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Recently i have bought a book, this is a book which is called the wealth

of nations, it is an economic book, was writen by adam smith’s , first

edition of it was published in 1776, it was released by education
publisher, my teacher in university recomend to buy it to provide
information about economic, normaly this book cost between 150.000
VND and 180.000 VND luckily I get it when it is on sale for back Friday
only with 80.000 VND it really good, it include huge knowledge about
economic lots of exemple so i can understand what is author mention,
it explain many things about economic: micro economic, how a nation
organization, and special is The invisible hand theory, it is the best book
i have ever read, i will recomment it to everyone, who interest in
economic because i think it is a good book, which provide lots of basic
knowledge about economic, it really good.

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