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Submitted By


Dr. Manisha Manchanda

Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University

I hereby declare that the internship report on the policies of HR
Manager, as undertaken by me and submitted to Deenbandhu
Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology,
Murthal(Sonipat) in partial fulfilment of the requirements for
the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration is my
original work and in the best of my knowledge the same has not
been submitted for the award of any other degree.

Name : Reena

Roll No.: 20001532047

Finishing of an assignment has never been a small time exertion. Aside
from the endeavors from my side the finishing and achievement of this
undertaking relies to a great extent upon the consolation and direction
of numerous others. On the Very beginning of this Report, I might want
to broaden my earnest and genuine commitments towards every one
of the personages who have helped me in this undertaking. Without
their dynamic Guidance, help, Cooperation and Encouragement, I
would not have gained a Ground in the Project. I'm unutterably
obligated to Dr. Manisha Manchanda for scrupulous direction and
consolation to achieve the task. I'm amazingly appreciative and pay my
appreciation to my Department of the executives considers, DCRUST
Murthal(Sonipat), for their Valuable Guidance and Support on
culmination of this undertaking in its as of now. Here I might want to
recognize with thanks the sort of support cherishing motivation and
opportune direction, which I got from tutor Dr. Manisha Manchanda
and all the employees of division of the board. I offer profound and
earnest thanks to our library staff for giving required review material on
schedule, without the help on these it was hard to me to finish the task
on schedule with exactness and productivity.

Reena ( DCRUST, Murthal )

Miss Reena, Roll No. 20001532047 a bonafide understudy of Deenbandhu Chhotu
Ram University of Science and Technology, Murthal(Sonipat) has conveyed
Human asset the board is worried about individuals component in administration.

Since each association is comprised of individuals, gaining their administrations,

fostering their abilities/persuading to significant degree of exhibitions and

guaranteeing that they keep on keeping up with their responsibilities to the
association which are fundamental to accomplish hierarchical destinations.

This task is intended to know the Human Resource Policies in the association. The
HR Policies are an instrument to accomplish representative fulfillment and
accordingly exceptionally energetic workers. The principle objective of different
HR Policies is to build productivity by expanding inspiration and subsequently
satisfy authoritative objectives and destinations.

The goal is to furnish the peruser with a structure of the HR Policy Manual and the
different targets that the various arrangements intend to accomplish. The primary
spotlight was on the administrative degrees of representatives in VARDHMAN

I confirm that this exposition is a record of the work done by the up-and-comer
herself and that apparently the substance of this undertaking didn't frame a premise
of grant of any past degree to any other person.

Dr. Anil Khurana (HOD), Department of Management Studies DCRUST, Murthal

This project has been prepared in the partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the subject :- the summer internship project on
the topic “HR policies and its implementation” in Master of
Business Administration 3rd semester in the academic year 2020-
22. For preparing the project report, I have completed my
internship at Vardhman Enterprises duration for the period of 4
weeks to enhance my knowledge. The blend of Learning and
knowledge acquired during my summer internship at the
company is presented in this project report.
The rational behind during summer internship and preparing the
project report are :

1.Importance of HR department for industries

2. Implementation of HR policies in the company.
3. Scaling different-different components of HR department.

Miss Reena, Roll No. 20001532047 a bonafide

understudy of Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of
Science and Technology, Murthal(Sonipat) has
completed this temporary job Report on "strategies of
HR Manager", fair-minded satisfaction of the
prerequisites for the level of Bachelor of Business
Administration under my watch and direction. I
ensure that this thesis is a record of the work done by
the competitor herself and that apparently the
substance of this venture didn't frame a premise of
grant of any past degree to any other individual.
Division of Management Studies DCRUST, Murthal

Table of Contents
1. Executive summary
2. Introduction of project
3. Introduction about the organization
4. Vision and mission of organization
5. Core purpose of organization
6. Research and development
7. Board of directors of the company
8. History of the company
9. Milestone of the organization
10. About the topic- HR policy
11. HR policies in organization
12. Data analysis and interpretation
13. Conclusion
14. Suggestion and recommendations
15. Bibliography

My internship at Vardman Enterprises was a great exposure to
the industry. After going through my summer training, I had a
firsthand experience of how an industry as well as HR
department functions.


This project is about the HR Policies in Vardhman Enterprises.

The HR Policies in an organization helps every individual to
raise his/her potential in all facets by helping him to be satisfied
and secured about his present and future.

The title of the project is “HR Policies and Its Implementation in
Vardhman Enterprises. As the name indicates it is the study of
the HR Policies prevalent in the organization.


Vardhman Enterprises, are the right objective for profiting the

previously mentioned items in different measurements and
details. As a market driving distributer and dealer, we guarantee
usage of A-grade crude material and state of the art innovation for
including top class plan in our clusters of machines.

Vardhman is the leader organization of the Vardhman Group,

among the main material aggregates of the country. Settled in
Ludhiana, Vardhman was set up in 1965, today arising as an
incorporated material force to be reckoned with, fabricating yarns,
textures, acrylic fiber, sewing strings, pieces of clothing and
combination steel. Our extensive plan of action further assists us
with accomplishing better functional efficiencies and better edges
with more prominent item quality.

Vardhman Group is a material gathering situated in Ludhiana,

Punjab, India. Vardhman Group was set up in 1965. The
gathering is occupied with assembling and exchanging Yarn and
Processed Fabric, Sewing Thread, Acrylic fiber and Alloy steel.
Vardhman bunch was joined in 1962 as Vardhman Spinning and
General Mills (VSGML).
Our abilities stretch out to the assembling of high-esteem, claim to
fame items either dependent on our own final results or grew
particularly for our clients.


Vardhman Enterprises, are the right objective for benefiting the

aforementioned items in different measurements and details. As a market
driving distributer and broker, we guarantee usage of A-grade crude
material and state of the art innovation for including top class plan in our
bunches of machines.

Vardhman Group is a material gathering situated in Ludhiana, Punjab,

India. Vardhman Group was set up in 1965. The gathering is occupied with
assembling and exchanging Yarn and Processed Fabric, Sewing Thread,
Acrylic fiber and Alloy steel. Vardhman bunch was joined in 1962 as
Vardhman Spinning and General Mills (VSGML).
 The company was promoted by VS Oswal and RC Oswal initially
and is now headed by S. P. Oswal.[1] The total number of
employees in the company as of April 2011 is 23,000.
The gathering is organized so as to have a focal holding organization that is utilized for
putting resources into the diverse gathering organizations. The holding organization for
this situation is Vardhman Holdings restricted and the gathering organizations are
Vardhman Textiles (61%), Vardhman Industries (65%) and Vardhman Acrylic (60%).
Vardhman materials thus has holding in VMT Spinning (73.33%), Vardhman strings
(100%) and Vardhman yarns and strings (11%).
. A portion of the significant results of Vardhman bunch are: basic and mixed yarns,
acrylic fiber (brand Varlon), scope of strings (clothing sewing, tea sacks, mechanical
strings, and so on), shirting and pant materials, producing and car parts and steel
The organization began trading from 1990–91 and it sends out essentially to Spain, UK,
Germany, US, Japan and some African and E.Asian nations. Fares represent 22% of
the gathering's incomes
Vital investigation: 1. The gathering has an exceptional plan of action with presence in
whole worth chain from Fiber to Fabric this gives it the organization the adaptability to
redesign their business viably during down turns and increase quicker than contenders
when the economy is light. 2. The gathering has an enormous cotton stock holding limit
consequently assisting it with controlling its inventory network tasks and along these
lines assimilate vacillations in market interest. 3. To fabricate an upper hand, the
gathering has been constantly dealing with further developing its abilities ceaselessly
and expanding from its center Yarn and texture business. The gatherings introduction to
Steel is a genuine illustration of this.
Monetary investigation: 1. Deals development - An investigation of the gross deals of
the organization between 2004-2009 shows that deals of the organization is developing
at a CAGR of 9.5% 2. Deals Vs Profit Growth - Analyzing the net deals and PBT
proportion, while the deals is developing at 9.5% CAGR the PBT is diminishing from
11.5% in 2005-2006 to 4.3% in 2008-2009. In the event that the organizations are
positioned as far as productivity the request would be as per the following: Yarn,
Thread, Steel and Fabric.

The gathering has been dynamic in different instructive and general health
drives. A few models are given beneath: 1. Setting up Sri Aurobindo
financial and the executives research establishment, setting up business
and the board universities and schools 2. Dynamic member of Village
Culture Adaptation program at Punjab to build the cotton yield per hectare
and the program was an enormous achievement. Begun comparative town
variation program in MP and till now 2 towns have been taken on.

Vardhman Group plans to be a-list material association delivering

different scope of items for the worldwide materials market. We try to
accomplish client please through greatness in assembling and client
assistance, in view of innovative blend of best in class innovation and
HR. We are mindful corporate residents.

Rooted in Values, Creating World Class Textiles.



o We are a good example venture, regarded internationally for

greatness in quality and development

o We improve partner esteem while holding fast to the code of

dependable consideration and moral qualities

o We are a business of decision and favored colleague around the


• Faith in the splendid eventual fate of Indian materials and thus
proceeded with development in regions that we know best.

• Total client center in every functional region.

• Offer results of best accessible quality for premium market

fragments through TPM and Zero Defect execution in every utilitarian

• Global direction focusing on sizeable level of creation for trades.

• Integrated broadening and item range extension.

• Faith in individual potential and regard for human qualities.

• Encourage advancement for consistent enhancements to

accomplish greatness in every practical region.

• Accept change as a lifestyle.

• Appreciate our job as a capable corporate resident.


Integrity We are open, ethical, transparent & uncomprising in our work.

Put forward an objective, dissect current realities and work on other
options and finish up them in fixed time period.
We energize gather communication and cooperating.
Joined together and aggregate drive accomplishes the ideal objective.

We keep all guarantees made inside and outside the organization.

We are worried for our current circumstance, society and workers
what's more, work for their advancement.

What are a good example and benchmark organization for our items,
administrations and business measures.

We support innovativeness and empower utilization of information
furthermore, thoughts in all features of our business.


Client is highest to us.
We work to surpass his assumptions

• We are client arranged and continually look for new advancements
and item arrangements.
• We try to be imaginative and creative in reacting to issues, cycles
and arrangements.

• We work with long haul point of view and manage momentary

circumstances with objectivity and right seeing in any event, when the
association needs to bear the impacts temporarily.

• We trust in making a learning association that acknowledges

change as a lifestyle.

• We have faith in the upsides of initiative, cooperation,

receptiveness, trust and free progression of thoughts.

• We offer freedoms to individuals absolutely on merit with no

blessing or predisposition. We have solid faith in regard for individuals.

• We elevate ladies to be a piece of our labor force and give a

protected and favorable climate for their development.

• We place extraordinary accentuation on advancement of the

capability of our kin through preparing and improvement

Core Purpose
For us at Vardhman, a supportable future isn't some intense
wish we expectation may materialize. It is a dream we have
sustained, and each progression we take and methodology
we make has been finished in light of this. We have been
reliably fueling our business, be it as far as increasing our
assembling, making a vigorous presentation or expanding
our impressions. Furthermore, this, thusly, has been
assuming a critical part in enabling our future in a way that
can be supported for quite a long time to come!


Vardhman was first Textile Company to become individual from quality

circle discussion of India in 1985.

TPM or Total Productive Maintenance is a mentality shift that takes a

person from the "I use, You keep up with" to "I use, I keep up with"
attitude. It helps him/her contemplate how to build creation and diminish
cost by lessening or killing secret misfortunes.

The Vardhman Group has taken on and executed the TPM theory across
the entirety of its gathering organizations and units.

The TPM approach is known to bring ensured, huge, unmistakable

outcomes to usefulness and apparent changes to the workplace. Through
thought age openings and trade, it likewise raises the expertise and
information level of the representative.
TPM as a drive streams hierarchical in the Company with the whole
top administration straightforwardly and profoundly associated
with its execution.

The TPM drive has been extraordinarily fruitful at our association.

Our laborers have contended and won honors at the most
noteworthy public stages for their thoughts and have done as such
at worldwide gatherings as well. They have additionally encouraged
OEMs on plan enhancements to build the usefulness of their





















To maximise overall equipment effectiveness and

improve flexibility through achievement of total
reliability of the plant and machines and
development of human resources by ushering a
culture change by involving all personnel working
in the Company.

Infrastructure Facilities
We are supported by a high level framework that is outfitted with every one
of the most recent machines and condition of-workmanship offices needed
for an all around created producing unit. With the help of our most recent
machines, we are fit for offering top notch scope of Chargers, LED Driver,
Extension Box, Power Cord, Adapter, CCTV Power Supply, and so forth
Our framework is compartmentalized into different units like assembling,
quality testing and a lot more for the perfect creation measure. Inferable
from our hello there tech foundation, we can complete our huge orders
inside guaranteed time period.

We are a quality arranged firm and consistently attempt hard to fabricate

ideal quality items. To guarantee the predominant exhibition of our items,
we utilize premium quality crude material. We have employed profoundly
experienced group of value regulators, who stringently examine these
items to guarantee their impeccable quality and toughness. Furthermore,
our exceptionally gifted quality investigators do enthusiastic quality tests on
these items against changed boundaries to guarantee the conveyance of
high performing dependable items to the customers' end. Being a customer
driven association, we offer our customers prevalent quality items. To
achieve the most significant levels of satisfaction of the customers, we are
offering these items according to their particular prerequisites in a brief
way. Moreover, we offer a subjective scope of items to clients, which are
made utilizing trend setting innovation and quality crude material. Our
simple methods of installment, moral exchange arrangements, customer
and quality driven methodology and straightforward dealings have
supported us to procure the enthusiasm for customers spread all over the

Under the superior guidance of our mentor, “Mr. Ranjit Chhajer”, we

are reckoned as the leading name in the industry. His years of
knowledge and experience have assisted us to gain the epitome of
success in the market.

Quality Assurance
We are a quality-driven association and are resolved to convey
ideal quality cluster of Chargers, LED Driver, Extension Box,
Power Cord, Adapter, CCTV Power Supply, and so forth The
provisions like toughness, proficiency and fantastic nature of our
offered items have made these exceptionally obvious and
requested by our clients. Also, our quality overseers thoroughly
take a look at the total variety on distinct boundaries, which
guarantees their ideal quality and high utility.

Client Satisfaction
The endeavors of our whole team are coordinated towards
offering our clients most extreme degree of fulfillment. For this,
we give them premium quality scope of Chargers, LED Driver,
Extension Box, Power Cord, Adapter, CCTV Power Supply, and
so on, at reasonable costs. Our specialists work in close-
agreement with the clients to get their important criticisms that
empower us to fulfill our benefactors with our a-list items. We
put forth eager attempts to expand our combination and to
satisfy the prerequisites of our clients inside guaranteed time
span. Because of our prudent evaluating, on-time conveyance
and business morals, we have made tremendous market base all
over the country.

Biodegradable Disposable3 products available

Fully Automatic Paper Cup Machine2 products available

Paper Cups2 products available

Paper Cup Blank Die Cutting Machine1 product available

High Speed Ultrasonic Paper Cup Machine1 product available


The four columns which have assisted Vardhman with keeping up with
its seriousness Adapting to change To shape organizations and
organizations with clients, shoppers, government, providers and others
to have a manageable effect. Adjusting to change is about effectively
captivating with various partners to rehash itself and help the Company
restore itself in the serious material market. Lead advancement We rouse
and energize our clients by conveying more critical development,
custom fitted to their evolving inclinations. This speeds up the
interpretation of client needs into critical new business openings that
will assist us with being in accordance with our development
methodology. With the innovation race accelerating, our advancement
has additionally gone past the lab, reaching out into each collaboration
with our clients and channel accomplices. Zero in on promising
circumstances We focus on the clients, markets and exercises that hold
the greatest chances for making sway. Given Vardhman's wide
arrangement of items, it is important that we sharpen our capacity to
zero in on key needs and expand esteem. Develop our kin We need to
empower our workers to foster their expert and administration abilities.
This will incorporate more compelling advancement programs, altered to
the necessities of explicit pieces of the association. This aides both our
kin and association to advance into better elements.


Shri Paul Oswal, Chairman.

Shri Paul Oswal is the Chairman and Managing Director of the Vardhman
Group. He holds a Masters Degree in Commerce (Gold Medalist) from
Panjab University, Chandigarh. He is also member of Nomination and
Remuneration Committee and Chairman of Committee of Directors (Legal,
Banking & Finance) of the Company.


Ashok Kumar Kundra Director

Darshan Lal Sharma Director

Devendra Bhushan Jain Director

Harpreet Kaur Kang Director

Neeraj Jain Joint Managing Director

Parampal Singh Director

Prafull Anubhai Director

Rajeev Thapar Chief Financial Officer

Rajender Mohan Malla Director

Sachit Jain Director

Sanjay Gupta Co. Secretary & Compl. Officer

Subash Khanchand Bijlani Director

Suchita Jain Vice Chairman & Jt Manag. Dir.



The Board of Directors of the Company comprises of Chairman and

Managing Director, two Joint Managing Directors, seven Non -Executive
Directors including one Nominee Director and one Executive Director.

Out of the total strength of Twelve Directors, Six Directors are


Independent Directors:
1.Mr. Prafull Anubhai
Mr. Prafull Anubhai Shah (DIN 00040837) is an Independent and
Non-chief Director of our Company since July, 1980. He is
Chairman of Audit Committee and Nomination and Remuneration
Committee of the Company. He holds certification in Bachelors of
Commerce and B. Sc. (Financial aspects) from London School of
Economics. He is an industrialist and business specialist having
experience of over 41 years. Mr. Prafull Anubhai, is likewise a
Corporate Advisor. He is related with instructive and research
foundations like Indian Institute of Management (IIMA),
Ahmedabad Education Society (AES), Ahmedabad University,
CSTEP (Center for Science Technology and Policy), ATIRA and so
forth He is the Chairman of the Board of Management of the
Ahmedabad University. He is the individual from the Governing
Board of Ahmedabad Education Society. He is additionally a
Director of Saptak Archives, a foundation committed to the
conservation and dispersal of Indian Classical Music.

2.Dr. Subash Khanchand Bijlani

Dr. Subash Khanchand Bijlani (DIN 01040271) is an Independent
and Non-chief Director of our Company since March, 2005. He is
likewise an individual from Audit Committee of the Company. He
holds the levels of Doctor of Management, Maryland (USA),
Bachelors in Science and Technology (Mechanical Engineering),
Manchester U.K., He has a mastery of over 49 years in modern
and functional administration, vital administration and
International administration. He has been a public expert in
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, global
specialist for World Intellectual Property Organization to the
Government of Nepal to give help with setting up and overhauling
the framework for advancement of creations and developments.
3.Dr. Ashok Kumar Kundra
Dr. Ashok Kumar Kundra (DIN 00154024) is an Independent and
Non-chief Director of our Company since January, 2009. He is
likewise the Chairman of CSR Committee, Risk Management
Committee and Stakeholders Relationship Committee of the
Company. He holds level of Masters in Economics from the
University of Punjab and a PhD from School of International Studies,
Jawaharlal Nehru University. He had joined regulatory assistance in
the year 1966 and resigned in the year 2003. He has more than 37
years of involvement of strategy and government related issues in
focal services and different divisions in the State of Punjab. He holds
skill in mechanical strategy, modern organization and arranging and
corporate administration. He was likewise secretary to the
Government of India, Ministry of Mines, Chairman Tariff Commission
and ex-officio secretary to the Government of India, Department of
Industrial Policy and Promotion, exceptional secretary in the
Ministry of Environment and Forests and head counsel to the
Planning Commission.

4.Mr. Shravan Talwar

Mr. Shravan Talwar (DIN 01657234) is an Independent and Non-chief
Director of our Company. He joined the Board of Directors of the
Company in January 2010. He is likewise an individual from Audit
Committee and Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the
Company. He has done Bachelor of Arts (Computational and Applied
Math and Economics) from Rice University and MBA with unique
excellence from Kellogg Business School of Northwestern University. He
is a Business Executive having experience of over 14 years in the field of
vital arranging, promoting and rebuilding of business tasks.
5.Mr. Devendra Bhushan Jain
Mr. Devendra Bhushan Jain (DIN 06911676) is an Independent and
Non-leader Director of our Company. He joined the Board of
Directors of the Company in August, 2014. He is additionally an
individual from Audit Committee and Risk Management Committee
of the Company. He holds degree in B.Sc. from Bombay University.
He has an aptitude in the field of promoting.

Non- Independent Directors:

1.Mr. S.P. Oswal

Mr. Shri Paul Oswal (DIN 00121737) is the Chairman and Managing
Director of the Vardhman Group. He holds a Masters Degree in
Commerce (Gold Medalist) from Panjab University, Chandigarh. He is
additionally individual from Nomination and Remuneration
Committee and Chairman of Committee of Directors (Legal, Banking
and Finance) of the Company. Moreover he is the Chairman of
Vardhman Holdings Limited, Vardhman Acrylics Limited and
Vardhman Yarns and Threads Limited. With more than 48 years of
involvement with materials industry while being related with
Vardhman Group, he has driven Vardhman Textiles to accomplishing
sped up development in yarn producing limit, texture weaving plants
and yarn and texture preparing offices in the country. He was the
Founder President and Director of Ludhiana Stock Exchange for the
period 1983-87 and President of Ludhiana Management Association
for the period 1987-1991. He additionally went about as Chairman
of Nimbua Greenfield Punjab Limited, a consortium of enterprises of
Punjab for fostering a typical office for capacity, treatment and
removal of perilous squanders created by the business with award
from Government of India. For his broad commitment to the
exchange and industry, he was presented the Padma Bhushan
Award by the Government of India in the year 2010.

2.Mr. Sachit Jain

Mr. Sachit Jain (DIN 00746409) joined the Vardhman Group as a
Director of Company in the Year 1990 and from there on was delegated
Executive Director of the Company in March, 2005. He is likewise an
individual from the Stakeholder Relationship Committee, CSR
Committee, Risk Management Committee and Committee of Directors
(Legal, Banking and Finance) of the Company. He holds a Bachelors
Degree in Technology (Electrical) from IIT, New Delhi and MBA (Gold
Medallist) from IIM, Ahmedabad. He has concentrated on Financial
Management from Stanford, USA. He began his expert profession with
Hindustan Lever in 1989 preceding joining the Vardhman Group. He has
a rich encounter of over 25 years in materials industry and with the
Company. At present, he is additionally the Managing Director of
Vardhman Special Steels Limited, a gathering Company.

3.Mr. Neeraj Jain

Mr. Neeraj Jain (DIN 00340459) is the Joint Managing Director and was
delegated to the Company Board as an Executive Director in April,
2010. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Commerce and is a Chartered
Accountant. He is likewise an individual from the CSR Committee of the
Company. He has over 22 years of involvement with the materials
business and with the Group.
4.Mrs. Suchita Jain
Mrs. Suchita Jain (DIN 00746471) is a Director of the Company. She
holds a Masters Degree in Commerce from Punjab University,
Chandigarh and has an encounter of over 20 years in the materials
business. In the wake of joining the Vardhman Group, she slowly
dealt with different divisions in the Group. Following a year, she
assumed responsibility for a totally new pursuit for the Group for
example texture fabricating. She was instrumental in setting up the
Fabric business in 1991, whose first plant was set up in Himachal
Pradesh. At first beginning from greige texture she drove the Group
to set up a best in class texture preparing manufacturing plant.

5.Mr. Darshan Lal Sharma

Mr. Darshan Lal Sharma (DIN 00727581) is the Non-Executive Director
of the Company since 1985. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Science
(Engineering) and MBA from Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana.
He is likewise individual from Audit Committee, Stakeholder
Relationship Committee, CSR Committee and Committee of Directors
(Legal, Banking and Finance) of the Company. He has over 40 years of
involvement with the field of materials and sewing strings with the
Group and is the Managing Director of Vardhman Yarns and Threads
Limited, an auxiliary of the Company. He has gone about as Chairman
of Punjab State Council of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) during
the year 2013-14. By and by, he is an individual from different boards
of trustees of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and All India
Management Association, New Delhi.

Nominee Director:
1.Mr. Suresh Khatanhar
Mr. Suresh Khatanhar is a Nominee Director of the Company. He holds
certification in Master of Commerce, University of Mumbai. He is
partner of Institute of Cost and Works Accountant of India and Indian
Institute of Bankers. He is having adaptable experience of 30 years in
Commercial Banking area and Credit Management.

History of the company


Vardhman Spinning and General Mills Ltd. (VSGML) was joined in
Ludhiana, Punjab in 1962 by Shri V.S Oswal and Shri Ratan Chand
Oswal. VSGML began creation with a limit of 6000 axles to fabricate
cotton yarn in 1965.

Mahavir Spinning Mills Limited (MSML), as of now known as
Vardhman Textiles Ltd. (VTXL) was joined and is the lead Company of
the Group MSML set up another turning unit with an introduced limit of
25,000 axles in Hoshiarpur, Punjab

MSML further expanded its quality in Punjab and set up another turning
unit with an introduced limit of 25,000 shafts by the name of Arihant
Spinning Mills at Malerkotla, Punjab 1981-1990

MSML set up a 100% Export Oriented Unit for assembling cotton yarn
with 25,000 shafts under the name Anant Spinning Mills, Mandideep in
Madhya Pradesh

In a bid to differentiate activities, VSGML set up another turning plant
under the name of Auro Spinning Mills with 25,000 shafts in a town
named Baddi in Himachal Pradesh. The unit turned out to be completely
functional in December 1991

Mohta Industries Limited was converged with MSML. At the hour of
consolidation, the Company had a division known as Mohta Alloys and
Steel Works, a scaled down steel plant at Ludhiana. MSML renamed this
plant as Vardhman Special Steels
MSML enhanced its business by wandering into the assembling of
Sewing Threads at Hoshiarpur, Punjab
VSGML went into forward coordination by setting up a Weaving unit at
Baddi with an introduced limit of 72 weaving machines

VSGML set up Dye House at Baddi, Himachal Pradesh in specialized
cooperation with Nihan Sanmo Dyeing Company Limited, Japan for
Fiber and Yarn Dyeing

(An extended time of Foreign Collaborations and Joint Ventures)

MSML set up a Gas Mercerised unit at Hosiarpur, Punjab in specialized

cooperation with Kyungbang Limited, South Korea with a limit of 1.7
tons each day and later extended to 7 tons each day

MSML went into a JV with M/S Marubeni Corporation and Toho Rayon
Company Limited of Japan for setting up another turning Company –
VMT Spinning Company Limited in Baddi, Himachal Pradesh for
assembling tweaked yarns for the Japanese market.

MSML set up a Gas Mercerised unit at Hosiarpur, Punjab in specialized
cooperation with Kyungbang Limited, South Korea with a limit of 1.7
tons each day and later extended to 7 tons each day
MSML went into a JV with M/S Marubeni Corporation and Toho Rayon
Company Limited of Japan for setting up another turning Company –
VMT Spinning Company Limited in Baddi, Himachal Pradesh for
assembling tweaked yarns for the Japanese market
MSML further went into a JV with M/S Barbour Campbell Group
Limited of Ireland and Barbour Vardhman Threads Limited (BVTL) was
fused to make mechanical engineered strings in Baddi
MSML went into a JV with Marubeni Corporation and M/S Japan Exlan
Company Limited for setting up an Acrylic Fiber project at Jhagadia,
Bharuch by the name of Vardhman Acrylics Ltd (VAL)

Vardhman Textiles purchased out the whole stake of Barbour Campbell
Group in BVTL and proceeded with its exercises under the name
Vardhman Threads Limited (VTL)
VSGML set up a Fabric Process House for the sake of Auro Textiles at
Baddi with innovation from Tokai Senko Japan. The plant was
authorized in December 1999

MSML attempted an extension of Sewing Threads business by

introducing greater limit in Ludhiana

The business creation for the production of Acrylic Fiber in VAL started
in March 1999
Vardhman Nisshinbo Garments Limited, a JV between Vardhman Group
and Nisshinbo Textiles Inc., Japan was set okay with assembling formal

Vardhman Fabrics was set up in Budni, Madhya Pradesh. The cutting
edge combined material plant with an introduced limit of 60,000 shafts,
400 weaving machines 50 million meters of prepared texture limit was
exceptional at that point.

VTXL additionally extended its texture limit in Baddi by setting up

another plant called MSML Textile Division. Today the weaving limit has
extended to 180 million meters and preparing to 114 million meters for
every annum

Vardhman Yarns and Threads Ltd. (VYTL) was fused as a joint endeavor
with the world's second biggest string Company, American and Efird
(A&E).The whole strings business of VTXL was offered to this Company.
The modern strings business of VTL (situated in Baddi) was likewise
demerged into VYTL

VTL was left with a couple of interests in its books and was changed
over into a NBFC named VTL Investments Ltd.

To address the issues of expanded interest, Vardhman Yarns was set up
in Satlapur, Madhya Pradesh with an introduced limit of 166,000 axles.
Today it is our biggest turning plant with a limit of 305,376 axles
including 9600 vortex shafts


The material business of VSGML (yarn, texture) demerged into MSML

with impact from Apr 1, 2004. Along these lines, the name of MSML
was changed to Vardhman Textiles Ltd. (VTXL) and VSGML was
renamed as Vardhman Holdings Limited


Arisht Spinning Mills, a turning plant at Baddi was procured by MSML

from Vardhman Polytex Limited, a past bunch Company.

Vardhman Special Steels was demerged from VTXL into a recorded
Company Vardhman Special Steels Ltd. (VSSL) and post demerger,
VTXL is currently an unadulterated material Company fabricating yarn
and texture

In 1965,
Vardhman started its operations with 6000 spindles.

In 1982,
Vardhman group entered the sewing thread market.

In 1986,
The group acquired steel unit from Mohta Industries which is
now known as Vardhman Special Steels.

In 1992,
Vardhman diversified its operations by entering into weaving
business with a plant in Baddi, Himachal Pradesh.

In 1999,
A plant in Bharuch, Gujarat was set up by the group for
production of Acrylic Fibre.

In 2000,
Vardhman entered into processing of fabrics.

In 2007,
Vardhman established its first composite plant in 2007 with
Spinning, Weaving and Processing facilities.

In 2011,
The group entered into garment business with manufacturing
of formal shirts for men.

In 2013,
With increase in spindle capacity to 10 lakh, Vardhman reached
the highest spindle capacity in the country.
In 2015,
Vardhman completed 50 Golden years.

In 2016,
Printed Fabric Unit started in March.

Vardhman’s entrenched presence

Being occupied with this cutthroat material business for more
than fifty years now, one thing we have learned is that
assembling at serious expense is the way to endurance. The
ability to make at cutthroat expense isn't just about as simple
as it shows up. At Vardhman, this has been made conceivable
by our 25 best in class offices situated in various provinces of
India. These offices assist Vardhman with being practical,
appreciate economies-of-scale, powerful yet most extreme
limit use, fast item switch and reliable item quality.


Human Resource Policies alludes to standards and rules of direct

which "define, rethink, break into subtleties and choose various
activities" that oversee the relationship with representatives in
the achievement of the association destinations.

HR Policies cover the following:

1. Strategy of employing individuals with due regard to factors like
reservations, sex, conjugal status, and such.

2. Strategy on agreements of business remuneration strategy and

strategies, long periods of work, extra time, advancement, move,
lay-off and so forth.

3. Strategy with respect clinical help affliction advantages, ESI and

organization health advantages.

4. Strategy with respect to lodging, transport, uniform and stipends.

5. Strategy in regards to preparing and improvement need for,

techniques for, what's more, recurrence of preparing and improvement

6. Strategy in regards to modern relations, worker's organization

acknowledgment, aggregate haggling, complaint strategy, participative
the executives and correspondence with laborers.
There are five principal sources for determining the content
and meaning of policies:

1. Past training in the association.

2. Winning practice in rival organizations.

3. Perspectives and theory of originators of the organization as

additionally its chiefs furthermore, the top administration.

4. Perspectives and theory of center and lower the board.

5. The information and experience acquired from taking care of

endless work force issues on everyday premise.

Organizations should have personnel policies as they ensure the
following benefits:
a. The work associated with figuring arrangements necessitates that the
administration give profound idea to the fundamental requirements of
both the association and the representatives. The administration should
inspect its essential feelings just as give full thought to the common
practices in different associations.

b. Set up approaches guarantee steady treatment of all faculty all through

the association. Partiality and separation are, thereby,minimized.
c. Progression of activity is guaranteed despite the fact that top
administration work force change. The CEO of an organization might
have an extremely solid work force the executives theory. He/she might
convey the strategies of the association in his/her head, and he she might
apply them in an altogether reasonable way. Yet, what happens when
he/she resigns? The residency of office of nay supervisor is limited.
However, the association proceeds. Approaches advance dependability.

d. Approaches fill in as a norm of execution. Real outcomes can be

contrasted with the strategy with decide how well the individuals from
the association are living upto the expert aims.

e. Sound approaches assist with building worker inspiration and

reliability. This is particularly evident where the strategies reflect set up
standards of reasonable play and equity and where they assist
individuals with developing inside the association.

f. Sound approaches help resolve intrapersonal, relational and intergroup



1. Principle of individual advancement to offer full and

equivalent freedoms to each worker to understand his/her
maximum capacity.

2. Principle of logical choice to choose the ideal individual for

the right work.
3. Standard of free progression of correspondence to keep all
channels of correspondence open and empower vertically, descending,
level, formal and casual correspondence.

4. Standard of cooperation to relate worker agents at each degree

of dynamic.

5. Guideline of reasonable compensation to pay reasonable and

evenhanded wages and pay rates commensurating with occupations.

6. Guideline of impetus to perceive and remunerate great execution.

7. Guideline of poise of work to treat each work and each work

holder with nobility and regard.

8. Standard of work the board co-activity to advance heartfelt

mechanical relations.

9. Standard of camaraderie to advance co-activity and cooperation

among workers.
10. Standard of commitment to public thriving to give a higher
reason for work to all representatives and to add to public flourishing.

1. To concentrate on the HR Policies of the organization.
2. To concentrate on the alterations made in the HR Policies of
Deepak nitrite Ltd. since the hour of fuse.
3. To fuse the changes in the base strategy and set up a last

4. To plan a HR Policy manual for the organization with

exceptional accentuation on the "Administrative Service

1. In any association human asset is the main resource. In
the present current situation, Deepak Nitrite Ltd. is an
exceptionally enormous producer and advertiser of compound.

2. As the greater part of the organization's general exhibition relies

upon its worker's presentation which relies generally upon the HR
POLICIES of the association.

3. So the undertaking has wide degree to assist the organization

with performing admirably in the present worldwide contest.

4. The center of the venture lies in dissecting and surveying the

association and to plan a HR POLICY manual for the association
The scientist has picked the survey strategies for information assortment
due to restricted time close by. While planning information assortment
method, sufficient shields against predisposition and shakiness should be
guaranteed. Scientist has inspected the gathered information for
culmination, conceivability.

Scientist has additionally assembled optional information which have as

of now been gathered also, broke down by another person. He got
different data from diaries, authentic records, magazines and reports
ready by different analysts.

For the current piece of exploration the examiner has utilized the

Here, scientist has accepted 30 as the example size.

 Human Resource Policies given by the association of
fills in as a specialist for the development of workers and furthermore
spurs the representatives to perform well for example representative
execution and fulfillment is the important result of sound of HR Policies
of the association.

 The different HR Policies in Vardhman Enterprises. makes the

representatives energetic towards work.


In this strategy a poll is shipped off the HR Manager worried about a
solicitation to respond to the inquiries and return the poll. The poll
comprised of various inquiries printed or composed in a positive request.

The HR Supervisor needs to address the inquiries all alone. The scientist
has picked this strategy for information assortment because of minimal
expense caused, it is liberated from predisposition of the questioner and
respondent have sufficient time.

Vardhman Enterprises
In investigating the reason for HR Policies at Vardhman Enterprises the
association expressed that the HR Policies has been a vital piece of the
administration cycle for the successful usage of human asset. The
organization intends to satisfy the accompanying destinations through its
HR Policies:

 Ensure a serious level of selectivity in enlistment to get super

achievers and sustain them to dominate in their exhibition.

 Impart such acceptance, direction and preparing as to coordinate

with the person to the errand and instill a high feeling of authoritative

 Provide offices for all round of development of individual via

preparing in and outside the association, reorientation, sidelong
portability and selfdevelopment through self-inspiration.

 Groom each person to understand his potential in all features while

adding to achieve higher hierarchical and individual objectives.

 Build groups and encourage collaboration as the essential

instrument altogether exercises.

 Recognize commendable commitments on schedule and properly,

in order to keep a significant degree of worker inspiration and
confidence. Examinations and advancements will be moral and
 Implement fair, logical and target arrangement of remunerations
incentives and control.

Contribute towards health and welfare of employees.

The board survey meeting is held at regular intervals at the Group
Meet is led now and again to guarantee the appropriateness, sufficiency
and adequacy of the HR Policies.


 Non conformance to the approaches referenced is looked into by
the Group HR Cell, separate CEO and HR Head of the organization. The
survey will recommend healing measures to stay away from redundancy
of the non conformance through end of the main drivers for the

 Board of Directors is kept educated regarding the survey and

activity plans chosen to keep away from the non conformance in the
resulting month to month meeting.


 Documents and information are produced by the Corp. HR as
printed versions or electronic medium.

 Documents are evaluated and supported for sufficiency by Corp.

HR preceding issue.

The various procedures that form the HR Policy of the

Organization are:

1. Recruitment and selection of manpower

2. Induction and Placement
3. Job Rotation
4. Performance appraisal
5. Counseling
6. Career Planning
7. Succession planning
8. Employee training and Development
9. Human Resource Information Management System
10. Retirement Planning
11. Job Enrichment
12. Exit Interviews

A short review of the previously mentioned approaches and the different

goals that these strategies plan to accomplish are given in the resulting
parts. Because of undeniable degree of mystery kept up with in the
association, the arrangements given beneath are as indicated by my
agreement and understanding of the subject.


 In Vardhman Enterprises, enrollment and determination of work

force is expressly dependent on the rules of their insight, abilities and
mentalities, in order to get super achievers and support the dominate
in their presentation.

 All new up-and-comers are ingested solely after agreeable finish

of suitable preparing.

 All direct enrollment is through the HR division.

 Detailed choice systems as chosen every now and then are

clung to with no trade off.

 Above strategies will go through nonstop refinement through

assessment and input.
 At Vardhman Enterprises, newcomers granted such enlistment,
direction, preparing and position in order to people to the assignment
what's more, teach a high feeling of authoritative steadfastness.

 The HRD Department and the concerned heads of parent offices set
up a very much organized Induction Program to familiarize the
newcomers with individuals, authoritative construction,
what's more, interface between various divisions, capacities and culture
of the association.

 The Induction Program is figured to suit the situation of the

up-and-comer and important to be given to him.


At Vardhman Enterprises, offices are given to all-adjust development
of people through parallel portability. This will improve their
employability just as prepare them to bear higher obligations.

 Systematic Job Rotation every now and then will have a

rejuvenating impact on the person just as the association.

 All advancements to the degree of HODs will be viewed as just

when an individual has gone through revolution through no less than 2


At Vardhman Enterprises, workplaces are given to all-change

improvement of individuals through equal movability. This will work
on their employability similarly as set them up to bear higher

 Systematic Job Rotation once in a while will have a reviving

sway on the individual similarly as the affiliation.

 All progressions to the level of HODs will be seen as exactly

when an individual has gone through upset through no under 2

Directing meetings, which are led by HR Department OR
Proficient Counselor OR Performance Appraiser, are accessible to all
the representatives to satisfy the accompanying targets:

 To upgrade representatives' skill and occupation fulfillment.

 To get ready workers for future obligations.

 To build up a superior working connection between the

predominant and subordinate.

 To empower workers to adapt to individual issues


 Career Planning framework in Vardhman Enterprises is pointed
toward creating individuals of the right type to meet present and future
requirements of the association. It will be a fundamental element for

 The obligatory elements to be considered before profession
arranging will be:

a. The association's long and momentary plans.

b. Labor abilities needed towards carrying out these plans.

c. Steady loss pace of individuals with high potential, better than

expected and normal type.

d. Enrollment through inner and outer sources at all levels

also, its proportion as proper to the association.

e. The quantity of individuals enrolled and prepared each year.


HODs or more recognize replacements, essential and auxiliary, to his
position at the hour of yearly examination. This is explored each year
alongside the yearly evaluation.


 At Vardhman Enterprises, preparing and advancement exercises
endeavor to guarantee consistent development of association by
supporting the qualities of the workers and giving the climate and
opportunity for each person to understand his/her latent capacity.

 The strategy targets widening the viewpoint of the people and

overcoming any issues between real execution and the exhibition
important to convey results.
 Facilities are given to all people towards self turn of events
and all round development through preparing.
HR Department recognizes normal entertainers and give unique


 Human Resource Information Management Systems (HRIMS)
focuses on:

a. Giving exact data about representatives to the executives for dynamic.

b. Dispensing with duplication of endeavors.

c. Offering fast and simple admittance to human asset data

aimlessly just as in ordinary report structure.

 The framework has two layers of safety. Admittance to the

framework is through entering in the substantial blend of username and
secret key. Authorization to get to specific projects is confined to
distinguish key faculty.

 An coordinated worker data set is kept up with and persistently

refreshed with data from work force at ordinary stretches
concerning information, work insight, capabilities,
evaluation, preparing and vocation ways.


 At Vardhman Enterprises, retirement of all people is supported
through arranged projects by HR Department to decrease the
related apprehensions and uneasiness.


 Vardhman Enterprises follows a group focused way to deal with
work improvement so as to upgrade the presentation of the
worker, prompting higher occupation fulfillment.


 The association has a standard turnover of workers due to
different reasons like retirement, intentional retirement, and
abdication and so on occasionally. Criticism is gotten from the
representative on events of division from the association. Such
criticism on issues that impact prosperity of individuals is helpful
in working on the association in regard of HR Policies and

The HR Policy Manual (or Managerial Service condition Manual) was

planned to work with the troughs in social occasion the data
with respect to different assistance conditions that are presented by the
This manual incorporates the help conditions which are most much of
the time requested. The different administrations conditions included

1. Fortunate Fund
2. Tip
3. Advantage Leave
4. Superannuation Scheme
5. Clinical Reimbursement and Hospitalization
6. Dental Policy
7. Gathering Accident Insurance Scheme
8. Lodging Loan Scheme
9. Vehicle Loan Scheme
10. Telephone Policy
11. Leave Travel Assistance (LTA)
12. Nearby Conveyance Rules
13. Move Policy
14. HRR Policy for Area Office Managers
15. Bottle Service
16. Money Payments and Advance Settlements
17. Execution Excellence Scheme
18. Execution greatness Form
19. Parivar Suraksha Yojna
20. Strategy for Get Together of Employees
21. Notice Period for Managerial Employees
22. Movement Reimbursement for Interview Candidates
23. Vehicle Policy
24. Post Retrial Benefits
25. Inland Travel Rules
26. Unfamiliar Travel Rules
27. Application for Housing Loan
28. Application for Car Loan
29. Application for 2-wheeler Loan
30. Application for 2-wheeler (wards) Loan

1. Are you happy with the outside enlistment sources acted in your

Translation: Regarding outer enrollment sources 82%

workers are fulfilled or concur while 18% are not fulfilled which
is acted in the association. In this way, the representatives are
fulfilled by enrollment measure.

Outside enlistment sources

2. It is safe to say that you are happy with the money related prize given
on welcoming an up-and-comer ready?

Translation: Regarding money related prize given on welcoming on

board 74% of workers are fulfilled and 26% are not fulfilled.

Financial award
3. Are you happy with the personal investigations lead for
Understanding: Regarding historical verifications which is direct for
representatives 78% workers are fulfilled while 22% representatives are
not fulfilled.

Backgroud checks

4.Are you happy with the money related limits given to you for the

Understanding: Regarding financial limits gave to representatives to

their costs 79% of the workers are fulfilled and 21% of the
representatives are not fulfilled.


1. The enlistment program of your association is casual sort.

Understanding: Regarding acceptance program which is directed in the

association, 82% of the workers are fulfilled while 18% of the
representatives are not fulfilled.

Enlistment program

2. The enlistment of your association covers authoritative construction

and arrangements.
Understanding: Regarding acceptance of association, 90% of the
representatives are fulfilled and 10% of the workers are not fulfilled. It
implies that the vast majority of the workers are benefited.


a. For Employee execution is the preparation need dissected in your


Understanding: Regarding worker execution, 76% of representatives are

fulfilled while 24% of representatives are not fulfilled. It implies that a
large portion of the workers get influenced from this assessment.

Worker execution

b. Are you happy with the Classroom strategy embraced by your

association to prepare the workers?

Translation: Regarding Classroom strategy, 73% of the workers are

fulfilled though 27% of the representatives are not fulfilled. It implies
the majority of the workers get influenced yet a portion of the
representatives need preparing and advancement projects to prepare

Study hall strategy

c. Adequacy of preparing program in your Organization is assessed by

noticing the post preparing execution of representatives.

Understanding: Regarding adequacy of preparing program, 68% of the

representatives are fulfilled while 32% of the workers are not fulfilled. It
implies that a portion of the representatives need that assessment of
adequacy of preparing project ought to be finished with another

Adequacy of Training program

1. Is it true that you are happy with the Balanced Scorecard technique?

Understanding: Regarding Balance scorecard technique, 92% of the

workers are fulfilled while just 8% of the representatives are not
fulfilled. It implies that a large portion of the representatives are
profited from this assessment strategy.

Equilibrium scorecard technique

2. Is it true that you are happy with the criticism given to you by

Understanding: Regarding criticism 72% of the workers are fulfilled

while 28% of the representatives are not fulfilled. It implies that a
portion of the representatives get benefited however some are not.

d. Are you happy with the guide framework followed for vocation

Understanding: Regarding coach framework followed for profession

movement, 84% of the representatives get benefited and just 16% of the
representatives are absolved.

Guide framework
e. Are you happy with the skill examination and criticism from

Understanding: Regarding capability investigation and criticism from

administrator 78% of the representatives are fulfilled though 22% are
not fulfilled. It implies that a portion of the representatives need input
from other source.

Capability examination and input


1. Is it true that you are happy with the advantage leave gave to you?

Understanding: Regarding advantage leave gave to representatives, 83%

of the workers are fulfilled while 17% of the workers are not fulfilled.

Advantage leave


1. Is it true that you are happy with the casual correspondence design?

Understanding: Regarding casual correspondence design, 87% of the

representatives are fulfilled and 13% of the workers are not fulfilled. It
implies a large portion of the representatives are alright with this
correspondence cycle.

Casual correspondence design

2. It is safe to say that you are happy with the assessment review and
Department meeting?

Translation: Regarding assessment review and office meeting, 76% of

the representatives are fulfilled and 24% of the workers are not

Assessment overview and Department meeting


1. Is it true that you are happy with the money related prizes?

Translation: Regarding money related prizes, 67% of the

representatives are fulfilled though 33% of the workers are not fulfilled.
It implies that a portion of the workers need to carry out non-money
related awards in the association.

Monetary Rewards
1. Are you happy with possibilities cover under Personal Accident
Protection strategy?
Translation: Regarding possibilities gave under this approach, 76% of
the workers are fulfilled and 24% of the representatives are not


1. It is safe to say that you are happy with the administrations covered
under Mediclaim strategy?

Translation: Regarding administrations gave under Mediclaim strategy,

89% of the workers are fulfilled and 11% of the representatives are not

Study shows that

1. The Policy of the organization gives offices to all adjust development

of people via preparing in-house and outside the association,
reorientation, horizontal versatility and self-advancement through

2. The Policy grooms each person to understand his potential in all

features while adding to achieve higher hierarchical and individual

3. The Policy assembles groups and encourage collaboration as the

essential instrument in all exercises.

4. The Policy executes evenhanded, logical and target arrangement of

prizes, motivating forces and control.

5. The Policy perceives worth commitments on schedule and fittingly, in

order to keep a significant degree of worker inspiration and assurance.
6. The workers concede to the piece of their presentation that they know
what is generally anticipated from them.

7. The representatives see how their work objectives identify with

organization's objectives.

8. Organization rouses the representatives to accomplish their best work

each day.

9. The representatives are not happy with the correspondence and

decisionmaking measure as it releases the data identified with

10. The workers don't get the suitable acknowledgment and

compensations for their commitments and achievements.

11. The workers feel that they are not paid decently for the commitments
they make to organization's prosperity.


1. The Performance Appraisal of worker is assessed based on
360 degree criticism or 180 degree input.
2. The Organization should zero in on coach framework expect
to help workers in their profession movement.

3. The Organization should lead Psychometric tests for


4. The Training ought to be required for all degree of workers.

5. The Departments ought to foster productive disposition

towards one another.

6. The organization should give the suitable acknowledgment

for the commitments and achievements made by representatives.
An adaptable prize framework ought to be embraced by
association to further develop worker

7. A more straightforward and full confirmation correspondence

framework created in the association.

8. Supplanting the lacuna in the current framework.

9. Wages and compensation organization cycle ought to have a

more logical methodology laying weight on equivalent wages
for equivalent work done.

Human Resource Management” by Ashwathapa.
“Human Resource Management” by Michael Armstrong.

“Human Resource Policy Analysis: Organizational Applications” by

Richard J. Niehaus.

Journals & Articles:

1. Articles by T.V.Rao Learning Systems.

2. Policies of Vardhman Enterprises Ltd.

3. Documents of Vardhman Enterprises Ltd.


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