of the light.
ics community. Among them, one challenging task is the As a consequence, to accurately mimic a light trans-
simulation of translucent materials. Translucent objects port in a translucent object, time-consuming path sam-
are not fully transparent and allow light to transport and pling and many multi-integral computations are required.
diffuse directly through their interiors, making their ap- Traditional solutions include the finite element methods
pearances partially mellow and quite different from other [1, 19, 20], diffusion approximation [23], path tracing
materials. [6, 13], bidirectional path tracing [11] and photon map-
In the last few decades, the fast development of graph- ping [9].
ics hardware has left much room for the acceleration of To make it amenable for real-time processing, sample-
rendering algorithms. The release of shader model 3.0 and based rendering techniques are adopted. Hanrahan and
shader model 4.0 enable GPU to support more compli- his colleagues [6] used bidirectional reflectance distri-
cated functions in shaders. However, complex materials bution function (BRDF) for subsurface scattering, with
96 Y. Gong et al.

which the existing light is assumed to be emitted at the ured sub-scattering data. Xin Tong and his colleagues [25]
same point as the incident light on the surface of the ob- put forward a quasi-homogeneous material modeling and
ject. Later, Jensen and his colleagues [10] introduced the rendering method with a special-purposed sampling de-
dipole source method based on a more accurate bidirec- vice. Peers [18] introduced a compact representation of
tional subsurface reflectance distribution function (BSS- heterogeneous subsurface scattering functions. Donner
RDF) model, which consists of two parts, namely the and Jensen proposed a multi-layered model for light diffu-
exact single scattering and the multiple scattering. Al- sion in translucent materials [3], and applied it to human
though the dipole source method is only suitable for the skin simulation. They further introduced a spectral BSS-
case where the incident point and the existing point of the RDF model which considers not only subsurface but also
light are on a plane, applying it to an arbitrary surface can surface scattering [4].
still generate appealing results with appropriate restric-
tions on the discretization of the underlying surface [10]. 1.2 Our contributions
Jensen and his colleagues [8] further proposed an ac-
celeration technique by employing a hierarchical struc- Based on the investigations on the related literature, we
ture. Thereafter, many approaches have been introduced understand that there are still challenges for real-time ren-
for improving the performance by either pre-computing dering of deformable translucent objects. Most of exist-
and reusing the radiance or simplifying the illumination ing approaches suffer from either efficiency issues, such
model. as [22, 26] or lack of photo-realistic effects like [2, 12], in
Lensch and his colleagues proposed a texture atlas terms of deformable models.
aided algorithm [12] which preprocesses the handled This paper describes our efforts on boosting the per-
geometry to collect the impulse response of each surface formance and quality with a new approximate image-
point under subsurface scattering. It separates the response space approach. Our method adopts also BSSRDF model,
into local and global parts. The local response is mod- and mimics most kinds of light sources by integrating the
eled as a filter kernel stored in the textures and the global contributions from point lights, directional lights and the
response is calculated and stored in the vertices. It is ap- ambient lights. Conceptually, we decompose the compu-
parent that the requirement of costly preprocessing limits tation of translucency into two stages. In the first stage,
its application for deformable models. Recently, Hao and the radiances from all types of lights are collected over the
his colleagues [7] implemented a spherical harmonics- surfaces. We call this procedure the gathering of irradi-
based real-time rendering approach. Although visually ance. To facilitate its efficient computation at runtime, we
plausible results are achieved, it is likely to be fit for un- derive a simplified computational model that is especially
deformable models. A similar situation happen with the adoptable for the ambient lights. In addition, we employ
pre-computed radiance transfer (PRT) techniques [21, 26], an intermediate data sheet to store the gathered incident
as they follow the same pre-computation mechanism and irradiance.
demand too many memory consumptions. More recent On the other hand, in our approach the computation
work by Sloan and his colleagues [22] allows for local of outgoing irradiance under a given viewpoint is a sim-
deformations, though it is not sufficient for large and de- plified imitation of the light transport inside the objects.
formable models. We denote it as the scattering operation, where the color
By simplifying the illumination computation, inter- of each visible surface point depends on a variable num-
active rendering of deformable models is made possible ber of lightened source points. This makes the implemen-
at the expense of the loss of image quality. Mertens tation with current graphics hardware nontrivial because
and his colleagues [16] proposed a clustering-based al- the rendering pipeline is designed as amenable for gath-
gorithm that achieves interactive frame rates even for ering operations, where the destination of each pixel is
deformable models. They also proposed an importance defined before rasterization. With an attempt to convert the
sampling-based method, to consider only local scatter- scattering operations into a gathering procedure in GPUs,
ing [15]. Dachsbacher and Stamminger [2] introduced one may implement it at the fragment level. This scheme
an efficient two-phase image-space technique by using requires a great many texture lookups at the complexity of
a shadow map to store the irradiance from the light sources the image resolution. We overcome this inefficiency with
for latter scattering computation. Due to the limited accu- hierarchical sampling scheme.
racy of the sampling and filtering provided by the graphics In the rest of this paper, we first introduce a simplified
hardware, the results are not quite satisfactory. In addition, translucent illumination model based on a brief overview
the algorithm cannot simulate all-frequency lighting [26] of the BSSRDF model. We then present the gathering
because the shadow map is only feasible for point lights of irradiance in Sect. 3. Section 4 describes how to im-
and directional lights. plement the scattering process in programmable graph-
There are also some works on the simulation of inho- ics hardware. The experimental results are presented in
mogeneous materials. Goesele and his colleagues [5] pro- Sect. 5. Finally, we conclude the whole paper and high-
posed a so-called DISCO algorithm-based on the meas- light the future work in Sect. 6.
GPU-based rendering for deformable translucent objects 97

2 A simplified illumination model

BSSRDF is a more accurate lighting model than BRDF.
While BRDF only considers the link between the incom-
ing light and the outgoing light at the same point of the
surface, BSSRDF can depict the light transport between
two different points, x i and x o , on a surface. The relation-
ship between the illumination at one surface point x i with
light distribution at another surface points x o is expressed
as follows [10]:

d L o (x o , ωo ) = S(x i , ωi ; x o , ωo ) dΦi (x i , ωi ), (1)

where L o (x o , ωo ) is the outgoing radiance at x o along the

direction ωo . Φi (x i , ωi ) is the incident flux at x i along Fig. 1. The dipole approximation of multiple scattering
the direction ωi , and S(x i , ωi ; x o , ωo ) denotes the value of
BSSRDF. By integrating over all incoming directions and
areas, the total outgoing radiance is computed. lights to the surface, dr is the distance from x to the real
Typically, BSSRDF model considers the effects of two source, and dv is the distance from x to the virtual source.
terms, single scattering and multiple scattering: We make two assumptions here to simplify the translu-
cent simulation process. Firstly, we assume the light trans-
S(x i , ωi ; x o , ωo ) = Sd (x i , ωi ; x o , wo ) fers uniformly in all directions on its surface. Thus, to-
+ S (1)(x i , ωi ; x o , ωo ), (2) gether with Eqs. 1 and 3, we obtain:
where S (1) and Sd stand for the single and multiple scat- L o (x o , wo ) = Ft (η, ωo )B(x o) (5)
tering terms, respectively. In fact, a simplification can be  π
made by skipping the single scattering term alone to simu- B(x o) = E(x i )Rd (x i ; x o ) dx i (6)
late the effect of highly scattering materials [8]. Moreover,
as multiple scattering smoothes the incident light from s
different directions, Sd can be further approximated by E(x i ) = L(x i , ωi )Ft (η, ωi )(ni · ωi ) dωi . (7)
a low-dimensional function, Rd , which depends only on
the incident angle and outgoing position [10], yielding Secondly, as the light transmission in translucent ob-
a simplified BSSRDF model: jects decays exponentially with the distance, the far points
on the surface make very little contribution to the cur-
S(x i , ωi ; x o , ωo ) ≈ Sd (x i , ωi ; x o , ωo ) rent shading pixel and thus can be neglected. Namely,
1 samplings are only necessary in a small neighborhood of
= Ft (η, ωo )Rd (x i ; x o )Ft (η, ωi ), (3)
π current pixel. Moreover, S varies smoothly except in the
very local region near x o . Consequently, we can discretize
where Ft (η, ωi ) and Ft (η, ωo ) denote the fresnel transmis- the surface near x o into hierarchical pieces – small in its
sion terms. Rd is the dipole approximation for multiple near region, and large in the far region. Thus E(x i ) and
scattering, indicating how much proportion of light will be Rd (x i ; x o ) can be treated as constant in each piece. Equa-
transported from x i to x o on a plane. That is, the dipole tion 6 can be further reformulated as:
source method converts the part of incoming light at x i , 
which will transport to x o , to a couple sources above and B(x o) ≈ E(x i )Rd (x i ; x o ) A(x i ), (8)
over x i (at z v and zr ) as depicted in Fig. 1. i
The single dipole approximation for multiple scatter- where A(x i ) is the area of the region surrounding x i , after
ing is formulated as the surface discretization.
 Finally, suppose that the light varies not very fre-
α e(−σtrdr ) quently, Eq. 7 can be simplified by discretizing the inci-
Rd (x i ; x o ) = zr (1 + σtr dr )
4π dr3 dent light direction into several bases:
e(−σtrdv )
+ z v (1 + σtr dv ) . (4) E(x i ) = E j (x i )Ft (η, ω j )ψ j (x i ), (9)
dv3 j

Here, αis the reduced albedo, σtr is the effective trans- where E j (x i ) is the incident irradiance of x i projected on
port coefficient, zr and z v are the distances from the dipole the basis ψ j .
98 Y. Gong et al.

3 The gathering of irradiance we use two auxiliary textures as described below. With
hardware-accelerated texture mapping technique, the irra-
With the simplified illumination model, we classify the diance from the shadow map and the cube map can be
light sources into two categories, namely the point or accumulated in the DSM in one rendering pass.
directional lights and the ambient lights. We employ an
intermediate sheet buffer to keep the diffused incident irra- 3.1 The point and directional lights
diance from all light sources, called diffusion source map
(DSM). Ideally, it should collect all possible E(x i ) for To determine the contributions from each point or direc-
each surface point. Although the representation of DSM tional light to the handled surface, we employ a shadow
is flexible, one fundamental requirement is that it should map for the storage of the irradiance in the visible sur-
facilitate fast neighbor searching and area estimation for face at the viewpoint of the light source. The shadow
subsequent scattering operations, which will be further map [27] is a commonly used technique in real-time ren-
mentioned in Sect. 4.2. Accordingly, we propose to gen- dering. Because we do not consider the decay of the light,
erate a equiareal parameterization [14, 24] of the handled this scheme amounts to add a constant value to the irra-
surface and keep multiple textures as DSMs. The search- diance map for each light source. Figure 3 illustrates the
ing of the neighboring regions can be accomplished by the usage of the shadow map in the accumulation of the irradi-
texture look-up operations in GPUs. ance from the point and directional lights.
For each element of DSM, we record the surface lo-
cation, the surface orientation and the sum of the inci- 3.2 The ambient lights
dent irradiance (Fig. 2). These attributes are to be used
in the scattering stage. To accumulate the contributions The second auxiliary texture is a spherical or cubical
from the point or directional lights and the ambient lights, environment map for storing the irradiance caused by the

Fig. 2a–d. Illustration of the DSM for the bunny model. a The bunny model; b The component for the surface location; c The component
for the surface orientation; d The component for the incident irradiance
GPU-based rendering for deformable translucent objects 99

Fig. 3. The DSM is determined by accumulating the contributions from the point or directional lights and the ambient lights at each surface

4 The scattering of irradiance

After gathering the irradiance from each light source into
the DSM, the total outgoing irradiance is to be evaluated at
runtime with the derived Eq. 8. This step mainly contains
two issues:irradiance sampling and surface area estimation.

4.1 Irradiance sampling

Equation 8 requires excessive texture look-up operations,
which are still costly in current programmable graphics
hardware. Uniformly sampling a large neighborhood of
each vertex in the texture space will definitely slow down
the rendering performance. Thus, we have to find an effi-
Fig. 4. a The original environment cube map; b Ambient cube map cient way to reduce the sampling number for each shading
computed by using spherical harmonic function point, with the minimum influence to visual effect. Our
solution makes use of a hierarchial irradiance accumula-
tion method to sample the DSM for the integral compu-
tation. It is based on the observation that light scattering
ambient lights. We utilize the simplified Eq. 9 to calcu- of highly scattering translucent objects attenuates expo-
late the environmental irradiance at each surface loca- nentially with the distance. Therefore, we do not need
tion x i from multiple lighting directions. The irradiance to consider the contributions from very far surface lo-
from ambient lights are determined by using sphere har- cations. Even for the moderately far surface locations, the
monic method adopted in the PRT (pre-computed radiance irradiance computation can be hierarchically simplified.
transfer) algorithm [21]. In the preprocessing stage, we Inspired by this investigation, for each handled surface lo-
compute the basis and coefficients of the sphere harmonic cation, we sample a set of points (shown with red color) on
functions and record them in a cube map. To simulate the its near neighborhood uniformly, and eight points (shown
influence from ambient light, the cube map is represented with blue color) for moderately far regions. Figure 5 il-
as a texture and kept in the local video memory for effi- lustrates this hierarchical scheme, where the black point
cient processing, as depicted in Fig. 4. denotes the underlying surface location.
100 Y. Gong et al.

4.2 Estimation of exident irradiance contribution 4.3 VTF and FTF

To compute irradiance contribution of each sampled point, In implementation, there are two ways to implement the
we still need to estimate its surface area. Most translucent scattering processing in GPUs. The first one fulfills the ir-
rendering methods require that the vertices are distributed radiance computation in a per-vertex basis. We call it the
evenly, otherwise there must be a pre-process to make VTF mode, which makes use of the newly introduced ver-
them evenly distributed by resampling. In this way, the tex texture fetch feature for accessing the DSM in the ver-
surface area of all faces will be constant value, which can tex processing stage. One of its disadvantages is that the
be extracted from the integral term. In our algorithm, uni- vertex texture accesses are not efficient yet with current
form triangle surface area cannot help anything, because graphics hardware [17]. Therefore, VTF mode is suitable
Eq. 8 is calculated on the fly in texture space. Our solution for small models, but too expensive for large-sized model.
is to adopt an equiareal parameterization method [14, 24] The other mode, called FTF mode, performs the irradiance
to flat our DSM. Namely, each texel is mapped to the ori- computation in the fragment processing stage, yielding
ginal model with the same area value to avoid calculating more accurate results than that of the VTF mode. Al-
surface area texel by texel. Afterward, we count on the though it has image-space complexity, the early-z-culling
exident irradiance contribution from each sampled texel feature of graphics hardware favors efficient culling of
and estimate the unsampled area by interpolation. The hidden surface parts. Our experiments show that the FTF
final interpolation can be easily implemented by applying mode leads to higher performance for large-sized models
a weight mask on the sampled value. Finally we get an than the VTF mode.
approximation of the irradiance response curve as Fig. 6
5 Experimental results
We have implemented our algorithms with DirectX 9.0c
SDK. Performance has been measured on an AMD Al-

Fig. 5. Hierarchical sampling in DSM. The black point denotes the

handled surface location. Other points with different colors show
the sampling locations for the irradiance computation of the black

Fig. 7a,b. Our results for the Buddha model: a with one point light;
Fig. 6. The approximation of the irradiance response curve b with the point light and ambient lights
GPU-based rendering for deformable translucent objects 101

Fig. 8. Translucent rendering for teapot, bunny and Max Planck data sets with 1024 × 1024 image resolutions

Fig. 9. The selected frames from morphing bunny

Table 1. Performance statistics for various data sets

6 Conclusions and future work
Data #T #V FTF VTF
This paper presents an efficient image-space rendering
Teapot 2256 1177 53.74 91.80 approach for highly scattering translucent materials. We
Buddha 50 000 24 974 29.95 23.01 divide the simulation procedure into two stages, each
Max Planck 50 801 25 445 35.62 28.93 of which can be efficiently accelerated with GPUs. Be-
Bunny 69 451 34 834 27.73 20.48
Bunny/Egg 50 236 25 120 29.19 24.12 cause no pre-computation is involved, our approach is
inherently feasible for deformable models. Despite the
simplification of the translucent lighting model, our ex-
thone XP 1.84 GHz system with 512 GB memory and an perimental results demonstrate desirable translucency ef-
NVidia 7600 GS video card with 256 MB video memory. fects. With all the proposed acceleration techniques, it
We adopted the BSSRDF coefficients presented in [10] achieves real-time frame rates for large-sized and de-
for the experiments. Our hardware implementation in- formable models.
tegrates several commonly used hardware optimiza- In our implementations, the influence from the am-
tion techniques, such as deferred shading and dynamic bient light neglects the self-occlusion or occlusion from
branching. other objects, which causes visual reality losing in some
We first compared two implementations with and with- cases. We would like to exploit efficient solution to take
out the ambient lighting effects. Figure 7 demonstrates the the ambient occlusion and more general light sources into
results of both schemes. Although we only employ a sim- account. On the other hand, we have great interest in mod-
ple cube map for simulating the ambient lighting effects, it elling and rendering of inhomogeneous translucent objects
still adds lots of visual realism. as they are quite common in real world. The flattened
Table 1 lists the performance for various data sets with DSM framework can also be extended to support other
the FTF and VTF modes. #T and #V denote the triangle complex materials except for BSSRDF. Accelerating the
and vertex numbers of the models. Apparently, VTF mode rendering with newest hardware features is also in our near
is suitable for small-sized models only. We also tested schedule.
our approach with the morphable models. Note that, our
approach can be applied to deformable models directly
without special cares. Figure 8 illustrates the rendering Acknowledgement This work is partially supported by 973 pro-
results for static models and Fig. 9 shows those of de- gram of China (No.2002CB312100), 863 program of China (No.
formable’s. 2006AA01Z314) and NSF of China (No.60503056).
102 Y. Gong et al.

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Y I G ONG received her bachelor’s degree from 2008 he is a visiting scholar at Purdue Univer- Brook University. He is interested in research
Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2004 and her sity, USA. His current research interests include of image and video segmentation as well as
master’s degree from Zhejiang University in visualization and efficient modeling and photo- editing, GPGPU, computational complexity and
2006. Now she is a Ph.D. candidate of computer realistic rendering. optimization.
science at University of California, Santa Bar-
bara. Her research work is mainly focused on L ONG Z HANG is currently a Ph.D candidate Q UNSHENG P ENG is a professor of depart-
photo-realistic rendering and GPU algorithms. of the State Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang ment of applied mathematics and State Key
Besides these, she is also interested in image- University. He received his bachelor’s degree in Lab of CAD&CG at Zhejiang University since
based methods and computer vision. 2003 from the Department of Applied Math- 1988. He received his Ph.D degree from the
ematics at Zhejiang University. His research School of Computing studies of East Anglia
W EI C HEN is an associate professor in State interests include real-time rendering, visualiza- University, UK in 1983. His research interests
Key Lab of CAD&CG at Zhejiang University. tion and computer animation. include realistic image synthesis, virtual reality,
From June 2000 to June 2002, he was a joint infrared image synthesis, multi-spectral informa-
Ph.D student in Fraunhofer Institute for Graph- Y UN Z ENG got his master’s degree from Zhe- tion fusion, computer animation and scientific
ics, Darmstadt, Germany and received his Ph.D jiang University in 2006. Now he is a Ph.D visualization.
degree in July 2002. From June 2006 to June candidate of computer science at SUNY Stony

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