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How to Dress Up Activity

Name : Ybanez, Julius Andrew P.
Instructor : Acabo, Meldy
Class Schedule : Wednesday- 3:00 PM- 4:30 PM
Directions : Read and understand the given situations below. And answer each
comprehensively. (15 points each)

Situation 1

If you are given a chance to do a virtual presentation to an online class, what would

be your dress code? And why wear it? (5 sentences only)

I will dress appropriately for the occasion, just as I would in a regular class. Even
though I am presenting virtually, I want to remain formal. It's not just about the
place; it's also about the people we've met and the environment we've been in.
That is why I want to dress properly so that I can communicate more effectively
with the audience to whom I am giving a presentation. Wearing formal attire
during a presentation makes a good impression, as does receiving respect and
attention from the audience.

Situation 2

One day, a member of your family tells you that you were granted the scholarship in
your city. You are called upon to speak to your mayor. While you are thinking about
what would be the attire you gonna wear, your mother tells you that you have to wear
the appropriate dress code for “Your attire speaks volumes before you open your
mouth.” So, what does that statement mean? (5 sentences only)

Our attire delivers a stronger message to our viewers. We can win respect and be
presentable to our viewers if we dress appropriately. It can also have a positive effect
if you dress appropriately in the appropriate setting. We donned our Halloween
costumes for a Halloween party, not a Christmas gathering. If we go to church, we
wear our Sunday best clothes, not bikinis. Also, if we go to the beach, we will dress
in Hawaiian or other environmentally friendly clothing. People can tell whether
you're prepared because of how you dress.

Soring Progression
Score Verbal Description Rating
Situation Situation
1 2
3 Readable; Output is structured based on the required number of phrases;
Gives the impression of writing just to complete the task.
6 Fluently; Output is structured in accordance with the required number
of sentences; Sentences are clear and complete; Conventional ideas.
9 Fit for reading and appraisal; Output is structured according to the
required number of sentences; Sentences are relevant and coherent;
Some interesting content.
12 Aimed; Output is structured according to the required number of
sentences; Sentences are well-organized to target the posed question;
Interesting content, and presentation.
15 Faultless; Output is structured according to the required number of
sentences; The output has a strong and informative body; Ideas are
comprehensive, well-conceived, and developed with sufficient examples.

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