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Mathias Poulsen 9.

Kirkebjerg skole

I am very pro for using celebrities for campaigns about different things, if it is for the better of
humanity, and I think that it is a good idea, to use their fame to promote good things, and make
attention on a serious matter, because I think it would be a shame that when they, got the
opportunity to do such a good thing, that they would just let it pass by because they think that
people will judge them, for it Because they think it is an abuse for power, when it, in reality, isn’t
at all what it is but almost the exact opposite but they just take advantage of their position, and do
something good for the world instead of just letting the opportunity of it slip by, and let it go to
waste, the reason why I think it is a good idea that celebrities promote good causes, is that people
are a lot more prone to listen to a famous person, than a scientist because we as humans want to
know, what it is they stand for and what their intentions are, so if they can let a famous person
spread a message, instead of a scientist many more will listen.

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