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er ANGE OF POSITION STUDIES (THE DEVELOPEMENT OF FLEXIBILITY, Book Two) FOR VIOLIN STUDIES ON SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES By. D. C. DOUNIS, Op. 36 ills Music, Inc. + 1619 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y. Foreword The Change of Position is next to the Vibrato the most important element in the-technique of the left hand. ‘The main problem in shifting lies in the abil fer the feeling of balance.of the hand from one position to another in such a manner that the hand feels as if it were to trans- starting “cold” in the new position, without any previous shift- ing. This is because invariably, through instinct, the hand will assume a balanced feeling, in any position, if this feeling were not impeded and lost through a faulty way of changing the position, as is so often the case. These studies are a logical complement to the first book of “The Development of Flexibility,” Op. 35, which deals with the balance of the fingers without changing the position. For further specific exercises in shifting and for detailed information on the “Dounis Principles” and my method of practising see my works: Op. 12, Op. 16, Op. 20 and Op. 30. D. C. DOUNIS o Leona Flood 1 Change of Position Stadies (The Development of Flexibility, Book IL) Based on Scientific Principles D.C. DOUNIS Op.36, Chapter I 1 reteteget2i2 u 1 SEbrceeretitr re. ni cae a ° = Tera ft mt 2 7 Ss 22 3 2 aT noe? Pas 28 2 2 ae ; ; 3 2 ae pa ees ers 2 Ee Ww i ui 2 2 Copyright AOA by Mille Msc, Inc, 1019 Broadway, New York 49, N.¥ International Capyright Seoul Bde io US All Rights Reserved, etsy t : a Se eeoeos pe ae aa tk i 7 1g n a a ee eee ene! y I fn 1 mt mT mT re a ee 3 A gta ta so feretsesias e mi mH m 4 : fite2te bee Petetet as tet ete 12 oa a im 2D 1 0 0 en retataget aera tags r 4 t m1 m1 11 eres siege et AS t By rs rm i (Change of Position Flexibiity- 42 14344 saat Fa 34 12he2 Nae SSrepe rs atria te a a a mm 1 a s ERESS CORRES 1 ersaat gt 2 a 7 in Mm m™ Wiese? 34 Nese oo Peeters eareeeeaea ii bt ca 0 0 a 1 ee ee @.. et eee eee eas ee 242 62 I I I 1 Gta neteepteeer RS a a2 eee et 2 4 3 i 22 8 oe 4a 8 4 m1 UT nT 0 1 1 2 wT wel? teas oaks 2424242 m 1” . 1 (Change of Position Flexibilty-42 a2 te a aa 8 T2 et Set ret 1 12 aod ou go Ak a, oe eS z eitet tet aet te a Tg tigrryeeyrigtttt see m~2_2 of wom Wm wom iw aT TH 3 min Te wot 3 3 cr Change of Position Flexibitity-42 ALE Sis Paes 43 3 Teo a8 or * m 88 or ou m 0 1 m “gan pha ma oN G , tie a tte Sf 2 2 ‘3 geaasageeassgacgeos ass T — T %T IF TL Y ier on 1 H T Say aeas4? 645 240345 Im t Wt Peoerh FOES OES EES TT tom 0 mn om 3 a s 320 8e m “Ssserase mm “8 yy FF Wi tae mane st 38 1m mvm V my 1551 STE o ase pet tte 1 Periat Peete tn rte oS Tetistgatiategs m1 Ti Tr m tm ot nm —— Z PEN afateieerrsitetied get yoyo oy op oy or t 1 ron I 0 I ees irre atest eh ied 1 Perea te fer ron or Wr om ated fares ean Ketereesees' OFer a esp se 2 seiperaet iat iy ae mato en Teta wot wom wm i Change of Position Flexibility 42 7 Sats eee! 3 pete te) Perio terest Pom etn Tf oT mu mo de, het a Gha ) ota Soda 3 72 Perea Peri siterget I Ion ete o Be Gartaat Seaag teen ay y Ion I mI a f 1 2 m 2 11 ? pee et fat 7 Tataat ts ttsy 2 ah v3! mr’? 4?nt wim wom w pp fv 12 3 2 a? Sanne 29s east peages Faaes? Bg et i a ee = ——~ as =~ 2 Pile i? Paredieae eee § 2 8 GT a a a m 1. tf 1 @ I 0 Baba gba eteaeetiage y = = Iu «on « tt 224274828 nom? me ay SF ee o "Parpare ut Tao Ghange of Position Flexibility 12 Paeaagases tet BaEpaaaA WO Ra ea Chapter II rare fet? y u 1 i if Ny m sine wv Iv m 8232 Feoe 1 peas 2928 Ta 1m s282 5262 & a im Vv Change of Position Flexibility -12 1 32 wv F toa tot Pee I 1 no Pee Fs ot a m Iv Vv apeeg oor 1 i f 2 a4 Tr ier 1 uo yes esa ag cao t ete eet Peta ge tenant I a rin Iv Vv cianestee rote 17 ; 3 Sto4 3 t eer ro ten a *t een 18 0 m Vv Vv moo I 7 4 eigieeran Tt 1 eee fee ™ Change of Position Flexibiity 42 0 Chapter IIT lo wv o4* Wm ° Change of Position Flexibility -42 18 0 ron Fon 1 O18; of8M O48 Change of Position Fexibicity 42 27 Change of Position Flexibility 12 VIRTUOSO VIOLIN STUDIES By D. C. DOUNIS Dr.D. C.Douns, the noted violin pedagogue whose works have revolutionized and influenced the violins ‘technique of recent years, has just written che following new works designed specifically for the gain of utmost technical proficiency upon the violin, Dr. Dounis' works are a real product of the union of using his books for study and reference. They outdistance in thac has gone before—without exception. art and science. Violinists the world over are ly and a5 a means to rapid development all For all violinists interested in perfecting their technique the books listed below will solve a great many various problems. ETUDE By Frederic Chopin Op. 25, No. 6—In Thirds — Price $1.00 ‘The Chopin Enude in thirds is an ideal and positive help for the advancement of the virtuoso violinist to absolute echnical freedom, an ideal study for the acquisition of the mechanism of boch arms for the technical perfection of the violinist, ETUDE By Frederic Chopin Op. 25, No. 6—In Tenths — Price $1.00 This transcription constivates a truly extraordinary medium for the concert artist to maintain his technical equipment of both arms and also to improve it to the wtmost finesse, ADVANCED STUDIES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT (OF THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE FINGERS, Op. 33 In Violin Playing on a Scientific Basis Price $1.00 Techaical study should be conctived as “movement picrues” reflect in the bru. This applies to al ipstramental tchaique of both arms. This work is 0 provide the means ‘or the highest developmen of the flower of the mind to discipline the physical equipment of che instrumental. I is based on sienic principle Of the innervation of the mental, che nervous and the muscular factors. THE DEVELOPMENT OF FLEXIBILITY, Op. 35 In Violin laying—Studies on Scientific Principles—for the fingers and the ow Price $1.00 ‘The purpose of this book is the cultivation and the development of mental alertness and prompt phys ical response, the key to technical perfection. The book deals with the-feeling of balance between the fingets, the’string crossing with the bow and the different bow strokes. For the development of cechaical skill, this book should be in the hands of every aspiring instrumentalist. MILLS MUSIC, INC. ® 1619 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y. STANDARD an een Lvs

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