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Instructor: Ms. SHOMARIE J. PEPINO, LPT.


Research about the following topics and give explanation. Encode your answer in A4 size bond

1. Explain the role of technology as a tool and resource in the early childhood classroom.
 Developmentally appropriate use of technology can help young children grow and
learn, especially when families and early educators play an active role. They can
learn about technology and technology tools and use them to play, solve
problems, and role play.
2. Discuss social and cultural influences which impact the infant/toddler care.
 Cultural background gives children a sense of who they are. The unique cultural
influences children respond to from birth, including customs and beliefs around
food, artistic expression, language, and religion, affect the way they develop
emotionally, socially, physically, and linguistically.
3. Explain the principle of quality caregiving.
 Quality child care means a program is a safe, healthy, caring and educational place
for young children to learn and grow. It supports all areas of a child's development
and wellbeing.
4. Explain appropriate teacher's role and responsibilities for caregivers of children under
three years old.
 Children under age three do not distinguish routine chores from play, work, or
adventure the way adults do. But regularly occurring routines quickly become
special to children because they are ordinary; they are repeated over and over.
These routines become familiar events in the day that provide predictability and
security. During routines teachers must carefully maintain healthful and safe
practices to protect both children and adults and to minimize absences due to
illness or injuries. Teachers should work with families and specialized service
providers and follow through any procedures or precautions that may be required
when a child has a special health need. Teachers also need to ensure that children
receive nutritious meals and snacks. A teacher’s way of handling routines has a
powerful effect on the child’s developing identity.
5. Describe the developmentally appropriate outdoor and indoor environment for infants.
 You can create a high-quality infant and toddler environment by planning and
creating spaces that support infants’ and toddlers’ development, engagement, and
overall well-being. Careful thought and planning for infants and toddlers can
facilitate the development of positive relationships with nurturing, responsive
adults who support their learning and development.
 The physical environment can contribute to children’s wellbeing, happiness,
creativity and developing independence. It can contribute to and express the
quality of children’s learning and experiences. The choices made in an education
and care service about resources, materials, spaces, layout, air and light quality
and access to a range of experiences in the indoor and outdoor, have a direct
impact on the quality of learning opportunities available to children.

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