Weekly Discussion Session 3 DMC

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Joshua Boanerges Tampi



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Name : Joshua Boanerges Tampi

Signed : Date : 29th September 2021

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Name : Joshua Boanerges Tampi

Tanda Tangan : Date : 29th September 2021
What do you think is the most popular social media for brands? Why is that? Do they really
understand the characteristics of social media channels?

The plan of using e-marketing must be based on the right objectives. For example,
increasing sales, creating more products in the market (Aryanto & Wismantoro, 2020). Also, the
purposes may include increasing base customers, improving customer service, diversification of
products, avoiding more costs, or any other benefits by using the internet as a marketing tool
(Higgins, 2001). One must understand the suitable media for launching a brand on social media.
The mistake many marketing managers make when campaigning is to use various media as their
advertising sources. Each medium has its advantages and disadvantages. In order to maximize
efficiency, marketing campaigns must focus on the one best medium for the product or service
(Ilhamsyah, 2021). In addition, in marketing a brand, it is necessary to consider the aspects
contained in the brand. Several aspects of the brand are attributes, benefits, value, culture,
personality, and users. Attributes may refer to any particular characteristics or any specific things
of a brand. Benefits contain anything that can bring usefulness in terms of functional and
emotional. Value represents any characteristics of the company that creates the brand. Culture
refers to any particular culture associated with a brand. Personality in a brand means that a brand
may spark any personality in a brand. Also, users refer to the group of people that may be
suitable to use the brand (Priansa, 2017). All these aspects must be considered and identified
carefully to understand how to express them in a brand.
For example, the brand of drinking water named Aqua. People who have never drunk
Aqua may potentially understand that Aqua is a drinking water product. The attributes attached
to the aqua brand as a drinking water product are closely tied to the brand so that the message
"Aqua is a drinking water product" can be conveyed simply by the brand name. Aqua product
makers certainly already understand what products they want to release. Since they want to sell
drinking water products, the brand name must contain values or attributes about drinking water.
In other words, the company has understood that the name Aqua bears the value as a drinking
water product. Hence, before creating a particular brand, we must identify what impression
consumers want to know from perceiving our brand name. For example, we want to sell healthy
alkaline drinking water products. Then we need to consider the appropriate brand name.
Assessing this suitability is to understand that this is a drinking water product. Then we can add
that this drinking water product is drinking water containing healthy alkaline. Thus, there are
already two messages to be conveyed, namely drinking water and nutritional products. Through
this understanding, we can give names. For example, we give the name Oasis as a brand.
According to Sholihin (2019), several things need to be considered before marketing a
brand, such as determining the purpose of the brand, identifying the target audience, articulating
the desired brand identity, defining the benefits that the audience must know, deciding the
brand's position against competing brands, and choosing elements to be applied to a brand. At
the stage of determining the audience, the step taken is to segment the market. Then for the
articulation of the brand identity stage, provided that we have thought about what the audience
wants to know and feel about our brand, then we can add text, images, and anything that fits
what we want them to understand. This goes in accordance with the purposes of communication
which is exchanging ideas, views and even different perspectives with others (Campbell et al.,
2020; Mardiana, 2013). Communication serves to change the behavior of the recipient of the
message (Cangara, 2009). That is, in communicating a certain topic, including in the context of
marketing, we need an audience. If there is no audience, then there is no point in communicating.
In determining the audience using marketing segmentation, we subsequently can know what
social media platforms we must use to reach our audience. Utilizing the most suitable social
media will help us reach the right audience, and our goals can be achieved.
A product or service is also an aspect to consider when choosing which platforms for
marketing (Ilhamsyah, 2021). Marketing through social media is a phenomenon that attracts the
attention of many companies and individuals (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). Social media
marketing is an effort that uses online communities, social networks, marketing blogs to perform
various purposes such as promoting products or services (Febriyan & Supriono, 2018). Each
social media has different characteristics even though they have the same fundamental function,
namely a social networking site. Social media such as Facebook is more open in terms of
products and targets. This type of promotion can be done statically, such as banners and posts, or
dynamically such as quizzes, contests by understanding various exciting features. Multiple
features can be used, such as tagging photos, sharing statuses, uploading videos, links, and status
updates with unlimited characters (if Facebook). Third parties may also use quizzes, games, and
more on Facebook. There are also social media portals such as Kaskus, which focus on being a
discussion group. The promotion of products or services at Kaskus is limited by the themes that
have been provided. Its static nature makes this kind of platforms this normally utilizes free
advertising. Social media can also be in the form of a blog where writers can share their
company image, product promotions, community services, share knowledge, and more. The
higher the page ranking and search engine optimization (SEO) of a blog, the higher the value
(Priansa, 2017). In other words, the blog is easier to appear in search engines.
We can also determine our marketing goals based on a model, namely the AISAS model
developed by the Dentsu advertising agency in 2004. The stages of consumer response consist of
five dimensions, namely attention, interest, search, action, and share (Oktavia, 2019). AISAS
modeling contains stages that understand and adjust aspects of technological development
(Sugiyama & Andree, 2011). AISAS is a development of the AIDMA model, namely the model
proposed by Roland Hall. Attention stage, where consumers are interested in messages or
advertisements they see related to a brand. After attention, consumers can have an interest in
knowing more, namely interest. Then the search stage, where consumers can find information
about brands that have made them interested. The next stage is action where consumers buy and
use a product. After that, there is share, where consumers can share their experiences and
interactions related to a brand with many people (Sugiyama & Andree, 2011). AISAS is a non-
linear approach (Rakhmadhona, 2020). Consumers who already have an interest can enter the
action stage without entering the search stage, namely buying and using a product. These
consumers can also directly share what they think about a brand with others.
In other words, consumers who already have an interest in a brand can directly enter the
share stage. Also, they can search and directly share what they know. This is a non-linear process
that is in the AISAS model. The share stage in the AISAS model can also be called the brand
spirituality stage (Wijaya, 2013). This share stage gives rise to the word of mouth
communication. Word of mouth communication conveys or tells experiences and things related
to a product to others (Susanti, 2009). This type of communication has the potential to be
accepted easily because information can be conveyed from experts, friends, family, and media
publications (Sunyoto, 2018). Therefore, if it is based on the AISAS model, we can take the goal
gradually, from attention, interest, search, action, share, or maybe go straight to the share stage.
For example, we want consumers to be aware of our products, then we take the consumers to the
attention stage. We can develop strategies to make consumers aware of our product. AISAS is a
consumer response model, but we also need to understand consumers so that the AISAS model
can be used. Moreover, the search and share feature in the AISAS model is also relevant to the
current marketing conditions, where the search and sharing of information are very fast because
of the internet. We can formulate our marketing goals in stages from attention, interest, search,
action, share, or just several of the steps. With social media, we can skip other steps and proceed
to let consumers enter the search and share stage.
For example, we want consumers to search for our products, meaning that we target our
existing consumers or consumers who have already bought our products. Moreover, we may also
target consumers who have heard of our products or consumers who like products with the same
characteristics as our products. For example, if we want to promote travel services, our audience
is at least people who like traveling or even people who have used our products before. In this
context, we want to find the right social media platform so that these consumers can search for
our products. With this principle, we will be led to identify the suitable social media for our
marketing campaign. Then if we add share as a goal, we also need to consider what social media
is ideal for consumers to share our content easily. Instagram is one of the most used application
today because Instagram is an application that focuses on the use of images and videos.
Instagram also has a new feature that many people like called Snapgram as a feature to post
anything on Instagram. Hence, we can promote anything we want to upload on Instagram. In this
case, we can use Instagram for marketing. Many practices claim success using Instagram as a
platform for marketing. One of them is to use the services of influencers (Handika & Dharma,
According to Puguh Kurniawan (2017), Instagram can be used for sales promotions that
are easy and effective. Instagram also has many advantages for marketers. For example,
marketers or sellers do not need to spend money to promote their products, so marketers can
promote as much as they want to sell their products and dominate the market. Internet users can
also use other social media, namely YouTube. Many earn additional income from YouTube
through the videos they upload. One indicator that determines the income amounts of Youtubers
is the number of viewers. Many people who earn extra income from YouTube prove that
YouTube users are popular, even until today. If YouTube only has a few audiences, then there is
no way those Youtubers can get much money from that platform. YouTube and Instagram are
social media platforms that can be categorized as very popular. The current generation now
prefers watching videos in the form of videos rather than reading text can be spoiled by the
features of social media. YouTube and Instagram are platforms where people can express many
things they want to post, making these platforms popular. Furthermore, Instagram lets us
decorate our profile with outstanding photos. People normally check our profile, namely our
Instagram timeline. Therefore, we need to post eye-caching photos that may attract many users
on Instagram. In this case, we can reach our consumers on Instagram and they can be potentially
interested in purchasing our products that we show on Instagram.
Many studies have proven that there is an increase in sales on Instagram. For example,
the sale of Batik Burneh has become more popular because of promotions on Instagram
(Kurniawan, 2017). Research that examines batik sales on the @Subur_Batik Instagram account
also states that there is an increase in sales by using an Instagram account. Other research also
proves that Instagram social media has a positive correlation with brand awareness of Instagram
followers on the Selebriti Bandung Makuta Cake Shop account (@Bandungmakuta). This means
that the higher the product communication on Instagram, the higher the brand awareness of the
Instagram followers (Rizal, 2019). The feature on Instagram, such as uploading photos and
stories, also proves to help increase sales. Research that studies the marketing communication
strategy of Fair N Pink products through Instagram social media states that Instagram is helpful
for promoting the product of Fair N Pink (Rahman & Panuju, 2017). Instagram also has been
proven to be influencing HIJUP.com sales. HIJUP.com is an online store that sells Islamic
fashion (Iskandar & Yoestini, 2021). These results are some among many studies that state
Instagram influences the sale of certain products.
Instagram can be a promising platform. In addition to being supported by research data
that has been done, Instagram also has a shopping feature that allows users to show business
products via the upload of photos and videos as well as Instagram Stories. In addition, this
feature also allows users to introduce products through the Search & Explore feature.
Meanwhile, the Instagram Shopping feature enables general users to view product details on
business pages by simply tapping the label on the product upload or sticker (Anggraeni, 2020).
Instagram already supports those who want to sell. Apart from the fact that many people use
Instagram, this social media has also been adjusted for selling. Hence, sellers can use it more
conveniently. The story and photo feature can help to get a significant engagement. The
existence of a hashtag can also make posts that we appear in the explorers of Instagram users.
There is also a paid promotion feature where we can use our money, and Instagram, with its
algorithm, will adjust our posts to the right target audience. There is an Instagram live feature
where we can interact directly with our consumers. For business account on Instagram, we can
see engagement and its related data such as which regions view our content, which uploads are
viewed the most, and many more. Thus, we can understand our development and how far our
engagement with consumers on Instagram. The shop feature on Instagram also makes it easier
for buyers who want to find products.
In addition to the search feature, the Instagram algorithm can adjust feeds in the shop
feature. For example, people who often see posts about clothes in the shop feature will find many
posts about selling clothes. Instagram has a similar algorithm to Facebook in terms of adjusting
the content that users will see. The algorithm is known as a filter bubble, where this algorithm
adjusts search results based on our preferences so that each person can see different content
when searching for information (Bozdag, 2013; Ohlheiser, 2016). Thus, if we want to sell
clothes, we must not need to worry about not being seen by people who like clothing products.
Instagram has a filter bubble that will customize the search according to the preferences. One of
Instagram's assessments in assessing user preferences is through past clicks on Instagram.
Furthermore, Instagram also has a paid promotion feature so that we can increase engagement
with segmented Instagram users. Even for followers above 10 thousand, there is a feature to
upload links in stories. We can also use Youtube and upload our Youtube links in our Instagram
stories. Based on the features on Instagram, such as shopping features, adjustments to the bubble
filter algorithm, and insights to see engagement, it can be said that Instagram understands
consumer needs. One of the characteristics of social media is that users can freely do various
things, and Instagram fulfills that, not only uploading photos and videos but also marketing
products for selling. Instagram understands that these features can help us introduce our brand.
Therefore, if I wanted to sell online, the chosen platform would most likely be Instagram
due to its popularity. However, I also have to look at my target audience and my products to
understand which social media platforms are best suited. In other words, it depends on the
context, such as audience and product I want to sell. Hence, although I prefer Instagram, this is
not absolute choice, meaning that my choice is casuistic. This means that while Instagram looks
promising, I have to look at the context before choosing. However, based on the facts and
existing Instagram features, Instagram is the most popular social media platform, in my opinion,
and Instagram understands the characteristics of social media very well. It is proven by the
features that provide convenience in interacting and buying and selling transactions. The
weakness of Instagram is that there are no features for PC yet. Instagram users can only open
from the web browser on PC to view and reply to messages and view stories. But we can't upload
posts like on Facebook where Facebook users can upload status using web browser on PC.
Instagram has a word limit approximately 2200 words for posting on our timeline, while
Facebook has no caption limit. Instagram does not support hyperlinks in our posts, only in
stories, meaning we cannot put hyperlink on our posts. The share link feature can only be via
direct messages and stories.
Additionally, the share link via story feature is only for those who have followers above
10 thousand. Hence, not everyone can enjoy it. Also, Instagram can be a social media platform
that fits the AISAS model. The AISAS model recognizes consumers' non-linear aspect where
they can directly share information about a product they are looking for or can directly buy a
product where a consumer is interested in trying. This non-linear pattern is in accordance with
behavior on Instagram, where people can search for information. Subsequently, they can share it
with fellow Instagram users or buy it directly when they get information. Instagram is a platform
that is relevant to consumer response models such as AISAS. However, it is also necessary to
integrate with other media such as Facebook or YouTube. Instagram has provided a feature to
link Instagram accounts with our Facebook accounts. However, it all depends on the case,
product, and target audience. If we understand how to use Instagram well to increase
engagement, even to get consumers to buy our products, then our products have the potential to
be shared with others. Therefore, word of mouth communication can be established and, of
course, will benefit our products to be more recognized by the public.

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