Controls On The Nutrient Content of Suspended Sediment Transported by British Rivers

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The Science of the Total Environment 266 Ž2001.


Controls on the nutrient content of suspended

sediment transported by British rivers

D.E. WallingU , M.A. Russell, B.W. Webb

Department of Geography, Uni¨ ersity of Exeter, Exeter EX4 4RJ, UK

Received 17 September 1999; accepted 28 June 2000


Recent studies of nutrient fluxes from river basins have emphasised the importance of sediment-associated
transport. In order to develop an improved understanding of sediment-associated nutrient transport in UK rivers and
of contrasts between individual rivers, attention has been directed to spatial and temporal variations in the nutrient
ŽN and P. content of suspended sediment transported by four rivers, which embrace a representative range of British
conditions. Bulk samples of suspended sediment were collected during storm events and these were analysed for both
total N and P content and for individual fractions of these nutrients. Significant temporal and spatial variability in
these various measures of the nutrient content of suspended sediment has been documented. Spatial variability has
been linked to catchment characteristics, which in turn influence sediment sources. Patterns of temporal variability,
which are reasonably consistent among the different rivers, have been related both to variations in other sediment
properties and to hydrometeorological conditions. 䊚 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Nutrients; Suspended sediment; Phosphorus; Nitrogen

Corresponding author. Tel.: q44-1392-263345; fax: q44-1392-263342.
E-mail address: ŽD.E. Walling..

0048-9697r01r$ - see front matter 䊚 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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114 D.E. Walling et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 266 (2001) 113᎐123

1. Introduction where detailed monitoring has not been under-

taken. Any attempt to combine sediment load
Recent studies of nutrient fluxes from river data with information on the average nutrient
basins and investigations of catchment nutrient content of suspended sediment would, neverthe-
budgets have emphasised the importance of sedi- less, need to be based on a sound assessment of
ment-associated transport Žcf. Kronvang, 1992; the temporal variability of this content. To begin
Dorioz, 1996; Foster et al., 1996.. In a review of to meet these requirements in relation to British
the role of suspended sediment in the global rivers, attention has been directed to document-
transport of major elements from the land to the ing the spatial and temporal variability of the
oceans by rivers, Meybeck Ž1984. estimated that nutrient content of suspended sediment trans-
sediment-associated transport contributes approx- ported by four rivers, which embrace a represen-
imately 57 and 95%, respectively, of the total N tative range of catchment characteristics and hy-
and P flux. The precise magnitude of the sedi- drological regimes, and to identifying the key
ment-associated component of the nutrient flux factors influencing such spatial and temporal vari-
will, however, vary from river to river in response ability.
to local conditions and in a detailed investigation
of nutrient fluxes in four British rivers. Walling et
al. Ž1997. reported that sediment-associated 2. The study rivers
transport accounted for 26᎐75% of the annual
total-P load and 3᎐8% of the annual total-N load. The study rivers ŽFig. 1., which comprise the
Differences among the individual rivers were River Severn, the Warwickshire Avon, the River
shown to reflect the influence of catchment char- Exe and its tributary the River Dart were selected
acteristics such as relief, geology and land use, to embrace a range of catchment characteristics,
the hydrometeorological conditions and the rela- including size and effluent inputs Žcf. Table 1..
tive importance of point source inputs. The River Severn is the largest single drainage
In simple terms, the magnitude of the sedi- basin in England and Wales and the river drains
ment-associated component of the specific nutri- an area of 6850 km2 above the monitoring station
ent flux Žt kmy2 yeary1 . will reflect the magni- at Upton on Severn. The catchment embraces a
tude of the specific suspended sediment yield and great variety of terrain types, ranging from moun-
the nutrient content of the suspended sediment tainous uplands in the western headwaters, pre-
transported by the river. The latter will in turn dominantly underlain by Ordovician and Silurian
reflect the catchment soil types and land use, the mudstones, shales and sandstones; through rolling
selectivity of the erosion and sediment delivery hills in the central areas, underlain primarily by
processes responsible for mobilising the sediment Carboniferous and Devonian sandstones and
and transporting it to and through the river sys- limestones; to lowlands in the south and north-
tem and the potential for nutrient uptake by the east developed on Triassic sandstones and mud-
sediment from the water column. Information on stones. Mean annual precipitation ranges from
the nutrient content of suspended sediment and approximately 2300 mm in the west to less than
an appreciation of the factors influencing the 800 mm in the south. The land use in the western
magnitude of this content must, therefore, be and central regions is dominated by pastoral
seen as an important requirement for developing farming, but arable farming is of major impor-
an improved understanding of the sediment-asso- tance in the lowlands. Several large urban centres
ciated component of catchment nutrient budgets. discharge effluent to the River Severn along its
Furthermore, coupling information on the nutri- course.
ent content of suspended sediment with sus- The River Avon is major tributary of the River
pended sediment load data could afford an effec- Severn, with a catchment area of 2674 km2 above
tive means of estimating the magnitude of the the gauging station at Bredon. It ranks as the
sediment-associated nutrient flux in river basins tenth largest river in Britain in terms of drainage
D.E. Walling et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 266 (2001) 113᎐123 115

Fig. 1. The study catchments.

area. The catchment is relatively flat and over mm in the south-west. A large proportion of the
80% of its area is underlain by impermeable clays catchment is devoted to arable cultivation, but
and mudstones. Annual precipitation varies from more than 7% of the area is classified as urban.
720 mm in the north-east to approximately 600 Nearly 1 million people live within the catchment,
116 D.E. Walling et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 266 (2001) 113᎐123

Table 1
Summary catchment characteristics for the four study rivers

River Monitoring Area Mean % Arable Population

and Žkm2 . annual Q equiv.a
sampling site Žm3 sy1 . Žkmy2 .

Severn Upton 6850 84 32 99

Avon Bredon 2674 16 49 261
Exe Thorverton 601 16 11 59
Dart Bickleigh 46 1 12 1
Population equivalent served by sewage treatment works.

and discharges of sewage effluent to the river sediment samples Ž100᎐200 l. at the gauging sta-
system total approximately 200 Ml dayy1 and tions associated with the four river basins, during
account for approximately half of the dry weather selected storm events over the period January
flow at the catchment outlet. 1995 to January 1996. The events were selected to
The catchment of the River Exe, which drains provide a representative coverage of event magni-
an area of 601 km2 above the gauging station at tude Žpeak discharge. and time of year. Samples
Thorverton, is underlain by resistant Devonian were collected only when suspended sediment
grits and slates in the north and Carboniferous concentrations exceeded 100 mg ly1 ; sampled
and Permian shales and sandstones towards the concentrations were generally in the range
south. The headwaters rise on Exmoor and are 100᎐1000 mg ly1 . The sediment was recovered
characterised by moorland and upland pasture,
from these samples by continuous flow centrifu-
whilst further south the river drains an area of
gation and a proportion of this was freeze dried.
undulating terrain dominated by pasture, but with
Analysis of the nutrient content of the sus-
some arable cultivation. The mean annual precip-
pended sediment samples involved measurement
itation ranges from 1800 mm in the north to 850
of the following forms: Non-apatite inorganic P
mm at the basin outlet. There are few urban
ŽNAIP., Apatite P ŽAP., Algal available P ŽAAP.,
areas within the catchment, and effluent dis-
charges contribute only a small proportion of the Organic P ŽOP., Total P ŽTP., Inorganic N ŽIN.
flow. and Total Nitrogen ŽTN.. NAIP and AP were
The River Dart Ž46 km2 . is the smallest of the determined by the method of Williams et al.
study catchments and is a tributary of the River Ž1976. and TP was measured following the proce-
Exe. It is characterised by steeply sloping incised dure of Olsen and Sommers Ž1982.. Organic P
terrain developed on Upper Carboniferous sand- was calculated by difference as TP-ŽNAIPq AP..
stones and shales. Land use is dominated by AAP and IN were determined using fresh sedi-
permanent pasture and dairy farming, but some ment within 24 h of collection using the methods
cultivation of cereals and fodder crops occurs on of Dorich et al. Ž1984. and Keeney and Nelson
the interfluves and other flatter areas. The mean Ž1982., respectively. TN was measured using a
annual precipitation varies between 900 and 1200 Carlo Erba 1400 Automatic Carbon-Nitrogen
mm and there are no significant effluent dis- Analyser.
charges within the catchment. These measurements of the nutrient content of
the sediment were complemented by analyses of
several other sediment properties listed in Table
3. Methods 2 including, pH, total organic carbon ŽTOC., ab-
solute particle size composition Ž% - 63 ␮m, %
The sampling programme employed for the - 2 ␮m and d50 ., specific surface area ŽSSA.,
study involved the collection of bulk suspended cation exchange capacity ŽCEC., calcium carbo-
D.E. Walling et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 266 (2001) 113᎐123 117

Table 2 is in the range 3.7᎐7.2%. Suspended sediment

Mean values for selected chemical and physical properties of
from the Rivers Exe and Dart has a higher TOC
suspended sediment from the four study rivers a
content than that from the Severn and Avon and
Severn Avon Exe Dart this can be attributed to contrasts in landuse, with
the pasture soils of the Exe and Dart catchments
TOC 37 207 39 787 72 301 65 501 being characterised by a higher organic matter
CEC 27.4 42.5 32.2 28.9
content than the arable soils of the Avon catch-
CaCO3 1788 6861 674 649
Feob 5950 5960 10 168 10 276 ment, and to the increased importance of channel
Mnob 751 611 1415 1458 and gully erosion and subsoil sediment sources
% - 63 ␮m 97.1 98.8 96.8 93.7 within the mountainous and upland headwaters
% - 2 ␮m 20.2 31.8 23.2 23.8 of the Severn catchment, which can be expected
d50 7.69 4.31 5.7 5.65
to produce sediment with a lower organic matter
SSA 1.07 1.70 1.24 1.20
n 17 11 22 19 content. Contrasts in the calcite ŽCaCO 3 . content
of the suspended sediment among the four study
All values in ␮g gy1 except CEC, mol c kgy1 ; d50 , ␮m; rivers largely reflect geological control and the
specific surface area, m2 gy1 .
Measured using the method of Schwertmann Ž1964.. presence of limestone outcrops in the Avon
catchment, where the CaCO 3 content of sus-
pended sediment is an order of magnitude or
nate ŽCaC0 3 . content, and the oxalate-extractable
more greater than that in the other rivers. A
iron ŽFe o . and manganese ŽMn o . content.
more detailed analysis of contrasts in suspended
sediment properties among the study rivers is
provided by Table 3 which represents the results
4. Results of an analysis of variance for selected properties.
Although the properties of suspended sediment
4.1. Suspended sediment properties from the Rivers Dart and Exe are, as might be
expected, generally similar, there are clear con-
Mean values for a number of physical and trasts between these and the other two rivers for
chemical properties of the suspended sediment many of the properties. As indicated above, these
transported by the four rivers are represented in contrasts reflect the influence of the varying
Table 2. The suspended sediment transported by catchment characteristics Že.g. geology, topogra-
all four rivers can be seen to be relatively fine, phy and land use., and the primary suspended
with the silt q clay Ž- 63 ␮m. fraction accounting sediment sources.
on average for approximately 95% of the total
mass and the clay Ž- 2 ␮m. fraction 20᎐30%. 4.2. Inter-catchment ¨ ariability in the nutrient
The suspended sediment transported by the River content of suspended sediment
Avon, with an average clay fraction content of
32%, is significantly finer than that transported by Mean values for the seven measures of nutrient
the Rivers Severn, Exe and Dart and this contrast content of suspended sediment analysed in the
is reflected in the increased SSA and CEC values. study are represented in Table 4. In all the study
The finer suspended sediment transported by the rivers, the TP content of the suspended sediment
River Avon can be accounted for in terms of the is dominated by NAIP Ž60᎐70%. which in turn
‘softer’ rocks Žclays and mudstones. found in this accounts for AAP representing a substantial pro-
catchment and the low relief, which is likely to be portion Ž48᎐59%. of the TP content. The TN
reflected by reduced efficiency of sediment deliv- content of the suspended sediment is predomi-
ery through the slope-channel system, and thus nantly organic in form and this fraction accounts
greater opportunity for deposition of the coarser for 94᎐98% of the TN. The contrasts in sus-
fractions. The average organic carbon ŽTOC. con- pended sediment properties among the four study
tent of suspended sediment from the study rivers catchments outlined above are paralleled by sev-
118 D.E. Walling et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 266 (2001) 113᎐123

Table 3
The results of an analysis of variance used to identify significant differences in the suspended sediment properties among the four
study rivers a



A ᎐ = = ᎐
E = = ᎐ = = = ᎐ =
D = = ᎐ ᎐ = ᎐ = = ᎐ ᎐ = =

- 2 ␮m - 63 ␮m d50 SSA

A = ᎐ = =
E = = ᎐ = = = = =
D = = ᎐ = = = = = ᎐ = = ᎐
The study rivers have been designated S ŽSevern., A ŽAvon., E ŽExe., D ŽDart.. Significant differences at the 5% level are
shown by crosses.

eral differences in the nutrient content of sus- sediment from the River Severn Žcf. Table 2. and
pended sediment. Table 5 represents the results the greater proportion of upland area within the
of an analysis of variance aimed at testing the Severn catchment, which will be characterised by
significance of inter-catchment contrasts. As soils with a lower nutrient status. The AP content
shown by Table 5, the AAP, OP and IN contents of suspended sediment shows significant differ-
of suspended sediment are not significantly dif- ences among all catchments. These contrasts re-
ferent among the catchments, but significant con- flect the varying underlying geology of the
trasts are found among some of the rivers for TP, catchments, since the AP content of suspended
NAIP, AP and TN. In the case of the TP, NAIP sediment can be expected to reflect the miner-
and TN content of suspended sediment, the key alogy of the rocks outcropping in a drainage
contrast is between the River Severn and the basin. Although the River Avon catchment ex-
other three rivers, with the Severn producing hibits an important contrast with the other study
lower values. These lower values are likely to basins in terms of the greater importance of ef-
reflect both the coarser nature of the suspended fluent discharges from STWs ŽTable 1., this con-

Table 4
Mean values for the nutrient content of suspended sediment from the four study rivers a

Severn Avon Exe Dart

TP 1105 Ž261. 1637 Ž429. 1633 Ž362. 1585 Ž404.

AAP 648 Ž326. 934 Ž415. 798 Ž223. 760 Ž333.
NAIP 661 Ž307. 1102 Ž229. 1082 Ž260. 1136 Ž170.
AP 149 Ž26. 199 Ž62. 88 Ž30. 54 Ž30.
OP 295 Ž130. 336 Ž247. 463 Ž227. 395 Ž299.
TN 2344 Ž828. 5521 Ž792. 4672 Ž1217. 5323 Ž1911.
IN 150 Ž133. 148 Ž101. 284 Ž198. 228 Ž135.
All values in ␮g gy1 . Standard deviation given in parentheses.
D.E. Walling et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 266 (2001) 113᎐123 119

Table 5
The results of an analysis of variance used to identify significant differences in the nutrient content of suspended sediment between
the four study rivers a


A = = = ᎐
E = ᎐ = ᎐ = = ᎐ ᎐
D = ᎐ ᎐ = ᎐ ᎐ = = = ᎐ ᎐ ᎐


A ᎐ ᎐ ᎐
E ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐
D ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ = = = ᎐ ᎐ ᎐
The study rivers have been designated S ŽSevern., A ŽAvon., E ŽExe., D ŽDart.. Significant differences at the 5% level are
shown by crosses.

trast is not clearly reflected in the nutrient con- trols Žcf. Table 6.. These independent variables
tent of its suspended sediment. Russell et al. were selected on the basis of a correlation analy-
Ž1998. have, however, identified important con- sis undertaken on a larger set of potential inde-
trasts in the magnitude of the dissolved nutrient pendent variables and aimed at identifying impor-
export from this basin which are closely linked to tant and independent controls.
the importance of effluent discharges. The four suspended sediment properties in-
cluded in Table 6 are TOC, CEC, Fe o and % - 2
4.3. Temporal ¨ ariation in the nutrient content of ␮m. Only the correlation coefficients for correla-
suspended sediment tions significant at ) 95% have been listed. The
results indicate that temporal variations in the
As indicated by the standard deviation values four suspended sediment properties exert a sig-
for the mean nutrient concentrations listed in nificant control over nutrient content, although
Table 4, the nutrient content of suspended sedi- the precise extent of this influence varies from
ment collected from the four study rivers evi- river to river and among the individual nutrient
dences appreciable temporal variability. Further parameters. It is noteworthy that the largest set
analysis of this variability has focused on assess- of significant relationships has been recorded for
ing the influence of both temporal variability in the River Dart. This is a reflection of the small
the physical and chemical properties of the sus- size of this catchment. With only a single rock
pended sediment and more general hydrometeo- type and little variation in terrain characteristics
rological controls, such as season and river dis- within the catchment, there is little opportunity
charge, on the nutrient content of suspended for the relationship between nutrient content and
sediment. This has been achieved by recording sediment properties to be complicated by varia-
the Pearson correlation coefficients between the tions in the source area of the sediment. In con-
values of nutrient concentration associated with trast, the River Severn, which has the largest
the suspended sediment samples collected from drainage basin and the greatest diversity of ge-
the individual rivers and four independent vari- ology and terrain characteristics, provides the
ables representing suspended sediment properties smallest number of significant correlations. In a
and four representing hydrometeorological con- large catchment, the precise relationship between,
120 D.E. Walling et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 266 (2001) 113᎐123

Table 6
A correlation matrix showing significant Žat 95% level. relationships between the nutrient content of suspended sediment for the
four study rivers and a selection of independent variables representing suspended sediment properties and hydrometeorological


Se¨ ern
Sediment properties
TOC 0.90 0.94 0.60 y0.66 0.84 0.86 0.96
CEC ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐
Fe0 0.71 0.79 ᎐ ᎐ 0.74 0.63 0.68
% - 2 ␮m ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐
Hydrometeorological conditions
log Q y0.89 y0.82 y0.73 0.56 y0.76 y0.74 y0.92
log Q7 y0.86 y0.93 y0.58 0.68 y0.81 y0.86 y0.90
SSC y ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐
Season 0.57 0.59 0.55 y0.59 ᎐ 0.72 0.70

A¨ on
Sediment properties
TOC 0.95 0.90 0.87 ᎐ 0.81 0.90 0.96
CEC ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ y0.78 y0.71
Fe0 0.82 0.90 0.73 ᎐ 0.72 0.94 0.95
% - 2␮m ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ y0.65 ᎐
Hydrometeorological conditions
log Q ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ 0.72 0.69 ᎐ ᎐
log Q7 y0.68 ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐
SSC 0.80 ᎐ 0.70 0.86 0.89 ᎐ ᎐
Season 0.93 0.83 0.75 ᎐ 0.83 0.93 0.90

Sediment properties
TOC 0.83 0.70 ᎐ ᎐ 0.62 0.59 0.88
CEC 0.62 0.65 ᎐ ᎐ 0.69 ᎐ ᎐
Fe0 0.78 0.49 ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ 0.72 0.72
% - 2␮m ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐
Hydrometeorological conditions
log Q y0.84 y0.74 ᎐ ᎐ y0.79 y0.59 y0.85
log Q7 y0.86 y0.71 y0.44 ᎐ y0.63 y0.57 y0.84
SSC y0.45 ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ y0.44 ᎐ ᎐
Season 0.89 0.54 0.57 ᎐ 0.60 0.69 0.89

Sediment properties
TOC 0.75 0.62 ᎐ 0.76 0.82 0.51 0.60
CEC 0.53 0.58 ᎐ 0.64 0.71 ᎐ 0.46
Fe0 0.70 0.66 ᎐ ᎐ 0.59 0.70 0.58
% - 2␮m ᎐ 0.61 ᎐ 0.46 0.56 ᎐ ᎐
Hydrometeorological conditions
log Q y0.52 ᎐ ᎐ y0.48 y0.53 y0.59 ᎐
log Q7 y0.73 y0.55 ᎐ y0.62 y0.69 y0.74 y0.48
SSC ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐ ᎐
Season 0.68 ᎐ 0.48 0.61 0.62 0.73 0.50
D.E. Walling et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 266 (2001) 113᎐123 121

for example, the grain size composition of the

suspended sediment and its nutrient content may
vary among subcatchments underlain by different
rock types and soil types. Thus, the relationship
established for the catchment outlet will be com-
plicated by the spatial origin of the suspended
sediment associated with individual samples. Of
the sediment properties, TOC appears to exert
the strongest control over the nutrient content of
the suspended sediment samples collected from
the four rivers, since significant relationships exist
for at least five of the measures of nutrient con-
tent for all rivers. With the exception of the OP
content of suspended sediment from the River
Severn, all the significant relationships are posi-
Fig. 2. Seasonal variation of the TP content of suspended
tive, indicating that the nutrient content of the sediment samples collected from the study rivers.
suspended sediment is directly related to the
magnitude of its organic fraction. In the case of
inorganic nutrient forms, this direct relationship portance of point sources and effluent discharges
must reflect the influence of factors linked more to the nutrient loads transported by this river.
indirectly to the magnitude of the organic frac- This component of the nutrient flux is likely to be
tion. As might be expected, the CEC and Fe o less strongly influenced by catchment-wide hydro-
content of the suspended sediment samples also logical processes, the variation of which will be
can be seen to exhibit a significant positive rela- reflected by the four independent variables. Thus
tionship with several of the nutrient parameters, whereas logQ and logQ 7 can be seen to exert a
with significant inverse relationships being significant influence on many of the nutrient
recorded only in the case of IN and TN for the parameters for the Rivers Severn, Exe and Dart,
River Avon. Perhaps, surprisingly, the grain size they are much less important for the River Avon.
composition of suspended sediment, as indexed Where significant relationships exist, these two
by the magnitude of the - 2-␮m fraction, ap- variables generally show negative relationships,
pears to exert only a limited influence on the which conform to physical principles. The seaso-
nutrient content of the suspended sediment sam- nal index shows a significant positive relationship
ples collected from the four study rivers. There with six out of seven nutrient parameters for each
are no significant relationships with this variable river. An example of this relationship is provided
for the Rivers Severn and Exe and a total of only by Fig. 2, which plots the variation through the
four significant relationships for the remaining year of the relative TP concentration of sus-
two rivers. pended sediment for all samples collected from
The four independent variables representing the four rivers. In this example, and in the case of
hydrometeorological controls include the dis- all other relationships with this variable except
charge and suspended sediment concentration at that for OP for the River Severn, the trend re-
the time of sampling ŽlogQ and SSC., a measure flected by the Season variable involves a mini-
of antecedent flow conditions provided by the mum at the end of February and a maximum 6
average flow in the previous 7 days ŽlogQ 7 ., and a months later at the end of August, indicating that
seasonal index calculated as wŽsineŽjulian day, nutrient concentrations in the sediment are great-
where day 213 s 90⬚. q 1.r2. ŽSeason.x. For these est in the summer and lowest in the winter.
variables, the River Avon stands out as showing Nutrient content shows no significant correlation
the lowest number of significant correlations. This with suspended sediment concentration for the
situation can be explained by the increased im- Rivers Severn and Dart and only a very limited
122 D.E. Walling et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 266 (2001) 113᎐123

number of significant relationships for the re- Further investigation of these controls on the
maining two rivers. However, in the case of the spatial and temporal variation of the nutrient
River Exe these relationships are negative, whilst content of suspended sediment could provide a
for the River Avon, they are positive, again indi- useful basis for developing procedures for pre-
cating the distinctive behaviour of the River Avon. dicting the nutrient content of suspended sedi-
ment which could be used in estimating
sediment-associated nutrient fluxes on the basis
of a record of suspended sediment discharge and
5. Perspective
limited measurements of the nutrient content of
the sediment. Future work could usefully extend
The results presented above demonstrate a this study to include other UK rivers and more
number of important features relating to the con- extensive sampling to provide information on
trols of the nutrient content of suspended sedi- variations in the nutrient content of suspended
ment transported by British rivers. These are as sediment during individual storm events.

1. Despite substantial contrasts in terms of Acknowledgements

catchment characteristics and hydrological
regime, there is only limited variation in both The results presented above represent part of a
suspended sediment properties and the nutri- larger study of nutrient transport by river systems
ent content of suspended sediment among undertaken within the framework of the multina-
the four study rivers. The greatest contrasts tional BINOCULARS research project which was
are associated with the River Severn, the funded by the EC Environment Programme ŽPro-
catchment of which extends into the Welsh ject EV5VCT940495.. The authors gratefully ac-
mountains and contains a large area of up- knowledge this financial support, the generosity
land. and help of local landowners and the Environ-
2. The nutrient content of suspended sediment ment Agency in permitting access to river sam-
demonstrates appreciable temporal variation pling and monitoring sites, the co-operation of
in all four study rivers. The influence of sus- the Environment Agency in providing flow data
pended sediment properties on this temporal for the monitoring sites on the Rivers Exe, Severn
variability is most clearly shown for smaller and Avon, and the assistance of Rhonda Bearne
river basins, where such relationships are un- with laboratory analysis of water and sediment
complicated by temporal variations in the samples.
spatial origin of sediment. Several suspended
sediment properties have been shown to exert References
a significant influence on the nutrient content
of the sediment. Particle size composition was, Dorich RA, Nelson DW, Sommers LE. Algal availability of
however, shown to be of limited importance phosphorus in suspended stream sediments of varying par-
in influencing nutrient content. The influence ticle size. J Environ Qual 1984;13:82᎐86.
of hydrometeorological conditions on tem- Dorioz JM. Phosphorus storage, transport and transformation
in river systems of the Lake Leman basin. In: Kronvang B,
poral variations in the nutrient content of Svendsen LM, Sibbesen E, editors. Sediment and Phospho-
suspended sediment is seen most clearly for rus. NERI Tech Rep 1996;178:81᎐88.
more natural catchments where point source Foster IDL, Baban SMJ, Wade SD, Charlesworth SM, Buck-
effluent discharges are of limited importance. land PJ, Wagstaff, K. Sediment-associated phosphorus
Discharge at the time of sampling, antecedent transport in the Warwickshire River Avon, UK. In: Walling
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