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Journeys B2 Teacher’s Resource Pack

Grammar Themes Present Time

A Choose a, b, c or d.

1 Tom’s a musician. He the violin. 9 I for my keys all morning, and I still haven’t
a has played
found them.
b is playing a have looked
c plays b am looking
d has been playing c have been looking
d look
2 I that film yet. Is it good?
10 Call her at work. She is there at this time.
a don’t see
b haven’t seen a seldom
c haven’t been seeing b usually
d am not seeing c rarely
d regularly
3 Boris to working in the factory. He’s been doing
it for years. 11 Sue doesn’t use her motorbike on weekdays because
a gets used
she to work.
b has been getting used a is walking
c is used b has been walking
d is getting used c walks
d has walked
4 Harry hasn’t got up .
12 She can’t buy that DVD because all her money.
a already
b still a already she spends
c yet b she’s been spending already
d early c already has she spent
d she’s already spent
5 Sally is happy now because she her dog.
a has found
13 your homework yet?
b finds a Have you finished
c has been finding b Do you finish
d is finding c Have you been finishing
d Are you finishing
6 I need to go for a walk now. I at my desk all day.
a have been sitting
14 Can you help me? I this before.
b have sat a haven’t done
c am sitting b don’t do
d sit c haven’t been doing
d am not doing
7 We them the invitations, but they still haven’t
responded. 15 Oh no! There my last euro!
a are sending a has gone
b send b has been
c have sent c goes
d have been sending d is going
8 I anything like this before. It’s amazing!
a don’t taste
b am not tasting
c haven’t been tasting
d haven’t tasted


Present Time Grammar Themes Journeys B2 Teacher’s Resource Pack

B For questions 1–10, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words,
including the word given.

1 This is the first time I’ve gone swimming in a river. 6 Mary has only been a professional tennis player for
eight years.
I’ve before.
Mary for
eight years.
2 My sister has the really annoying habit of wearing my
7 He’s been working on the ship for a few weeks now;
he’ll soon be used to it.
My sister
shoes; it’s really annoying!
He’s been working on the ship for a few weeks, so
he it.
3 Jasmine started her job here last summer.
8 We still have to tell Tom about the meeting.
Jasmine last
We to Tom
about the meeting yet.
4 Katie turned on the TV ten hours ago, and she still
hasn’t turned it off!
9 Anna’s in Spain; she’ll be back next week.
Katie ten
hours! Anna ;
she’ll be back next week.

5 It’s normal for us to cycle to school.

10 This is my first visit to Liverpool.
We to
school. This is the
visited Liverpool.


Journeys B2 Teacher’s Resource Pack Grammar Themes Stative Verbs

A Choose a or b. B Match.

1 This silk dress lovely. 1 This room measures o

a feels b is feeling
2 The dog weighs o
2  what you mean.
a I’m understanding b I understand 3 I think o
3 Chocolate ice cream better than vanilla.
4 I’m weighing o
a tastes b is tasting
5 I’m thinking o
4  ducks on the lake near our house.
a We’re often seeing b We often see
6 I’m measuring o
a the table to see how long it is.
5 I just got a postcard from Tom. a great time in
Egypt. b of moving to Scotland.
a He’s having b He has c the flour.

6 This soup wonderful! d 4 metres by 5 metres.

a smells b is smelling e that’s silly!

f ten kilos.
7 This bottle a litre of water.
a is containing b contains

8 Did you know that Helen a new job?

a has b is having


Past Time Grammar Themes Journeys B2 Teacher’s Resource Pack

A Choose a, b or c. B Complete each sentence with an item from the

1 Jack fruit juice when he was young.
a wasn’t drinking • since • for • until • after
b didn’t use to drink • by then • by the time
c hadn’t been drinking
1 We didn’t realise we were going in the wrong
2 We dinner when the doorbell rang. direction we got to Ashton.
a were having
b had 2 They had been looking for the stolen diamonds
c would have January.
3 When Olga was a child, she near the sea.
a would live 3  she got there, her friends had
already left.
b was lived
c lived
4 They’d eaten all the food .
4 It had been ages since her.
a I’ve seen
5 Tom left the house he’d had
b I was seeing breakfast.
c I’d seen
5 She opened the window and my name. 6 Jill waited half an hour, and then
a used to shout she left.
b shouted
c has shouted
6 When I got to the concert, I realised my ticket
at home!
a I’d left
b I left
c was left
7 The little boy was frightened because such a
big dog before.
a he wasn’t seeing
b he’d never seen
c he didn’t see
8 It was difficult at first, but she to it.
a soon got used
b gets used
c had got used
9 They in the garden for hours, and they were
a have worked
b had been working
c were worked
10 I wanted to say ‘thanks’ to Susan, but she .
a already left
b had already been leaving
c had already left


Journeys B2 Teacher’s Resource Pack Grammar Themes Future Time

A Choose a, b or c. B Complete each sentence with an item from the

1 Harry won’t be at home. He’ll for work by now.
a leave • before long • about • until • yet
b have left • by the time • as soon as
c have been leaving
1  we get there, the party will have
2 The baby’s face is green. sick. finished!
a She’s going to be
b She shall be 2 I’ll send you a message I get
c She will be there.
3 It’s hot in here. I open the window?
a Do 3 She was to go out when the
phone rang.
b Would
c Shall
4 They won’t have finished the project
4 I expect you to watch the football match. the end of the month.
a won’t want
b aren’t wanting 5 Don’t worry. They’ll be back .
c haven’t wanted
5 By the end of this week, my parents for 30 6 Simon left only a few minutes ago, so he won’t have
years. arrived .
a will be marrying
b will have been married
c are going to marry
6 Take a pullover in case it cold.
a will get
b is going to get
c gets
7 I promise anyone what you said.
a I’m not telling
b I won’t tell
c I won’t have told
8 I’m sure that Anna soon.
a will arrive
b shall arrive
c will have arrived
9 James the letter yet.
a won’t have received
b won’t be receiving
c isn’t going to receive
10 I when I see the manager.
a am complaining
b am going to complain
c will have complained


Adjectives & Adverbs Grammar Themes Journeys B2 Teacher’s Resource Pack

A Choose a, b, c or d. B Choose.

1 The cost of petrol has never been as this before. 1 The entrance fee for adults is e10, but children get
a higher in free/freely.
b as high
c more high 2 I keep making mistakes, but I don’t understand what
d this high I’m doing wrongly/wrong.
2 Do you like that table?
a metal small square 3 The rain was so heavy that we could hard/hardly
b small square metal see where we were going.
c square metal small
d metal square small
4 She threw the ball so high/highly that it went over
3 She’s the author of two successful books. the houses.
a high
b higher 5 Jordan came closely/close to winning the game.
c highly
d highest
6 These animals live deep/deeply underground.
4 The longer he lived there, he liked the
7 I had a hotel room directly/direct above my friends’
a the more
b the most
c more
d most 8 “Open your mouth wide/widely, please,” said the
5 Don’t watch that DVD. It’s .
a very bored
b too bored
c boring
d bored
6 This cinema is to the bus stop than the other one.
a closely
b closest
c closer
d close


Journeys B2 Teacher’s Resource Pack Grammar Themes Nouns & Articles

A Choose a, b or c. B Choose one word or both.

1 Angela plays electric guitar in a band. 1 The police has/have been informed.
a on an
b the 2 The aircraft was/were waiting to take off.
c an
2 These fish are very common in Mediterranean. 3 Their house is made of wood/woods.
a a
b –
4 Your new furniture are/is great!
c the
3 I need to write my letter on.
5 She feels sick and she’s got a/the temperature.
a a sheet of paper
b a paper
6 The audience were/was clapping wildly.
c a slice of paper
4 They try to help poor in this area.
7 Physics was/were my favourite subject at school.
a a
b –
c the 8 How much money are/is there in your wallet?

5 She was driving at more than 120 km hour.

9 The sheep was/were running up the hill.
a an
b –
c the 10 The staff were/was pleased to hear about the pay rise.
6 Is Siberian tiger an endangered species?
a a
b the
c –
7 I’m going to apply for the job, even though I haven’t
got .
a many experiences
b an experience
c much experience
8 Is there rubbish in the bin?
a a
b much
c many


Determiners Grammar Themes Journeys B2 Teacher’s Resource Pack

A Choose a, b or c. B Write one word in each gap.

1 I can fix it for you now if you give me minutes. 1 Both us like chocolate.
a few
b a little 2 Neither Mary Jack is good at
c a few maths.

2 Could you put salt on the omelette?

a a little 3 I’ve got hardly money.
b many
c a few 4 She couldn’t close the box because there were too
things in it.
3 We had time that we only saw half the paintings
in the gallery.
a so few 5 You can get whole of that TV
series on DVD.
b as much
c so little
6 Both Julia Sally are doctors.
4 There’s information on this website.
a plenty
7 I felt sick because I’d eaten too
b lots of
c a great
5 Unfortunately, there is hope of finding the 8 Every of their CDs has made it
missing child. to the top ten.
a little
b few
c a little
6 Either Daphne John will drive you to the airport.
a nor
b and
c or
7  the children in our class entered the competition.
a Every
b All
c None
8 She hasn’t got pets.
a no
b a lot
c any


Journeys B2 Teacher’s Resource Pack Grammar Themes -ing/Infinitives

A Choose a, b or c. B Choose.

1 Jason offered for dinner. 1 You should stop to eat/eating pizza. It’s not good
a to pay for you.
b paying
c pay 2 Oh no! I forgot to close/closing the window. I hope it
2 They won’t let you any photos in the museum. doesn’t rain.
a taking
b to take 3 I regret to tell/telling him my secret. Now the whole
c take class knows about it!
3 You’d better careful!
a be 4 I tried to open/opening the window, but it was stuck.
b being
c to be 5 I’m glad you remembered to buy/buying some
4 I advise you not gum during the interview. eggs. Now we can make an omelette.
a chewing
b to chew 6 Moving to the country means to leave/leaving all
c chew your friends behind.
5 I look forward from you soon.
a to hearing
b hear
c hearing
6 Did you remind his mother a birthday card?
a him sending
b he send
c him to send
7 My brother always avoids the washing-up.
a to do
b doing
c that he does
8 I don’t mind after your dog while you’re away.
a looking
b to look
c look


Conditionals/Wishes/Unreals Grammar Themes Journeys B2 Teacher’s Resource Pack

A Choose a, b or c. B Complete each sentence with an item from the

1 If you hadn’t gone to Rome, you Paulo.
a wouldn’t meet • on • even if • only if • as long as
b don’t meet • supposing • otherwise
c wouldn’t have met
1  you’re good at maths, you’ll find
2 She there on time if she catches the train. the exam difficult.
a should get
b could have got 2  the weather’s good, we’ll go for
c had got a picnic.
3 It’s high time he how to cook.
a learns 3  condition that you promise not
to say anything, I’ll tell you a secret.
b was learning
c learnt
4 Sam lent me his tent; , I wouldn’t
4 I hope he his exam. have been able to go camping.
a passes
b would pass 5  you won the lottery, what would
c had passed you do with the money?
5 you need help, please contact us.
a Do 6  you live in the area can you
b Should become a member of this club.
c Could
6 I’d rather it myself.
a to do
b doing
c do
7 If it for him, you wouldn’t have been able to
buy the car.
a isn’t
b weren’t
c hasn’t been
8 I wish I to bring my umbrella!
a had remembered
b remember
c will remember


Journeys B2 Teacher’s Resource Pack Grammar Themes Modal Verbs

A Choose a, b or c. B Choose one word or both.

1 I hope we go to the beach tomorrow. 1 Can/Shall you help me with this, please?
a would
b can 2 They don’t have/need to go if they don’t want to.
c are able
2  I try on these jeans, please? 3 We didn’t have a map, but we could/were able to
a Could find the place in the end.
b Would
c Must
4 May/Can I borrow your pen, please?
3 They pay for their hotel room; it was included in
the price of the holiday.
5 Of course you can/are able to turn on the heater if
a might not you’re cold!
b didn’t have to
c couldn’t
6 Good morning. Could/Should I speak to Ms Smith,
4 That box looks heavy. I help you carry it? please?
a Do
b Would
7 It’s 430C and he’s wearing a coat. He must/shall be
c Shall
5 Sally can’t Tom about the meeting, because he
didn’t know about it!
8 You ought to/should have been more polite.
a have told
b tell
c be telling 9 Would/May you get some butter while you’re at the
6 “Did you buy some milk?”
“Yes, but I . There were two cartons in the fridge!”
a hadn’t to 10 Surely you can/must have expected that to happen?
b mustn’t have
c needn’t have
7 That be Jack at the door. He said he’d come round
this afternoon.
a must
b can
c shall
8 Do I take the medicine every morning?
a supposed to
b need to
c ought to
9 I’m not sure, but they be leaving tomorrow.
a have to
b might
c ought
10 I was supposed to go with them, but I to
change my plans at the last minute.
a would have
b had
c could


Relatives Grammar Themes Journeys B2 Teacher’s Resource Pack

A Choose a, b or c. B Choose one word or both.

1 The man you were speaking is my maths 1 Angela, who/whom I met last week, is very interesting.
a who 2 The reason why/– he was ill is that he ate two whole
b to whom pizzas.
c whom
2 The ship  we sailed was fantastic. 3 That dog, which/that we often see at the park,
a where belongs to the boy next door.
b on which
c on that
4 The woman that/who we received an email from is
3 Their house, garden is huge, must have cost a my father’s cousin.
lot of money.
a whose
5 The house –/which they live in is nearly 200 years old.
b which
c which its
6 The writer, which/whose books are very popular,
4 Bungee jumping, an extreme sport, is very
lives on a Greek island.
a that is
b which is 7 That’s the hospital where/which I was born.
c that
5 I like films have plenty of action. 8 What/Which worries me is the possibility of a tsunami.
a that
b where 9 The window –/that has the green curtains is my
c who bedroom window.
6 That’s the boy to I lent the money.
a which 10 The people who/which were standing in the queue
b who looked bored.
c whom
7 This is the hotel we stayed in last summer.
a where
b that
c in which
8 My new neighbours, moved in only yesterday,
seem very nice.
a who
b that
c whom
9 Do you know the reason Simon was upset?
a which
b for that
c why
10 August is the month most people go on holiday.
a when
b which
c where


Journeys B2 Teacher’s Resource Pack Grammar Themes Passive Voice

A Choose a, b or c. B Choose.

1 It that junk food isn’t good for your health. 1 The police were/have criticised for using tear gas.
a knows
b is knowing 2 Blackboards don’t use/aren’t used much these days.
c is known
2 All computers must  when you leave the office. 3 It/She is expected that the teacher will mark the tests.
a turn off
b be turned off
4 Someone was/has cleaned the room.
c have turned off
3 We to clean the graffiti off the wall.
5 War and Peace was/has written by Tolstoy.
a were made
b had made
6 This dress should wash/be washed by hand.
c were making
4 There’s no fruit left. It must by the kids.
7 Adam hates his new job. He can’t stand telling/
a have eaten
being told what to do.
b be eaten
c have been eaten
8 She/It is believed to be the oldest woman in the
5 This illness by stress.
a is believed to be caused
b believes it is caused
9 A man arrested/was arrested for stealing a car.
c has caused
6 Should the match ?
10 It has been suggested/has suggested that the
a cancel
meeting should be postponed.
b be cancelled
c have cancelled
7 The painting during the night.
a has probably stolen
b was probably stolen
c probably stole
8 The Modern Art Museum worth visiting.
a they say that it is
b it is said that it is
c is said to be
9 They were go home early.
a let
b allowed to
c told
10 At least fifty people are reported when the ferry
a to have drowned
b that they drowned
c to drown


Causative Form Grammar Themes Journeys B2 Teacher’s Resource Pack

A Choose a, b or c. B Complete each sentence with an item from the

1 You should get a dentist at your teeth.
a look • get • have • had • having
b looking • by • for
c to look
1 They had the washing machine installed
2 I while I was at school. a plumber.
a had stolen my bike
b had my bike stolen 2 He didn’t make the cake. He admitted it
c got stolen my bike made for him.
3 Miranda her hair coloured yesterday.
a made 3 I’ll Tom to fix the bike.
b had
c was 4 She had special hats made the party.

4 We arranged by Express Removals.

5 They’ll the mechanic fix the car.
a to have the sofa delivered
b to deliver the sofa
c having the sofa delivered 6 Maggie her garden watered by her
neighbours when she was away.
5 Dad used to wooden toys for us when we were
a have made
b make
c get made
6 Can we this week?
a have installed the new shower
b get the new shower to install
c have the new shower installed
7 I’m thinking of having .
a pierced my ears
b my ears pierced
c to pierce my ears
8 You should an electrician to check that lamp.
a have
b get
c make
9 We’re considering more trees planted.
a to have
b having
c to get
10 Gran by a window cleaner.
a washes her windows
b gets her windows to wash
c has her windows washed


Inversion, Indirect Questions,
Journeys B2 Teacher’s Resource Pack Grammar Themes Question Tags

A Choose a, b or c. B Complete each sentence with an item from the

1 Hardly to bed when the phone rang.
a I’d gone • didn’t • will • had • did
b had I gone • were • don’t
c was I going
1 Little we know that he was making up
2 No sooner it started to rain. the whole story.
a we arrived when
b we had arrived before 2  they seen him, they would have realised
c had we arrived than he was upset.
3 The kids had a great time, ?
a hadn’t they 3  I you, I would tell her what happened.
b weren’t they
c didn’t they 4 She had fun at the party, she?

4 Send me an email, ?
5 Don’t stay out too late, you?
a won’t you
b don’t you
c aren’t you 6 They agree, they?

5 I would like to know to do about it.

a what do you plan
b what are you planning
c what you plan
6 Not only , but he plays the guitar too.
a does he sing well
b he sings well
c he does sing well
7 Let’s have spaghetti for dinner, ?
a do we
b shall we
c won’t we
8 your mind, please inform the manager.
a Were you change
b You should change
c Should you change
9 Never before such a huge dog.
a had I seen
b did I see
c I have seen
10 I wonder if you could tell me .
a where is the house
b where the house is
c the house is where


Reported Speech Grammar Themes Journeys B2 Teacher’s Resource Pack

A Choose a, b or c. B Complete each sentence with an item from the

1 Angela that she’d heard the news.
a told to me • that • after • whether • not
b said me • next • to
c told me
1 Sally asked the train was on time.
2 The teacher told us eat in class.
a to not 2 They warned us to run across the road.
b don’t
c not to
3 He said he was leaving the month.
3 James they wanted to go to the circus.
a asked them whether 4 She encouraged the boy tell her what
b said if had happened.
c asked them did
4 Lydia suggested to the beach. 5 Boris said he was going shopping the day
a us going
b us to go
c that we go 6 They informed us the meeting had
been a success.
5 He advised to the manager.
a me to complain
b me complaining
c my complain
6 Adam denied the money.
a to steal
b stealing
c him steal
7 They refused what had happened.
a us to tell
b to tell us
c telling us
8 He said he’d seen Diana .
a the before night
b the previous night
c the last night
9 She said that she’d bought the shoes .
a before two days
b those two days
c two days earlier
10 Miranda asked on holiday.
a whether we were going
b were we going
c shall we go


Journeys B2 Teacher’s Resource Pack Grammar Themes Linking Words&Clauses

A Choose a, b or c. C Complete each sentence with an item from

the box.
1  feeling unhappy, she managed to smile.
a In spite • that • to • though • in • so
b However • of • as • with
c Despite
1 Yasmin speaks English really well, even
2 He ran all the way to school, of being late. it’s not her first language.
a for fear
b in case 2 In spite being 85 years old, she is
c in order very active.
3 No matter it takes, I’m going to travel round the
world. 3 He had so much money he
a however long couldn’t spend it all!
b how long
c even long 4 Take a jacket case it gets cold
later on.
4 He drove carelessly and, , he had an accident.
a never the less
5 The match was postponed due
b with the result the bad weather.
c as a result
5 Olga is saving money with the aim to New York 6 Hannah ate three bars of chocolate and,
for a holiday. a result, she felt sick.
a of going
b to go 7 He bought some land in the village
c to going a view to building a house there.

8 It was snowing heavily, I decided

not to go out.
Choose a, b or both.

1 They got up early not to be late.

a so as b in order

2 It was a cold day that we stayed at home.

a so b such

3  I enjoy history lessons, I can’t stand physics.

a While b Whereas

4 He was caught stealing money from the company

and, , he lost his job.
a consequently b nevertheless

5 We didn’t have to go to work yesterday it was

a Sunday.
a since b as


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