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10, OCTOBER 2012

Oil-Filled MV/LV Power-Transformer Behavior in

Narrow-Band Power-Line Communication Systems
Antonio Cataliotti, Member, IEEE, Valentina Cosentino, Dario Di Cara, and Giovanni Tinè

Abstract—The aim of this paper is to characterize oil-filled A wide range of communication technologies are involved
power transformers in the narrow-band power-line communi- in the development of smart grid infrastructures, each one
cation (PLC) frequency range of 50–150 kHz. A new model is having its advantages and drawbacks: wire lines and fiber-optic
proposed for such type of a transformer, in the aforementioned
frequency range of interest, in order to study its influence on the cables, wireless communication (CDMA, GSM, GPRS, UMTS,
signal transmission and to investigate the possibility that the PLC WiMAX, HiperLAN, etc.), radio communication, wireless lo-
signal can cross the power transformer itself. The new model is cal area networks (WLAN, WiFi, ZigBee, etc.), and power-line
simpler than those previously proposed in literature, and it can be communications (PLCs) [4], [5]. Among these technologies,
used in the whole frequency range available for NB PLC according the PLCs could play a fundamental role since the lines are
to the CENELEC EN 50065-1 A-band. In order to validate the
model, simulation and measurement results are compared for four already present (i.e., the power lines), and they have no service
oil-filled power transformers with different rated power values. cost. PLCs have already exited the experimental phase, and they
A complete PLC system in the case of a medium-voltage (MV) are a mature technology for the deployment in low-voltage (LV)
power network is also simulated, in order to perform a prelim- networks in Europe. In fact narrow-band (NB) PLCs, operating
inary evaluation of the influence of power transformers on the in the CENELEC bands (3–148.5 kHz) [6], have gained a cen-
communication system. The MV overhead power line, the oil-filled
power transformers, the MV signal coupling network, and two tral role for supporting automatic meter reading and advanced
ST7540 frequency shift keying (FSK) power-line transceivers are metering infrastructure in LV networks [4]. Nevertheless, the
included in the simulated system. The performances of the com- application of the PLC technology in the medium-voltage (MV)
plete PLC communication system are evaluated in the case of both networks is still under study. In literature, different studies
MV to low voltage (LV) and LV to MV transmissions. The analysis have been presented on the behavior both of high-voltage (HV)
is carried out by evaluating the signal attenuation, which is com-
puted as the ratio between the received and transmitted voltage and MV overhead lines and on LV cables at high frequency
signals, in the case of different line lengths and carrier frequency (HF) [6]–[11]. On the other hand, most of these studies do not
values. consider a complete model of the PLC system, or they do not
Index Terms—Attenuation, communication equipment testing, carry out experimental tests.
communication systems, narrow-band power-line communication Currently, two open issues are considered concerning the
(NB-PLC), power system communication, power transformers. PLC technology applications in MV networks: the coupling
system for the injection of the signal in the MV lines and the
I. I NTRODUCTION power-transformer behavior. The latter is considered as an ele-

T HE INTEREST on smart grids is ever increasing because

of several factors, such as the recent changes in the land-
scape of electric power generation resources from centralized
ment that makes a strong attenuation in signal transmission, and
it is often bypassed by external equipment. On the contrary, the
possibility that the PLC signal can cross the power transformer
and deterministic to distributed and stochastic, the increased is one of the key aspects for an extensive applicability of this
environmental impact concerns, and the determination of fed- communication method in the MV–LV smart grids.
eral energy future planning. A unifying theme in the various Different models of the power transformer were presented in
definitions and schemas of smart grids is the increased in- literature. Morched et al. [12] studied the power transformer
teraction of the power system with communication networks as a black box seen from its terminals. In this model, the
and information technologies and the improvements in such admittance matrix elements are described by rational func-
enabling technologies, which allow to supply the electrical tions approximating the admittance measurements between the
energy in a more reliable, efficient, secure, and environmentally power-transformer terminals. Then, each element of this matrix
neutral manner [1]–[3]. is approximated with an equivalent circuit. The limit of this
model is the difficulty of measuring the HF admittance matrix.
Manuscript received November 13, 2011; revised May 8, 2012; accepted In [13]–[15], different HF equivalent circuits were proposed for
May 17, 2012. Date of publication August 13, 2012; date of current version
September 14, 2012. The Associate Editor coordinating the review process for the power transformer. They are constituted by the basic model
this paper was Dr. Carlo Muscas. of an ideal transformer, to which opportune resistive–inductive,
A. Cataliotti, V. Cosentino, and D. Di Cara are with the Department of resistive–capacitive, or resonant blocks are added; each block
Electrical, Electronic, and Telecommunication Engineering, Chemical Tech-
nologies, Automation, and Mathematical Models, University of Palermo, represents a given phenomenon, which occurs in HF. Proper
90128 Palermo, Italy (e-mail:; cosentino@dieet.unipa; measurements are carried out in order to estimate the parameters of the aforementioned blocks. Nevertheless, the
G. Tinè is with the Institute of Intelligent Systems for Automation, Research
National Council, 90141 Palermo, Italy (e-mail: complete transformer models show a complex structure. Fol-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIM.2012.2209911 lowing the same approach proposed in [13]–[15], in [16],

0018-9456/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE


Fig. 1. Transformer model in the range of 0–100 kHz [16].

different models of the power transformer were presented for than the models previously presented in literature, such as
low, medium, and high frequencies. the one proposed in [16], and it can be used in the whole
In addition, the authors carried out some studies in the field frequency range available for the NB PLC. On the contrary,
of the PLC technology applications in MV networks. First, in in [16], two different models are used to cover the frequency
[17] and [18], an MV cable model in the PLC frequency range range of interest. In this paper, the reliability of the proposed
was presented and experimentally validated. Second, a com- model is verified by means of experimental measurements on
plete PLC system model was experimentally validated both in four oil-filled power transformers, which have different rated
laboratory [20] and on field [21] tests; the model was developed power values. Furthermore, a complete model of a MV/LV
in the case of MV cables, including also the transformer model power system for PLC communications is presented, which
proposed in [16]. Finally, in [22], the PLC system was studied was developed in order to perform a preliminary simulation
in the case of MV overhead lines. In all the mentioned papers, study concerning the influence of the power transformer on
a frequency range of 30–100 kHz and the power-transformer signal transmission. The model includes an MV overhead
model proposed in [16] were considered, and the possibility power line, two power transformers, an MV signal coupling
that the PLC signal can cross the power transformer was not network (CN), and two ST7540 FSK power line. The signal
investigated. is injected between one phase and the earth [22]. The simu-
The aim of this paper is to characterize oil-filled power trans- lation results are presented and discussed; they are expressed
formers in the NB PLC frequency range (i.e., 50–150 kHz) and in terms of attenuation for different line lengths and center
to propose a new transformer model, in order to study the influ- frequency values both in LV–MV and in MV–LV communi-
ence of the power transformer on signal transmission and to in- cation. The advantage of the proposed model is that it can be
vestigate the possibility that the PLC signal can cross the power easily implemented in the Simulink environment, thus allowing
transformer itself. The chosen frequency range is the ST7540 to perform a planning of an MV PLC transmission system.
FSK power-line transceiver operative frequency range, and it Moreover, since the model includes the power transformers,
includes the A-band reserved by the CENELEC EN 50065-1 [6] both the MV–LV and the LV–MV communication can be
for energy utilities. The proposed transformer model is simpler simulated.

Fig. 2. Transformer connection schemas for parameter evaluation.


A. Development of a New MV/LV Power-Transformer Model
in the Frequency Range of 50–150 kHz
One of the aim of this paper is to analyze the behavior of
different size of MV/LV, three-phase, two-winding, core-type,
and ∆/Y connection power transformers in the frequency range
of the PLC signal (50–150 kHz). The starting point of this
analysis was the model proposed in [16], for the frequency
range 0–100 kHz. This model is shown in Fig. 1, where the
nodes ABC and abcn correspond to the MV and LV terminals,
respectively. The parameters considered in the model are [16]:
– winding leakage impedance of each phase (ZL );
– winding magnetizing impedance of each phase (Zm );
– winding capacitance including: capacitance between
winding and earth (C1 , C2 ); capacitance between the
inner side of MV and the outer side of LV windings
together with their parasitic components (Z12 , C12 ). Fig. 3. Transformer parameter measurement setup.
To evaluate the model parameters, five measurement schemas
were used, which are shown in Fig. 2. The short-circuit and with a phase uncertainty smaller than 1◦ , short-circuit standard
open-circuit tests allow one to measure the winding leakage and with a phase uncertainty smaller than 1◦ , and match circuit
the winding magnetizing impedance, whereas the capacitance standard with a return loss higher than 45 dB. All these pa-
tests allow one to measure the winding capacitance between rameters are defined in the frequency range of 0 to 4 GHz. The
each other and the earth. The short-circuit and open-circuit tests accuracy of the reflection measurements is 0.4 dB and 3◦ , after
are well-known standard tests for power-transformer characteri- system error correction. The measurements were performed in
zation at the rated frequency; on the other hand, the capacitance the frequency range from 50 to 150 kHz, with a resolution
tests have to be performed because the capacitive effects cannot bandwidth of 100 Hz, a source amplitude of −10 dBm, and
be neglected in the PLC frequency range [15], [16]. A ZVRE a number of points of 1600. One hundred frequency sweeps
Rohde&Schwarz vector network analyzer was used to perform were executed for each impedance measurement; the average
the impedance measurements (see Fig. 3). The characterization value and the standard deviation were calculated for each fre-
was performed in the frequency range of 50–150 kHz as it is quency. The standard deviation was always smaller than 0.1%.
the operative frequency range of the PLC transceiver, which In the following, the average values, obtained in each impe-
was used in the simulations [22]. The reflection measurement dance measurement test, are reported.
method was used to measure the power-transformer impedance The frequency characterization was first conduced on a
parameters. A full-one port manual calibration technique was 100-kVA oil-filled power transformer. The short-circuit and
performed before each series of measurements, using a ZV-Z21 open-circuit measurement results are shown in Fig. 4. In the
TOMS calibration kit. The features of the standard connectors, frequency range of interest, the short-circuit and open-circuit
in the calibration kit, are the following: open-circuit standard measurements have the same trend, and they are very close, i.e.,

Fig. 6. Capacitance test measurement results for a 100-kVA power


Fig. 4. Short-circuit and open-circuit test measurement results for a 100-kVA

power transformer.

Fig. 7. Equivalent circuits for the three measurement schemes Capacitance 1,

2, and 3.

Fig. 5. Difference between short-circuit and open-circuit test measurement TABLE I

results for a 100-kVA power transformer. 100-kVA T RANSFORMER PARAMETERS

the magnitude difference is smaller than 1%, and the phase dif-
ference is smaller than 0.6◦ , as shown in Fig. 5. Thus, the mag-
netizing inductance and the ideal transformer can be neglected
and replaced by a short circuit. By observing the frequency tance RL can be evaluated as the mean value of the real part of
trend in Fig. 4, ZL can be replaced with series impedance the short-circuit impedance, i.e.,
ZL = RL + jωLL (whereas in [16], it was modeled as a paral-
lel RL circuit). The inductance LL can be calculated as RL = meanvalue (Re [ZL (f )]) . (2)
Im [ZL (f )]
LL = meanvalue (1) The impedance measurements are shown in Fig. 6; they were
carried out according to the measurement schemas Capacitance
where Im[ZL ] is the imaginary part of the short-circuit 1, 2, and 3 of Fig. 2. As shown in the figure, the impedance
impedance, and f is the frequency. In the same way, the resis- behaviors are almost capacitive: The phase angles are between

Fig. 8. Transformer medium-frequency model.

Fig. 9. Short-circuit test of a100-kVA power transformer: comparison be-

tween measured and simulated results. Maximum errors of 4% and 1.5◦
between measurement and simulation results were found in the frequency range

−87◦ and −90◦ . From the measurement results in Fig. 6, the

capacitance values Cap1, Cap2, and Cap3 were calculated as
Fig. 10. Capacitance tests of a 100-kVA power transformer: comparison
1 between measured and simulated results. Maximum errors of 4% and 2.5◦
Cap i = i = 1, 2, 3 (3) between measurement and simulation results were found in the frequency range
meanvalue (2πf Im [Zi (f )]) analyzed.

where Im[Zi ] is the imaginary part of the impedance measured due to each phase is one third of that of the neutral terminal.
in each of the three capacitance tests. Therefore, the capacitance values C1 , C2 , and C12 can be
The impedance Z12 , can be substituted by a capacitance evaluated from the Cap1, Cap2, and Cap3 according to the
value that is equal to C12 (whereas in [16], it was assumed as a equivalent circuits in Fig. 7 and the following:
series resonant circuit). Moreover, the capacitance between the 
inner side of the LV windings and the earth has to be considered  3C1 + 6C12 = Cap1
for each of the three phases and not only for the neutral 6C2 + 6C12 = Cap2 (4)

terminal, as done in [16]. However, the capacitive contribution 3C1 + 6C2 = Cap3


Fig. 12. Short-circuit and capacitance tests of a 400-kVA power transformer:

comparison between measured and simulated results. Maximum errors of
5% and 3◦ between measurement and simulation results were found in the
frequency range analyzed.

B. Experimental Validation of the Proposed New MV/LV

Power-Transformer Model in the Frequency Range of
50–150 kHz
Fig. 11. Short-circuit and capacitance tests of a 250-kVA power transformer:
comparison between measured and simulated results. Maximum error of 5% The proposed transformer model was implemented in the
and 3◦ between measurement and simulation results were found in the fre-
quency range analyzed. Simulink environment, and the measurement tests in Fig. 2
were simulated. A validation of the proposed model was
The parameters evaluated for the 100-kVA transformer are obtained, by comparing the experimental and the simulated
reported in Table I, whereas the new proposed model is shown measurements. The measured and simulated results of the short
in Fig. 8. circuit and the capacitance tests are compared in Figs. 9 and

Fig. 14. Frequency response test setup.

Fig. 15. Frequency response of a 100-kVA power transformer: comparison

between measurement and simulation. A maximum error of 0.3 dB between
measurement and simulation results was found in the frequency range analyzed.

evaluated for these transformers are reported in Table II. The

measured and simulated test results for these transformers are
reported in Figs. 11–13. In addition, in these cases, the open-
circuit test results are not reported because they are always very
close to the short-circuit test results. In fact, for all the tested
transformers, the difference of magnitude between open-circuit
and short-circuit measurements was smaller than 2%, and the
phase difference was smaller than 1◦ . The phase angles mea-
sured in the capacitance tests are not reported because they are
always between −87◦ and −90◦ . As shown in Figs. 9–13, the
trends of the simulations are always in agreement with the mea-
surement results. The maximum differences between simula-
tions and measurement results are reported in each figure
Fig. 13. Short-circuit and capacitance tests of a 630-kVA power transformer: Finally, to evaluate the power-transformer behavior in the fre-
comparison between measured and simulated results. Maximum errors of quency range of interest, the frequency response was evaluated.
7% and 4◦ between measurement and simulation results were found in the
frequency range analyzed.
An ESI26 Rohde&Schwarz EMI test receiver was connected to
the power transformer, as shown in Fig. 14. The attenuation
10, respectively, for the 100-kVA power transformer. The open- between the output and input signals (Vout and Vin , respec-
circuit test results are not reported because they are very similar tively) was evaluated, which is defined as
to those of the short-circuit test. As shown in the figures, Vout
the trends of the simulations are always in agreement with attenuation = 20 log10 . (5)
the measurement results. The maximum differences between
simulations and measurement results are reported in each figure The experimental and simulation results for each transformer
caption. are reported in Figs. 15–18. As shown in this figures, the trends
To confirm the quality of the proposed model, the other three of the simulations are always in agreement with the measure-
oil-filled power transformers (with different rated power values) ment results. The maximum differences between simulations
were also experimentally tested and simulated. The parameters and measurement results are reported in each figure caption.

Fig. 16. Frequency response of a 250-kVA power transformer: comparison Fig. 18. Frequency response of a 630-kVA power transformer: comparison
between measurement and simulation. A maximum error of 0.7 dB between between measurement and simulation. A maximum error of 1.4 dB between
measurement and simulation results was found in the frequency range analyzed. measurement and simulation results was found in the frequency range analyzed.

The aim of this paper is to study the influence of the oil-

filled power transformer on signal transmission. Thus, two
cases were studied. In the first case, the signal was injected
through the coupling device in the MV network at one end
of the line and was directly received from the LV terminal of
the power transformer connected at the opposite end of the line
(see Fig. 19). In the second case, the signal was transmitted
from the LV network and received from the MV network. The
attenuation between the transmitted and received signal was
evaluated according to (5), for different carrier frequencies and
for three line lengths, i.e., 0.25, 1, and 2.5 km. The simulation
results are shown in Figs. 20–25. It can be observed that when
the signal is transmitted from the MV network and received
from the LV network, the attenuation assumes values between
−15 and 0 dB. Larger attenuations, between −5 and −35 dB,
Fig. 17. Frequency response of a 400-kVA power transformer: comparison are obtained when the signal is transmitted from the LV network
between measurement and simulation. A maximum error of 0.6 dB between and received from the MV network. In each case, the attenua-
measurement and simulation results was found in the frequency range analyzed. tion always depends from both the line length and the frequency
of the signal. This is mainly due to the resonant behavior of the
III. PLC S YSTEM M ODEL : S IMULATION IN THE line for some frequencies.
In order to perform a preliminary evaluation of the trans-
former performance in a complete PLC system, a simple MV
power network was simulated, which connects two transformer This paper has presented the development of a new and
substations. The simplified schematic representation of this simple model for oil-filled power transformer in the NB PLC
power network is shown in Fig. 19. The model of an MV frequency range of 50–150 kHz. The short-circuit, open-circuit,
overhead power line was developed, as shown in [22]; the and capacitance tests, already proposed in literature, were
line is composed of three copper conductors of 16 mm2 cross used to evaluate the transformer model parameters. Four oil-
sections. Two MV/LV power transformers of 100 kVA were filled power transformers, having different rated power values,
considered by means of the model proposed in Section II and were tested, and the model parameters of each transformer
with the parameter of Table I. Two ST7540 FSK power-line were evaluated. The frequency response was also measured for
transceivers (TX/RX) were modeled as shown in [22]. The each transformer. The proposed power transformer model and
transceiver can work with different carrier frequencies, from the mentioned measurement tests were simulated in Simulink
60 to 132 kHz. The transmission system was based on line- environment. The comparisons between the experimental mea-
to-earth configuration, i.e., the signal was injected between one surements and simulations results showed that the model can
of the three conductors and the earth [22]. Finally, the model simulate the transformer behavior in the PLC frequency range
was developed of a commercial MV CN, which is produced by of interest, i.e., 50–150 kHz. With respect to the models pro-
ADD Production S.R.L. The simulation of the MV system for posed in literature, the new model is simpler and can be used in
PLC was implemented in the Simulink environment. the whole frequency range available for NB PLCs.

Fig. 19. Schematization of the system under study.

Fig. 20. Simulation results of the attenuation versus signal frequency for a Fig. 22. Simulation results of the attenuation versus signal frequency for a
0.25-km MV line. The signal was injected in the MV network and received 1-km MV line. The signal was injected in the MV network and received from
from the LV network. the LV network.

Fig. 21. Simulation results of the attenuation versus signal frequency for a
Fig. 23. Simulation results of the attenuation versus signal frequency for a
0.25-km MV line. The signal was injected in the LV network and received from 1-km MV line. The signal was injected in the LV network and received from
the MV network.
the MV network.
Furthermore, a complete PLC system in an MV power net-
work was simulated, in order to carry out a preliminary study mission. In each simulated case, the attenuation always depends
of the influence of power transformer on signal transmission. from both the line length and the frequency of the signal. This
The simulated PLC system is composed of an MV overhead is mainly due to the resonant behavior of the line for some
power line, two power transformers, an MV coupling network, frequencies. Due to the experimentally validated models of the
and two FSK power-line transceivers. The transmission system different PLC system components and the power-transformer
was based on line-to-earth configuration, i.e., the signal was frequency-response experimental results, the preliminary simu-
injected between one of the three conductors and the earth. lation results show the possibility that the PLC signal can cross
Thus, the influence of the earth was also taken into account in the power transformer and the feasibility of the employment of
the model. Various simulations were carried out, in the case the PLC technology in MV networks. This is one of the key
of both LV–MV and MV–LV transmissions. The simulation aspects for an extensive applicability of this communication
results showed larger attenuation in the case of LV–MV trans- method in the MV–LV smart grids.

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[1] S. M. Amin and B. F. Wollenberg, “Toward a smart grid: Power delivery
for the 21st century,” IEEE Power Energy Mag., vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 34–41,
Sep./Oct. 2005. Antonio Cataliotti (M’01) received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the
[2] E. Santacana, G. Rackliffe, T. Le, and F. Xiaoming, “Getting smart,” IEEE University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy, in 1992 and 1998, respectively, all in
Power Energy Mag., vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 41–48, Mar./Apr. 2010. electrical engineering.
[3] T. F. Garrity, “Getting smart,” IEEE Power Energy Mag., vol. 6, no. 2, In 2000, he was appointed as an Assistant Professor, and since 2005, he has
pp. 38–45, Mar./Apr. 2008. been an Associate Professor of electrical and electronic measurements with
[4] A. Ipakchi and F. Albuyeh, “Grid of the future,” IEEE Power Energy Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Telecommunication Engineering,
Mag., vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 52–62, Mar./Apr. 2009. Chemical Technologies, Automation, and Mathematical Models, University of
[5] P. P. Parikh, M. G. Kanabar, and T. S. Sidhu, “Opportunities and chal- Palermo. His research interests include electrical drive control and diagnostics,
lenges of wireless communication technologies for smart grid applica- digital signal processing, testing of electrical machines and drives, power
tions,” in Proc. IEEE Power Energy Soc. Gen. Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, quality measurements, and the detection of sources of disturbances in power
Jul. 25–29, 2010, pp. 1–7. systems.
[6] Signalling on Low-Voltage Electrical Installations in the Frequency
Range 3 to 148.5 kHz—Part 1: General Requirements, Frequency
Bands and Electromagnetic Disturbances, EN 50065-1:1991, Amend-
ment A1:1992 to EN 50065-1:1991; Amendment A2:1995 to EN 50065-
1:1991; Amendment A3:1996 to EN 50065-1:1991, 1991.
[7] J. Anatory, N. Theethayi, R. Thottappillil, M. M. Kissaka, and Valentina Cosentino received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical en-
N. H. Mvungi, “The influence of load impedance, line length, and gineering from the University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy, in 2001 and 2005,
branches on underground cable power-line communications (PLC) sys- respectively.
tems,” IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 180–187, Jan. 2008. From 2005 to 2010, she was a Temporary Research Fellow with Department
[8] R. Cortina, G. Pioltini, S. Celozzi, and M. D’Amore, “Telecommunication of Electrical, Electronic, and Telecommunication Engineering, Chemical Tech-
systems on power distribution networks: High frequency performances of nologies, Automation, and Mathematical Models, (DIEETCAM), University of
carrier channels,” IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 654–660, Palermo. She is currently an Assistant Professor of electrical and electronic
Apr. 1994. measurements with DIEETCAM. Her research interests include power, energy
[9] M. E. Hardy, S. Ardalan, J. B. O’Neal, L. J. Gale, and K. C. Shuey, and power quality measurements, detection of sources of disturbances in power
“A model for communication signal propagation on three phase power systems, digital signal processing, and virtual instrumentation.

Dario Di Cara received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering Giovanni Tinè was born in Palermo, Italy, in 1961. He received the Ph.D.
from the University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy, in 2005 and 2009, respectively. degree in electronics, computer science, and telecommunications engineering
From June 2009 to July 2010, he was a Postdoctoral Student with the from the University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy, in 1994.
National Research Council–Institute of Intelligent System for Automation He is currently a Researcher with the National Research Council—Institute
(CNR-ISSIA), Palermo. He is currently a Postdoctoral Student with the Depart- of Intelligent System for Automation (CNR-ISSIA), Palermo. His research
ment of Electrical, Electronic, and Telecommunication Engineering, University interests are electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of power electrical drive
of Palermo. His current research interests include power quality measurements, systems, EMC of dual-voltage electric devices, and power-line communication
characterization of current transducers in nonsinusoidal condition, harmonic in medium-voltage systems.
power measurements, power-line communications.

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